Sorcerer from Another World


At first sight I realised that Elkilbour wasn’t quite a city in the modern or mediaeval sense. It was more of a fortress for many farms. It was an amazing sight and I didn’t know anything like it back on earth.

I think a city on earth usually has some sort of temple, and has lots of buildings close together. Elkilbour did not have a temple, but it did have a Circle of Stones. There was also a large stone pillar where a flying, wooden ship docked at the top. I later found out about a complex underground cave network dedicated to the druids.

It was the White City mentioned in Morgana’s prophecy.

The white washed, thick, stone walls were even more impressive than the kind seen in a castle or temple back home. Magic and druidry were interwoven with the stone that was carved to give humans a final refuge. A last barrier against a giant or dragon coming for a feast.

We got in easily enough with Làidir and Tomlin the Druid with us. Làidir, especially, commanded a fear among the guards that made them act swiftly and without question.

“Come the quicker we drop off the refugee the faster we can duel.” Làidir said with her one track mind.

“Do you think of anything other than fighting?” I said jokingly.

She looked me up and down with a rather vulgar attention.

She cracked a smirk, “Sometimes.”

Oh boy, she’s trouble.

“I want to see the Kings first.” Morgana said. “Our negotiations with them will determine our future here.”

“I would like to visit the Druids and pay my respects.” Iris said in counter.

“We have to ensure everyone is safe and together. The people should be our first priority.” Rebecca said.

“The will of the Resurrected One comes first and from his deeds good things follow.” Gainor decreed.

“Gainor is right. What do you wish for, Master?” Umbra asked.

One of the first things we had done in arriving at Ferisdarm was talking to Galen its Chieftain. My friendship, if our brief time can be called that, had proven fruitful. But, Rebecca was right to, and Iris’ wish was fair.

“Iris, I cannot head to the Circle of Druids first. We have too much responsibility, but you and Samyia can go with Tomlin.”

“If you have any trouble, set a big fire and we will come running, okay.” Morgana said with a wink.

“You trust me to go?”

My eyes narrowed. She had been emotionally manipulated by Bomdall. She could have overpowered him, but was mentally overwhelmed by him. It was a risk.

Morgana and I pull her into a hug, acting in sync, sharing with her with our warmth.

“We’ve got you if there is any trouble, my precious.” I reassured her.

“Go show them that they shouldn’t mess with my love, Iris.” Morgana encouraged her.

I said to everyone there, “Umbra keep an eye on them. Gainor and Rebecca look after everyone. Morgana and I with Tara will talk to the Kings of Gelt. See what our situation is here.”

“I like it.” Morgana said with pride and good cheer.

Rather than an urban sprawl, Elkilbour was more of a series of interconnected farmsteads that stretched tens of miles around. It had a population of over ten thousand which in comparison to a modern town let alone city was tiny.

I knew little of the geography of Albion, let alone Alba the northernmost region. Having only seen a glimpse during my battle with Maradon from outside the planet. I know more people live outside of cities than before industrial cities, so I guessed with little evidence that Alba had more than one hundred thousand people.

Likely due to Druidic influence this was a city that lived with nature. The smells of the city were also fragrant and varied. Much more pleasant than a modern or mediaeval city.

However, that also meant it produced far less than what an industrial or exploitative power could rob from the earth.

Elklibour was surrounded by two rivers on each side and a complex system of river dykes protected the city from the power of the sea. Fisherfolk caught what they could.

Elkilbour or so I was told was an ancient city with legends as fabled as Camelot. It held the largest and most powerful gathering of Druids in Albion and one of the greatest on the planet.

It was also where the Kings of Gelt, the most powerful rulers in Alba resided. There were there rivals the Queen of Avitun to the west and further west still where the pirates on isles off the coast of Alba. Then to the North the clans of Tinu were fractious allies to the Gelts.

In peacetime, the city was more than large enough for its citizens, but between the Romans and the Unseelie refugee’s like us had swarmed to hide behind the walls of Elkibour.

Walking through the city towards its centre, I saw how severe overcrowding had become in the masses of homeless people. They looked fed, but sick and tired from the cold. The showers of rain certainly didn’t help their situation.

At the centre of the city was a hillfort of stone. Great siege crossbows manned by stone golems waited in ready. All in all, it seemed less sized for humans than for giants. Which was in fact the case.

“Yes, Elkilbour was made by Giants and Druids long ago.” Morgana confirmed. “Only Camelot forged with dragon flames and magic surpasseses this city’s defences in all of Albion.”

“Are those Golem’s functional?”

Morgana rubbed her chin, “Yes, but it seems strange to keep them to the hillfort, and not protecting the outer wall.”

Morgana told me about the people of Alba.

How further north the people lived a more pastoral life. In Elkilbour they farmed whatever they could and gathered what they could from the forests both within the city limits and beyond.

It seemed safe inside the walls, but outside anguish, terror and a brutal death awaited. I understood Erec’s anger a little more seeing the peace inside the walls of Elkilbour. I can’t say for sure he is right, for they take in refugees.

I wonder if the city could stand against a determined attack by the Unseelie or the Romans. It wouldn’t fall easily, but if I had to bet it would fall. That is, without us as allies, but now we were here I was confident Elkilbour would stand.

I would know for sure once the Romans tested us.

I didn’t want to set down our roots within the city walls, it seemed overcrowded enough as it was but nearby would be perfect. Close enough to the city so we can work together, but far enough that we don’t step on each other's toes.

I was not so hopeful that I stopped believing in the wretchedness of humans. Meredith’s betrayal during the darkest hour at Ferisdarm came to mind. Bomdall’s plot was at the heart of all the disasters that had happened since I first arrived.

Something would go wrong, but I had a vague goal. Morgana would help me make it happen. Together we would keep Iris safe. I would sort out Umbra and who knows what else. Maybe finally fuck the maid silly.

The buildings near the Hillfort and closer to the docks were noticeably bigger and grander than the ones near the edge of the city. Farmstead, roundhouses and the like were closer to small mansions than a house as I knew it.

The buildings were interwoven with shrubbery, trees and wildlife. The animals like boar, deer and more that I thought would live in a forest moved freely, but did not harm humans.

The force of druidry in the building of this city was evident.

The Hillfort, while far smaller than the outer walls, was thicker still with spells of even greater intricacy and complexity. You could throw a bomb at it, and they would stand.

The walls were only one layer of protection. Moss-covered the walls as well as hanging vines, sprouting flowers, beastial plants, beasts of all kinds guarded and painted the outside of the Hillfort. A druidic line of defence, I imagined and that was what was visible.

Morgana, Tara and I walked inside the stone Hillfort guided by two lines of warriors that made Galen’s people look like toy soldiers. However, looking closer with my magic eyes, they lacked the muscle of the warriors of Ferisdarm.

I knew from experience each one of our warriors were tested and legends in the flesh. Looks can be deceiving, afterall. Perhaps these warriors of Gelts were naught by toy soldiers. Dressed finely with shiny cloaks, fancy paint and gleaming weapons.

Time would tell.

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