Son of the Hero King

Chapter 9: Heavy discussion(2)

"A woman?" 

He echoed in wonder. 

'What the fuck is she saying?'

A sad smile formed on Lilith's face, 

"Do not underestimate the means of a woman. Do you know this saying? Beauties are the bane of heroes."

"I do not wish for you to meet such a stupid end. For all his power, your father was very poor at handling women. How to say this… He was too dense? Too easily flustered by women? I never understood why despite all his power he became a total mess when facing women."

She sighed as she said, "Since your father succumbed because of such a stupid reason, there's no way I would let you commit the same mistake." 

She took a deep breath, making her cleavage move up and down, "Accustoming yourself to women is a part of learning to be a king. Since ancient times, many kings have met their downfall in their lust, your father being the most recent. You must have a thorough knowledge of female sexuality. Please think of women as nothing more than a decoration for your bed."


Sol tried to protest, but Lilith raised her voice further.

"First of all, a royal has a duty to sire many children. You are the last man of the Lustburg family. Do you know why I have so many beautiful maids all over the palace? All those girls are either slaves or commoners I carefully selected and groomed. All of them for you. You can do whatever you want with them."

"Whatever I want…?"

Taken in by her intensity, Sol's mind grew blank as his aunt licked her red lips.

"Yes, whatever you want. You are free to prepare them however you like before devouring them. Toy with them and dye them in whatever colors you wish. And once you have raised them into splendid love slaves, you will have grown to be a true man. And most importantly, that will allow them to repay you for everything we have done for them."

"Love slaves…?"

He couldn't help but be drawn by the vision his aunt was showing, finally, he let out a sigh as he said,

"I understand. I believe everything you say. But…"

He got up and took a slice of bread, as he went away,

"...I also know that you are still hiding something from me." On those words, he simply left the dining room without turning back.

The very moment Sol went away, a shadow finally appeared out of nowhere before standing behind Lilith,

"Your majesty, was it wise?"

Lilith, without turning back let out a smile, "Hiding everything wouldn't be educational. As such, I let out some hints. At least he managed to understand I was still hiding the full truth."

"Your majesty…"

"I know, do not worry, I would never play around with the life of someone as dear to me. If he is unable to handle the waves that are coming, then he isn't fit to be a king. As such I will simply take the throne from him and allow him to live the remainder of his life in such luxury that even the greatest kings would be jealous."

"...Those are traitorous words your majesty."

A chill seemed to cover the whole room as the voice of the woman changed from apathetic to ferocious.


The chill was immediately drowned out by an even larger pressure, making the shadow nearly kneel, Lilith, turned to face this shadow, 

"You have been serving the crow's shadow as one of the fingers since as long as I could remember. But, never and I say never again underestimate my love for Sol. This kingdom can burn for all I care. But I will do my best for Sol to live in happiness."

The shadow struggled to move, but still nodded.


At the same moment, the pressure vanished as if it was a lie. A large smile forming on Lilith face,

"See? I knew we could understand each other."

Only one thought went through the head of the shadow at this moment

'Two-faced bitch.'

"Two-faced bitch. This must be what you thought, right?"

The shadow twitched as her thoughts were echoed out loud by Lilith. It didn't dare to raise its head and simply began to whistle.

Lilith looked at the shadow coldly, but, even though she knew she was stronger, she didn't act in the end. 

Her relationship with the shadows was cordial at best. After all, most of the current higher ups were people trained by her brother personally. 

Right now, rather than saying that they were loyal to the crown, it was better to say that they were loyal to Mars and by extension to Sol.

'Brother. How could someone with such an unusual charisma be so stupid and weak when dealing with women?'

She ground her teeth in frustration before throwing the thoughts away and refocused on the shadow

"So? I doubt you disturbed me for just that. What's the problem?"

"The supreme daughter of Castitas is on the move. It seems like she grew tired of you finding excuses to separate her from Sol and gave you an ultimatum."

The shadow immediately vanished after saying what it had to piece. It didn't wish to be currently in the same room as this woman after delivering this message.

It ended being a wise decision because.



A purple like energy erupted from Lilith as the surrounding were seemingly divided in two. When the energy slowly calmed itself, the result was astonishing, to say the least, as absolutely everything in the room was divided into two. Even the walls were not spared and the corridor as well the outside could be faintly seen. 

Lilith looked at the room with disinterest and simply left. It wasn't the first time this happened, the Dwarves and the other servants would repair it.


Sol was now on his bed as he stared at his ceiling, lost in thought. He still had a long day since his breakfast just finished, but he didn't have any drive to move. In his mind the whole conversation between him and Lilith was replaying in his head.

'Did I take this world too easily?'

He frankly didn't know. But even if he had, who could blame him? 

He was both handsome and talented.

He was born in the royal family and he was the crown prince.

He had no evil relative and was supported by all those he met aside from one exception.

His father was this world's savior

His mother was a dragon.

Who wouldn't think that they were some kind of chosen one and that everything turned around them? 

But then he understood basically,

'Until now I was just a noob in the tutorial.'

He was just a new player learning the basics and fighting rabbits while thinking they were  wolves. Now, he finally reached the necessary level and would soon face the true wolves.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Your highness, may I enter?"

He recognized the voice, 

"You may."

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