Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 120: The Dark Jade

The 2nd Elven Undead War Arc, Start


_Phew that's all there to be done in Gjallarhorn._

After delivering the head of Noir to Roselle's throne room and making Eleanor go home first, I finally went back to Bulawan. Still, I will not go to the capital yet because of the multitudes of things that I have to do here, for starters I have to create a research team for medical research, this team will not be using holy water to create potions but instead will use our wild herbs and enhance them with mana to create a more potent version of this world's medicines, it's time to revolutionize this world. Also, I need to go to Arachne and peer review her research about the spider silk, I also need to create an official agreement with Sipnayan for the business permit of her restaurant.

Unfortunately, I cannot use the Shadow Clone Jutsu and can only do all of that one at a time.

The wind blew by the trees as my queendom started to feel colder, so cold it has become that some white mist can already be seen whenever I breathe, it seems like winter is already here, and when winter is near that means the new year too.

_It's almost a year since I reincarnated in this world..._

I walked towards my room that has a sleeping Eleanor in it, I smiled as I walked towards the bed, she would be going to her mega lab (Magayon) to create the prototype of the rifle I was making her do, it seemed like she wanted to enjoy the last night we will spend together because she is in see-through clothes with no underwear whatsoever, though I am quite tired too even though I am not supposed to feel fatigued, It's tiring to mess around with Royalties and nobles, I tell you that.

_Ah, I also have to find myself, and I need to do it fast..._

That is my last thought before I joined my wife in her deep slumber.

The next day, I woke up quite late and wondered why does it felt like the previous scene was too melancholic, however, I ignored it and went straight to my office within Bulawan, carefully of course to not awaken my wife. Besides the things I have stated earlier, I also needed to do one thing, though just out of curiosity so I did not list it down as a priority, you see with my successful retrieval of the "Dark Jade", I have completed one of the missions Siginarugan have given to me, so I wonder what will the Jade say to me since it can talk.

It's a divine relic so it should be something interesting, also I am pretty sure that I will get a massive upgrade here, as a trend on all the things that The god of the undead has given to me until now. I was thinking of that whilst I entered my office, there was a crown that was about as big as a spread-out laptop, the crown had an intricate pattern whilst its lower half is that of black color and the upper half that of gold, in the middle of such majestic crown is a dark jade that is continuously spewing dark auroras whilst pulsating with energy and seemingly excitement.

_Should I say welcome home?_

While I was observing the crown, I widened my eyes as I saw it shatter into pieces, darn I was planning to give it back, anyway, such an occurrence left the dark jade floating alone in its original position, though this time, it spoke.

"My lady, thank you for bringing me back to my true home, I have been held captive in that accursed room for a long time."

I nodded, intending to say that it was nothing, the jade seemed to have a mechanism that resembled the sense of sight as I could feel that it was staring at me, after confirming this, I said.

"You're welcome, however, I am quite curious as to how did you even ended up in the clutches of a foreign land."

The jade seemed to make a metaphorical sigh, it even hung down a little to convey its emotions of reminiscence well, how intelligent.

"It is a long story, my lady, however, I got to my previous predicament after the Elven Undead war, the False Prophet of the elves shattered me... or us, a crystal that hangs above the palace of Thanatos and sealed off the place, this resulted in a grave loss for the undeads in Thanatos, also sealing them and only the army in this forest was spared, but as you might have already known, the god of the undead also caused the white elves' control towards their dark variant to suddenly plummet to the point of dividing the Stardust Kingdom and plunging it to civil war."

"Behind these events, I, a shard of the great divine relic that gives eternal life to undeads was stolen by the King of Gjallarhorn at that time, and because mortals can never comprehend the power of the divine, I was just sealed using a very strong illusion magic circle, and up until today, I was never found."

I nodded at this, before continuing my inquiry.

"Do you know what is the reason for our war against elves?"

The jade went silent for a second before saying: "I cannot answer such questions."

Yeah figures, it wouldn't make sense if you do, after all. After that question, the jade seemed to not know anything more, well, this interaction shall confirm my guess about Siginarugan's plan, and upon confirming this, an even more intense sense of urgency welled up in me, I need to clear out that fog Sinag is talking about if I wanted to properly intervene in this plan.

While I was thinking of this, the jade interrupted my silent brooding as it said.

"Well, then my lady, I shall fulfill my job, from today on, you are not the weak point of the undead's immortality anymore until I am destroyed, sealed, or stolen somehow, all undeads will not die, you will also not be the resurrection point of the undead, but instead me, in front of the palace at your capital, farewell."

The jade did not even wait for my response and flew out of the room, it seemed like it could not use the 4th dimension because it was a divine relic, just like when I was trying to sneak it out. Seeing this, I sighed.

_Finally, the undeads in Indio can now fight face to face and stop going for an all-day all night guerilla warfare... actually, it was a miracle that none of them suddenly appeared while we were staining the sheets in my guest room back in Gjallarhorn._

I walked towards my seat, and upon doing so, a notification appeared in my mind.

[Notice: The third condition for the last mission of the Fallen Hero of the Undeads has started, one of the numerous shards of the god's relic [Dark Jade] has been acquired, and the god of the undead finally trusts you fully and rewarded you the title [The Queen of Undeads]. The individual will evolve in accordance to her new race and title, please evolve whenever you see fit.]

I squinted my eyes at that notice, it's been a long time since I heard Siri say something so long in one breath, also, it seemed like I was not recognized by the system as the queen of the undeads yet even though all of them are so loyal to me that they will give me their husbands and wives if I asked them to, that's kind of funny, but anyway, I miss the feeling of evolution, I wonder if I will fall asleep once again. I was kind of excited and curious so I immediately commenced the evolution.

_Ah, I'm not sleepy._

That is what all I can say before I was engulfed by black twirling matter of some sort, I was expecting some cloud of something or a cocoon as a tribute to the old times, but I was surprised by the fact that the system seemed to modify all of my cells one by one while I'm fully conscious, I can feel my eyes becoming void and then going back to becoming eyes as well as the entirety of my upper and lower extremities, it is a very odd feeling that lasted for about 30 minutes.

I slowly closed my eyes as I noticed immediately that the chair tailored for my bum to have a lot of space to move has now little space for me to sit.

[Oh my...]

[Guide] seemed to be shocked, I immediately went out of the chair I was in and stood up in front of a full-body mirror, I looked at the figure in front of me and could not help but ask.

_Who the hell is this?_

No, well, of course, I did not get an amnesia and I am quite clear that I am Sophia Demiurge, but I am just too shocked by the difference between my new appearance and my previous one, it makes me wonder if I am really the person in the reflection. You see, in the mirror, I can see a woman with shoulder-length silver hair that glistens upon the illumination of the flames inside the office, she has pale white skin that is being complimented by crimson-red eyes, not to mention, my previous straight as stick figure became that of a golden ratioed one, of course, I still pale in comparison in terms of Eleanor's, but my thighs became a tier wider to complement my slender waist, my breasts were also already obvious compared to before, you can squeeze them and you're hands will be full, though if you did it to my wife, they will spill out of your hands.

All of this bombshell body was being covered by a dark backless dress, also, my heels changed too, it somehow became sturdier.

_Ah, I became quite taller too... though still way shorter than Urduja._

I cannot help but admire myself as I caressed my waist with my two hands, they went down and upwards towards my breast which I squeezed a little bit too, I have really become a queen, thank god I didn't remain a midget.

More than all of those, however, I can also feel a great power swelling up inside me, it was like this storm, subservient to my will yet unstable, maybe due to the fact that I am a newly evolved person. Now that I think about it, is this the power that Urduja has to control all the time? No, as far as I can see with our mindless brawl, what I feel inside me is not even a quarter of her true power, I wonder if I will ever see her go all out.

_I should also check my stats, it has been a long time since I did, apparently, the system interface will change when you become a hero and above._

As I thought of that, I willed for my stats to appear.

[Name: Sophia Demiurge

HP: 1,000,000

Race: The Queen of Undead

Mana: 1,000,000

Stamina: Unlimited

Titles: Queen of the Undead: Full control over the race, amplification of the unique skill [Necromancer].


Unique: [Guide](Sentience), [Necromancer Abilities: Turn undead, EXP share Hivemind(unlimited range), Never Tire, Undead Mist: A mist that turns people in a certain range into undeads] [Observe]


[Flame Magic][Earth Magic] [Wind Magic][Water Magic][DarkMagic][Space Magic]


[Siginarugan]: Summon a gigantic four-armed golem of the fire and earth element that can wreak havoc on anything and anywhere as long as one's mana is sufficient.

[The Shadow at the Valley of Death]: A grim reaper will descend with its scythe to take the life of anyone that it grazes, unavoidable

[Cerberus]: A Multi Elemental Monster that descends at the will of its master, power depends on the mana infused.

[Night Prison]: An illusionary world created by the will of Sophia Demiurge.]

_Wow, it changed, did the author become lazy?_

Well, in any case, the hero stat board became vaguer and purely symbolic if you think about it, after all, like how I defeated Hebi (though I failed to kill her) when you are a hero, pure strength or racial superiority will become irrelevant, it is more on how you effectively utilize all the things on your arsenal, if Hebi just used her daggers from the start, then the battle would have been longer because she is the fastest and most comfortable using such weapon, but instead, I was able to exploit her old fart arrogance quite easily.

Going back, I noticed that my mana and health were already at 1 million, and my race also became that Queen of the Undead alongside my title, it seems like someone is being lazy when thinking things through.

_Also, so that one can perform them easily, original skills, and techniques if you may are recorded so that the system can assist you in accessing its concept... hmm, this interface let go of a lot of its chokehold on the progress of a person but adds other ones as well._

Just as I was analyzing my stats, a creak was heard in the door.


Eleanor, still with her see-through dress looked at me, confused.

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