Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 174 - The three youngest pairs in history!

“Yes, Ji Feng just picked his 10th rebound in the game. His stats came to 21 points, 11 assists, and 10 rebounds! Steady triple-double data!” ESPN’s commentary said .

“Oh, the guide just reminded me that this triple-double also made Ji Feng break another record in NBA history! Ji Feng became the youngest triple-doubler in NBA history!” ESPN’s commentary made many viewers send out After exclaiming, Ji Feng even harvested another record against Durant.

“Amazing! Ji Feng completed his triple-double in a single game when he was about 19 years old, and he broke the record of the little emperor LeBron James! The last record was James on January 23, 2005. The Cavaliers opened the game created by the Trail Blazers, at that time he was 20 years and 20 days! Now, the player who has mastered this game has become a Chinese player. I ca n’t find an adjective to describe Ji Feng ’s performance. He is now our younger generation of players. “Leadership!” Yang Yi’s bard-type commentary is back online again. If Ji Feng often listens to Yang Yi’s commentary, he will be embarrassed.

The news that Ji Feng broke James ’record has spread rapidly from Seattle, and James, who has no game, quickly got the news.

“Funny guy.” James just said a word and continued to train. A record, he didn’t care too much, but Ji Feng must have put it on his heart.

Ji Feng on the field didn’t know he unknowingly created another record. After picking up the rebound, he directly gave the ball to Fisher. The old fish slowly dribble the ball through the front court. He is not in a hurry. So large, the Lakers have the absolute initiative.

So the old fish began to feel the rhythm of peace of mind. Now that the third quarter has passed most of the time, playing for two minutes like this, it basically won this game.

Durant tried the counterattack again in the next two rounds, hitting two consecutive midrange shots, brushing his score to 30 points, but the Lakers played more orderly, Gasol dominated the inside, and a small throw The face of Thomas was helpless, so the score difference was still 25 points.

“Substitute!” Calesimo was completely stubborn. He took advantage of the dead ball to directly replace Durant and Jeff Green, which also announced that the Supersonics gave up this game.

The Zen Master took a look and replaced Ji Feng and Gasol. As for Meme, he did a good job today, so the Zen Master is going to continue to let him play the full field.

“I’m going, it’s a triple-double. It’s not bad.” After the end of the game, Ji Feng looked at the data on the big screen and realized that he had triple-doubles. What awesome, energetic.

“GOODJOB man!” Ji Feng had just returned to the bench, and Famar was excited, so he couldn’t wait to come to high-five.

“Good job!” Kobe also rubbed his next season’s hair and broke the old Zhan’s record. Kobe said that he was very happy. His records were being broken by James one by one.

Then the entire Lakers coaching staff on the bench came to find Ji Feng high-five. Some supersonic fans also gave applause to Ji Feng. It seems that this season did a better job than the season peak.

It’s just a pity not to stop Staples, otherwise Ji Feng can receive more enthusiastic applause.

Finally, in the last quarter, the two sides came off the bench, and the Lakers finally beat Seattle SuperSonics 115-88, winning nine consecutive victories!

After the game, Durant found Ji Feng and gave him a high-five. The duel today let him know that Ji Feng in front of him had enough ability to confront him.

“Congratulations on getting the triple-double. You are strong today, but it’s not over yet. Let’s win again and again next time.” Durant said in Ji Feng’s ear.

“You are not bad, but next time you win, it will be me.” Ji Feng said with a smile.

Today, Durant is really strong. He scored 30 points in the third quarter, and he was fully defended under Ji Feng. He was also targeted later, and his scoring ability exploded. This has the opportunity to hit the scoring king in the future. If it is more reliable Teammate, this team, will rise.

“GOODLUCKY!” Durant turned and left.

“In the future, this alliance will be very interesting.” Durant Yu Guang glanced at Ji Feng who was being interviewed and thought of it.

Standing in the player channel, Ji Feng was routinely interviewed by Tencent.

“Do you have any thoughts after breaking the record.” Shen Yang asked, a slight tremor in the corner of his mouth, as if he was holding a smile, his eyes flickering, as if watching the movement behind Ji Feng’s side!

“Of course it feels like … I’m going to go! What the hell!” Ji Feng just prepared to answer, and he immediately felt that he was drunk with a cool heart by the waterfall. When he licked his mouth, it was paralyzed. It was a drink, and then came from his ear. The sound of a few laughs.

“Hahahahaha! Congratulations Ji Feng, I hope you like this gift!” Gasol held a drink bucket and laughed particularly loudly. Kobe and the old fish laughed around him, and Famar was still forced. Ji Feng jumped sideways, then grimaces at Shen Yang’s camera, smiling particularly happy.

Then these guys shouted and disappeared into the player channel.

“You guys!” Ji Feng swallowed the swear words back in silence, meditation in his heart, live broadcast, but other things want to vomit, he is now surprised that Shen Yang’s expression turned out to be the case ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ hahahaha. “Shen Yang couldn’t hold his smile very cool, but when he touched Ji Feng’s dangerous eyes, he squeezed back with his mouth shut.

“I have to say that the Lakers team atmosphere is pretty good.” Yang Yi also smiled for a long time in the live broadcast room.

Ji Feng simply accepted the interview, and gave Shen Yang a threatening look and a grimace before returning to the dressing room.

And various sports media are chasing Ji Feng one after another, successively setting records has also allowed Ji Feng to prove UA’s vision and deserve this worth.

In this rookie battle, Ji Feng also has a slight upper hand. Although Durant performed equally well, after all, 30 points in three quarters, Durant took up most of the ball, and the shooting rate was only 39%, while Ji Feng ’s shooting rate It is as high as 56%.

“Durant is just not as good as his teammates.” The Seattle media said it was slightly sour.

However, other media have greatly appreciated Ji Feng’s performance.

The Los Angeles Sports News bluntly said that Ji Feng is the most suitable for Los Angeles and Kobe’s small forward. They even shouted that Ji Feng is the last piece of the puzzle for the Los Angeles Lakers to impact the O’Brien Cup!

UA also took the opportunity to announce the news that Ji Feng’s boots are coming soon, which caused fans’ crazy PICK for a time, and the attention of UA also instantly increased.

Advertisement advertisements at home and abroad are scattered in front of James like snowflakes, which makes James pain and happy. There are even variety shows in China who want to invite Ji Feng to participate. It can be seen that Ji Feng’s recent popularity.

But Ji Feng in the locker room is also painful and happy at the moment, because the Zen master directly announced one thing in the locker room, Ji Feng will not need to fly away to play the game with the Pacers and return directly to Los Angeles!

“I was opened?” Ji Feng pointed to himself and asked.

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