Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 118


A gorgeous dress dances and dances under a brilliant chandelier.

I was enjoying this time right now from the bottom of my heart, staring at the glittering blonde hair that fluttered and swayed to match the gorgeous music.

“Tired? It’s been three songs in a row since we started. Shall we rest a little?”

“Yeah, that’s right”

At the end of the song His Highness took me out of the dance floor, received two glasses of champagne from the service, and offered me one.

Mouth in the glass as I convey my thanks to His Highness. Shwa, the cold foam can bounce in my mouth, while I pass down my throat. That’s very comfortable for a lit body.

“Today’s ball is always gorgeous with more”

“Ah. I invite a lot of people not only from within but also from outside the country. Let’s go around and say hello later.”


Today is an important day for me. It’s a special royal ball.

After all, because the day I give you your wedding to Your Highness is officially decided and I will announce it. Also, in keeping with that, I received protection from the Dark Spirit King.

“His Royal Highness Prince Wang, thank you for inviting us today”

“His Royal Highness Prince Wang, Lady Rachel, they have decided on a date for their marriage, and I really congratulate them. For the greater peace of mind in this country, I also want to do my best with a small amount of effort.”

Turning to that voice, there is the figure of Anna, who, with the Great Cleric, speaks the words of celebration. Anna wore a clear dress with a cream color. There are no ribbons or frills, and even though it is a simple dress, it glows with beauty brewed from the inside.

– Mr. Anna.

Anna now has not only a charitable atmosphere like Anna Carroll’s for the first time, but also a bright and lively one. I’m sure it’s because of the personality of Mr. Apricot in his previous life.

As His Highness was in conversation with the Great Cleric, I turned my face to Anna.

Faced with this way, I even think that all the troubles I’ve had seem like fun memories.

As I went back in time, she also remembered her previous life. After experiencing such an unusual thing, we went far and far and finally got here.

Cry again and again, suffer.

– I could have gotten something important.

“Thank you. I’m also very comfortable that my friend Anna will be here today.”

“Mr. Rachel… Um…”

“Yeah, you’re my irreplaceable and dear friend”

“Oh, thank you. Wow, I’ve always wanted Mr. Rachel to be happy, too.”

One day Anna said, ‘I want to be friends in the true sense’. But we’re already friends. More than that…… I wonder if it feels like a fellow who has fought desperately for the past two and a half years.

That’s what I was hoping we could laugh at each other one day, but that I got the chance to laugh faster than I thought. I’m really glad.

When the Grand Cleric and Anna left the scene, as we anticipated,

“You look beautiful again today.”

And I heard a voice, and my cheeks broke unexpectedly. The winding air of His Highness standing next to him is also much softer.

“Louis designed this, too, isn’t it?

There, a look like Theodore raising his nibble and mouth angle while tapping a light mouth.

“Don’t worry, I won’t talk to you about dresses anymore.”

“Really? Well, I’m not sure if they talk to me, so I don’t mind.”

Lady Theodore laughing ridiculously at Her Highness. Exhale into the usual sight.

I think it’s really nice to hear from these two people that they are always bound by deep trust.

– Dear Theodore.

It must be thanks to him that I was able to go back in time.

The past I saw in that forest. Master Theodore was protecting me from the shadows, which is why I am here now.

“But you guys look really good today.”

Dear Theodore, who looks dazzled with his eyes narrowed.

Someone who likes fun, likes freedom, and has no grasp. But he looks around more than anyone, pushes my back hard at times and gently at times. I’m sure it’s such an opponent for His Highness, too.

If there’s no way, you can make it. How helpful was Master Theodore to break the hard walls like that?

“Dear Theodore, um… thank you so much”

A word of gratitude conveyed with many thoughts.

Master Theodore opens his eyes as if he had been emptied for a moment. But I immediately had a fluffy, gentle grin and a gentle look in my ear.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be happy…. my little princess”


I ask Theodore with a glance what he means, but Theodore just deepened his grin. Without saying anything more, he just took his face off my side.

“Hey, what did you just say?”


“I’ll see you later,” Lady Theodore glassed, flirting with Her Royal Highness asking in a hurry.

It’s like the silence after a moment of wind blows through. I dropped off Master Theodore with a pocan face as he left lightly.

“Not at all, it’s the same.”

“Yeah, but it looks like that’s Theodore.”

To my words, His Highness said, “Well, so is that,” and broke his face.

I also think I’m quite used to seeing such a pleasant grin from His Highness. Besides, His Highness shows me all kinds of faces these days. A grumpy face, a shiny face, a lonely side…… and a sweet, feverish look.

All of them are irreplaceable to me, Your Highness.

“Your Highness, the…”

“What’s up?

His Highness smiles gently as he peeks into my face.

“Thank you for wanting me as your Lady.”

Ever since that day I woke up at 15, things have been different. At first I was also trying to dissolve my engagement with His Highness. But the fact that His Highness walked up to me so gutsy many times allowed me to touch the interior of His Highness for the first time. It was definitely Your Highness who expanded my world.

Plus, what you always protected on your side, what you believed and waited for. How powerful would that have been?

I’m sure I couldn’t stand alone right now without Your Highness.

“Rachel, I have to thank you better. Without you, I would still be lonely, lonely, jealous… and a heart that finds someone loving. Because I couldn’t find out anything. That’s all Rachel taught me.”

– Your Highness.

To His Highness’s sweet, swinging gaze, I nailed it. At the same time, my chest fills with a feeling of puffiness and warmth.

The expression of His Highness, which deepened his grin, was so soft and serene that he smiled naturally and even to me.

“Thank you, Rachel”

“Please stay on your side the whole time…. Dear Louis”

Out of my mouth naturally. I’ve always wanted to call you, but I couldn’t tell you His Highness’ name because I was ashamed.

“Huh? Rachel… now what…”

His Highness stared at me with a faint face like a dove had eaten a bean cannon. But I stared at me with sparkling eyes, reddish on my face and even dyed red to my ears.

– If you’re so happy, maybe I should have called you sooner.

But maybe I’m now too, so I can finally call His Highness by your name.

I also smile, desperately trying to lean over in embarrassment again.

“Also, again…”

His Royal Highness’s slightly plundered words never reached my ear until the end.

Because at that time the voice calling us “Your Highness, Lady Rachel” blocked.

Turning to the caller, there is the figure of Cyril in formal clothes.

“Your Highness, Lady Rachel, it’s time. Your Majesty will be waiting for you.”

Cyril, glancing at His Highness, leaked a much louder sigh, “You’ve said that many times when we’re alone,” he groaned in a nasty way.

“Wait, Cyril! Where it matters now.”

“No, I won’t wait. Because this is also an important place. Sa, Your Highness”

“That’s really not a good time.”

“No. My timing is always perfect”

Your Royal Highness…… No, I can’t help but laugh at the exchange between Master Louis and Cyril. Such a look at me, Master Louis narrowed his eyes and smiled gently, offering me his arms softly. With his own hands on that arm, Master Louis deepened his grin without hiding his slightly reddish cheeks.

“Rachel, I’ll follow you later”


I nodded back, too, to Master Louis, who looked at me to tell me a secret story.

If I look in the mirror now, I’m sure I’ll be the one full of happiness, thinking.

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