Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 46


Unexpectedly put lips on Master Katrina’s words.

What they actually said is true.

I can’t even walk on my own without the power of Chrome right now, and even magic can’t be manipulated.

I know it myself.

No matter how much His Royal Highness wants me to, how powerless I am as the Crown Princess, let alone the Queen of Latter-day.

I have no desire to doubt His Highness’s feelings.

No, the problem is my lack of confidence.

When I stand next to His Highness with confidence, I get angry at myself for not being able to say so.

“You’ve had enough, haven’t you? I was just going to lend you that seat for a little while.

It’s time for you to give it back to your original owner. ”

Lady Katrina smiled like she was proud of me for not answering anything.

“Oh. Looks like you’ve been stuck with pictures and can’t say anything. But it’s okay. I will be more admired by everyone as a Mother of Nations than you are.

Soon, no one will remember that you were his fiancée. ”

“… do you think the Mother of the Nation will serve anyone who spreads malicious rumors?”

“Alas, I told you the truth. Even the Spirit of Darkness doesn’t know if it’s really necessary for the country.

And… darkness is not evil because it sounds. ”

“Oh my God! Are you going to insult the Spirit”

Lady Katrina in front of me said, “Well!” and when I put my hand on my mouth, hehe, I leak a laugh like I couldn’t stand it. He starts laughing at Couscous like Willemina and Euphemia next door.

What are you doing to the Spirit?

I feel regret that whatever you say to these people will not be passed on to the Katrinas who keep laughing.

At the same time, I feel angry as if I’m gushing with two deep in my chest.

Calm down, calm down.

Close your eyes and try to regain calm with words that make you want to block your ears unintentionally.

Once, take a slow, deep breath and look again at the Katrina-sama in front of you.

Then, the three faces are gradually fading away and their mouths are moving painfully.

What? I’m sorry.

Unexpectedly frown and stare at them.

Their gaze seems to be looking further behind me.

I tried to look back, then.

“That’s an interesting story. I was wondering if you’d let me hear it too.”

Suddenly I hear a cold voice coming from behind me and my shoulders rise freaking out.

Turning unintentionally, there was the appearance of His Highness grinning and grinning as if he had worn ice.

“Your Highness, why are you here?”

“This is different!

“I’m irrelevant”

When the three in front of him faded more pale into His Highness’s deeper smile, Katrina opened her mouth and stood up as if she had instantly perceived the situation.

As if following it, the twins stood up and deeply thanked His Highness as if to sell the euphoria, saying the words of denial with a drawn grin.

I also went on to try to stand up, His Highness controlling with his hands as he sat on me.

“Rachel is retarded…… No, I would be tired of talking about a headache.

And then, let’s say I have a conversation with these three.

Come on, I’ve got a lot to ask you, and why don’t you guys sit down? ”

His Royal Highness placed it next to me as he carried a chair from the table next to him and sat down there.

If His Royal Highness asks you to sit down, you won’t be able to say no.

I sat in such a way as to be terrified, spying on His Highness.

“Well, what was the conversation like earlier?”

“No, it’s just a conversation between friends.

Lady Rachel has been having trouble lately because of that rumor… I’m worried.

Whatever it is, he’s been my best friend since I was a kid. ”

To His Highness’s inquiry, Lady Katrina lowers her eyebrows and gives her a sad look.

The face was so easy to fool if you didn’t know the face behind her.

I often say those words…

Tell me you’ve always been my friend, and the truth is, you’ve always been trying to drag me down from the position of Your Highness’s fiancée.

Unexpectedly, the fist I gripped under the table gets into the force.

Then a warm, gentle big hand is fluttered on it, as if to lighten its power.

Ha, raise your gaze to Your Highness.

His Highness took the gaze from me and gave me a soft grin of relief.

And when His Highness nodded one thing, he turned again to Master Katrina.

“Worried? You can often tell lies like that.”

“In lies and such…”

“How can a rumored culprit say such a thing”

“No way! I’m not supposed to do that…”

“Really? Then ask Rachel and you’ll see if it’s true.”

His Royal Highness smiles briskly, but sees Master Katrina so that only his gaze pursues him harshly.

Lady Katrina glanced at me for a moment so that I could not see Her Highness, and immediately gracefully smiled at Her Highness and told her, “Go ahead.”

“But Your Highness. Please don’t worry about your fiancée’s eyes.

With all due respect, Lady Rachel is telling the truth, or I am telling the truth… please calmly identify. ”

“You think Rachel’s gonna lie?

“It’s possible,” he says.

If you need to testify, speak to Willemina and Euphemia. ”

“There is no need for that,” Her Highness grinned niggardly at Lady Katrina’s words.

There is no need…

What does it mean?

“Cyril, I’m guessing you saved the conversation earlier.”

His Highness lays his hands aside without distracting himself from his gaze.

Then Cyril, who appeared sassy from behind His Highness, puts a recording magic prop on His Highness’s hand.

When did… Cyril…

There was no sign of it at all.

Like me, Lady Katrina and the others are staring at Cyril as surprised.

Nevertheless, what would His Highness have said now?

Save the conversation, I thought you said.

Save Conversation?

… No way.

Does His Highness know what conversation I and they were having?

When I accidentally stared at His Highness, His Highness gently and politely stroked my hair, he turned to a gentle grin completely different from the eyes I saw earlier Katrina.

Katrina shrugged her words of denial many times as she shook her head slightly, “Oh no…”

The chilling Her Royal Highness’s smile just deepened as if it had still passed through anger, and she asked Lady Katrina, “Do you know what this is?”

“You said save the conversation…”

“Oh, it’s a prototype, but this is a demon prop”

“… is it a magic object that saves conversations?”

To Master Katrina’s words His Royal Highness erased any smile and saw the three with a chilled expression, as he saw even those that were not worthy of seeing without expression.

“It’s not supposed to be a bad guess, but it’s a shame. Marquis Higgins.”

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