Sorcerer from Another World

I attempt flying

Morgana casually undressed in front of my eyes. She threw her clothes on the cover, her broad shoulders and toned back facing me. Pervertedly, I leered at her thick ass. For the first time, I understood the term fertile hips. 

But, I also noticed a faint scar. It was a wide, long red line cutting diagonally from shoulder blade to the base of her hip. I felt a confusing mix of lust and concern I couldn’t quite process. I traced the scar with my finger, deep in thought.

“I got it when I was a child. A hunter sent by my Father.”

“Does it still hurt?” I asked kindly.

“Yes, it does. I held onto the anger, but that did more harm than any assassin ever did. I still don’t understand why, but I let go of my rage. However, confused I still feel.” She twitched a smile while speaking the last sentence. Trying to show more control than she perhaps actually felt.

“I don’t get it. When I think of those monsters that killed Helen I feel sick.” Iris uttered bitterly, her expression twisted as her brows furrowed deeply and her teeth bared slightly at the corners of her mouth.

The robin descended and landed on her shoulder nudging her gently. I hugged her tightly and nestled my cheek against hers gently. It hurt, like a hand squeezing my heart, to see her in pain as her passion contorted into anger. Morgana joined the embrace, and we were a closely packed mass of limbs and we sandwiched Iris with our warmth.

“She didn’t deserve to die. They took her from us.” She sobbed into Morgana's bosom. 

Morgana waited patiently then when Iris started to become calmer, she wiped away her tears.

Morgana said, “I know. They took my friend, and your mentor. They carved a gash into our hearts. But, after the grief is no longer fresh and agonising when it softens, we will endure. For all grief is stubborn and clings tenaciously but our love is resolute and unyielding in the presence of injury. Though fortune has dropped us low and left us an open wound we shall soar and be happy in these conditions that make most wretched.”

She regenerated Iris with her words eloquently and from the heart.

I was patting Iris' head in an attempt to console her while Morgana spoke. Iris’ face was red from the tears and she wore a glum, flat expression, but now that she had relaxed, if only slightly, there was a radiance to her; it took my breath away.

I was compelled to recognise that my perception came from growing love or something like it. A nurturing feeling cultivated when seeing her open up about herself. Though it was far more intense than the idle chat about colours.      

We bathed for a while, Iris was still angry and upset but more like herself after listening to Morgana and confessing her feelings. Morgana too seemed emotional, caught up in the moment and I too had been pulled along. It was not a moment for more sexy times. But, feeling the bubbling warmth of the water loosen my muscles along with the touching of hot, sensual flesh on my skin was delightful. I felt secure and wanted beside Iris and Morgana’s comforting closeness. It was a precious moment to settle and dwell in.

As the water started cool for the second time, I decided to get out of the bath before Iris reheated it again. She was too lush to linger with in relaxation and not make a move. I was also keen to work on some magic alone and give them some privacy. 

Saying goodbye to my lover, I caressed my hand to the small of her back and kissed her cheek. Next, I kissed Morgana chastely with a gentle stroke of her raven hair then I departed drying myself off with spare rags inside the house.  

Umbra joined them as I left, returning from her dangerous trek to the great outdoors, and they seemed amicable. Politely put, she needed to wash up as well. 

I pondered what would be fun to do next. Unsure I started with something simple but useful. I replaced most of our utensils and cutlery with stainless steel versions where appropriate, including flubbing a changeover of the cauldron with our lunch cooking away inside.

Sadly, some fresh stew was lost in the process. I crafted Morgana a knife and claymore of similar but better quality to the one I fashioned for Galen, placing them on the rack having engraved her name into both.

It would be cool if I could fly.  

I fashioned a metal plate and sat on it, hovering off it with the ease of breathing. Easy enough, but not quite the flight I envisioned. I cackled, laughing to myself with glee as I hovered around the small space. I was like a youthful yoda.

But, I wanted something more akin to a superhero. I spent time piercing my clothes with dense metal weaving new threads. I attempted to fly by moving the new metal threads in my clothes.

I ate the dirt.

I tried a few more times and was able to gain enough control to hover and move through the house. I could fly if need be, but it would take concentration and a lot more practice. However, using a metal plate and sitting on it was far easier if more cumbersome than actual flight.  

Iris walked into the roundhouse and gawked at me zooming around like a kid driving a bumper car. I beheld the naked buxom beauty, wet to the bone.

“Do you want to try?” I asked with a giggle.

“I can do one better.” She said with a small, excited jump causing her chest to bounce slightly.

She transformed into a Redstart, she was joined by her robin, and they flew as a pair.

We flew around the room at first but then Iris flew outside. I hovered still for a moment before following her. The breeze on my bare skin was wonderful. The hot tinge of embarrassment less so.

“Idiots.” Morgana said to herself with a deep belly laugh watching her two lovers dance through the air like butterflies. She continued to soak in the bath.

“Is that the best you can do?” Umbra taunted.

She got out of the bath and grabbed her staff. She flew on it. Not for long, but her flying was perfect. 

Me, I didn’t fly too high, but Iris weaved through the winds with ease. She sang as a bird and with joy. I hadn’t intended it; however, I think I had managed to cheer her up and for that I was glad. After about five minutes I went back inside the house and changed into my clothes. 

They smelled a little but not much I could do about that. Iris joined me, changed clothes and staff in hand, I walked out of our house, Iris at my side to buy some clothes.

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