Something's wrong with this Hinata in Konoha

Chapter 48 High-end Game

Chapter 48 High-end Game

If Hinata Inaba was just domineering, Black Zetsu wouldn't be completely helpless.

But this kid is not only domineering, but also rough and subtle, and thoughtful!

Hinata Inaba thought very clearly that he had received the task of being a shepherd, and guarding the border defense line and tightening his pockets to prevent prey from escaping were the strategic priorities.

It doesn't matter whether you want to kill these people here.

As long as he strictly implements Minato's tactics and assists Minato in pushing Kirigakure back into the sea step by step, Madara will naturally be out of luck.

So he didn't have to show off his strength right now. Killing one or two more Kirigakure ninjas would have little impact on the overall situation.

But for Hei Jue, it made him feel uncomfortable all over!

This brat from the Hinata family was so steady that it made him feel sick!

You obviously have the ability to massacre the entire audience, but you go up to it? !

Why are you just watching? !

The remaining Kirigakure ninja stepped back, swallowing nervously, looking at the knife marks at Hinata Inaba's feet with fear.

The more these people retreat, the heavier Hei Zetsu's heart sinks. Without external pressure, Hinata Inaba has no intention of leaving Nohara Rin's side!

But there was a funny partner beside him who kept chanting sutras in his ears, which made him upset.

"It's been a minute, haven't you come yet?"

"Oh my, it's a pity that those Kirigakure have retreated. Are you going to go up now?"

"Let me tell you news, the battle on Kakashi's side is over. He is coming with that Uchiha girl. Why don't you come?"

"Kakashi is almost here, are you really not going to come? Hinata Inaba is waiting for his teammates. What are you waiting for? If you don't come, why don't we go back and watch people poop?"

Hei Ze took a deep breath, feeling that his blood pressure was a little high, if he still had blood pressure in his body.

"I told you to shut up!!"

He turned his head and stared at Bai Juedao word by word.

Sometimes, it is impossible to hide the eyes that want to kill someone.

The funny Bai Jue had no choice but to shut his mouth temporarily.

Hei Jue paused for a second, and then spoke reluctantly: "I admit that I underestimated this white-eyed brat before, but it doesn't matter, there is still a lot of time, there are as many cannon fodders that can be sacrificed on this battlefield, so let's Let’s prepare a few more surprises for this kid and see how long he can protect Lin!”

Tsukuyomi Media still hasn’t given up exploring Nohara Rin, a passerby heroine.

next time!Next time, I will make Hinata Inaba, the troublesome brat, kneel down and cry bitterly!Hei Jue secretly swore in his heart.

Not long after, Kakashi and Uchiha Nanaba arrived, and the four members of the team reunited.

"Are you okay here?"

As the captain, Kakashi asked very responsibly after landing.

Hinata Inaba and Nohara Rin both shook their heads and said it was nothing serious.

"We're fine. Inaba drove all the enemies back. Wait, Kakashi, are you injured?!"

After answering a few sentences, Lin keenly noticed that Kakashi was injured.

Hinata Inaba also looked over immediately.

The stronger Kakashi didn't seem to want to explain more, but Uchiha Qixuanyu on the side helped synchronize the information.

"We just went to the rescue, and the enemies we encountered were quite strong, and they seemed to have an unusual obsession with Captain Kakashi. They always wanted to capture the captain. It seemed like they wanted to get some information from the captain. , on the contrary, I didn’t bear any pressure throughout the whole process.”

Hearing Uchiha Nanaha's words, Hinata Inaba's eyes sharpened instantly!

He has an unusual obsession with Kakashi!Ha, interesting!

Although he has no clear evidence so far, he is % sure that——

This is not a coincidence, the crew is really in place!

Then the next step is the bright game!

This is a high-end game!

"Captain, don't be brave. Let Lin treat you first. I'll keep watch while you rest for a while." Hinata Inaba explained gently first.

Although he can master immortal arts himself, it is obviously impossible for him to waste his chakra on treatment at this time.

"It is estimated that there are still three hours until the end of the battle. Everyone, hold on, the dawn is already close at hand."

<divclass="contentadv">In addition to reconnaissance, Hinata Inaba also actively gave psychological massage to his teammates, although no one really understood why he was so nervous.

At the same time, Hei Jue was also gnashing his teeth and muttering, "There are about three hours until the end of the battle. Lin can't escape! We must find a way to catch her!"

The tug-of-war between the two parties continues around Lin, the intended hostess!

Half an hour later, Hinata Inaba's Byakugan caught Kirigakure's movements again.

And this time there are three teams of ninjas!

"There are Kirigakure ninjas approaching at the 3 o'clock, 5 o'clock, and 10 o'clock directions at the same time!"

As usual, he synchronized the information to his teammates first.

Kakashi immediately wanted to do multi-threading again, and even wanted to operate three threads at the same time.

"Inaba, you are the strongest, why not—"

As a result, Hinata Inaba directly interrupted the spell, cut off half of Kakashi's words, and said: "Why don't we send a signal to call for support!"

"?" Kakashi was confused.

This senior is obviously super strong but is too cautious?

There is no need to explain the reason. Now Hinata Inaba only wants one word: stability!

Ten minutes later, with the help of other nearby Konoha teams, the three crises were resolved one after another. Hinata Inaba still did not give any chance to the hunters in the dark!

This made Hei Jue's face, who was hiding far away, become even more gloomy.

Bai Jue counted on his fingers, "You didn't take action this time. This is already the second time. Do you want to say that you will do it next time?"

If it weren't for the fact that individuals born with self-awareness are so rare in the White Zetsu Legion, Black Zetsu would really like to rekindle this guy next to him.

"Shut up, I'm looking for an opportunity!"

"Oh, but that's what you just said."


After about ten minutes, Kakashi's team dealt with two more waves of Kirigakure's team coming over. They were still steady and watertight. Hinata Inaba didn't let Lin move more than ten meters away from her during the whole process! .

The arithmetic in the dark continued, "This is the third time, and you are will it be the next time?"

"I told you to shut up!!!"

"I understand, why are you shouting so loudly?"


After that, the interval became longer.

With less than an hour left before the end of the battle, the border line in charge of Kakashi's team finally ushered in a large wave of Kirigakure ninjas who had fled over again!

The battle front is obviously very long, and the frequency of enemy encounters at a single point can be clearly noticed to be abnormal.

By now Kakashi, Uchiha Nanaba and Nohara Rin have all recognized Hinata Inaba's caution and stability.

Senior (Inaba) has thought carefully, this mission is indeed not easy!

On the contrary, Hinata Inaba has completely calmed down now. The more critical the moment, the more tired he is, the more he does not forget to relieve himself.

He joked softly in his mind, "Are you not good at acting, or are you saying that the crew is already in a hurry?"

This time they dealt with the situation more slowly, because this wave of Kirigakure ninjas were not weak, and their determination to attack the border was very determined. They could not get back no matter how hard they rushed in a short period of time!

Before they could repel this wave of Kirigakure, Hinata Inaba's Byakugan soon caught sight of a new Kirigakure team approaching.

"There's another situation. At 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock, two Kirigakure teams are approaching quickly!"

It happened that at this moment, a signal for help from Konoha exploded in the sky more than ten kilometers away to their right.

The shepherd team closest to them called for help before they did!

This immediately ended their hope of calling for support.

A series of coincidences all piled up together in a short period of time!

Hinata Inaba can clearly feel that the crew behind the scenes is really anxious this time!

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