Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 59


Alright we've setup quite a bit, and with just a bit more detail work we can get back to some action and adventure.

From this point, if there is unexplained/unaccounted downtime Ryan, Sally and Megan are off snogging. Also they are talking about the future and what they want out their relationship. Until further explicit statements to the contrary that's ALL they are doing.

Fast but slow.

I'll probably touch on some moments of their closeness here and there but this was never supposed to be the focus of the story, I just kind enjoyed thinking about the fun parts of a relationship and it got away from me. Pardon an old man his loneliness.

And yes, I'm considering setting Raynor up with Amanda, because this Raynor has never met Kerrigan. Did lose his pervious family though.

Oh wouldn't it be awkward if a Hero token summons a version of Kerrigan that had met Raynor? Though I have, as an author's privilege, rolled the next Hero against an expanded chart before hand. Boy, is it a doozy. 1 in a million odds. I hope you folks end up as excited about it as I am.

Kind of kept flip-flopping on the Adjutant though. Didn't have a chart to roll on for them. It's only going to be the one anyway. I went with a logical choice given the settings already established.

The start of the second week since the arrival of the Aldecaldos brought some good news, Amanda had arranged a meeting with some of the other leaders of the family. We would be able to ratify some kind of treaty.

The meeting was taking place today at DaKota, we would drop off some lumber and some of the fresh food.

Nolan, Guzman and I were working on some of the cars, while some of the groups teens were loading lumber onto Nolan's flatbed.

Megan and Sally loaded themselves into Sally's Mackinaw, the bed of which was loaded with 10 full 55 gallon water barrels.

Amanda was speaking to Raynor as she got into her Javelina.

Hmm, what was going on there? Well, if they ended up liking each other good for them. I grinned at the thought of the two stern personalities finding each other to be pleasant company.

Speaking of the Javelina, I was almost comfortable enough with changing it's schematics to attempt my first Khalai/Terran tech hybrid car. It would have to wait a little longer, I just wanted to nail down a few more small details and really capture the power and style of the Javelina while utilizing the Protoss tech to it's fullest.

One of the Sentinels I had dubbed Rick, because he hummed the Rick Astley song, would be joining today. He was one of my newer streamlined models and fit nicely on top of my Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight. Buzz and Jitters and two new knuckleheaded Probes named Mort, because he always seemed depressed, and Glen, because he seemed to like the Valley's trees, were loaded into the van itself.

Thankfully nothing much happened on the way there. We pulled to find the area awash with Nomads and their vehicles. These were just the leaders close enough to get here in a couple of days, their closest advisors and some extra gun hands to keep things civil. More than I imagined there'd be.

I parked at the edge of everything and slowly got out. My clothing and armor would set me apart and I didn't want an incident before we even started speaking. I started walking slowly towards where Sally parked. I figured hanging around the ladies would at least buy me a moment of talking time before any trouble kick off.

Megan had briefed me, that these families of Aldecaldos had more veterans from some war down south. Militech had screwed most of them over and they were twitchy about unknown faces sometimes.

Right, be on my best behavior.

As I moved towards Megan, a woman launched a flying hug at her. "Megan! How've you been?"

She was about 5'10" with deep brown hair and dark eyes. Her hug seemed to approach boa constrictor levels of power. Megan expelled air rapidly and flailed her arms ineffectually. She tried to say something but couldn't draw enough air to form words.

Sally howled with glee, "Panam you ol' witch leave Megan and come get a real hug." She stood braced with her enhanced arms wide.

"Oh hell no, you boar bitch. I'll stick with soft and squishy here." Panam rubbed her face against Megan's which was starting to turn a worrying shade of blue.

I cleared my throat. Panam pulled away from crushing Megan to get a look at me. Megan gasped for air whispering, "I thought that was going to be the end..."

"Well, hello there. You must be Ryan. I'm Panam." She thrust her hand out while stepping towards me, "Any friend of the terrible twosome is alright by me."

I raised my eyebrow at the new moniker, glanced at Sally to see her blush in embrassessment. Oh ho! Ammo for later teasing. Locked that up safe in my mind's vault.

I firmly shook Panam's hand. Rough and calloused. This was a Lady not afraid of hard work. My favorite kind of person. "I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you."

"Have him heal you! Come on! You'll love it!" Sally slapped Panam's shoulder knocking her into me. Sally always wanted me to heal people, she thought it was so funny to see the look on their faces.

I decided to oblige her. A Regrowth shaped in seconds sent a surge of mana deep into Panam's body.

"Ooooooooo!" Panam started convulsing. Her face screwed up in a combination of pain and pleasure. A look I was becoming very familiar with from my ladies. Maybe the best reaction I've seen to date. She must really have been wound up. Her body was full of micro fractures and muscle tears. Hard living build up now being washed away in a torrent of my mana. Something about this felt wrong, but I had to admit I was starting to enjoy the overwhelmed expressions on peoples faces. Especially the women.

Maybe I shouldn't indulge so much in Sally's mischief.

A moment later she slumped over into Sally's waiting arms. Sally giggling whispered something into Panam's ear. Panam's eyes snapped open.

"B-b-buy a girl dinner first! Whoo, I don't have any socks left." She tilled her face toward Sally, "You lucky bitches having this input whenever you want."

I hummed a question. Megan leaned into my side, "Don't worry about it. Those two have had a rivalry for years. Same kind of truck, same kind of rifle, same sassy attitude. If it wasn't for the hair, eyes and slightly different taste in fashion, you'd think they were clones or something." I snorted in amusement.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to let you heal me after all Medicine Man." A flat sarcastic voice sounded behind us.

Yeah. Of course, it was Dakota. She was with Amanda, and a few other serious looking people. My guess, these were the leaders of their families. Panam's little episode had attracted a bit of attention. Judging by one older man's expression, I say he was her leader and likely more. Father perhaps. How unfortunate.

I sighed. "Sure, Dakota whenever you're ready."

"Perhaps when the moon glow covers the land's face." She half laughed at her own cleverness.

Okay, whatever that meant. I was going to enjoy scrambling her brain. Well, scrambling it a bit more anyway.

I really needed to have my head examined. I was getting villainish.



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