Sorcerer from Another World

Battle Won

Tired, I let the spell drop and the metal sheet dropped with a clang. Splattering blood and gore. On second thought, I conjured the metal into a staff tall as I am and grey after my family name. The warriors dyed with blue paint started cutting off the heads of the redcaps and collecting them. Some kind of trophies?

I sensed the approach of chainmail and heard its rattle. I turned and saw a human man in armour approach. “That was good work, Mage.”

I smiled modestly. “Not my usual work. I’m more of a talker than a fighter, but it seems like I have talent for this sort of adventuring. The name is Damian Grey.”

What that meant to him, I had no idea or care. My body was flooded with adrenaline, and I struggled between the pull the sleep or starting a new fight to keep the buzz going.

“Marius Terrell, Chief of this warband.”

He offered his hand, and I shook it with a firm grip. “Well met Marius. You travel with an interesting group. Are you escorting the survivors?”

He nodded in assent, his big bushy eyebrows frowning deeply.  “We were sent to scout and suppress Unseelie raids. Our efforts to retreat have been dogged by ambushes and we’ve lost too many. Worse, our War Wizard perished to a spike trap. Since then, we have lost contact with the war effort.”

“I was told the the Roman invasion has outmatched its resistance. The Fae order is at an end.”

“I’m afraid that concurs with our last intel. Things are going to get even worse. We cannot face Romans and Unseelie at the same time.” He ruminated, stroking a thick black beard. “You are welcome to join our merry band. We do not have a Mage of your skill. I am sure Chieftain Galen will want to discuss strategy with you.”

“That is agreeable.” I answered. “I could do with some help fending off all these attacks.”

Iris, Morgana and Umbra came over. They looked worse for wear. Iris and Morgana were alive only by their magic as both looked closer to porcupines than humans. Umbra lived through a mixture of Morgana’s heroism, and her own cowardice. Iris curtsied prettily but Marius didn’t spare her a glance. Morgana stared at him with the implied expectations he should bow to her.    

“These are my companions. Iris, Umbra and Morgana. Treat them with the same respect you do me.”

“If you insist. There should be no problem. We can offer no clothes or food, but my band is civil.”

Morgana linked arms with me as if we were familiar. Perhaps even lovers. “Master Grey, I know you are busy but you know how to keep a woman waiting.”   

“Master, can you help? It hurts. Your magic is wearing off.“ Iris whimpered, pressing against me.

Umbra wrapped her arms around me from the back, glueing herself to me, and I could feel the subtle, perky curves of her body, “Come, let us rest by a fire.”

I had to take a moment to not get fooled. The deception was against Marius and his band. They were acting but it felt real. This was how they wanted it to be, appearing as devoted followers of the scary mage. Having spent a lifetime treating everyone with kindness but myself. This sort of adoring attention was like being on the happy drugs.  

I looked over both of them, trying to focus my attention. Well acting to an extent, maybe they did need medical attention. Those arrows have got to hurt. Umbra hands started to grope.  

“Of course, by promise, you are under my protection. Marius I assume you don’t intend to move out until sunrise?”

He glanced at the night sky. “We can wait a little longer, I think we would all appreciate a longer rest before the march.” He stroked his beard again, a gleam flashed in his blue eyes. “I don’t suppose you could heal some of the band too?”

“Indeed, I can.” I promised. “That will take time and I am short on sleep. I will help any emergency cases, the rest can wait till I’ve had some sleep.”

“Excellent.” He looked at the line of wagons and nodded to himself. “We will set you up at the back, with a wagon of your own. That should keep any troublemakers from bothering you.”

“Thank you.”

He walked away back to the wagons. I stared at the treeline, watching but sensing no metals. Morgana had spoken of an army of Romans. I knew a little history. Romans were the conquerors of the known world on earth. They took over most of Europe and Britain as well as places like Egypt. I have no idea how similar they are to these Romans. What was really going to happen?

“Damian? Are you alright?” Morgana asked.

“Yeah.” I turned to her and smiled. “I was lost in thought. It’s been a long day.”

“I know, all I want to do is soak in a bath then dive into bed.” Iris agreed.

“First, let me get those arrows out.”  

I numbed her pain then pulled the arrows out and started closing up their wounds. Repeating the process with Morgana. It was not pretty but painless to them and quick.

Iris’s body was magical as well, in fact, it was like every bit had been manipulated with magic and every bit of flesh was still open to being changed further.

Actually, like it had already been worked on. It was like looking at a new building having been constructed on the foundation of an older building. Beautiful but as to why she or someone else had gone through so much effort I didn’t know. In fact, I wasn’t even sure what the change was, only that the Iris I was looking at now used to have a very different body.

Iris was bright red looking at me with her mouth agape.

“You shouldn’t have looked.” She said her brows furrowed in anger.    

I was stunned. “I didn’t think.”

“Hey, it’s okay, sweetness. It was an accident. He was trying to help.” Morgana tried to mollify her.

“No!” Iris exploded and stormed off to our wagon.

“Shit.” I muttered. “Why?”

“It’s fine, you did nothing wrong. I’m sorry I can’t say. Just give her time.” Morgana said before running off to catch up to Iris.

The wagons were nothing special. 

Large carts pulled by horses or donkeys. Iris and Morgana were currently in one of the biggest ones with a canvas round that covered the top and sides like out of a western. I walked past our wagon, I heard someone sobbing inside.

I seemed to have done something stupid and hurtful again. I sighed and kicked the dirt. I was alone again bound to help someone who now despised me.

I didn’t know where Umbra had gone off to. 

“Master Sorcerer, I was told you would help our injured.” A figure, armoured in chainmail, politely.

So much for sleep. 

“Yes, I did say that. Lead on, please.”

They bowed low. “Follow me.”   

A few lay wrapped in blankets in obvious pain and surrounding them there was a crowd of a dozen, and I was sceptical of how many actually needed healing. After I got through the dying healing a mixture of infections and bleeding, I moved onto the ones able to stand. 

After fixing a few broken bones and infected wounds, even more began to gather including villagers as they saw the Sorcerer was genuine. I walked among them healing their sickness like a figure out of a story. The experience was surreal. The sun was starting the rise as I got to work on the last few.

I sensed the increasingly familiar hum of Morgana’s weapons and armour. “Hey.” She said almost sounding bashful.

“Hey.” I said trying to mask the tiredness in my voice.

She looked around at the healed as I stared out at the orange streak of sunrise.

“You are the real deal, huh.”

I didn’t say anything in response. The contradictory feelings of pride and shame left me speechless.

“You should get some sleep.” She said firmly.

“I know.” I replied.

She paced back and forth. “Iris is okay.” She told me and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“She was shocked, but this isn’t really a big deal. There is no need to for you to avoid us. If she would just explain to you.” She took a deep breath. “Iris is my person, okay. I love her but we need you. I don’t know how to fix this.”

“I do.”

The gnawing guilt ate at me like a dead weight in my stomach. I had tried to help; I had helped. But I saw something deeply personal, past mere surface nakedness but in the history of her body; without her permission. I had with my good intentions violated her personal boundaries which she had put in place. Morgana was wrong. It is not fine.

“It is the main skill I know.”

I walked over to the wagon; my gait steady as I pushed through my weariness. I knocked on the outside. “Can I come in?”

“Yes.” Iris replied quietly.

I stepped in. Iris’ eyes were red and she looked like she had very little sleep. The inside of the wagon itself was modest with their stuff still in their bags. Stray hay lay in the corners. It was a tight space for three but we would make do, I guess. I settled myself down and sighed with relief. It had been a long night.

I glanced at Iris. “I spent a life on Earth learning to control what to do and say when being with other people. But I am magic now, and I’ve yet to control that. It doesn’t… what I mean is that I am sorry, I’m learning, and I hope you can forgive me, but it is more important that you are okay. How are you feeling?”

“I’m sorry for getting mad. But that wasn’t okay. You know that right?” Iris replied.

“I know.” I gulped. “Whatever it is that is hurting you, I don’t really know. I know you or someone changed your body permanently. I’m not asking you to tell me what happened but that’s it, that’s what I noticed.”

“Okay. I believe you.”

Morgana peeked in. “Iris, tell him, please.” She implored.

Iris looked away with her shoulders raised she pulled away. She looked uncomfortable.

“I am a woman.”


“I didn’t used to be.”

“Oh.” I uttered monosyllabic. “Alright. That is perfectly fine. You’re trans then. You were born in a man’s body but see yourself as a woman. However, you went a step further as a Druid with magic you made yourself a body like a sculptor forming art. You created you.”

“Yes.” She murmured shyly.

“That is amazing, Iris.”

“She really is.” Morgana encouraged.

“I am?”

Morgana and I nodded enthusiastically with big smiles. Body dysmorphia was no joke, I had known people who had hurt themselves. Some through constant self-deprecation till they whittled themselves down to shreds. Others who sliced open their wrists as the cutting somehow made them feel less pain. One who ended it all. I didn’t expect Iris to believe me but I had to try and express my genuine affection for her.   

“Can you hold me?” Iris asked.

Morgana nodded with a smile.

“Yeah, I would be happy to.” I bent over and cuddled with her.

“It’s not your fault, you inherited that body. I’m thrilled you have the figure of your wish.”

“Thank you.”

It had been a long day. Perhaps if she hadn’t lost her home, been chased for days with monsters bent on killing her, while her known world fell apart around her she might have handled having her deepest secret exposed with less drama. Maybe not. Who am I to judge what she feels? All I knew was that I felt a lot better with her in my arms having forgiven me.

I hoped she felt the same. 

Soon enough we drifted to sleep. 

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