Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1987 - The first 3 quarters of the playoffs 60+ was born!

With 20 points in a single quarter, Ji Feng captured more than half of the Lakers’ first quarter points. More importantly, Ji Feng only took 11 shots and hit 8 of them. He also had multiple free throws and three-pointers. Efficiency It’s so high, it’s amazing.

“It can be seen that Ji Feng’s influence is not only in scoring, but also in all aspects of the court, not to mention assists and rebounds. The defensive end has the greatest effect, especially the swing to the first position against Westbrook. , So that the latter completely lost their way in the first quarter. 4 points and 4 turnovers should be the most uncomfortable first quarter game played by Westbrook in the playoffs. Oh, there are two fouls, which will be the foreshadowing of the next game. Ah.” Yu Jia said.

Director Zhang agreed with both hands. At the same time, he added: “You can see that in fact, except for Ji Feng, the other players in the Lakers feel the same. Ji Feng has 3 assists in this quarter, but the Cavaliers still pass a lot. But except for Gasol, who scored 4 points, everyone else felt mediocre, especially Artest. It’s a pity that he didn’t make two shots.”

“Originally in this state, the Lakers were unlikely to win 11 points, but Ji Feng was too strong. He took the Lakers to break the Thunder’s tactics, which also made the Thunder players have nowhere to do it.”

“What is a superstar, this is a superstar!”

Director Zhang’s words basically summarized the first quarter of the game, but there are still some people who think the Lakers play in this way is hidden. Thunder.

“The Lakers relied on their cleverness and used tactics to get Ji Feng to match Westbrook. They caught the Thunder by surprise. But you look carefully. Apart from Ji Feng, Kobe scored the highest score with only 6 points, but it took 7 shots and just shot Scored 2 goals, followed by Gasol’s 4 points, 4 shots made 2 goals, and the starter Artest was 0 for 2 and Bynum was 1 for 3. The touch is not good, so the chance of the Thunder is still very good. The big one, just hold your ground.”

Yes, the Thunder think so too. Although they were suppressed miserably in the first quarter and lost double digits in a single quarter, they felt acceptable during the break. After all, they beat them in the first quarter for a season. It’s just the peak. If Ji Feng took the 20 points alone, the Thunder still won.

“We just locked the connection between Jifeng and other players. The rest of them feel the same. We only need to hold others, don’t let others open, and then the offensive end gets back to the state, we can come back!” Brooks said loudly, he I found that my assistant coach didn’t lie to me. The other Lakers were in a bad state. It seemed that the warm-up wasn’t a suspicion, it was really bad. Isn’t this time coming!


Lost by 11 points?

What can it be!

As long as the next game is good, 11 points will be less and fleeting. They are not a defensive team. The offensive vitality is very sharp. As long as they don’t play the rhythm and make a wave, 11 points will soon be moved back. .

As for Ji Feng…

“Let him vote, let him jump! I don’t believe that he alone can kill us!” Brooks was also cruel.

Although Jordan’s Law is trapped by the modification of the rules, the power is greatly reduced, but it still has a unique effect in the game. As long as it can separate the opposing core from the others, it is difficult for one person to beat the entire ball. Team.

After all, use single defense to limit you. Even if you can get 30+, 40+, or even 50+, your efficiency will inevitably decrease with the huge consumption of physical energy. No one can play alone in a whole game, even if it is Jordan. At this level, you play singles every round, and you can leave before halftime. You can go to hospital for four quarters without thinking about it.

And even so, you can’t compare with the scoring ability of the opposing team. This is also the dilemma that a general single-core team has to face. You can be awesome, but you can’t be so awesome. You can even do it on your own. You won a few games, but you can’t survive the 82 regular season games on your own, not to mention the 7 4 wins in the playoffs.

So the Thunder intends to use Ji Feng to score high points alone in exchange for the victory of the entire team!

Well, the idea is good, but it is not so easy to execute. After all, Ji Feng is a historical level organizer. It is extremely difficult to cut the connection between him and the rest of the team.

Not to mention that the Lakers are a dual-core Big Four team. Each of them has the ability of a CRARRY team. Once they don’t play well, it is easy to play in.

But tonight the Lakers seemed to give a special opportunity. Ji Feng did not immediately play in the second quarter. Kobe and Bynum played with three substitutes on the field.

This lineup played well at the beginning. In the first two attacks against Kobe, Bynum scored a goal each, but then fell into a scoring shortage. Four consecutive offenses were unsuccessful and there were no mistakes, but they did not make a goal. Although the defense was also Not bad, the Thunder only scored 3 goals in the past few minutes, and the point difference has just returned to 9 points, but the Thunder are still very satisfied, which at least proves that the rest of the Lakers are really ordinary.

“The offense still has to rely on Ji Feng, then our chance is here!” Brooks thought.

Ji Feng returned to the court as soon as they wanted, and Kobe was replaced to rest. This is undoubtedly the opportunity that the Thunder are looking forward to.

However, Ji Feng came up strongly, dribbled behind to play with the defender, and the European step caused Perkins to foul. This was the third time that Perkins fouled each other and had to rest.

Ji Feng made 2 free throws, and the point difference became 11 points.

The Thunder are a bit uncomfortable, and Perkins’s end is still very hurt for them, which means that they have no internal barriers.

Soon they realized the problem of Perkins’ absence. Ji Feng was almost in no one’s land. Holding the ball is a strong jump. When he encounters a double-team, he will divide the ball and attack by himself.

During the period when Perkins was absent, Ji Feng went crazy again, using the breakthrough to score 12 points and 3 assists, and the most critical goal occurred at 4:30 in the second quarter. Ji Feng attacked again. This time Made Ibaka foul, this is Ibaka’s third personal foul!

Perkins did not wait, and Ibaka had to go to rest. The Thunder’s inside line was completely pulled. This season, Ji Feng continued to show off by relying on the strong jump, scoring 18 points and 5 assists. If it weren’t for Harden and Durant, the Thunder might I have already confessed, but even so, the Thunder are 19 points behind at halftime.

The situation is critical, and the Thunder can’t care about foul trouble. In the third quarter, there was a wave of ALLin. Now if you don’t play, you will have to go home and go fishing!

But when he came up, Ji Feng used a three-pointer to douse the thunder’s heart, and then Harden wanted to return one, but he fought out. Ji Feng took off the rebound and made a fast break to cause the Aduras and scored at the same time!


Ji Feng scored 6 points in a row!

At this time, the outside world has exclaimed again and again, Ji Feng has already scored 44 points, and rushed for 50 points and went!

And 50 points did not make everyone wait long, only three rounds, Ji Feng scored 2 three-pointers one after another, and his personal score came to an astonishing 50 points!

At this time, the Thunder realized that Ji Feng could not take it back, and finally began to double-team, but Ji Feng can no longer limit, the more and more crazy Ji Feng scoring continues, waiting for the whistle at the end of the three quarters to sound, Ji Feng scores this year Freeze frame at 22 points!

60 points!

60 points in the first three quarters of the playoffs was born!

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