Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 46


While heading towards my rented shop, I changed my mind and turned to go scope out if Vik had time for my check up, maybe chat with Misty as well.

Misty's place was calm and sadly empty. Say what you will about "spiritual" folks, Misty zeroed in on the fact I was hurting quickly.

Barely, a glance at me and she started shanking her head.

I didn't have to say anything and she just pointed at that wonderfully comfy chair.

Hopping up was a relief. I have to get one of these chairs.

Music started playing, a soothing melody filled the shop. I let it massage my ears.

It felt good to close my eyes. To let myself drift on the sound.

Soon a gentle scent wafted from incense, jasmine or honeysuckle I was never very good at telling those apart. It used to drive my Mother crazy. She loved plants and I helped her with gardening a lot growing up, but I never seemed to have the knack for it that she had. She had Honeysuckle one trellis and Jasmine on another, and for the life of me I couldn't tell the difference unless they were blooming. Not from the scent but from the shape and color of the flowers.

Strange, I hadn't thought about my family much since coming here. I'd just gotten caught up in the craziness here. The magic present in this world both real and metaphorical had captivated me.

I hoped they were doing well, because I had the feeling I'd never find a way back. Not sure I'd even want to, if I could.

For all the pain, I felt more alive here. Like I mattered even if only a little, or rather, my purpose mattered.

Misty finally started talking.

"So what has you so knotted up? You reek of horror."

My starting to relax brain actually cast a cleanse on myself, without thinking because it took it a minute to understand the question.

"So you are like Ciri. I had wondered." Misty snarked when my eyes snapped open in momentary panic. She chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone."

She placed her hand on my forehead.

I decided to trust her and closed my eyes again. Trying to get back to that floating feeling.

She was doing all kind of things, maybe with those crystals I saw her with, or maybe with other things I hadn't seen.

She was chattering on about Chakras and how opening them up could aid with the processing of emotions. Most of it sounded like hooey to me, but hey I was really relaxed so I wasn't going to say or do anything that might interfere with this pleasant feeling.

I wasn't quite asleep, but I wasn't awake either.

"So I'd like you to talk about what has you all messed up. Let it out and let it go." Her voice was compelling like a chanting monk. No clue what it meant by I listened anyway.

So I gave her an edited rundown of my time in these lands of darkness. I cut out most of the events with the Aldecaldos because I didn't want her involved it that mess. I did however tell her all about Sinn and what happened there.

"So you're bothered both by the terrible events and the fact you actually cared about a person you barely knew?" She seemed amused, but exasperated. "It's okay to care Ryan. In fact... I'd say more than anything else, it's what this City needs."

She poked my nose, "You are adjusting to a new place, new rules, and new struggles. You are going to stumble, you are going to fall, just keep getting back up, and remember who you really are. Don't let the pain drowned you in the dark."

I mean, I didn't get it, but it also made sense. Have you ever been there?

I drifted into a deeper relaxation.

Dreams seemed to dancing before my mind's eye. Tall spires filled with gears and circuits, being struck by lightning while vines grew up to surround them. A figure of moving light kept telling me not to stop the flow of information, while thousands of folks below cried out for water and food. Landscapes drifting in a void sprouting new greenery being lovingly tended to by automatons.

A dark cloaked figure screamed at me not to get involved to just give up and fade into the night. It extolled me to embrace apathy and ignore its people, its slaves. Hmm, this one seemed different almost like when I talk to Mead...

My eyes snapped open as my pulse ratcheted up to 200 bpm. I started gasping for air. I nearly jumped off the chair. What the fuck was that?

Misty laid a hand on my head. "It's okay, it's alright. You're safe here." She whispered as if to a small child.

"Where did you go" What did you see?" Misty was really good at being concerned.

I didn't say anything at first. "Let me process it first."

I stood all the way up, sad to leave the chair. "One day all this will change. I want to help folks, but it's hard to figure out a good way to do it."

"Sure that's the dilemma of the visionary. How many things do you have to break to get to your goal? Who pays for it all in the end? Help these people and end up hurting those people, how do you choose?" Misty was a pretty perceptive person.

I grunted, the inflection was, "That's the way of it."

"Just remember why you want to help. May be that with be your best bet." She punched my shoulder. "Vik's ready to see you now. Take care Ryan."

I shot her 200 Eddies. While grinning at her. "Thanks Misty. Wise as always."

I got a chuckle for my lame efforts at humor.

I did feel better though.

Time to make sure my chrome was integrating properly.


Wow, didn't think I'd write this much about this.


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