Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 135 - Press Bowen! Make up the basket!

The Spurs and the Lakers played the most exciting matchup since the start of the season. After three quarters, the two sides tied 78-78. The final 12 minutes will determine who the glory of this war belongs to.

Lakers bench, Kobe expressionless, and the rest of the teammates are basically the same, because they scored the equalizer Ji Feng is still in the locker room to be checked by the team doctor.

“Relax, that kid is okay, you can come back later.” Master Zen hurried back and said to the players on the bench.

“That’s good!” The Lakers were relieved from the bench. It seems that Ji Feng is still very popular among the Lakers.

And at this moment, Kobe, who did not stand up and spoke, stood up.

“Guys, do we need a rookie to bring us victory, this guy helped us to equalize, but the Spurs took him with a small action, we have to help us rookie find the place!” Kobe used not so high voice Said.

“Yes, yes! Tell the San Antonio people, the victory belongs to Los Angeles!” Gasol also stood up and said.

“Go on guys!” The Lakers will be surging in battle.

And the Spurs did not succeed, they are a tough team, no team can easily beat them.

Now, they will defend their home honor!

Two teams’ needlepoints against Maimang, a fierce battle broke out in the first second of the fourth quarter!

Gasol long-lost resist Duncan with all his strength, and then want the ball! The two people’s chest and back collided violently, and the sound they made was sour!

Gasol shipped twice and forced a half-turn layup! Hit the ball! And fouled Duncan thugs!

“COMEON!” Gasol shouted his blond hair in a roar, and was criticized by the ball for the softness of the ball. At this moment, a strong stroke.

Additional penalty, the Lakers lead 3 points!

But the Spurs are still the Spurs. Parker used Duncan to pick and roll, turn the top to play with Wharton, fake the Wolton and forcibly shoot! Also scored 2 + 1! The two sides tied again!

Kobe direct personal singles, manu hit a defensive three-pointer!

Manu came back directly and quickly chased the unreasonable three-pointer with color!


The intensity of the fight between the two sides makes the air on the scene more sticky! The explanations of various countries are now hoarse and roaring constantly.

Too **** wonderful!

Emma ’s bottle was completely empty, her face flushed and her body was all pink, and she could hardly breathe.

After 10 minutes, both sides 110-110, draw again!

The Lakers scored 110 points on the home side of the Spurs, who are good at defending. The Spurs also got the same score, which shows the intensity of the offensive and defensive ends of this game!

At this moment, Ji Feng finally returned to the stadium!

“BOSS! Let me go!” Ji Feng’s blood was boiling in the locker room, but the Gary team doctor did not let himself go back, and finally completed the ice pack and basic treatment, wrapped in bandage protection, confirmed that there was no problem, Ji Feng finally Come back, the first thing is to apply to play!

“Is it okay?” The Zen Master looked at the court, and now the field is very deadlocked. The scores of the two sides alternately lead, holding their breath, depending on who can hold it!

“OK! Ji Feng, you go up and replace Vujacic, remember to attack the inside and do a good job of defense!” The Zen Master made the decision directly. At this time, he hoped that Ji Feng could use the impact to involve the Spurs’ defense.

“Leave it to me!” Ji Feng stretched twice on the sidelines, waiting for the chance of a dead ball.

“How is it possible? He can still come back!” Ji Feng’s action on the sidelines also attracted the attention of Bowen on the court, but he did not keep his hands.

“But at this time, you can’t do anything.” Bowen turned back to mark Kobe. At this time, Kobe is the most threatening player.

At this moment Kobe took advantage of Bowen stunned, and suddenly accelerated to pass him clean, and then the inside Oberto could only foul and send Kobe to the free throw line!

“What do you think!” Popovich roared at Bowen.

And Ji Feng finally took advantage of the chance of a penalty kick to return to the court, and there is a final minute and 40 seconds before the end of the game!

“Kobe Bryant made two free throws, Ji Feng returned to the stadium! He seems to be no big deal, fans and friends can rest assured!” Yu Jiajie said.

“Now it’s time to see how these two teams are fighting for the present. Who can take away the victory!” Zhang Guizhi said enthusiastically.

The Lakers led by two points, Ji Feng also returned to the court, but the Spurs did not panic, played a wonderful cooperation, Duncan passed the ball, Oboto scored! No matter how flat!

The return of Ji Feng makes the Lakers more impactful. Ji Feng uses pick-and-roll consecutively. Two passes let Gasol score two goals! 4 points apart!

But Spurs blessed at home, Manu’s unreasonable three-pointer passed the net! Once again narrowed to one point!

At this critical moment, Gino’s ratio shines on the court again! He completed a crucial steal! Ji Feng returned crazy, but Manu still hit a layup in the game!

“COMEON!” Spurs overtake one point 22 seconds before midfield!

“GOspursgo!” The Spurs auditorium was full of joy.

The master called out a pause!

“Too worried!” Hot bar staring at the screen, must win, Ji Feng has been so desperate.

Lakers bench, Zen master is arranging the tactics of the last attack, the camera constantly sweeps Kobe, and the old fish, these are the people who have completed the lore several times, and the old fish have completed the miracle of 0.4 seconds here!

“We are going to play the last attack, Kobe, you come to perform, Ji Feng, you can respond at any time, Gasol and Bynum, pay attention to rebounds!” The master draws on the tactical board: “There are 22 seconds, we want Success rate, press time, attack 14 seconds later, Gasol picks up for Kobe, Ji Feng goes to the wing! If you do n’t enter, grab a rebound immediately, if you do n’t, you will foul! ”

“No problem.” Bryant wiped his sweat and said.

Spurs bench, do everyone form a circle, Popovich squatted on the ground and told the tactics to everyone: “Listen, we only have 1 point ~ ~ We must defend! Bowen, watch Kobe, Finley pay attention to defense! Tim, protect the rebound and do n’t give Fisher the opportunity to get a rebound and immediately call a timeout! “

“OK!” The Spurs will shout.

The referee blew the whistle and the Lakers played in midfield!

Ji Feng, of course, believed Kobe. He directly helped Kobe pick and roll to let Kobe get the ball, and then quickly ran to the wing!

Kobe Bryant dribble near the three-point line, in 14 seconds, Gasol raised Kobe pick-and-roll! Kobe hit the inside to face Duncan!

“Impossible!” Duncan raised his right hand and jumped hard, his fingertips interfered with the basketball!

“Oops!” Kobe shot and felt a slight fluctuation in basketball!

The basketball hit the hoop and bounced to the right!

“Rebounds and rebounds!” Everyone was yelling crazy! At the same time, countless hands pounced on the basketball in the air!

“Benham got it! Make up the basket!” ESPN commented and shouted!

“Did not enter again! Interfered by Duncan again! Duncan is invincible! There are 5 seconds! Basketball is still in the air!”

At this time, Duncan from the inside ordered a basketball out, and the basketball flew towards the half zone where Ji Feng was located!

“Chance!” Ji Feng, who was on the wing of the bottom line, suddenly found the basketball landing point, then strode forward and jumped wildly.

“NOWAY!” Bao Wen threw himself over and wanted to stop, but Ji Feng was already unstoppable, and secretly pinched Bao Wen hard, so that Bao Wen directly withered and did not jump!

“Please!” Under the watch of countless audiences all over the world, Ji Feng hit the basketball with four fingers in his right hand! Push the ball out!

Basketball is watching by countless audiences! Hit the board and hit the net!

(I also ask everyone in the new week! I would like to recommend the collection and enjoy!)

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