Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 63



Once we made it back to New Lordaeron, the ladies ran off to see if the Bath House was finished.

I based the design off my, admittedly limited, studies of Roman, Turkish and Japanese styles. Clean yourself off in the showers, then you can choose your temperature of pool to relax in. Take a dunk in the coldest pool at the end to really shock your system or just act like a normal person and proceed straight to drying off. We left it up to personal preference. Best part, the Moon Well water had all kinds of health benefits, making one's skin smooth and silky to the touch.

What was I doing again? Oh right tokens.

First let's try the Adjutant so I no longer have to deal with any of the day to day operations. Or at least I could stop feeling bad when I ran off to take care of other problems.

[ Do you wish to use Adjutant token? Y/N ]


[ You have Obtained the Adjutant, Jaina Proudmoore ]

[ Note: Adjutants can access the Company Store, and may spent any point you have granted them access to. This Adjutant is also a Hero. They are a potent Archmage. To prevent abuse of the token system Adjutants are not allowed to fight except in defense of themselves or the Main Base. ]

"Hello My Lord." Said the Lady that popped into existence. Tall and blonde, wearing fancy robes in blue and white with golden trim. Between her clothes and her carriage, her posture, spoke of nobility. I had a sense that this was someone used to getting their way.

Her staff was a work of art with a large blue gem shaped almost like a spear's blade and point.

Mana flowed and swirled around her, but it was different. There was something more constrained about it than the mana I used, more structured maybe. It felt like the ocean and the rain, also rivers and lakes. A feeling of coldness as if her mana was trying to suck the heat from the environment not too much but enough for people to notice.

"Lady Proudmoore. Welcome to New Lordaeron. A humble place for now, but we are growing." Did my back just straighten? Was I putting on airs? What the...

"New Lordaeron? Are we still on Azeroth then?" She was looking around taking it all in.

"No, this is Earth." I gave her the a run down of history and events as I guided her around the town and the Valley. Then I explained my part in all of this as well as my currently limited goals.

I introduced her to Raynor and Amanda, who it seemed were enjoying each other's company. Nolan, Guzman and Marshall Dughan were next. Dughan even went down on a knee to greet her. Their conversation if you can call it that, showed they had a lot of shared knowledge. Though some events differed between them. So they came from a similar but different world? Interesting.

Finally we ran into Megan and Sally coming out of the Bath House. I left them all chatting in that way women have, that switches subjects way too fast for me to keep up with. Should be fine, right?


I flipped the Hero token out. Yes, I could feel that this was special.

Here we go.

[ Do you wish to use Hero token? Y/N ]


[ You have Obtained the Hero, John Wick ]

My brain stopped. THE John Wick. Holy Fucking Shit!

That's it boys, we can go home now, because Mr. Wick will handle it.


There he was in all his dark brooding glory. Impeccable suit and all.

I could tell this wasn't the Wick of the movies. He was younger for one thing, maybe late thirties. Somehow he was gaunter, harder, and grimmer looking. Yet still unmistakably the same deadly man.

"Mr. Wick, thank you for joining us." I held out my hand to shake, trying not to think of all the ways he could kill me.

He shook my hand and I could feel all the callouses of endless training and hard work. Yeesh, made me feel like I needed to hit the gym more, and that was after my Paladin upgrade.

"Yeah." That's it. A man of few words, Mr. Wick was.

He scanned the area and probably had instantly thought of how everyone nearby would die if that was his mission.

It might be more comfortable to stand next to Thanatos himself, because Death was never supposed to be a man. Yet here he was, reeking of the slain. He even had a torrent of mana surging around him, it carried the feeling of precise, cold, calculated killing.

He was perfect for our needs. Once we geared him up, we merely had to point out a target and that was it.

I gave him the same spiel as Jaina, but I could tell he didn't really care. He absorbed the information, so it could be used to better eliminate targets. He wasn't concerned over the politics of the Corpos or the squabbling of the Gangs. He had no loyalties but to me.

Suddenly, I understood Gandalf's statements about the one ring a little better. This was a power too great and terrible.

Yet, I was going to fucking use it.

If it wasn't for the need to check in with the ladies, I would be in the Forge with him now getting him armed and armored.

Raynor was not a happy camper when I was introducing Mr. Wick around.

"Hoss, that's not a man. That's a gun that walks."

Yeah, my gun.


So, what do ya think?

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