Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 116


Neither I nor His Highness could say anything, I was just listening to His Majesty in silence. Then His Majesty laughs funny. The grin is somewhere similar and haphazard to His Highness’s.

“But let me give you one piece of advice. As long as you look as thorough as you are now, this country will lean. You weaken this country I’ve built so far. People will gasp for poverty and may be attacked from other countries”

“What… If you’re sleeping, go to sleep and say it.”

“And was it the Salim district? You seem to be trying to do something about that place, but things have an order. It’s like a kid’s game, like what you’re trying to do.”

“… what?

In His Majesty’s words His Royal Highness held his fist firmly on his knees and leaked irritating words with a small voice. But His Majesty in front of him went on to stir up words with a deep grin as if to reverse His Highness’s nerves, without any regard for His Highness’s condition.

“Love is love, but don’t let it get out of hand and just misjudge you.”

In the words, the wrinkles between the brows deepened as if His Highness’s frustration had reached its peak. Seeing it, I gently put my own hand over His Highness’s stiff-handed fist.

“Wait,” he says to His Majesty, feeling His Highness shifting his gaze to me breathing next door.


I looked straight at His Majesty again, answering by smiling at His Highness’s call.

“Sire, may I say a word of disrespect with your knowledge?”

“Fine, what is it? Tell me.”

His Majesty raised one eyebrow and urged me to continue the conversation with a quick move of his jaw.

Strangely enough, the overwhelming presence I’ve felt since I met His Majesty today should remain intact, but I don’t feel afraid. Is that because His Majesty dares to loosen the majestic atmosphere of being king as usual, or because for the first time I could see a slight face other than His Majesty as king?

It is not the answer because I do not know His Majesty enough to understand it. Still, by looking objectively at the exchange between His Majesty and His Highness until earlier, I feel something.

That feels similar to the expression of His Majesty when he makes fun of me, albeit slightly. That is why I no longer felt trembling before His Majesty.

“I wonder if His Majesty is well aware of the way His Highness thinks of this country and the dedication he is making. He may be throwing harsh words at you because he recognizes his qualities as Prince Wang”

“Rachel, Your Majesty is not such a sweet person. Because you only think of me as one of the pawns.”

I guess the words of His Highness telling you to throw it away, sighing loudly next door, aren’t wrong again either. I’m sure I’ve never been hung up on a parent-child affair before, but perhaps the purpose of raising a next generation of kings was the prime parent-child relationship.

But when His Royal Highness was recognized for his qualities as king and the present king left?

As far as the exchange from earlier is concerned, can His Majesty really say that he only sees His Highness as a pawn?

“I don’t know what to talk about betting. Besides, I know neither His Majesty’s humanity nor his parent-child relationship with His Highness. Still, I don’t think you’re the kind of person who would give the king over to His Highness for losing a bet. Rather… I can only assume that because His Royal Highness can expect to work sufficiently as a king”

Maybe that’s why he’s stirring it up with hateful language. the future of this country, and that His Highness’s reign may be rich and serene.

“The birth of the Virgin is not enough for me to be a queen without magic… many will think so”

It is also understandable that sometimes even families have to be calm and ruthless because they think about the future of the country. At that time, I was full of things that were not enough as those who stood next to His Highness before, because there was certainly no magic.

That is why I needed to regain my own strength to be Your Highness’s Queen and to be His Highness’s supporter.

And now I’m sure it means to His Majesty that I could have stood on the passing line.

I certainly cannot affirm all His Majesty’s thoughts and actions. His Royal Highness would have such a strong idea. Still, even if the direction of the future that Your Majesty and His Highness draw is slightly different, we feel together to take care of the country.


“Sire, would you please keep an eye on me? And I am glad that you will continue to work together for this country.”

“Rachel, your words are very nice. I think your straight line is preferable. [M] Still, some people are incompatible.”

“No, Your Highness. I was wondering if it was conveyed to His Majesty.”

I shake my neck to the side looking at His Highness’s expression like I gave up. Then, His Highness frowned in surprise.

“‘Cause your Majesty’s face… that, sounds like a lot of fun…”

“What? Your Majesty?

It was the Chancellor who erupted into my words and shook my shoulders. “Miss Marcel is an excellent observer,” she grinned deeply, although she had listened silently to our exchange, even though it was the limit of patience.

“… do I look like I’m having fun,”

His Majesty, who groaned, rose from the couch and walked slowly to the window, standing in front of a large window. His Majesty’s side, looking at the distance with his arms around him, exhaled one breath, always relieving his crisp and rugged eyes.

“You’ve been told that since I was Prince Wang…. but yeah, sounds like fun.”

His Majesty looked back at this one as he put his hand on his chin and contemplated, turning his gaze toward His Highness as he loosened his mouth. The expression of His Majesty was a soft grin to see for the first time.

“Oh, I guess so.”

“It’s my idea… Your Highness seems happy to say it back”

“No way… lie,”

When I look softly at His Majesty’s face at the condition of His Majesty I have never seen before, I wander my gaze at whether I am upset or not. But His Highness, who once closed his eyelid and took one deep breath, was back to his usual sober Highness when he opened his eyes again.

Maybe he’s forcing himself to pretend to be calm, but still hit a stronger gaze on His Majesty than earlier.

“Whatever you may think, I can only see His Majesty not as my own father, but as the king of this country”

“I guess so. So did I.”

His Majesty does not move into His Highness’s words, but returns to his standing as king, making his expression rude again.

“Anyway, I have nothing against your marriage. I’m going to make a formal announcement at the upcoming Royal Palace Ball, including on the protection of Marquis Marcel.”

“Yeah, because I’m just going to declare it today. See you later for more information about Rachel’s future and wedding days.”


Your Royal Highness and Majesty, the discussion ended without some cold air disappearing between them. With His Royal Highness I thanked His Majesty and the Chancellor, and when I left, His Highness proceeded as if trying to leave His Majesty’s office early as possible, holding my hand. The expression seems to be thinking of something with stiffness, desperately moving my legs too as I look at the side of His Highness like that.

Unexpectedly worried by His Highness, who keeps going early, he calls out, “Your Highness…” but His Highness does not seem to hear him, chewing his lips with a difficult face that made a wrinkle between his eyebrows.

“Your Highness… Your Highness!

“Oh, Rachel. Thanks for today.”

“Are you confused?

To my calling, His Highness, who finally stopped her legs as if she had returned them to me, said words of apology as she lowered her brow and closed her lid, “I’m sorry” as she looked up at my face.

“It could be. I’ve never seen His Majesty’s face like that before, so I seem to have been unintentionally upset. But I’m fine.”

“No, Your Highness. It’s not okay.”

‘Cause he still looks so weak that he’s about to cry. His Highness exhaled as if relieved in my hand, which accidentally accompanied His Highness’s cheek. And His Highness’s big hand was layered to wrap my hand.

“Now I’m in trouble for you to look like a father. He’s His Majesty the King, not his father.”


“I don’t even want to be fathered by now.”

I guess I followed my father’s back from a young age and wanted to be praised and made a lot of effort.

Each time, the young lord has been betrayed by his father. And he would have managed to maintain equilibrium by trying to be king, not father.

So if His Majesty is going to show a walking attitude, His Highness is not willing to say that he should, etc., and I don’t think that’s right.

Still, someday……

No, let’s not think about that.

Only the number of parents and children must be in shape.

I guess there’s even a ditch that doesn’t fill. Even though he doesn’t want it, he doesn’t have to bury it.

All I can do is lean on His Highness’s side. Because it’s going to be a safe place for him to breathe.

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