Son of the Hero King

Chapter 19: Conspiracy

Where there is light, there's also shadows. A kingdom, no matter how strong or beautiful, can never be without this part of darkness born out of the malevolence of the few privileged ones who think that they are entitled to everything as if it was their birth right. 

The slavery system, which was in the past something so horrible that it was hard to look at had been reformed in the hand of the hero king. 

Mars, during his life, gave his all in slowly but surely improving the conditions in which they lived. 

Nowadays, all slaves were shared property of states and as such, hurting them was equal to destroying states property. 

Alongside some other such law, Mars truly managed to change the title of slave into something more akin to a public servant. 

In theory, they received pay, they were cared for, each year they received checks up and other such perks. What more the children of a slave didn't receive that status of slave and were free. 

This was without a doubt beautiful. This was without a doubt incredible, but…Was it enough? Theory was always beautiful. 


The imperial city was divided into five great districts. 

The central one belonged to the church and the tower of babel. 

The North district was under the supervision of the Highland family. 

The South under the Milaris. 

The West under the Travers. 

The East under the Gorfard. 

Four Duck families, one Church and one Royal family. Those were the powers that stood at the apex of the Lustburg kingdom. 

Despite having their own territory, each heir of the Duke had the obligation to live in the imperial city until they took their obligation and officially replaced their predecessor. 

Officially, it was a way to help them have close contacts with the different nobles, but everyone knew that in fact it was a way to keep them hostages. 

In the East district, the highest castle belonged to the Gorfard family. Of course, it paled in beauty compared to the Tower of the babel, but still it was without a doubt a Castle worthy of a Duke. 

This castle was inhabited by Leonard Gorfard. Eldest son of the Duke Gorfard and heir to the title.

If you asked anyone to describe him, they would give you a list of all his good points. A list so long that you would wonder how such a perfect human being could exist. And you would be right in your doubts. 

Leonard was many things, but his friends would describe him with two words. Arrogant and lustful. 

Currently, in the shades of his room, he was pressing a woman down onto a chiffon-veiled bed.

He grabbed her neck from behind and pulled it up, enjoying the grimace of pain flashing on her face, his grunts and her moans mixing together as he lost himself in his bliss.

"My, my lord, please, please forgive me…"

"Hmph~! Is this all the famed blue wolf can do? I'm sure you can make better sounds than that. Moan for me."

However, as he looked down on the wolf girl whose body was already twitching as she passed out, Leonard slapped her buttocks with a "Hmph!" and dumped her onto the bed like a used toy.

The white-skinned woman rolled off the bed like a broken doll. The impact returned her to consciousness, and her body shuddered.

Her hair was as blue as the sea, and two fur-trimmed ears stuck out from the sides of her head. However, her body was covered in bruises, bite marks, and many other signs of violence.

"If you pass out from just that much, you won't be able to satisfy me…"

"Please forgive me…" the woman moaned in a trembling, small voice. Her eyes looked over to him as she climbed off the cold stone floor and back onto the bed.

"Try harder, then. Your sister's fate depends on it."

"Please show mercy, my lord, she is only a child!!"

"Enough! Go back!"

Leonard did not even bother to answer her as he turned his muscled body away and ordered his attendants to dress him.

The wolf woman sobbed as she rose naked from the bed and wrapped herself in its sheets. Then she limped away, supporting herself against the wall as she left the man's room.

Leonard clicked his tongue. "I'm getting sick of this toy." He wondered whether to dispose of her sister while young would perhaps make a better partner. 

A voice responded to his muttering. 

"Your Highness, even if it's for fun, you shouldn't entertain such an idea. It would be bad if the royal family were to get proof of your misdeeds."

"Tch! Don't talk to me about those holier than thou bastards. Slaves and commoners are nothing more than lowly playthings that should bow in front of us. Why make it so troublesome?" 

The one who was speaking to him was, and elderly man wearing butler clothes, despite the scene that had previously happened to it, no expression could be seen on his face, 

"Indeed this is so. But the reality is in front of us."

"*Sigh* I get it, I get it. Enough of your yapping, they are ruining my mood. Speaking of which, Why did you come here today? Peeping? Or do you want her despite your age? That's fine too. She might be a bit dirty now, but she's pretty when she's cleaned up."

After Leonard was dressed, his attendants left the room. Now only him and his butler were left in the room.

"I am afraid I will have to decline. My old body isn't what it was anymore," while saying so, he bowed and presented a letter sealed with the insignia of the royal family. "We received this letter just now, it's an invitation to participate at the gathering of young nobles. This will be the first party organized by the prince, as well as his birthday."

"Kekeke~! That sissy living in a golden prison is finally showing himself? Who would have thought."

Leonard smiled and took the letter. His eyes shining with malevolence, 

"So he finally reached that age. It was about time. Are the preparations ready?" 


"Oh? Good, good. It's necessary to act fast now. It would be a shame if we missed the perfect timing."


Elsewhere, in an unknown place, a old man was kneeling in front of a bed while facing a beautiful young girl who seemed to be in a deep sleep. 

At least she would have been beautiful if all her body wasn't marred by purple veins like marks. 

Despite those marks, the old man's gaze held no disgust nor fear, only deep affectionate love. 

"My child, I am so sorry for everything you have to endure. Your grandfather is truly an useless man. But you know. I have found it. I have found the way to cure you of your pain and suffering. Soon you will be able to laugh and run like in the past."

He lovingly caressed her face and closed his eyes in order to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. 

'I am sorry, I am so sorry for what I am about to do. But, this is the only way to save her. For that I am willing to become a devil if necessary.'


Time waits for no one. As the gears turn and machinations fall in place, time inexorably advances. 


(AN: Hello. Thanks to all my *******. I finally reached my small goal of 20. I am very happy. I promised to increase the number available for ******* once I reach 20 ******* and I will do so once my make up exam end. Once again thank you. My make up exam will last until next Saturday morning. So during this period I won't be able to post. Wish me good luck. I will need it.)

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