Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 100


“It’s been a while. Dear Theodore, thank you for your time.”

Lady Theodore narrows her eyes gently to my words.

Then, as soon as Crowe got out of the carriage, he rushed over to Theodore and rubbed his body against Theodore’s right leg as he rang ‘Nyer’.

“It’s been a long time, too, Black Cat,” Master Theodore says as he hugs Clo to meet it, looking into Clo’s eyes.

As I step closer to Master Theodore and stand in the front, Master Theodore returns his gaze to this one.

“Um, it was Master Theodore who carried me down to the mansion, wasn’t it?

It’s late, thank you so much. ”

“Never mind. Looks like you got a good night’s rest in Wang Du. Good for you.”

I was unconscious before when I met Master Katrina in Busque territory. It was Lady Theodore who brought me to King’s Mansion like that.

In the letter I conveyed my gratitude, but I did not see the person in person, so I convey my gratitude again.

Then Master Theodore put my head on a gentle stroke with a pom with his other hand as he held Cro in one hand.

“Dear Theodore, you treat me like a child.”


“Look, even now. Like giving up a child…”

“Oh, I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. Miss Rachel tried so hard, she wanted to encourage me to say,” You’re doing great. ”

– He said he’s doing great… like he does against kids after all.

I wouldn’t say that if I thought so. I gently stroke my head with my hand, which until earlier had Mr. Theodore’s hand.

Master Theodore seems to have noticed in my unconvinced face, overflowing with a grin as if he could not narrow his eyes.

“Well, don’t worry too much. Now it’s time to start exploring.”

“Yes, thank you”

When Master Theodore confirms horizontally that Master Roger and Mr. Leonie are ready, he lowers the clo to the ground. Then, holding his hands together, he lifted them up and stretched them out in a good way, announcing his departure for everyone.

The course was confirmed with Roger and Leonie before we left, so me and Theodore were next to each other ahead of Leonie, who was familiar with the forest, and proceeded in a line called Roger at the end.

The last time I came, there were many dead leaves, but now there are many seasonal and changing flower buds, and it is easy to explore in a mild and pleasant climate.

“After all, you shouldn’t be on the other side”

Two hours after we started exploring.

Again, as Master Leonie taught me before, I can’t get to the back corner of the woods.

It changes course so that something stops it.

To my words, Master Theodore pointed to a place in this forest where nature is richer and the flowers bloom beautifully.

“Maybe there’s something the Spirit protects there.”

“The Spirit?

“Ah. It’s common in forests called Mystic Forests.

Forests inhabited by spirits or cherished by spirits. And a land where there’s something you want to hide.

It’s not usually possible for humans to get in there. So a man calls that place which he cannot enter the land of the Spirit ”

I see.

Is it the power of the Spirit that seems to be going straight and the way is changing?

But according to Lady Theodore…

“There is something here that the Spirit will protect until then…. That’s what I’m talking about.”


When Master Theodore nods at my words, he puts his hand on his chin and thinks like he notices something.

And then he shifts his gaze to the cro that stood between me and Master Theodore like a hack.


Miss Rachel, I hear the black cat fell off in this forest before. ”

“Is it Cro? Yes, I ran away.”

“Then it’s possible this black cat knows the entrance.”


Turning his gaze to Crowe, Crowe looked at me and Master Theodore in turn with a strange face.

“These woods are supposed to have entrances… that is, entrances to enter the land of the Spirit. The spirits go through there.

But not all spirits let in. Just like our house, the Spirit who enters every land of the Spirit is the key… that is, limited by whether magic is accepted into that land ”

“Which means that when Crowe enters the land of the Spirit, Crowe has a limited right to enter that place Spirit……”

Clo, who was gazed at by me and Lady Theodore, said, ‘Nha!’ He hid behind Roger, who was escorting him from behind, to escape that gaze as he was surprised.

“Can’t you just tell me,”

Seeing how Crowe was doing, Lady Theodore let her flaunt her shoulder.

“But when only a limited number of spirits are allowed in… I can’t go in either, can I?”

“Well, usually. But why was Miss Rachel so sure there was something here?

Think about what you should answer to that question from Mr. Theodore.

Actually, he died here once… there’s no way I could say that.

But I also find it more rude to keep everything a secret from Master Theodore, who is so cooperative.

“Actually…… Me, I dreamed while I was unconscious. No, more than a dream… I thought I was actually there.”


“Yep. I was in the land of the Spirit during that dream.”

“How did you know it was here, even in the land of the Spirit?

“… because I’ve been here once. Besides, there was a clot in the woods that was supposed to have slipped away, and he showed me around.”

Exactly, that would be all I could tell Master Theodore.

Talking about what follows is also going to talk about past events.

Because neither Lady Theodore nor Lady Roger or Leonie know that I died once.

But Master Theodore, listening to me, gaveled at me with an intriguing “heh.”

“Maybe that’s not really a dream.”


“Maybe the Spirit did some work and called Miss Rachel on this occasion”

“The Spirit… But why?”

“I don’t know that. But now I know.

I’m sure Miss Rachel can get in that way. ”

“Is it true!

“But to do so, we need to find an entrance. I’m sure you won’t give me a hint based on how the black cat looks. Find it on your own.”

Find the entrance……

But what should I do?

Unexpectedly he turns his begging gaze against Crowe, but Crowe turns away puy.

In our exchange, Master Theodore laughed strangely and spoke to me so that I could say “well, well”.

“I know it’ll take a few days, but let’s find a place in the woods where Black Cat’s magic changes”

“Do I understand…”

“I don’t know. But there’s no other way, is there? Give up?”

Against me for making a weak statement, Master Theodore turned his sharp gaze with a smile on his face.

– You’re giving up?

“No, I won’t give up”

“Okay. Then we’ll check every inch of this forest.”

In my reply, Master Theodore turns his gaze into a calm one and nods one.

And Lady Theodore turned her body toward Roger and called out, “Roger, map this forest out”. Roger spreads the map out of his bag.

Master Leonie is joining us and seems to be re-deciding where to go around in a day while checking the time.

When I put out my legs to join that circle too, I could see Clo coming at my feet with ‘Nyer’ and crouching in.

Cro sounds somewhere uncomfortably weak.

When I stroked my head to encourage such a clo, Clo rubbed his head in my hand with joy.

“Cro, it’s okay. You have a lot of things, too, don’t you?

I know I have to find this.

So you don’t have to worry about it. ”


Apparently, Crowe knows more about different things than anyone else in this.

Still, you don’t seem to be able to give me that answer.

And I can also peer at the cro’s appearance that I feel guilty about it.

When I stroked Clo’s head to reassure him, Clo was satisfied or ran away from my hand toward Master Theodore.

“I can’t believe I ended up going to Dear Theodore… Because Crowe’s really in good shape.”

But cute, he whines in a small voice.

My cheeks unwittingly loosen to the appearance of Chro.

That’s when the saar winds through and shakes my hair.

It is the wind that has flowed from the direction of the land of the Spirit.

It was exactly as if to monitor and respond to what I was about to do.

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