Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 2019 - Stand on top

Wave after wave!

After Farmar Biao hit a three-pointer, the Lakers have achieved a double-digit lead. Ji Feng and Farmar enthusiastically bumped their chests to celebrate. Spo’s tactical board was accurately captured by the camera, and anyone could see his face. Despair.

The five deaths of the Lakers frantically refreshed people’s worldview. The Heat’s lineup was swayed in the Lakers’ wave-by-wave offensive, like a flat boat, and it was about to be buried in the sea.

All Spoel can do is call a timeout, but during the timeout, he has no tactics that he can come up with, so he can only continue to encourage the players, add chicken soup, and make a wave of personnel adjustments at the same time.

To be honest, this Heat’s tactics are really relatively scarce. To be honest, if you are a diehard Heat fan and have watched most of the Heat’s games this season, you can know how the Heat will play this time, and even Professional fans can analyze how the Heat play when they are leading, how to play when they are behind, and how to play when they are desperate.

Part of the reason for this is because of the Heat’s lineup restrictions. It is difficult for clever women to cook without rice. Spoel is not a “basketball scientist” like the old Nelson. He likes to experiment with all kinds of magical lineups and personnel. He is not an old fox like Riley. He is an honest and straightforward coach, able to come up with a relatively epoch-making major and four minors. It is purely forced to be impossible. Something made by mistakes and accidents. The other part is because the big brothers in the east are too tough. Especially the Greens. Their efforts made all the Heat’s hole cards come out early. They have been playing cards with the Lakers in this finals, and they have already played out what they can play, which also made them crazy in the Lakers. It is totally impossible to deal with the tactical situation.

In contrast, the Lakers never played dead five before the Finals, and even the first and fourth juniors rarely showed up. None of the Western Conference opponents could push the Lakers to a desperate situation. If it weren’t for Bynum’s sudden injury, I believe The Lakers don’t even need to come up with such an epoch-making lineup to play.

But since it was taken out, it would be ruining the world!

After the timeout, the Zen master who tasted the five sweetnesses of death continued to increase his efforts. Ji Feng played the second position this time to replace a wave of Kobe who needed a rest time. He also became the first in history to be in the same finals. The real man who played from the first position to the fifth position.

The craziest thing is that in this position, Ji Feng’s first goal was to run without the ball. Wade was obviously tired. With a burst of mentality, Ji Feng stopped and got rid of him. Blake When the ball arrives, Ji Feng catches the ball and shoots!



“The Heat is true, the general situation is gone, they struggled to recover the two points, less than 12 seconds Ji Feng gave the most tragic response, this three-pointer is really too terrible.” Yu Jia said.

Behind him, CCTV reporters have already written the report of the Lakers winning the championship, just waiting for the end of the game to send out.

James, who has scored 29 points and 7 rebounds, sighed to the sky. Now, he also understands that this year’s general trend is once again lost, but he is not ready to give up. In that case, let him fight!

Ji Feng fulfilled his wish. James scored a staggering 11 points in 5 strong jumps, all hits, and opened Artest’s eyebrows, but Ji Feng used 5 shots and 4 three-pointers to make James a super performance. Once again, I felt powerless.

At the end of the three quarters, 98-80, the Heat trailed by 18 points.

Deathly silence…

“Maybe we need to admit that this Heat is not the opponent of this Lakers.” The live DJ said in the lowest voice the words that made Jamie and fans all over the world painful.

That’s right, from the beginning to the end, only the Heat fans wishfully believed that only the Heat were the Lakers’ opponents. However, it turns out that although the Heat sit on the Big Three, they are still thousands of miles away from the Lakers.

They should be able to fight the Lakers most last season. At that time, Wade reached the final peak of his career. He could jump on his knees. He was really 55 open against Kobe, and even at some point. leading.

At that time Bosh was still one of the league’s most versatile power forwards, and his face-to-face ability was undoubtedly the top three in the league’s fourth position.

And the Lakers, the most exhausted season after three consecutive championships, the outside ability is not stable enough, the Sharks have not yet grown, and the tactics are not as rich as they are now. Fisher is old and old, and Kobe is only 70% of the state of injury.

But James’s immaturity and lack of tactical running-in, as well as the core problems within the team made them miss the opportunity.

And this season, the long offseason freed the Lakers from injuries, Kobe returned with full blood, Bynum grew again, the team added multiple outside shooters and inside barriers, and the lineup became truly without shortcomings. .

The Zen master used the long offseason to come up with truly epoch-making tactics. The Lakers have a wealth of tactical reserves, the only one in the world.

More importantly, the four-season crown has made the Laker full of confidence, and the existence of Ji Feng has made the Laker a true master of the king.

No matter what the problem is, the Laker can deal with it calmly, using Ji Feng’s words before the Five Wars: “The Lakers have five consecutive hegemonies without any shortcomings. We are the best team in history!”

Throughout the season, the Heat had only the Lakers in their eyes. They always regarded the Lakers as imaginary enemies. However, at this moment, everyone discovered that the Lakers had no team in their eyes, only champions!

The last section…

The Heat, who have no chance of winning, give it a go. They don’t care about tactics. Basically every round is handed over to James or Wade singles.

The first 5 minutes did play back and forth, but physical problems began to appear in the sixth minute. Ji Feng’s single defense directly caused James to violate the law twice in a row. The furious James even got the skill after roaring the referee. foul…

Another wave of 10-2, the Lakers widened the point difference to 26 points.


There is no sixth game.

The crazy Lakers made Miami their celebration venue once again. The whistle sounded at the end of the game, and all the Lakers players rushed into the court to celebrate.

In the United Center, countless fans have been reluctant to leave for a long time.

They looked stupidly at the big screen at the scene, some of them couldn’t accept the reality.

However, as early as before, the whole world’s commentary had already announced the ending.

“Let’s congratulate the Lakers!”

“4-1, five championships in five years, the NBA’s five consecutive dominance once again, the first five consecutive dominance team in the new era, the Lakers, established a super dynasty!”

It’s nailed down!

The dust is settled!

Tonight, the Lakers are already on top!

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