Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 105


“Rachel, are you tired?

“Yeah, I’m still fine”

“Right. If it gets hard, tell me right away.”

“Yes, thank you”

In his exploration, which His Highness also accompanied, he began walking on the road that continued yesterday.

I also worried about yesterday’s fatigue remaining, but I may be surprisingly physically fit.

I’ve been exploring it for another hour, but so far I haven’t had any foot pain or anything.

But His Royal Highness has confirmed it many times.

Each time, Master Theodore exhales deeply, “Louis calm down a little.”

Still, it’s another fact that my heart floats just because His Highness is with me, and I feel very light on my feet.

“I wonder what’s on the other side.”

His Highness’s gaze was directed toward the land of the Spirit.

When I look in the same direction as His Highness, at the end of my gaze, the colour of the grass trees is slightly different from where I stand now.

A brighter forest is spreading.

“That’s true. You see how the Spirit cares about nature.”

“Oh, you’re right.

The Spirit prefers nature above all else. If we want to protect this country, we have to protect nature. ”

His Highness turns to me as he softens his eyes.

“It’s something I’ve been telling the royal family for a long time. Breaking nature means breaking the relationship with the Spirit.”

“I see. Does that mean it’s hard to use the power of the Spirit?

“That’s right. Before now, when this country was founded, more people could see the Spirit than they do now.”


“I also hear that the Spirit was always leaning on people. … but as the king’s capital flourishes, men may have come to dwell in towns and spirits may have divided into woods”

Spirit and man dwell together, huh?

Crowe is always on my side, but still seems happier when he is in Marcel or Milicier territory than when he is in King’s Capital.

I guess that means that the provinces are more naturally overflowing than the Wang capital.

Nature may be like a source of strength for the Spirit that must be.

Second, I turn my gaze toward the clo I hold in my arm.

Clo also seemed to notice that gaze, and he looked at me jiggly and said, “What? ‘Nha’ rang small as though.

Look at me like that, my cheeks loose.

But I also feel uncomfortable watching Chro.

– I wonder what…. a little different than usual?

As usual, Crowe stares at me with cute, crisp eyes, but still somewhere different than usual.

When I gaze, I see slight light around the chrome I was holding in my arms.

At the same time, I felt warm heat all over my body. It’s like when my mother held me tight, a gentle and reassuring warmth.

“Rachel? What’s wrong?

“… Your Highness, that’s…”

His Royal Highness stops his leg the same way because of my sudden stopping.

Looking back at me, I wonder what to explain to His Highness, who peered into his face worried.



That’s when Clo, who was holding him in his arms, went down to the ground with Piong, and he began to grope around where there was nothing. It is such an unnatural move that it also appears as if there is someone in that space where the clo is turning.


“Master Theodore? Um, what horse?

Lord Theodore whined as His Highness and I walked a little behind him.

A horse? What does a horse mean?

To me, all I see is Clo… but you mean Master Theodore sees a horse?

“Oh. Can’t you see it because it’s a spirit who hasn’t made a pact with anyone…. Apparently, you’re a friend of Black Cat’s”

“Are you a friend of Crowe’s? So you’re looking like you’re having so much fun.”

The spirits are here?

Spirits that are covenant with men can be seen even by those with strong magic, but spirits that are not associated with men cannot normally be seen.

Except for Master Theodore.

“Maybe the Spirit of Darkness…?

“Oh, yeah.”

When His Highness asks Theodore, Theodore affirms.

Dark Spirit?

After all, that the Spirit of Darkness wasn’t just Chro?

Besides, there are spirits of darkness in this forest other than Chro.




“Miss Rachel! What’s the matter!

As I think about it as I move forward with my legs toward Cro, I suddenly feel like someone pushed me from behind and I’m about to fall into the spot.

Having managed to stop and avoid falling, I turn my gaze backwards to answer the worrying voices of His Royal Highness and Theodore.

But the next moment.

I couldn’t understand the sight in front of me.

Because at the end of my gaze, His Highness and Lady Theodore were desperately looking around and screaming.

“Rachel! Where!

“I am here,” he replies to His Highness calling, trying to offer his hand to His Highness.

But my hand was never stretched out to His Highness.

– What? Cold!

It’s as if the invisible wall is between me and His Highness, inhibited.

The tip of my hand is cold as ice, and I can unwittingly pull my hand into the cold that passes to the flat of my hand I’m putting forward even though I can’t see the wall.

“Rachel, are you there ⁉”

“Yes, I am in front of His Highness! But there seems to be an invisible wall between me and Your Highness.”

“Invisible wall? We can’t even confirm Rachel’s appearance here.”

His Highness looked around busily looking for me, with a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows.

Still, you don’t seem to really see me in front of you, and you never get a good look at me.

“Maybe… Miss Rachel, it’s a success.”

Next to His Highness, the temporarily contemplative Lady Theodore groans.


“Ah. It’s unclear what turned out to be the key, but only Miss Rachel is gone.

And I can see this one from you, but I can’t see Miss Rachel from this one.

I mean, maybe you could have gotten in. In the land of the Spirit. ”

“Into the land of the Spirit… I let you in…?

“How’s the view around? What’s the color of the leaves? How blue is the grass?

I was confused by Mr. Theodore’s words.

Run to the nearest tree to explore the answers to the questions asked.

Then the trees that were around until earlier were still reminiscent of the remnants of winter, but how about here?

It’s as lively as summer. Because it’s not hot. The clear wind is coming through and the sun is not strong.

When you take a big, deep breath, you feel like you’re in your body with all of that nature.

“It’s blue…… But the gentle breeze is nice… it feels very good.”

As I looked back and answered, Master Theodore nodded one and narrowed his eyes across the invisible wall.

“Good for you, Miss Rachel. It would definitely be the land of the Spirit.”

“This is…”

“Right. Rachel, apparently we can’t go that way.

Are you gonna be okay by yourself?

“Yes, Your Highness. Um, can I come?”

“Absolutely. I’m worried, but I’m waiting for you back here. So go away.”

I have anxiety.

Still, the light I finally see. Possibility.

Above all, His Highness turned a gentle smile towards me, even if his gaze did not match, and he nodded strongly.

Your Highness will be waiting for you. It pushes my back.

That alone made me feel strong.

So I reach out to His Highness again.

After all, what comes from the flat of its hands is freezing cold, not the usual warmth of His Highness.

Still, I could feel the warmth of His Highness believing me at all times.

“Yes. I’m coming”

So even one of us moves on.

To keep your eyes open from the past and to get what you’ve lost again……

In a sinister forest, alone.

I do feel lonely, too.

But I swear I won’t give up. I have no other way to go.

When I solidify my resolve by squeezing my chilled hands in on the spot, I look up to burn His Highness’s figure.

And when I turn my heels back, I move on to the deep woods.

What you hear is the sound of the grass I tread. And the sound of the leaves the wind sways.

I don’t speak of people.

You’ll be walking for half an hour now, so I don’t see His Highness looking back.

On the contrary, the neighborhood is surrounded by trees, which even make me worried if the direction I’m going in is the right one.

At that time.


– Who ⁉

I look around to my faintly heard voice, but there’s no one around.

“I don’t know…”

Though I felt called by name, maybe that’s just how the wind sounded out of loneliness.

Yeah, right.


“So, who ⁉”

I heard a voice calling my name again.

She has a cute voice like a child.

Still, even if I still look around carefully, I’m just surrounded by trees around me.

– Gassa.

“Rachel, it’s here.”

Reflectively looking back at the sound of scratching grass with a voice that sounded clearer than earlier.

Then there he was…

“Cro? You, can you talk?

He came to me as lovingly as ever, it was cro.

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