Sorcerer from Another World

Return to Elkilbour

I was quiet during our return to Elkilbour floating on my newly repaired magical barge. Morgana and Iris were silent. My shoulders hunched over hung in terrible tension. A new fear and anger had been birthed in after my encounter with Mars.

I was the problem.

Làidir didn’t care. Rattling off a blow by blow account of her battle with Mars' eagle companion. I had never seen her so chatty or happy. Violence really did it for her.

My one word responses or grunts didn’t seem to phase her. Instead, it gave her more opportunity to talk about battle.

I admit it was somewhat endearing listening to her confidently retelling her battle and overcoming the eagle, if not quite killing it. I half-smiled, at least she didn’t face a humiliating defeat like I had. I was saved by Treator.

“I wonder how you would fare against Mars?” I wondered aloud

Her smile vanished.

“We lost. My brother and I.”

“I…sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken.”

“Not your fault. Only battle I lost. Best fighter I ever faced. Worse, we couldn't hurt him. Leave a killing blow.”

I smiled ruefully, “Same. Stun him, but couldn’t even wound him. Dragonfire I doubt will even leave him lasting injuries. Just slowed him down.

“Then why did he run?” Iris asked. A rather obvious question.

“I don’t know. Maybe he had enough. We hurt him alot, he was in pain, but not near death or anything.”

“But he believed you could. I am sure of it.” Morgana added.

“I hope so. The sooner he is buried the better.” Làidir stated darkly.

“A problem for later. Morgana was right. We need to go back to Elkilbour.”
We zoomed across Alba to the city of the Gelts gliding across the surface of the earth with the speed of a helicopter. My irrational anger abated slightly from talking and the passage of time.

Almost as soon as we arrived back in the Druids circle. We were walking under an oak tree in the outskirts of the Circle of the Druids. Sun shone down on us out in the open a fair distance away from the Druids homes and halls.

Donna appeared. She rushed to greet me. Me specifically. Like a moth to the flame or a homing missile to its target.

She pulls me into a hug pressing her hot, and all too soft body into mine.

It was a bit much, delightfully so, but boundary breaking. Arousal and paranoia hammered like blacksmiths in my head. She left me as always confused and wanting.

However, a familiar face interrupted,

“Damian, can I have moment?” Rebecca asked.

I might have angrily brushed off another if they had done the same. Donna had that affect on me. But, I trusted Rebecca and she was the later wife of Galen. He sacrificed himself to protect me. I owed him and by extension her an unpayable debt.

“Of course.” I said.

Donna’s hand, her capacity warmth, rested on my arm, “We were speaking. She can…”

I turned to Donna. “Another time.”

Donna froze. Her eyes widening, slightly, with surprise. Her hand dropped to her side.

“But…” She began.

“I insist.” Perhaps, I was being rude. But, so was she. I wasn’t going to get caught up in Donna’s way or nothing.

“Fine, Tomlin will keep me company. I’m sure we will have a pleasant and energetic time together. ” She barked back and stormed off with silent fury.

It was a petty attempt to make me jealous. It worked; annoyingly. A bitter nausea settled in my stomach. I wanted to chase after her and pin her to the wall. Lash her to my side with sweetness and fury.

Stupid of me, and I didn’t.

“What is it, Rebecca?” I asked with perhaps too much frustration.

I hadn’t had sex in a day, which after getting into the habit of it, I felt withdrawal. Donna’s teasing worsened the situation. I had almost died. It all left me feeling pissy.

“I am sorry. Should I leave?” She said with a bowed head. Truly regretful.

“No, I am being rude.” I take her chin and raise her head. “Anything that I can do for you, Rebecca. Just say it. Galen saved me, and you looked after our people. Go ahead, my time is yours.”

“I am happy to hear that, Damian. You have given me hope, and I know Galen would be proud of his choice. I will do whatever I can to honour all of our dreams of creating a brighter future for our people.”

“I am glad to hear it. So, what was it you wanted?”

“People are curious about what is going to happen to us. They are worried with you having been gone. Some despair that they are abandoned. Gainor your most devoted follower and Geoff the bard fiercely fight against such lies in your name, but hearing from you I think would be best.”

“Are we agreed on what we want?” Iris asked.

I had almost forgotten about her, Morgana and Làidir. Each was a supernatural beauty in her own right, where beauty was one among many traits. Yet, I couldn’t detect any magic that a Druid like Donna could be using on me.

She just had that much of a powerful effect. I couldn’t explain it.

Morgana spoke, “Damian wants to build his wonder, and I want to see it. I think building a home for our people and ourselves. Settling down and securing our homeland. That is what matters right now.”

“So, do I.” She glanced at me, her eyes well up with no small amount of pleading, “Will you promise to think about helping the Circle?”

Làidir shrugged, “I don’t care. But the sooner you sort out your duties to these people the quicker we fight. You keep putting me off.”

I sighed, “Yes, yes I do.”

Iris frowned and pointedly glared at Làidir, “Isn’t the Circle you’re home. How can you just abandon it to go fight a guy you just met? What is wrong with you?”

Làidir, if she was offended didn’t show it, she stared back with a nonchalant expression, “I value the strong. The Sorcerer feels strong. All one needs in life is a strong family and strong enemies. The Romans and Unseelie are my enemies. I thought to live with my brother, but now I sense someone stronger. Don’t worry, my brother will keep the Circle safe. It is everything to him and he is nearly as strong as me.”

Iris nodded. She was still frowning, but slightly appeased.

Further conversation was stilted when Tara walked up to us escorting Tulisa who held Samiya’s hand.

Iris’ anger dried up, she rushed over to catch a sprinting Samiya. They clutched one another in a fierce hug.

Bonds grow fast during desperate times. I was well aware of Samyia’s need, but perhaps I underestimated how much Iris threw herself into the role of mentor and surrogate mother.

Who am I to judge? I am facing a pantheon of gods because I long for intimacy.

Tulisa embraced me, “Are you okay?”

I felt a surge of irritation, “Why do you ask?” It was a stupid question. Most why questions are, I think I hear Morgana say, and this one put Tulisa on the defensive when all she had done was showed me concern.

A concern that made me feel vulnerable. I wasn’t prepared for that not when my defeat was so fresh.

Tulisa however put on a brave smile, “You look like you're in pain.” She poked my forehead. “You are all creased up.”

I held her tighter, “Sorry, I’m better now.”

“It’s okay. We’re safe now.”

The problem though was we weren’t. Mars was coming with the most powerful army in Albion, and I wasn’t yet prepared on how to stop him.

I break our embrace.

Làidir snorted and stepped in between Tulisa and I. She went to speak then seemed to think better of it. Whatever she was going to say judging by her twisted expression directed at Tulisa was mean.

Làidir hugged me. It was a clumsy grasping, but I wasn’t so cruel as to breathe her earnest intentions. Don’t twist what is already bent out of shape.

“It’s alright. You did well thanks for holding back on Tulisa. It may be rude to say, but you’re not alone in feeling lonely. Hugging is nice, right?”

“Right. Almost as good as fighting.”

“Not quite as fun as sex.”

She didn’t answer that one straight away.

“How honest of you.”

I pulled away as she was speaking.

“Everyone get enough of our lover yet?” Morgana asked with heavy overtones of sarcasm.

“No.” Samiya said cheekily and dived in for a hug. I patted her back and returned her endearing hug.

Iris used the chance to sneak in a hug with Samiya.

Morgana sighed, “Betrayed so easily.”

She continued, “We don’t have all day. I will gather everyone and then get ready. We also have the Kings meeting afterall. Rebecca make sure he is dressed. He is amazing in many ways, but I don’t think dressing up is one of them.” Morgana mocked me.

She wasn’t wrong.

“I can handle my dress. I will make sure Tara and Làidir are dressed appropriately.” Iris said. “If you can handle it.”

Rebecca winked in my direction, “If Tulisa helps, I will try my best.”

“Come along, Master.” Tulisa said, taking my hand. Rebecca followed along as I was dragged into the darkness (along to one of our temporary houses) and fitted with clothes.

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