Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 70

70 Theodore Perspective

“Welcome back”

“… Ah, Theodore. Sorry to call you in at night.”

Speak to Louis as he fell asleep on the couch, who appeared in the light by the magic I hung.

Louis doesn’t seem to care about me like that, and he seems to be biting his back teeth as if he’s going to endure something.

And after one slow, deep breath meditating on my eyes, I turned my gaze to this one. When I answer the words I hang, I smile lonely as I lower my brow.

“Sorry about this one. I can only give you enough time to meet Miss Rachel.”

“No, because I couldn’t talk to Rachel without you. I can’t thank you enough.”

“… is that right? Good, though.”

It seeps through loneliness, but you’ve got a much clearer look than before you went to Miss Rachel’s.

… This is about what I can do for you.

Whatever you say, it is no exaggeration to say that the Virgin was born because of my involvement…… As a result.

The Virgin’s continued engagement is in jeopardy.

I’ve had a bad feeling since the summoning ritual, but I didn’t expect it to be centered.

… and the Virgin.

If I hadn’t gotten involved with Louis and Miss Rachel, I’d have left them alone, but it looks like something really messed up.

That reminds me of my visit to the Great Church during the day.

At that time I met with the Virgin and came to greet her when she was slightly frustrated…

He still seemed young, but he seemed serious.

Looks like he’s connected to Louis.

Ask the person.

“Yes, no. You said you sent spies into the cathedral?

“Bad listening. Aloys’ friend works in the cathedral, so he’s just telling me all about Miss Carroll.”

“Alois… Oh, that Marcel priest.”

He is a stuffy cleric in Marcel territory, but since then he seems to be in close contact with Louis unexpectedly.

And this time the Virgin is involved.

It would be right to build an information network within the Church. Anyway, the Cathedral is the only elite group of boulder clerics, and even I don’t know much about it.

The same cleric, and Aloise from the Wato family, must have been the reason we were able to find our collaborators.

Louis was right about selling you a favour after all. What a convince one, Louis in front of him looks at me jizzily and opens his mouth.

“So, Theodore. You went to see the Virgin.”

“… boulders, information is fast. Even today.”

Turn your gaze to me with your sharp eyes, Louis.

Those eyes are as harsh as they are to identify dangerous substances.

It comes from his eyes without saying, “Tell me everything you know and realize.”

Oh, boy, with a slight glance of shoulder, I think back about the Virgin I met today.

“… that Virgin. Seems unstable in mental terms, feels dangerous”


“Louis, what kind of guy do you think he is who turns to his enemies and scares them?

“… someone with strength, someone who can be merciless, someone who can lose his head, or something.”

That’s certainly a hassle to turn to the enemy.

Well, you’d be at the top of this country, and that’s who Louis, still a teenager, would think.

But magicians and knights are not often relative to their enemies. He’s a jerk at that time.

“Guy with no more aftermath. I’m the most troublesome person that’s ever been pushed. I’m not afraid of death, because he doesn’t know what to do.”

“I see. So, what’s up with that?

Louis nods one as convinced.

When I say this, Louis doesn’t deny it, he listens, even though he disagrees with himself.

People’s opinions also show flexibility if they are convinced. That’s a good place for Louis, too.

What a stingy thought, Louis in front of me just turns his gaze at me telling him to move on quickly.

[…] That’s a reduction point.

Yeah, so we’re talking about that Virgin.

“That Virgin, you had those eyes. All the people around you look like enemies… as if they were on the battlefield.”

Louis opened his eyes to my words and said, “Battlefield?,” he muttered.

“You don’t seem to have a lot of head to calculate, and you have the eyes of the clergy watching, so I don’t think you can do anything…”

“I guess so. Besides, they’ve been making fun of me since I went to the Cathedral.”

Sure, the impression from the clergy seemed good, and the atmosphere had changed from when we met before at the ball and during the summoning ritual.


This is something Louis can’t tell you.

There’s a kick in making that Virgin more alert.

Until that kick, some little kid wants sweets and squeezes waste. You’re about a childish guy, that’s all I thought about.

But that’s why I became dangerous.

It is.

She knew I was the only one who knew.

Memories that are important to me that I have kept deep in my memory.

Besides, it seemed like you knew from the beginning that there was no one else to know.

The Virgin pulled it out on her own and threw up words that even threatened her.

“I want you to help me and Your Highness get married. If you cooperate, I’ll keep this a secret from Mr. Rachel and His Highness.

You don’t want to be known and giddy, do you?

This is usually warm on boulders. I got a little angry, too.

As a result, I had no choice but to threaten the Virgin. I’m sorry for the girl, though.

If you were as cold as Louis, you wouldn’t even care. I’m not even that cold.

Watch Louis in front of you with his jaw flat in his hand.

“I really want you to split up a little bit about Louis’ mercilessness.”

“You’re a rude guy all of a sudden,” Louis frowned suspiciously at the genuine groaning after a deep sigh.

“Anyway, that Virgin is so in your custody. It’s like if we could just get married, it wouldn’t even matter what happens after that.”

“… why did you get there?”

That’s where I don’t know.

Why put Louis so far behind bars?

If you want to marry a royal family, you’re a second prince.

It’s not like the Virgin and the Year are apart, which is fifteen this year. He’s a slightly different type than Louis, but he also looks good.

Besides, I don’t feel ambitious about marrying Prince Wang.

Somehow, this guy’s only seeing Miss Rachel right now. Where I got married in that situation, they just resent me.

Besides, when I was having a conversation with the Virgin, I didn’t feel any aura saying I liked Louis.

On the contrary, you felt uninterested in anyone.

What does that Virgin really want?

“Can’t you grab a boulder, too?

“Ah. The information is organized. But it still doesn’t serve its purpose.”

“I knew it. So, Louis is actually going to see you, too?

“Oh, take Cyril tomorrow.”

Right, tomorrow.

I thought I wouldn’t have to tell you if I were to put a little more time between them.

… Tomorrow.

That would be unfriendly if you didn’t report it.

“It’s me today. I said something awful to the Virgin, so I’m sorry if I greased the fire.”


To my words, Louis first rounded his eyes.

But gradually I began to wonder, “What’s going on?”

Um, well, you will.

I hope she’s not exaggerated.

I’m sorry about the boulder today, so it would be pathetic if you jumped on fire.

“On the contrary, I hope it’s as depressing and quiet as it gets”

Get up off the couch and go all the way to Louis, pounding on his shoulder.

Good luck, with the meaning of saying.

“Ha… what, you… did you do something extra?


Louis, laughing nicely but not hiding his frustration at all, is in a hurry if he stays here any longer on the boulder.

So am I going to disperse?

“Well, I’m going home for now,” he says with his right hand up and that’s all, and I’ll say the words of the transfer to my residence.

In contrast, Louis said, “Wait!” or something. ”

… I didn’t hear you, so.

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