Sorcerer from Another World

Foreplay ❤️

The sun rose high in the sky, and I blinked a couple of times as I adjusted to the bright light of day. The wagons were moving along slowly down the path pulled by horses and donkeys with many humans walking beside them in small groups.

I noticed for the first time a few people half the size of humans with big, floppy ears and small horns growing out the tops of their heads. They were clothed, but very hairy. I would have to ask what they were but it seemed rude to do so. Evidently, they got along well with their friends among the humans. 

They all looked pale and bleary-eyed, but a few seemed to be healthy. Many were just talking and if not quite smiling had a liviness to their movements. It was perhaps a social bond between them that they may have lost their homes, but they could rebuild. 

They still had hope. At least, that could be the case. 

Perhaps it was the knowledge that the people of Yolin’s Hill were protected by their steadfast warriors. The warriors were well armoured in chainmail and well stocked in weapons. They wore plaid cloaks with plain silver Celtic brooches and their skin was painted in blue dye in geometric patterns.

But, the warriors looked worse; grimmer. Their hands kept closer to their axes and sheens of sweat gleamed off their exposed skin. I observed them turn their heads in every direction; preparing, waiting for the next attack. They were all wound tighter than a corkscrew. For good reason. 

I decided to keep my eyes peeled, but try not to read too deeply into their actions until I learned more about these strange people.

“It’s been tough, Sorcerer.” Said the same soldier who escorted me the night before. “We started with fifty and now we are half that. I’ve never lost those kinds of numbers before. Trained, experienced warriors dying like farmers fighting with pitchforks.”

“What has been killing your band?”

“Redcap raids, they take our supplies and watchers. A ogre ambush slaughtered many before we burned them and sent them off. I’ll be honest I don’t know how you do it, I never seen an ogre die by anything other than fire before. Hells, I never saw an ogre a month ago. There’s worse monsters out there too but nothing short of a giant scares me like those mages.”

That made sense. I wouldn’t like to face those mages without magic or a gun. Just how big were giants?

“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Tara.” she replied with a cool steel-eyed stare. A half smile flickered at her small, vertical scar above her lip.   

A call in the distance interrupted any further talk. She paused, nodded low then hurried away. Huh, that was what respect looked like. A moment’s pause to recognise the individual and appreciate them.

We walked and the wagons drove over hills, the warm sun on our backs, the endless blue sky stretching above our heads. Next, we passed through a long valley that continued to wind its way northward. 

When we passed by a stream we stopped, and everyone drank and refilled their waterskins. I didn’t have one but crafted a steel canteen to use as a flask. It took a few attempts to get the screw on lid the right proportions but once I did, I had a portable water container.

I met up with Morgana and Iris at this point they passed me some rolls to eat and we chatted. They asked a few personal questions and I answered honestly albeit vaguely. They seemed to get I wasn’t going to open up and left it alone.. 

Iris gave me a gift in return: a wooden bracelet with carved Celtic knots that she said would keep me warm. 

Umbra came over and talked to me, she seemed to like to talk about what she knew, and I was an empty cup desperately wanting to be filled with knowledge. She kept aloof from the others. I took some security that Umbra was a mage like me, and also somewhat of an outsider as well. 

The sun was setting at our backs, yellow light turned orange and the shadows and shade merged to form a film of darkness. I was asking how long they had been together when we came to two steep hills marking the end of the valley. 

A silence settled among the group of villagers and soldiers. Before the valley’s end, many burial mounds rose in the shape of small hills with stone pillars at the top. 

“An ancient battle was fought here… mostly forgotten.” Morgana stated her eyes narrowed with tension.

“What happened?” I asked curious.

“A brother and a sister from a great family warred over who should rule the land. The brother was first born and claimed inheritance. But the sister had been adopted by the King and she was the second-in-command to the tribe. By laws set down by the Seelie she was to succeed and become Queen.” 

She took a sip of water.

“But Unseelie seduced the brother and together they rallied an army the likes the world had never seen. They tried to take what was not his. Here lies those that fought human, seelie and unseelie alike.”

“Who won?” I asked.

“The storytellers claim the sister and that just rule was established henceforth. However, my mother who studied the ancient texts found no proof for their claims.” Morgana answered.


“Then there is Tír na nÓg, that is across the sea or by a Fae’s hand.” Iris interrupted. “I’ve heard stories of it when I was young. I don’t think I will ever get to see it now. A land of green where all are happy, my mentor grew up in the Seelie Court when she returned decades had passed here on Celain.”

“Wow, this place keeps getting more interesting.” I said with a genuine smile of bemusement.

“That is one version of the tale. I met an elf once who told it differently, more of a petty squabble of just more humans killing one another. She seemed a bit biased to be fair.” Umbra said. 

“Huh.” I replied. 

Another call rang out and the wagons began to slow down. A nearby warrior told us that we were stopping for the day and setting up camp. Morgana snorted in derision.

“I’m going to talk to the War-Chief. It is too dangerous to stop at a burial site. Strange creatures prowl these spots and worse besides.” Morgana told us and walked off.

“Only an idiot would stop here.” Umbra agreed and joined Morgana with an equally serve frowny face. 

Iris and I shared a glance before she gave a weak shrug and moved to follow. We caught Morgana and Umbra arguing with Marius.  

“We should push further ahead, only the dead should rest here.” argued Morgana.

“We stop here, I’m not dragging the wagons in the dark with Redcaps about.” Marius retorted.

“There’s worse than Redcaps in the dark places of the world.” Umbra retorted.

“No arguments, I won’t have my people dying for your foolish scaremongering. There are real monsters out there, not tall tales spun by bookworms.” Marius scorned.

I looked coldly upon Marius. He faltered a little under my frosty gaze but remained stubbornly unapologetic and walked off. Tara shrugged then looked at each of us in turn then nodded respectfully before following her leader.

Iris comforted Morgana who accepted her kindness with a wan smile. Iris pulled her into a hug. Marius was being an ass. Lucky for Morgana she has such a great partner. They are adorable together.

“You alright?” I asked.

“Of course, it is not the first-time fools who have ignored the warnings written down by history. It will not be the last.” She replied with a resigned sigh.

I had nothing to say to her in response. She was right in principle. I rather hoped she was being paranoid. I looked around and saw the group kept setting up camp for the night. The horses and donkeys unburdened strayed across the grass munched to their stomach’s delight. 

The air seemed colder like the chill of a winter’s morning. I understood Marius’ practical reasoning. Yet, Morgana’s warning rang clear, and I trusted her judgement more than his. I felt something arcane, but it was as if I was being blocked from piercing further the nature of magic.

“I think we should keep our own watch tonight.” I stated

Iris looked at me confused, but Morgana nodded with assent.

“Aye, I will take the first watch.” Morgana declared.

“I’ll go after.” Iris said going along with our group decision.

“I’m going to write some protection, abjuration spells that should hopefully keep the dead calm.” Umbra muttered to herself, and didn’t volunteer to watch. 

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll take the last shift.”

We set up in our wagon, I was aware of some of the hard stares given by warriors of the war-band. Drawing the canvas closed shut out the outside world and kept the heat in. 

Then again, ever since Iris had given me the bracelet, I felt a constant sense of warmth. I wasn’t sure where Umbra was sleeping, but let her to her own devices. I snuggled in with Iris and Morgana, neither raised any complaint. If anything, they grinned eagerly. I was not going to put up a fuss. 

I felt a closeness to another person I hadn’t in over a year since my last relationship burned out like a firework.

I struggled to fall asleep, boiling in more ways than one from Iris’ heat and sensual intimacy. Sleepless wanting drove me to explore her sexy body. In the dark, her lips met mine eliciting a muffed moan from her.

My hands slid up from the soft folds of her stomach, her breath becoming unsteady, to cupping her full breasts. I massaged her heavenly hills in a diligent circle; her lips quivered under the stimulation. I knew she had big tits, but groping them was magnificently erotic.

We played a little longer before gradually escalating. She sought my tongue evermore keenly, passing on the heat of searing carnal passion.

I caressed her inner thighs and slowly shifted to gently stroking her opening with my fingers. My touch was tender at first, as along with my movement I spelled her to lubricate. My efforts were met with an approving moan. She lay on her back and basked under my zealous attention.

Once my fingers were soaked with her juices, I steadily inserted two fingers into her with ease. I spread them into a V and penetrated further inside her. I crossed my fore and middle fingers, keeping them straight I pushed them inside while slowly twisting my wrist in a steady rhythm.  

Her hips moved along with the motion of my finger, “Yes, exactly like that.” she said breathlessly. 

I kept going relentlessly, steadily piercing her tight core. 

“Amazing, please keep going, so close…”

I pushed her mouth into my chest to muffle her voice as I kept going with tireless diligence. 

Her back bends back, “Coming!”, she convulses, her hips jump, and her juices flow out.

She quietly soaked in the lingering memory of the climax.

A sense of fulfilment spread to my smiling lips. I had a raging boner but with Morgana still within earshot. The relationship had just become more murky and complicated. Not having talked with either of them, I hesitated to progress any further. Frustrated, I decided to leave it for now. Eventually, I fell asleep second. 

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