Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 67 - The wave sweeping the world (Part 2)

And as Asia ushered in the daytime, this trend finally reached China!

Ji Feng went to the United States to participate in the trial training, which has been very popular before, and there are many people who follow on the Internet. The media also tracked the moment when Ji Feng went to the United States, except for a small number of more extreme people Outside of the tail, most of the media are encouraged. They all went to the United States with Ji Feng who came to the United States with the mentality of whether they could succeed or not.

From Ji Feng ’s trial training, there was no media to follow him. They did n’t like Ji Feng. They were all ready to wait for Ji Feng to return at the airport, and let Ji Feng say failure.

And more people who eat melons watch Ji Feng as entertainment news in the United States. Some of them even shouted online to let Ji Feng simply join the entertainment circle. Don’t waste this figure and face. Many people responded to this view, making Ji Feng cry and laugh.

Although some of them do not understand basketball so well, they also know where the NBA is and what they represent, so they do not believe that Ji Feng can really join the NBA through trial training.

So apart from Ji Feng’s die-hard fans and a handful of relatives and friends that Ji Feng has already notified, no one now believes that Ji Feng made history unconsciously!

Then after a night of fermentation, the Chinese media finally received the exact news from the United States. Ji Feng actually succeeded. The appointments were all signed, and he waited two days for the development conference!

So early in the morning, the news about Ji Feng instantly detonated the whole of China!

“The first high school student in Asian history, Ji Feng, successfully signed for the Memphis Grizzlies!” A wave of news directly published this news on the front page in large bold font.

“Genius players successfully log in to the NBA!” Tencent certainly will not fall behind, and also show their importance with the front page headlines.

Then Sohu and other portal sites quickly followed up. For a time, the entire network was flooded with news of Ji Feng.

Sports Weekly and other sports media have also followed up, and they have sent people to Memphis as soon as possible. They have missed the first news and must catch up with Ji Feng’s press conference!

It is said that they were not optimistic about Ji Fengli, who did not send reporters to the executives that the reporters followed in the past, and they were scolded and killed by the boss.

Xia Lan, who got up early to get used to the water network, saw Ji Feng’s successful news for the first time. Xia Lan suddenly felt a sense of joy and pride rushing from his feet to his brain.

“Look at what you say, Ji Feng is so powerful!” Xia Lan often saw people watching the comments of Ji Jifeng in online forums these days. She has not spoken. She firmly believes that Ji Feng will use actual actions to beat everything. The face of his man!

Xia Lan reprinted the news in the forum for the first time, and directly dropped a bombshell in the forum that should be calm in the morning! The forum exploded for a while!

Mushroom: “Tell me this is not true? Is it April Fool’s Day today? There are two April Fool’s Day in a year?”

殇 殇: “April Fool’s Day, you MEI, I have to say that Ji Feng is really awesome, lying down, I want to cry.”

Jordan My God: “At the time I saw the finals of the Jifeng National Competition, it was a huge amount of money. At that time, I felt that this buddy was not an ordinary high school student at all. It really was. No one opposes it! “

Grandpa Lu chaotic beast: “The Grizzlies big rotten team, this season is going to be rotten again. This is purely for the Chinese market, is it possible for everyone to enter.”

I am your younger brother Yang: “Large SB upstairs, you go in and I will see, American airline tickets can’t afford it.”

I hate reading: “Asian Light!”


And the time came to noon, CCTV Sports News finally confirmed the news, and introduced the player Ji Feng in detail, at this time all talents believe that Ji Feng really did it! Now everyone is looking forward to the start of the season, full of curiosity and anticipation for Ji Feng.

The wave of Ji Feng spread again after sweeping China. Soon, South Korea, Japan and other Asian countries reported this news, making them hit a local uproar, lamenting that this basketball can not be played.

Korean KBS TV sports anchor said sourly why there is not such a strong high school student player in their country. The Korean people lamented that Ji Feng looked so handsome as a basketball player.

In the SM company’s apartment, a girl who saw Ji Feng decisively abandoned her previous idol!

The day after Ji Feng’s signing, the Grizzlies finally held a press conference, and Ji Feng and Conley will appear at the same time.

Ji Feng chose No. 1 as his jersey number, which is the same as Ji Feng’s jersey number in the country for so many years, Ji Feng has drawn his ambitions from the jersey, he will be the number one person here!

Ji Feng and Conley arranged the makeup photos in sequence, and then recorded some wishes that were not there, and then rushed to the conference site.

“I’m going! So many people!” Ji Feng almost didn’t be blinded by the flash when he entered the scene, and he finally adapted to take a look. The scene is not small, there are no gaps, and Ji Feng found many Asian faces. ~ ~ seems to be all media from China.

Chris first expressed his wish for Ji Feng Conley to join the team, and then said some details about the signing of the contract.

And the reporter is obviously very concerned about why Ji Feng can sign the contract, but Chris kept his mouth tight and did not disclose.

After, Ji Feng Kangli and the two people talked about the courage to join here.

Then American reporters scrambled to inquire about the beginning and end of Ji Feng’s signing, but Ji Feng did not respond positively.

After the press conference ended, James came to say that the Chinese media wanted to interview him, and of course he would not refuse, so he followed.

“Hello Ji Feng, congratulations on your success in joining the NBA!” Standing up was the reporter who had squatted in front of Ji Feng’s school. He became an official reporter of a certain wave by virtue of his interview with Ji Feng.

“Thank you!” Ji Feng did not expect to meet acquaintances here.

“Everyone wants to know what you think of your NBA prospects.” Another reporter asked.

“Regarding the prospects, I just want to try my best to play every game, work hard, and strive to enter the rotation. I believe I will prove my strength. I also know that many people are not so optimistic about me. I just want to say, time Will prove everything. “Ji Feng said calmly.

Conley watched Ji Feng so calmly coping with the reporter. He felt very admired. He couldn’t do it. Just like the one in front of him that said he wanted to prove that he was not a parallel, he wanted to strangle him.

Ji Feng then answered a few questions and chose to leave. Ji Feng still hopes to prove himself with his strength. The rest will be left to James to deal with. James is obviously very good at dealing with reporters.

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