Sorcerer from Another World

Battle Renewed

“Where is Iris?” Morgana asked. 

I extended my senses, “She’s in Ferisdarm with Umbra, most likely helping Galen gather the last survivors so we can leave.”

“Is that the plan, Sorcerer, to leave?” One of the warriors asked. 

“Last I heard from Galen he intended to bust out of Ferisdarm.” I said.

“Where will we go?”

“Meet up with Arthur surely?”

“North. We do not know where Arthur makes camp, but there are still strongholds in Alba. The hills and mountains are steep while the ground is soft and wet. The Romans will struggle to navigate and dominate.” Morgana told them. 

“We are running.”

“We have been beaten by the Unseelie, who should have stood with us. It is their doom as well the Romans will bring about.”

“They act as they have always done and always will. Not even the end of everything could change that.” Morgana said solemnly. “It has been a long night, but in the shelter up north with time to recover and prepare.”

“How do you know this to be true?”

“I have faith in my Paragon. He overcame Maraon, his greatest deed yet. In a few days he has done it. Give him a few months or even weeks and we will have the might to push back the Romans from our lands. I swear it.” Morgana placed a hand on my shoulder. “Our struggle is not in vain. It is not a futile resistance. Our actions tonight carry us towards a better tomorrow.”

“Morgana Pendragon!”

“Morgana Pendragon!” I joined their cries. 

She surely had a thing for inspiring speeches. Did the fact that she was filled to the brim with my cum make it hotter? It did, but it only added to her allure.

It was her confidence to command and certainty in her convictions. She was a leader who had the charisma and a mind for strategy. She gave me the credit, but without her I would have left these people to seek safety. 

I may have struck back, but she was the one who positioned us here.

We were at war now. If Morgana was right. We win. I wondered what I would do during peace in this strange land. My future back home was a dark, bleak mystery that promised only more thankless labour. Here, I could raise a family, go exploring, create a city of magic and opportunity. The possibilities seemed limitless and wonderful. 

My thoughts were broken off by thundering cries from beyond the walls. Ten thousand voices shouting as one. 

“Make ready!” Morgana called.

“Why do they not flee!”

“I know right. I have killed their best.” I complained. 

“Yet their weakest number over a hundred times our own. A hungry mob who have their prey caught in a trap. Fight! Steel yourselves. The Sorcerer of tomorrow stands with you now. And, I, Morgana Pendragon, fight by your side. Legends! Are you ready live?”


The warriors' cries were drowned out by the roaring Redcaps from beyond Ferisdarm’s walls. 

Morgana drew her blade, “If you fight you stay. Anyone else take cover. Legends, hold the breach no matter what comes! 

Two great walls of fire, like the ones that chased us days before, consumed Ferisdarm’s wooden walls around my metal wall. The wood turned to ash and embers. My metal wall stood unharmed by the heat. 

“Damian. Strike first!” Morgana ordered. 

I pushed the metal wall forward and splattered the Redcaps in its path. I mowed them down by the hundreds.

The fire walls pushed forward as well into the breach and straight for me. 

I flew through the air. “Retreat!” 

“Retreat!” Morgana echoed, “Steel cannot match fire.” 

The fire walls, unable to reach me, were sent to hound Morgana and the warriors.

Frustrated and unable to think of a counter, I spun the metal walls to slaughter more of the main Redcap army. I was successful, but slower than the advance of the flame walls through Ferisdarm. In the wake of the fire walls a great fire spread through the hillfort and large plumes of smoke rose. In a last spiteful move, I threw the metal wall through their ranks. 

Flying above, I saw to our left Iris by herself holding burning a wave of Unseelie. At her back were our maids and the folks from Yolin's hill. Soon they would be overwhelmed.

I flew towards them, but suddenly purple bloomed before my eyes. I slammed into it and was swatted from the sky. I tried to scrambled up but thick green smoke filled my lungs. I coughed and spat up blood, My eyes stung and I cried blood as the world swirled. A huge stone crushed me into the ground. Then they poured fire down my open throat. 

I detonated. A wave of magic exploded outwards from my body wiping away the surrounding Unseelie. 

I looked up and saw a purple orb flashed and pulsed over the ruins of Ferisdarm.

“Not again.”

But, I had no time to counter Maraon.

The Redcaps and Orges swarmed me by the hundreds. My armour and flesh held but have you ever tried to think while getting your eyes stabbed by a stone knife. I was pinned under the crushing weight of their bodies and malice. I had my stomach pummelled constantly by a troll using me as a trampoline. Further, My innards were still fried.

I could not die. 

As I lay helpless, Morgana held back Maradon. Force against force struggled for supremacy. The ground cracked at her feet and her muscles bulged with the strain. Crimson swirls of mana circled her as she drew upon dead flesh to empower her. The effort turned her hair white. Empowered by blood magic she held Maradon to a standstill.    

A clatter of steel and cries rang out around me. The pain ebbed away and I erased the worst of it. I opened my eyes and saw Meredith and her riders. My saviours.

“Meredith. I’m glad you are here. Take your warriors to the left flank, Iris’ position is overrun!”

“I have your back!” She answered with a smile.

I smiled back then turned as a Cù-sìth leaped. I blasted it to dust. but then I felt a sharp pain. A dizziness came over me and I swayed, I looked down to a gold like arrow protruding through my chest and heart.

I dropped to the ground.

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