Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 128


“Thank you for waiting.”

“Um… Ricardo, what the hell is going on here…”

Guided by His Servant Ricardo was the deeper room of the church at the edge of the royal palace. Like a secret place, I came to this place through a hidden door with complicated tricks.

Upon entering the room, His Highness Ricardo was already reading while sitting on the sofa beside the room. When he noticed me, he gracefully stood up and bowed with his hands on his chest. The appearance is as if the scene were a ball.

His Serene Highness Ricardo looked around the room with a gentle smile to reassure me that he was confused.

This is a royal magic practice room, isn’t it?

“You have a lot of books.”

“Yeah, they’re all under special technique so we can’t take them out of this room. You can do whatever you want to read in this room.”

The first thing I saw as a guide to this room was a book lined with bookshelves on one side of this wall. From His Highness Ricardo’s mouth, it may be worthwhile to think that all of them are about magic.

“So, are you the Virgin’s escort today?” Count Frion. ”

Theodore, who stood behind me diagonally, thanked His Highness Ricardo in reply.

The reason why Theodore accompanied me here today was because Louis suddenly came into contact with His Majesty the King. As usual, Theodore listened lightly to what seemed like a hassle, and I’m sure it was nothing more than curiosity about dark magic.

“I wanted to meet you once with a rare magician, but I’m really surprised. Indeed, as they say… no, it’s more than that.”

“Thank you very much. I hope you will take this opportunity to connect with me in the future.”

“Welcome. Well, if it’s true, I don’t want you to tell me what you saw here today, so I’d like Count Frion to keep it in the next room.”

“Let’s do it if we have to. Even from the next room, without letting Miss Rachel touch one finger,

I’m confident it won’t hurt. ”

In the words of Theodore, His Highness Ricardo raised one eyebrow and laughed happily.

Theodore, on the other hand, hid his usual carelessness and teasing somewhere and pointed his right index finger at me as if he were controlling it. At that moment, the sparkling light covered me as if it were surrounding me.


“… I see, it’s quite interesting. You’re just letting me know that you’re approaching with harm? Or is there some sort of guarding trick to this trick itself?

Well, what do you think?

“Well, that’s fine. It’s okay, I’m not going to do anything stupid to hurt the Virgin of Darkness.”

Surprised at me, His Highness Ricardo shrugged his shoulders in the face of Theodore. The light that still floats around me seems to be a kind of defensive magic.

The first time I saw magic, I reached out to the fearful light, and the light burst into my body.

I don’t know what happened and ask Theodore with my gaze, but Theodore doesn’t seem to tell me. I turned my heel and wobbled my hand and quickly retracted into the next room.

“Well, we don’t have much time. Let’s get started.”

His Royal Highness Ricardo, who had sideways escorted Theodore, opened his mouth after seeing the door of the next room slam shut.

“Um, yesterday’s study meant… that His Highness himself would teach you about dark magic.”

“Yeah, that’s right. You have to trust me first. I don’t want to be hostile to you, I want to be cooperative. If so, this is the best, right?

“Learning dark magic is not possible in our country. So whatever Lord Ricardo thinks, it is a very thankful offer for me. But that’s why I can help His Highness…..”

“Yeah, I’ll expect that from now on. Besides, dark magic is quite dangerous if you make a mistake. It is too dangerous to learn by yourself. Above all, you are a saint of darkness. It’s terrifying when you think you’re in a place that’s separated from your country without the power to control it.”

“You think not learning can be dangerous?

“I’ll explain later. I don’t have time for sitting down. Learn now on the ground.”

Inspired by His Highness Ricardo, he came to the center of the room, to the large table, where there were about 10 magical objects that were not in Dutois.

The smallest one is the Pebble Big, from which it gradually grows.

“This is a magic tool used to learn dark magic. The smaller it is, the easier it is to handle, and the biggest one is for the most advanced.”

The explanation went on. Apparently, this magic tool can learn the power of darkness, that is, the control to return time to the past. Now it’s shining red, but it sends power into this magic tool, and when it succeeds, it turns blue.

“What kind of magic can you use if this biggest thing succeeds?

“I see, no one has succeeded in this size since this magic instrument was created on the boulder. But… at this size, we might be able to heal a mortal.”

“No way… like that…”

–Can you restore a dying human…?

I can’t believe I thought of a healing scene that Lord Isaac had shown me before. Moreover, by the Spirit King, once dead, I return to the past and now live.

Due to the magnitude of its power, I suddenly squeezed my other hand into a tremor.

“Of course, if you try to use that kind of magic, it will be a considerable burden on you. And… no, let’s try it first.”

His Highness Ricardo shook his neck to the left and right and smiled.

“Let me set an example first. Imagine. The flow of time and the condition you want to return to is accurate.”

His Royal Highness Ricardo, who put his hand on the smallest magical instrument, quickly turned the red light into blue.

“This is like moving the flower from a dead state to a healthy state because it doesn’t put much effort into it right now. It will be the easiest.”

I could cheer up the flowers from a dead state. Rather, I can still only use that kind of magic.

But the first stage is that you can learn how to use it by practicing with this gradually growing magic instrument.

When I was convinced by one as I watched His Majesty Ricardo’s performance, His Majesty smiled and glowed blue again, just as His Majesty Ricardo’s magical instrument was now in hand.

And then…

– Palin!

The moment I saw the magic equipment cracked, I made a noise and shattered it. Without stopping the original shape, my shoulders jumped up as I looked at the magic equipment that had become a lump of sand.

“Uncontrolled mistakes can distort time and lead to destruction.”

“Destroy… no way…”

I feel terribly chilly about the ominousness of the word “destruction”. Still, I couldn’t keep an eye on the magic equipment.

“You’ll need delicate controls. If you go a little crazy, this is what happens to flowers, fields and even people.”


In the words of His Highness Ricardo, I imagined the mannequin shattering like the magic instrument I had just imagined, and the fear boiled up.

–What a power… If that’s true…

“Yes, the power of darkness lies behind good and evil. If used correctly, it can help plants, animals, and people. But if you use it in the wrong way, it can kill people. This is the power of the Spirit of Darkness, the symbol of” Honesty, Innocence “…”

I had no choice but to be stunned without being able to respond to the words of His Highness Ricardo, who described them lightly.

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