Sorcerer from Another World

Morning Adventure Continues ❤️

Further, into the woods, we went. We crested the top of a smooth, curving hill and at its summit a triangular stone jutted out of the earth, smoothed with knotted carvings and a winged figure. Inscribed was writing.” 

Iris looked over the stone with careful patience, “The stone mentions Maradon and the coming of an Age of Decay. It is newly carved, telling horrible deeds. What druids the Romans did not execute, it seems Maradon brutalised all but one who swore service.”


“A lie most likely written by Clavile. Never trust anything written or spoken about Maradon. Clavile has twisted it all as his ever faithful servant. More likely, that all the druids are dead keeping to their oaths and service to the Seelie Court.”

I shrugged, “You know better than me.”

She was smiling, “I should hope so, I spent many a winter day having Helen tell me these things till the sun set.”

I scratched my chin, “I’ve heard that name before, Maradon.”

“It came up last night. He is a Fae who sits on the Unseelie Court. The most powerful Fae with the greatest martial talents of any Fae Lord. As Morgana would say if she was here, it was his joining the fight that drove the Roman’s back the first time. It is his refusal to fight the Romans this time that has led to all this tragedy.”

“What’s different?”

Iris looked off into the distance; thinking. “Morgana would say Merlin. Most from what I have heard in the fort would say the King of Camelot does not need to side with Unseelie.”

“And you?”

She looked me in the eye, “Unseelie can’t be trusted. But, they are part of the natural patterns of this world. Cutting off one of our arms when facing down a boar’s charge is foolish.”  

“Yes, yes it is.” 

“Huuuuth!” came a loud, groan from behind us. 

I turned around and saw shuffling humans. But their skin was grey and they showed as chipped bones as tattered flesh. They moved with surprising speed, at something close to slow jog or a fast walk. 

“Undead.” Iris said. 

Iris flickered her fingers three times and three balls of fire flew from her palm. The dead groaned even louder, as they were scorched to ash. 

It is strange how to an ordinary person the undead were life-threatening, but Iris disposed of them with the ease of batting away a spider. 

What interesting luck that we crossed over the same path as these Unseelie. The incinerated trees are only a few hundred metres away. The lightning blasted ones close by. Forces are at work here that are beyond my understanding of how it all works. 

I placed a hand on the stone and in response was thrusted into a nightmare. I could tell almost immediately. It had that hazy, transporting quality of shifting from one awful event to the next. My fears realised in murky motion. 

I was on earth. I was waiting to die. After, watching the telly in the hospital room. The blue light beaming onto my face. Except I had no face. I was in the programme.

I watched Morgana die under Redcap claws. Iris get captured, raped and turned into a doll by a shadowy figure. I saw the people of Yolin’s hill get ripped into pieces. I witnessed the sacking of Ferisdarm. I heard laughing; a ceaseless, sadistic joy.

I called upon everything I had and hit back. The mantles beneath the surface of the planet shook ever so slightly. In an empty continent halfway around the world, the extra stress caused an earthquake the magnitude of which had never been felt before. Mountains shattered.

For the first time, I realised just how powerful I was. It was like the world was made of paper. The touch of my fingers caused creases and if I crumbled it in one hand this dream-like place would be squashed into a ruin. 


In my ignorance, I had been holding back. Like a baby, I learned to roll over, then crawl. But, I wasn’t growing like a child into a grown-up. My magic was fully mature. In using my magic, I had the experience of a screaming infant in the body of an adult. 

If I kept at it. If I indulged in my magic I would learn to walk and then run. Immersed in power, I understood that if I wanted to I could destroy the planet though the effort would likely kill me too. 

I reduced Maradon’s stone to pebbles and dust. 

I felt a touch on my shoulder and spun around. I gripped her wrist hard. She yelled out in fierce pain. Her pupils widened as her eyes narrowed from the pain.

I let go.

“Are you okay?” She asked me.

She asked me. She took care of me after I hurt her. 

My thoughts turned over in a jumble. My mind was stuck on the visions from Maradon’s stone. Mental images crashing of the horrid image of her defiled flesh to Iris here and now who is fine and safe. 

“I saw something when I touched the stone.” I looked down. “I am sorry. I should never have hurt you.”

“I think if you meant it, I wouldn’t have an arm.”

“Right.” I said, not exactly feeling any better.  

I healed her injuries and the red marks faded. 

“Come what did you want to do?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Adventure.”

She laughed heartily, “We have not had enough for you?”

“More lighthearted.”

“We will see if we can find some monsters to slay and maybe a damsel to save.”

“Monsters, yes. But I’ll stick to the dashing damsel at my side to lead the way.”

She gave a twirl and a wink. I blushed, and she pulled me along. All tension forgotten. This is the action I wanted. Light flirting, maybe a few hair raising monster encounters to get the heart thumping and then segway into each other's arms.


A little way into the forest maybe a few hours later, Iris kneeled down and examined a broken twig. She cast her over the grass and then under her breath muttered a spell. 

“Pitish Beasts.”

“What are those?” I asked. 

“Something we don’t usually see this far south.”

“Are they friendly?” I tried to get more information. 

She was in the zone, a sight I hadn’t seen much of where Iris was in her element, “Usually, but I suspect these are undead variants with their heads lopped off.”

“Oh.” I mouthed. 

“Militant Trow, lesser fae from the isles far north, like to ride them.”

“What are they doing here?”

“Like many others taking easy pickings among the chaos of Seelie, Unseelie and Roman three way war.”

They are strange creatures I noticed when we found them. The Undead Pitish Beasts were indeed headless. Their four legs, fur clad bodies resemble a moose. 

The Trow that rode them had triangle shaped faces with a dark blue skin like icy rippling lochwater. They were small and had bodies like the Redcaps we had faced before. 

They spoke in a strange tongue.

The sure look of disgust on Iris’ face tells me enough. She even fired first, burning one of the Trow with a speedy ball of fire to the face. Its flesh melts, the skull melted to ash as the headless monster sways side-to-side before toppling over. 

“A fight it is!” I shout with as much daring-do as I can muster. Intimating best as I can the bravery and flair of a musketeer I saw on tv once.

Using my magic more like a sorcerer from a video game than a blossoming god of magic, I throw a bolt of lightning out. The blast of energy kills another one of the Trow and its ride.

I dodged out of the way as one charges in for a swing. I don't think it could cut me even if it hit. But where is the fun without at least pretending I am in danger. Something like a game of paintball or laser tag, but with magic and monsters.

I laughed at the fun of it all. This was what it is supposed to feel like. A game where I went hand wavy magic and the evil monster dies. Sex was great and all, but things have been rather intense. 

It was nice to relax and stomp on a few puny enemies. Not like all the doom and gloom I have been warned about. 

I haven’t even had to deal with the army and all that bother. Hopefully we can just find somewhere peaceful, modernise it with my magic and relax.  

When the last of the mobs are slaughtered, I turn around and she catches my eye. 

I gaze at her full figure form and hot from the thrill of battle I feel myself harden down below. 

“I’ve seen that look before.” She commented with a coy smirk. 

She guided me towards an oak tree away from battle. She lowers herself and lies down on the thick grass.

“Be gentle.” She mumbled.

My eyes were rather distracted with her moist lips to pay attention to her words. I grinned and failed to heed her request. 

I spent a little time on foreplays stripping her bare and exciting her desire.  

I was perhaps not as romantic as I should have been, for when she was ready, I pounded her using her ass as a trampoline. Her hands clawed my back and she held on for dear mercy. 

“Yes.” She squealed as I filled her with my load.

In the shade under the oak tree we coupled like rabbits as I took her from behind. My hands gripped her full breasts as I thrust into her welcoming wetness. 

Once we were done we return back to Ferisdarm. It had been gone a few hours by the time we walked into the house.

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