Sorcerer from Another World

Into the Breach

The cacophony of battle kept me from drifting to sleep. I gazed up at the starry night sky. Who would have thought? Damian Grey the caller would have a Hollywood-style epic magic fight to protect a defenceless town. Did that make me a superhero? I certainly wasn’t the boy from earth anymore. A Sorcerer in another world. 

“Sorcerer!” shouted Galen. 

He slid over and checked if I was still breathing. 

I patted him on the arm, “I’m alive.”

He lifted me. 

He chuckled, “That’s the second time I’ve picked you up from the dirt tonight.”

I winked, “Hopefully the last.”

“Truly. I wonder if those Yolin’s Hill folk are right. Death seems to spit you out too afraid to face you.”

“I wish. No, death is too busy tonight to even take notice of my coming. And my women love me not to stay alive.” I laughed at my attempt to joke. 

Galen politely laughed with me. 

I hobbled forwards with Galen. Half a dozen armoured warriors on horseback waited on us. 

He stopped me with a hand on my arm, “Can you still fight?” he asked sincerely. 

Power still flowed from my own reserves of magic. Blood and energy kept my enhanced body going long past normal endurance. My mind was a muddle and I felt every ache and pain. But I had my cheat and I was exploiting the hell out of it. 

“I can. Gladly. Let us end the threat today.”

Galen cheered in encouragement and the warriors followed. 

“I will send you where you wish. Heal Morgana at the front. Then seize it.”

“Where will you go?”

“I ride to gather the rest of my people.” He smiled as the warriors spurred their horses to leave. “I promise to bring Iris back. Umbra as well. We will escort them all to the front. If you have won the day then we march out together.”

My eyes were tense and narrowed with worry, “Bring them back to me Galen.”

“No need to fear my friend, your women are strong.”

I smiled back at him, “I’ll see you soon.”

He nodded and we clasped hands, “Fight well, my friend. You carry the future of Ferisdarm on your shoulders.” He whispered. 

He rode off as I considered his words. I laughed to myself, “I better live up to the responsibility.”

I shuffled over to the breach.

Our forces had retreated to the top of the breach. 

Climbing up the short, steep hill, the Redcaps faltered against a battered shield wall held by the warriors of Ferisdarm. Spears and swords poked from behind the shields. The sharp steel gouged and gutted the poorly armed Redcap’s. Their bodies proved to be an extra and rather pitiful barrier to further slow the advancing Unseelie forces.

Morgana paralysed from the hip down lay alone on the ground clutching watching my coming. She rested at the back of our front line. I dropped by her slide and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

“I’m back.” I said with a forcely, cheerly smile.

“Close the breach in the wall.” She commanded with a grimace.

I lowered my hand to the injury. The damage was total and absolute. The decay had ripped through the flesh and eradicated all presence of life. It tore through the spinal bone and obliterated. 

I’m, however, a walking, talking, living, breathing cheat. I copied a sample of skin from elsewhere and rapidly regrew the destroyed flesh. The energy cost was stupidly high but I let myself burn away to heal my girl. She was worth the pain.  

I had already done one miracle tonight. What was one more? I helped her stand up.

I got a lot more joy watching Morgana wiggle her butt, than I had beating the shit out of Maradon. 

“All better?”

She winked, hopped and bummed her butt into mine. 

“Perfect, now send them fleeing back to their rotting pits, my Paragon.”

I saluted but all I got was a quizzical raising of the eyebrows. 

“On it.”

The Unseelie forces seemed endless. Our forces numbered in the tens while they still had over ten thousand reinforcements pouring in gradually. There was a pause in the rushing fae pushing through the gap as a fresh wave of Redcaps on the back of Cù-sìth made their approach. 

First to close the gap, and offer our warriors reprieve.   

I plugged the gap by throwing up a metal wall in place of the wrecked gate. Blood splattered as dozens were crushed to death instantly. The heads of Cù-sìth rolled down the breach, they who had made it so close before being slaughtered. 

The battle raged on as neither side took notice of the sudden new addition to the city walls. 

“No fear!” I shouted out from behind the warriors. 

One by one in a matter of seconds I healed their wounds. The dying were given new life, the injured made whole and the tired given new strength. 

Armed and fresh warriors now faced a rabble of weak Redcaps.  

“No mercy!” I called out behind the warriors.

I called an enchanted sword to my grip, its last bearer dead and I joined the warriors like I was the white wizard defending the last bastion of hope. 

The Red Caps rose defenceless, held by Morgana’s telekinic grip. In a bloody massacre, Morgana got the fight she wanted to share with me. We were drenched in the blood of our enemies by the end.  

I rose to the top of the gate and to my surprise Morgana joined me. She leaped the distance in one bound. 

“Unseelie, I am your doom. Maradon, Lord of Brutality and Deceit has fled. You would all be wise to do the same.” I told them. 

I did not care about their reaction as I flew back down again to the end of the breach. The rousing, celebrity cries of the Ferisdarm’s warriors followed. I hobbled to a stop and Morgana sat by my side. I rested a head on her shoulder. 

“You did it.” She said evenly.

I raised an eyebrow, but was too exhausted to question what.

“You sent Maradon running.”

“I had hoped to slay him then and there but tough luck on that front.”

“He is a member of the Unseelie court. One of the strongest that even dragons would be wise to bargain than face him in open battle.”

I grinned slightly under her compliments, “Does that make me a match for dragon? Another title to add to a growing list.”

“He is unequalled in battle except perhaps by one of the Roman or other gods of war.”

“Gods of war. I guess that trumps.” I wiggled my fingers, “Sparky, sparks.”

She laughed loudly and warmly. Her face flushed with colour and burst open with a wide smile. 

She rolled her eyes. “Sparkly fingers.” She smiled with a teasing grin. “Shut up and kiss me.”

I did. 

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