Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 46: How About…

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Chapter 46: How About...

(General P.O.V) 

A loud cheer followed the end of Angel's demonstration.

He and the rest were the highlight as they walked down the staircase into the ballroom. 

Immediately, a swarm of individuals from the crowd surrounded them.

"Mr. Savage, my name is Glen Johnson. I'm the representative of Inkstein Enterprises. Could I have a minute of your time?" 

A balding man pushed forward.

"Henry Goldwin, Mr. Savage. I'm here on behalf of Rowdy Constructions. There's a business matter I was hoping we could discuss..."

Another said, pushing the first out of the way. 

Angel found himself hounded by more and more people, all of whom were interested in discussing business-his demonstration had left them all hungry for his attention. 

It was clear Savage Security would be a massive success once it went public. So everyone wanted a piece of the pie that was the BlackNite Ensemble Suits. 

The voices of these representatives blended into an incomprehensible din. 

"Please everyone, Mr. Savage has no intention to discuss business here..."

Christopher interjected on his behalf, but even he was swarmed by offers. 

"Mr. Tresser, if I could have a minute of your time..."

"A minute? Mr. Tresser, Palmer Industries only needs a second..."

These normally composed people had turned into rabid dogs. 

"Okay people, back off!"

It got to the point that Ravager warned, slightly drawing her blade as she and Goku covered Angel's front. 

Cheshire and Jinx shielded his back against the mob. 

Angel's patience was wearing thin when a loud voice cut through the commotion. 

"Behave yourselves!"

Barked out a man in a military uniform. 

"That's General Lane."

A few people whispered. 

"Figures the Military man would want in on the action..."

"I heard Savage Inc terminated their previous military contracts..."

"He must be trying to get back in Savage's graces..."

Despite the condescending muttering, the crowd had considerably calmed down, giving way to Lane and his date. 

Two unarmed soldiers flanked them as they approached Angel and his retinue. 

The General's arrival helped chase away the other guests. His authoritative presence commanding respect and attention, provided a momentary reprieve Angel was grateful for. 

Ravager looked at him for direction. Angel nodded, allowing the General through. 

"Good evening, Mr. Savage," 

Lane began, his voice a gravelly baritone. He was a tall man with a large frame, his eyes cast down on the much shorter Angel. 

"I knew your father. He was a great man."

"Oh, you did?"

Angel politely replied, surprise in his tone. 

Lane nodded, eyes jumping to the suits on Ravager and the others. 

"I was hoping we could discuss the details of the partnership between the military and your company."

Angel arched an eyebrow, wondering what that had to do with him. Savage Inc. had no military contracts. He had put a hold on them, when the company was going through a restructuring. 

Lane seemed to read his thoughts. 

"I'll get straight to the point. The military is aware of the cutting-edge technology your company is capable of producing. I have an offer for the same products and tools Savage Security will make as you enter into matters of private security. Don't you want to contribute to your country's protection?"

His blatant ogling of the BlackNite suits, made it obvious what he was after. 

Before Angel could respond, Lane's date, a red haired beautiful woman coyly remarked,

"General, you promised we were here to have fun, not discuss business."

Her voice was soft and melodic, carrying a hint of playful reproach.

"I apologize darling, but you must understand, what this young man's company has introduced will revolutionize warfare. Our nation needs the head start."

Lane responded. 

"Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Savage, I'd like to introduce to you my date for the night, miss Natalia Romanova."

"Ms. Romanova, it's a pleasure. You look stunning tonight."

Angel similarly introduced himself to Natalia, complimenting her beauty. 

Natalia smiled, her eyes twinkling with playfulness. 

"Thank you, Mr. Savage. This is a wonderful party."

She then tugged on Lane's arm, dragging him away. 

"Come on, General. Let's enjoy the evening."

"But... Wait, Mr. Savage, I'll have my people set up a meeting soon. Have a good evening."

General Lane threw over his shoulder. 

Angel was left alone with his friends. He turned to them, a haunted look on his face. 

"Let's escape this placs while we still can."

He couldn't bear a second surrounded by the self serving crowd. 

On cue, the five of them were swallowed into their shadows. 



"The stars are so bright..."

Goku sighed, raising a hand towards the air. 

There were no clouds in sight, revealing the starry sky above them. 


Angel lying on the rooftop next to him sighed. 

"One day...I'm gonna venture out there and discover the mysteries of the universe."

"Is that before or after world domination?"

Jinx asked, lying on his other side.

"Hopefully after."

Cheshire interjected beside Jinx. 

"That way, you won't have any unfinished business."

Ravager snorted next to Cheshire. 

"You talk as if it's that easy, but countless people have tried to take over the world...and failed."

"So you think I can't do it? I'm hurt Rosey. "

Angel said. 

Ravager, sat upright in panic, 

"No, I didn't say that! Of course I believe you Angel. You know how much I trust in..."

She trailed off as Angel and the rest broke out in laughter. 

"You're the worst."

Ravager shook her head, lying back down and facing the sky once more. 

Comfortable silence fell among them. 

"Just because no one's done it before doesn't mean I can't."

Angel broke it, in the most serious tone they had ever heard.

"Conquering the's not easy, but I can't live in it without at least trying. I'll do it, and then everyone will call me the King of Earth."

As ridiculous as his statement was, none of them could actually deny the confidence in his voice. It felt like a foregone conclusion to him. And the four of them were left speechless. 


Angel spoke up.

"How are the suits?"

"It's fine, just a bit tight on the chest."

Ravager commented. 

Angel was surprised by this and regarded her. 

"The costumes are created with nanomachines. They should be fitting without being too uncomfortable."

"Well, it's the truth."

Ravager shrugged.

"Mine's tight."

Jinx stared at Ravager's chest and snorted. 

"She's lying. She just wants you to stare at her boobs."

Amidst Cheshire's laughter and Ravager's glare, Angel nodded in realization, 

"Ooh, I mean you don't you have to go that far. I already know how big they are."

Angel commented, eyes fixed on Ravager's chest. 

'Double D's. Hard to believe they belong to a 15 year old.'

Angel thought to himself. 

"You like?"

Ravager asked, proudly jutting out her chest, which seemed to increase in size even more. 

"Oh yes, very much."

Angel giggled pervertedly. 

Jinx stared down at her own flat chest, her face turning a deep red that was a mix of jealousy and longing. 

"T-thats not fair! She did something to enlargen them! They're not normally that huge!"

She accused. 

"Someone's jealous."

Cheshire snorted. 

"I'm not! She pumped them up!"

Jinx protested. 

"Pumped them up? I have no idea what you're talking about Jinx."

Ravager innocently replied, her chest visibly enlarging even more. 

The two of then descended into argument while Cheshire laughed and Angel watched on, not the least bit unhappy with the show. 

"Angel, I'm...not sure about the suit."

Goku said unexpectedly. 

The others quieted down, looking towards Angel for his response. 

As if he'd expected it, a smirk was on his face.

"What do you mean Goku? You don't like it?"

"No, I like it. It's just- it doesn't feel like me, you know."

The young Saiyan replied, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. 

"It's too restrictive and doesn't have a hole for my tail."

"Then change it. Right now."

Angel simply told him. 

"Huh? You mean undress?"

Goku asked in surprise gazing around at the others. 

"In front of...girls?"

'I'm surprised he's feeling embarrassed. Not the Goku I was expecting.'

Angel thought. 

"No, I mean, calibrate the suit into a form you like. Similar to what Ravager is doing."

He told Goku while pointing at her. 

Jinx looked in between Angel and Ravager with a befuddled stare. 


"Wait, you mean you guys didn't know?"

Cheshire asked amused. 

"Twist and press on your right sleeve cufflink. The suit will read your mind and shift into whatever style your prefer. It's how Ravager changed her skirt into pants."

"I had no idea..."

Jinx muttered, studying her sleeve. 

Meanwhile, Goku had followed the instructions and changed his suit into a blue Gi with a black sash.

"That's so much better."

He sighed, jumping and stretching his body. His tail swayed freely behind him. 

"The BlackNite Ensembles you're wearing are special. The normal kind won't have the same features as we can't risk flooding that many nanites into the world. Don't want a grey goo situation."

The chances of someone gaining strange and potentially devastating powers from an 'accident' involving the BlackNite Ensemble, was more than likely. This was DC afterall. 

So Angel had ensured any BlackNite Suits mass produced would have Nanites heavily restricted in what they could do. With the exception of his team of course. 

"Speaking of, you guys need a name...can't keep calling you the Team in my head."

He told them. 

"Oh, I have an idea, how about the Z fighters?"

Goku suggested something that made Angel arch a brow at him, 

"How and why did you think of that?"

"Don't know."

The Saiyan shrugged. 

"It just came to me."

"Well it sucks."

Cheshire said bluntly 

"But lucky for you, I have one...the Avengers."

"Nope. Copyright issues. Do better."

Angel shook his head. 

"That doesn't make any sense."

She grumbled back. 

"Oh oh, I got it!"

Jinx snapped her fingers. 

"The Fearsome F-"

"""" No.""""

The other Four immediately rejected it. 


She tried to speak. 

"""" No.""""

Only to be cut off once more. 

"I have one."

Ravager called out.

"There's four of us, and we'll probably be going uo against the whole world at some point on account of who we work for. So, how about..."

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