Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 57

Ready for a second chapter today? Hope so. Don't get too excited though mostly a recap.

If you think this relationship is fast, you're right. It's still slower than the second time I had a serious relationship. Where I was going to marry the most wonderful woman I've ever met. And it all started when she tried to knife me, before that night was over we were ready to spend the rest of our lives together.

Nope, I'm not going to write more about it. Just saying I have experience with fast connections.

Have a great day!


I took them to the Moon Well where I first appeared. Why was I going to tell them the truth? Because there was no way to go forward with them not knowing about my past.

"This is the place I came into your World."

Then spent a few hours trying to explain my version of Earth.

"So you came from 2024 and there was no Corpo War, no Johnny Silverhand, no nukes going off." Sally stared at me trying to wrap her mind around my tale.

"Cyberware is still in it's infancy, there is no widespread direct neural linking to the Net. Companies basically run everything but it's behind the scenes, instead of out in the open." Megan looked horrified at the thought of no netrunning.

"That about sums it up." I nodded. I hoped they could take it all in without it being a problem.

I then led them on the same path I took when I started. What a month ago? No, not even that yet. Damn.

I introduced them to Meadran.

"Ah what lovely young flowers you have brought. I am Meadran, serving as the Tree of Life for this community, I wish you a pleasant stay while you are here." A tree has more game than I do. Sad.

The ladies chatted with the smooth tree for a while, and then I took them past the company store. I explained it's functions.

"These interdimensional beings, basically kidnapped you before you died. Dropped you here with no explanation, and still expect you to fulfill tasks to earn "their" money so you can buy what you need to "save" the world." Sally seemed a little angry.

"That's an accurate summation, yes." I nodded.

"What are you trying to do anything? You don't owe anyone here. You have no skin in this game." Megan was shaking her head, probably trying to calculate what the real goal of the Company was.

"Had." I interjected.

"Had?" She squinched her face up.

"I had no skin in this game. Now I have you and Sally." I got a pair of lovely smiles for that. Okay, maybe I could be charming too.

We continued to the Nexus, where they met Alina, and learned more about the Khalai, and where my awesome technology came from. I tried to not bore them with my ideas and vision of future projects.

I showed them how the Forges worked and the Cybernetics Core. Then I introduced them to some of the Sentries roaming around.

We headed back to the Town Hall while I told them about my time in the Badlands and how I met Greg.

"He got you but not too bad. You had no way of knowing how much wood was worth." I loved how Sally seem slightly upset on my behalf.

I explained how I got my Galena. Then the first trip to NC and the terrible not pizza, my time at Lizzie's. How them treated me as a Bennie. Sinnamin.

Meeting Misty and Vik.

"Viktor Vektor is one of the best out there." Megan seemed to know of him. "He's kind of a legend in his own right. Been thinking of finding him to get some work done."

"So, about this Misty." I knew that tone.

"She's great, reminds me of my sister a little." Let's try to head that off.

I got the "I know what you just did, but I'll let you get a way with it" stare.

Moved on to my clumsy attempt at hunting Maelstrom. The horrors of the Scav den and how bad that messed me up.

Getting chipped. How odd it made me feel.

The first time I met Sally on my way back to the Valley.

I skipped over events to where I was running from Arasaka and what happened there. The sacrifice of Scuff and Fix, Chuck and Barry.

We had found a place to sit by the corn farm.

"So I walked back to the Sunset Motel. Headed back into NC to try to setup the other outpost. The Mox had put out work to get me over to Lizzie's. I figured it could wait."

Biting through syllables, I told them what happened to Sinnamin, and my response.

I got more hugs. Which I appreciated but didn't help as much as I thought they would.

"I don't understand why it got to me so much. I barely knew her, but it seemed so sad, so wrong. A broken life that maybe I could have helped. Part of me thinks I should just flatten the City once I have enough power. Rebuild, try to make something better out of the rubble." I shook my head.

"Wouldn't help much. The Corps are the problem and how they twist everything into a commodity. How they destroy resources rather than let the people have them for free. Until you have a solution to that, you can't change anything." Megan cut to the heart of the problem.

"I have the answer right here. I will fill the world with clean water, and wholesome food. Charge little to nothing. I'll eventually be able to out resource them, but I also need to be able to out fight them. Because as you pointed out, they'll do anything to keep their control." I cast my gaze towards the City.

They knew the rest about what I had been working on since I got back here.

"I hope none of this changes anything between us." I ended story time there.

My eyes took in their looks at each other, and my brain knew whole conversations passed between them. Not that I could get anything out of those looks.

Then I was being held and kissed.

Megan mounted my lap facing me. She held my face and applied soft but firm pressure to her lips. Then her tongue slowly worked it's way into my mouth. Right that normal. I tried to mirror her movements. Just as I was about to take the initiative she broke off the contact and Sally pulled my face to the side.

Oh. That was amazing. Sally was fierce and demanding she wanted everything all at once and more of it. I felt like it was a battle and I had better get with the program. I went on the attack trapping her tongue and pushing it around. I pulled back and nipped at her lips gently.

Our kissing continued and it was as if time slowed down. It was a slow building tension taking turns while we explored each others mouths. Tongues dancing, playing and searching.

Honestly, I never knew kissing could be so... exciting.

It seemed like it could lead to other even more interesting things, but we slowed and then we stopped. It was extremely painful to do so as my excitement had reached near critical levels. (AN: Fellas if you have never experienced this feeling consider yourself lucky. If you have no clue what I'm talking about don't worry about it.)

Regrowth was no help at all. Though when I cast it on them the ladies seemed to explode in ecstasy. Their cries made my problem worse, the pain was almost blinding.

It was a long few minutes until I calmed down.

Well, I had my answer. I thought.

Eventually, after a quick cleanse, we made our way to dinner flushed and wanting more.


Again no, not yet. Let it cook, as they say. No, I still haven't decided how lemony I want to get with this.

Ryan still has a lot to learn about a great many things.

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