Son of the Hero King

Chapter 16: Camelia (1)*


Sol wasn't so dense that he didn't know when he was receiving an invitation. 

In fact he had always known that Camelia's love for him was slowly morphing into something less than platonic. The only thing stopping her previously was that he was a minor. 

But now that he was about to reach fifteen, he could already be considered a major in every sense of the world. 

Feeling bold, he casually touched her ample breasts through her white dress. He could feel her shiver à little à under his touch. 

Delighted, Sol thoroughly toyed with the breasts in his hands.


The young holy woman had never built up a resistance to pleasure.

As he fondled her ample breasts, her body grew weak. 

Sol, seeing her like this, whispered in her ear while continuing to grope her tits.

"You know what? I've learned a few things from my life and the people I have met."

"A-and what…is that?"

He gave an indulgent smile when she politely responded while growing so limp.

"That there are people like you who will show me love for nothing in return. That's why even though you play the ditz, you will always have a large place in my heart."

What was about to happen wasn't just about lust. If he just wanted to fuck he could go back to the tower and call some maid. 

No. The place Camelia had in his heart was in no way inferior to that of Milia. Once they crossed the line, their relationship would irreversibly change. As such it was necessary to tell her what was in his heart. 

Camelia cheek reddened as she buried her head against his chest. 

"Don't you think I am a shameless woman who is lusting over someone so much younger than me?" 

"Of course not."

He raised her chin and gave her a long and deep kiss. 


He could feel her resist instinctively at first before immediately stopping struggling and slowly but clumsily try to reciprocate. 

It was weirdly cute and endearing to see a grown woman show such a lack of experience. 

When his lips pressed down onto hers, she closed her eyes. He lightly kissed her tightly closed mouth a few times and then gently sucked on her lower lip. He pulled away for a moment.

"Open your lips."

He commanded in a low voice. She swallowed a hard breath from nerves; her throat hurt. Her face was tinted in a pink hue as she hesitated, but in the end, she let her lips fall apart a little. His eyes seemed to laugh for a moment. Soon, his lips firmly pressed against hers and a soft piece of flesh entered her mouth.


His tongue smoothly ravaged the inside of her mouth. He slowly made his way around her teeth and the sides of her cheeks. She felt a jolting pleasure when his tongue met hers. As their lips parted the tiniest sliver, he spoke.

"You taste like wine."

Camelia felt her blush burning through her cheeks. He changed his position and locked lips once more. Just as he'd remarked, their kiss tasted like wine, dizzying her with rapture. 

Their tongues wrestled while their saliva mixed. He was focused on exploring the inside of her mouth through kissing. His tongue twisted and sucked on, then let go of her.


A moan escaped from deep within her throat. The soft kiss gradually heated up. His gentle tongue suddenly pressed firmly inside her mouth, and when he continued to massage a sensitive spot, she unconsciously ended up firmly grasping the bed sheets. He kept making her breathless until she reached her limit. Then he parted his lips from hers, and after letting her catch her breath, he started once again.

Their kiss continued that way for many more rounds. Camelia's shoulders, which had been stiff from nerves, gradually relaxed. His kisses were sweet and soothing. When he parted from a particularly long kiss, Camelia  lightly gasped for breath. With only this much, it felt like they had done more than enough already.

"Ah…Ah… Ah" 

Their short breath resonated in the closed room. Her flushed face and her vacant eyes stroking his ego. 

Sol, deciding that he shouldn't let her cool down, brought back his hand to her dress and slowly brought her out of it. 

In just a few seconds, Camelia was left in a pair of black underwear. The contrast between her pale white skin and the deep black of her underwear was truly a sight enough to make a monk give up his vow. 

"You are simply a work of art."

"Ara~! Is that so?" 

Despite her confident front, Sol could see a little bit of nervousness in her eyes. Indeed. Camelia was feeling a little shy. She was in no way as bold as Lilith and usually wore conservative clothes. It was the first time a man saw so much of her skin. 

'There's no need to rush. I should take my time.' Sol thought as he read the hesitation in her eyes. 


As she gasped in surprise, Sol pulled down the bra as well.

The breasts that spilled out were larger than Setsuna own, but a little smaller than Milia. When you remembered that Milia was from a race famed for their large breasts, it was easy to understand that Camelia was way above average. 

The breasts reminded him of large melons. They were well-formed, white, and alluring. 

Impressed, Sol grabbed them and found they had a smooth and youthful texture. Despite her age and how heavy they were, no sagging could be felt. 

The nipples looked like camellia petals blooming on her white skin and they were already erect.

When he pinched them between his middle and ring fingers, 


Camelia let out a startled but sensual moan as her back arched. Since she was still seated on his lap while wearing nothing more than a pair of panties, the already tight pants of Sol tightened further. But he didn't pay attention to it. 

He pecked her lips a few more times, and gradually moved his kisses to her cheek then to her ear. His moist lips kissed behind her ear then down her neck slowly letting out a trail of kisses as he traced his lips from her neck down to the vicinity of her breasts and began to suck on the nipple poking stiffly out from the soft left mound.


A jolting pleasure from her breasts forced Camelia to let out a short moan. He took a mouthful and sucked on it. As if milk was coming out of her breasts, he licked her nipples meticulously.

"… stop, don't…" 

Ignoring her plea, he persistently rolled the nipple around with his tongue and sucked even harder.

"Ahh, n-no…ahhh…"

Camelia wrapped her arms around his head to bear with it. 

He let go of her breast, which was now wet with his saliva, and moved to caress the other one. He licked, sometimes lightly bit, swallowed, and from time to time sucked with great force. Whenever his tongue moved, a tingling sensation would travel up her spine, and she couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

He lowered his right hand and slipped it toward the source of heat between her thighs. 


She quickly tried to close her knees, but it was too late.

He rubbed up her plump and soft inner thighs and reached his destination.

Her panties must have been made of the same material as her bra. The smooth silky material felt good on his hand.

He softly pressed against the fabric with three of his fingers and began to work 

"No, stop! Ahh… "

She seemed to feel guilty about the pleasure and desperately tried not to feel anything, but the more she tried to hide it, the more sex appeal she gave off. 

Her cute moan made him wish to please her even more. 

He groped one breast with his left hand, sucked at the other nipple with his lips, and roughly rubbed against her crotch with three fingers of his right hand.

He could feel moisture through the thin material. This perfectly plastered the thin panties to her pussy and the shape of the contents showed through.

Sol shut his eyes and felt through her panties until he touched a small bump.


With a quiet groan, a tremor ran through her slender body.

He looked up at her with her nipple still in his mouth and saw her white face had grown tinged with pink.

Her long eyelashes were shaking anxiously. This gave him all the answers he needed. 

Having found the holy woman's weakness, Sol struck a triumphant pose in his heart and focused on tormenting that small bump.

"Ah…ah, ah… "

For that sexually innocent young woman, toying with her clitoris through the thin panties must have been the perfect level of stimulation. She was clearly feeling great pleasure.

He continued to act like that until he felt her clamp down his hand with her thighs while her hands gripped his clothes and her body shivered as he mouth opened on a soundless scream. 

The building moisture he could feel from his hand told him that he had indeed reached his first goal. 

Then, she stopped gripping him, and totally grew limp. All strength leaving her body. 

But was it enough? Of course not. The night was still young. 

Suddenly, a memory flashed in his mind, a devilish idea entered his mind. 

"Camelia, shall we play a game?"


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