Son of the Hero King

Chapter 27: Interlude 2: the witch and the king

Why is it so difficult to keep on living, without looking anywhere but ahead?

An asymmetrically splendid pipe organ was in such a small concert hall.

The melody edited with grave notes was truly majestic and splendid.

It rampaged as if rupturing the hall from the inside.

In the lonely concert hall, fantasia was played by the too-good famed musical instrument.

In contrast to the giant-like organ, the instrumentalist was also small.

It looked no more than a very young girl.

Her hair color was white. Her dress was also white. Her doll-like lifeless skin was also white. Furthermore, she wore silk long white gloves.

Only the color of her eyes that seemed to have a deep gold and crimson, shone in the shade of the room. 

Displaying her small delicate fingers, the cool girl was entranced by her musical performance.

Childishness and expertise.

Extravagance and solemnity.

The melody created by the girl and the famed musical instrument perfectly harmonized these conflicting elements, sublimating them into art.

The audience seating on the first floor was all empty. 

In the lonely concert hall, the girl continued the musical performance without paying attention to anything. 

Playing the keyboard of the pipe organ to her heart's content, the girl finished the musical performance.

Without sweating or taking a pause until the end.

She closed her eyes as if being immersed in the trailing notes of the piece she played with her instrument.

At that moment─A calm applause echoed on the ceiling of the hall.

The girl immediately jumped in fright. 

For someone had managed to enter this building without her being able to feel anything. 

She turned around with all her body and turned her eyes to the balcony seating on the front of the second floor. Seeing the cause of the applause, she asked with an ear-tickling and fascinating tone that didn't fit a young voice.

"Who are you? Do you not know how rude it's to spy on a lady?" 

"I'm not so insensitive to make a sound during your musical performance…"

The man replied in the darkness of the balcony. He also spoke uniquely.

His tone felt like a whisper, but she could hear him amazingly clear. As such she couldn't help but ask, intrigued that she was, for this was the first time she played for anyone other than her sisters and surrogate mother. 

"I played one. But if that is the case, may I hear what your impressions are?" 

"Your musical performance was as wonderful as always…"

As always, meaning it wasn't the first time he observed. 

Her face was suddenly covered in heat. Was it because she had been spied on many times and was never aware of it, or was it because she was weak to straightforward praise? She did not know. 

The man slowly moved to the handrail. Then, his appearance was revealed. He was a youthful, yet stylish person.

His facial features said he was 20 years old or so.

However, his facial expression was of a person in the prime of their life wrapped in bitterness.

The thin frame glasses gave him an even more intellectual appearance, suiting him.

The three-piece suit style was perfect too.

Handsome was the first word that came to her mind. 

Powerful, was the second word. 

"May I know how to call you, my lady?" 

"My name is Me–No, my name is Edea."

She did not wish to lie, but she did not wish to give her name to a perfect stranger, no matter how handsome he was. 

A small smile formed at the corners of his lips and he said, 

"I see. Then Edea, I am enchanted to know you. You may not have asked, but I am named…Jupiter."

This day was the first meeting between the witch of time and the one who would become the first king of the Lustburg Kingdom. Jupiter Luxuria, the Conqueror king.


"So, it has finally come to that."

Edea looked at the room that has basically become her sanctuary and was now about to become her prison. 

"Indeed it has come to that. I am sorry, Edea or should I call you Medea?" 

A bitter smile formed on her face, as she looked at the man that stood outside of this room. Even now, his long golden hair seemed to shine with a holy light. 

"How many years has it been now? The two of us came far together. From a simple noble in a kingdom under the control of the elves to the king of one of the seven nations. Everything I have, everything I am, is thanks to you."

"...And yet, you will still choose to betray me."


"Why?" She asked, lost and distraught, "Did I not fight enough for you? Did I not bleed for you?!! What about our promise?" 

"Promise? Hahaha~! Oh my goddess. Are you serious? Are you really that dumb? Did you seriously think that we could have a completely platonic relationship? Why should I torture myself with a woman I can't ever touch?" 

Each of his words were mercilessly striking her heart. Her whole body shivered as her tears slowly split on the ground. 

"Why… I could give up everything for you. I even refused to listen to my mother and sister for you. I believed in you. If it's about your urge there's no problem. I do not mind you having other women. As long as you keep staying with me, as long as you keep loving me. I can accept everything. So please. Do not discard me! Please… "

She became a mess as she vented out her emotions and crumbled while bawling her eyes out. 

The blow was simply too great. For her, who had never loved anyone before, the weight of this betrayal felt like a knife plunging deep in her heart. 

But, at this sight that would have melted even the most hardened warriors, 


Jupiter simply sneered in the cruelest way possible. 

"I am sorry, but you are a thorn on my path. My wish is to conquer. That's why I am the Conqueror king. You can discard everything for me, but I will never do the same. Your light is simply shining too brightly, and people are doubting my power. As such, you need to vanish."

His words struck Edea dumb so much her sob stopped, she threw an incredulous look at Jupiter as she asked. 

"... Just because of that? Just because I am covering your light?"

Light vanished from her eyes as she realized for the first time just what kind of man she loved. 

"Heh, Haha. Hahaha~! I was truly stupid. Oh stupid and naive."

Jupiter looked at her before simply ignoring her mad laugh as he began to leave, the door slowly closing on his words. 

"That door will not open before at least 200 years. By then I should have conquered the other six kingdoms. Sit tight. I will free you once I reach my goal."

Edea continued to laugh without paying attention to him. 

She laughed at her foolishness. 

She laughed at her naivety. 

More than anything, she laughed at the man whose desire for conquest blinded him from the reality of the world. 

From a certain point of view, Jupiter wasn't wrong. What truly helped him receive Luxuria blessings, the assistance of Castitas' Church and the independence from the elves was her existence, her identity as the student and surrogate daughter of the first and strongest witch.

Now that she wasn't at his side anymore, what will happen? 

"I am sorry mother. I was truly stupid."

Once her mad laugh full of mirth and sadness calmed down, she kept her head lowered in shame as she murmured. 

Then, from behind her, two arms mysteriously appeared before hugging Edea. 

It was a woman. Her features hidden as she held Edea deep in her chest, 

"Do not worry my child. You have nothing to apologize for. A parent has to allow their children to make their own choices and assume the consequences of those choices. But no matter what, I will always always be by your side."


Fifteen years later. Jupiter Luxuria, the Conqueror king, died on the battlefield against the republic of Wratharis, home of the beast-kins

His son, Pluto, took the throne and became the king at the age of ten and ushered in a new age. He will later become known as the peaceful king. 

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