Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 62



His Royal Highness sitting next to him glanced forward as he panicked, staring at the strong light with a jigged eye.

Gradually the light turns into something calm, and when its full content is revealed, the surroundings are filled with noise again.



“No way.”

This is…

Maybe he won’t show up.

It is true that he felt that way somewhere.

But I knew.

Someone who would show up here today.

Still, I haven’t seen it with my eyes because I was in the modem earlier last time.

That’s why I’m more surprised by the unimaginable, rolling presence than I imagined.

The Spirit cannot be seen as not high in magic, except for the Spirit King.

Last time, he said he showed up three hundred years ago, but everyone who was on the spot at that time also saw the Spirit King.

And even from the circumstances around us now, it seems that everyone who is here now has a shining figure in their eyes.

“Light… Spirit King”

I squirm unexpectedly.

Then, even though the surrounding clerics and magicians perceived the situation in bewilderment, they lay low.

As he glanced next to him in a chill, His Highness also lowered his head with his hands on his chest.

While I sit similarly, I pay tribute.

I can’t see what’s going on around me because I’m lowering my head. But when the confused voice turned to cheer, the other students quieted back as if they understood the situation.


“Good. I don’t want my head down.”

Slowly raise your face to that voice and gaze toward the center.

There was the figure of the Spirit King of Light, who emitted an overwhelming presence.

Long, long hair to the waist shines with glitter and gold, and over his head he wears the crown, the symbol of the king.

Slurpy length on cool eyes.

Absolute intimidation, and beauty was there.

“What did you call me… you?”

When the Spirit King looked around him only with his gaze, he stopped at Mr. Anna’s.

Anna responded with a firm voice, “Yes,” as she tided her cheeks and stared at the King of the Spirit with a look that prevented her from hiding her excitement.

‘You haven’t seen an interesting person in a long time that you could summon me. … Are the colors of the magic you saw when you were called the same?’

With that said, the Spirit King gives Anna the look of conceiving something while turning her gaze.

“… but don’t get caught.”


The Spirit King slowly moved his body, looking for something, and saw Mr. Anna, and Master Theodore, jizzily, as if to confirm one by one.

And then this time he moves his gaze to the spectator seat.


Did you just look over here?

His heart docked at the sharp gaze of the Spirit King, and he rang loudly. And my body stops moving as if it were stiff.

You’re supposed to be so far away, it feels as if you feel the Spirit King in front of you.

… What is happening?

I get anxious, reaching out desperately for my inadvertently immobile hand and squeezing what I grabbed.

Then a big hand enveloped my hand as if I had noticed it.

… ah.

Your Highness’s hand?

Well, maybe what I just grabbed was your Highness’s uniform.

Besides, His Highness noticed and gripped me back.

The inability to move does not make it possible to see next door. Still, with the warmth it conveys, His Highness seems to say, “I’m fine,” and I’m relieved.

And the stiffness of that body is also lightened up with the timing when the Spirit King takes his gaze off of me.

“What’s up, Rachel”


Soon His Highness seemed to notice my change and peered into his face worried. No, maybe I just didn’t notice, and you’ve been calling me for a long time.

However, I found it difficult to convey the earlier condition to His Highness on this occasion, and I smiled back at His Highness to obscure the words.

His Royal Highness opens his mouth to continue the Word further, but before that he heard the voice of the Spirit King, and we regained consciousness to the center where the Spirit King was.

“Changed the future? Different… Retrospective, huh? I see. ‘

The Spirit King gave a meditating and contemplative look for a while, then he squealed something bossy.

From here, the distance is too far to understand what you’re talking about.

But the Spirit King laughed ridiculously and shook his shoulders, ‘I didn’t know I’d noticed before either, you’ve been hit,’ he muttered again.

“Apparently, there are many interesting people here”

With that said, the Spirit King turned to Mr. Anna.

‘If you called me, you must have hope. So, what do you want?

“… protection. I would like the protection of the Spirit King.”

“Well, protection. Do you think they deserve my protection?”

“The Spirit King will judge if he deserves it.

I just want your protection. ”

Ms. Anna stared straight at only the Spirit King. Besides, the Spirit King also thinks of ‘Hmm’ temporarily putting his hand on his chin.

“You’re sealing up your original personality. No, that’s what it was. … instead of losing his memory, he remembered his previous memories,


It looks like the Spirit King is whispering something into Anna’s ear, which I can’t hear.

But in response to what the Spirit King had said, Anna looked at the Spirit King with amazement when she rocked her body wide.

Is it because of your mind that your complexion looks as if it has gotten any worse?

“What are we talking about?”

“You can’t tell from here. As you may know around Theodore…”

The words that came out of the potpourri seemed to His Royal Highness to hear, and when His Highness nodded one, he muttered small as if to tell himself, not to me.

“I just didn’t expect the Spirit King to show up…”

… I think so.

Who would think the Spirit King would appear?

It’s like an orgasm.

I didn’t really understand the greatness because I didn’t see it last time.

But the Spirit King in front of us now still has a sacred atmosphere of being itself.

Boulder, only to be worshipped as God in this country.

It seemed that Anna and the Spirit King were still talking about something for a while afterwards, but it never reached my ear.

‘I can’t hide anything from you. I know the future they want better. ”

“It is! Is that possible?”

‘I do not interfere with people. Therefore, the end of the line will not say anything.

It’s all up to you. But is it worth something I don’t even know if it will come true? There’s no guarantee that the future you want will come. ”

“Bet me everything, but… I want to make it happen.

If I miss now, I don’t have time. ”

‘Funny. I still don’t understand what people think.

… but I liked the spirit of the journey.

I’ll give them protection.

But my powers can’t be used for bad things. Light is a power full of love. I can’t use my powers for something I don’t understand. ‘

“Yes… Yes! Thank you.”

… I still can’t hear you at all.

Anna also looks desperate to complain about something. I’ve never seen Anna like that before.

And you’re done talking, Anna closes her eyes and hands together in front of her chest.

The Spirit King puts one hand on Anna’s forehead.

Then Ms. Anna’s entire body was gently enveloped with sparkling brilliance and light.

I understood at that moment.

Oh, it didn’t change.

The Spirit King of Light gave him protection.

Now here was born the Virgin.

A Virgin named Anna Carroll.

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