Sorcerer from Another World


After a friendly exchange with the Doorkeeper, we were let in once the previous meeting was finished. Time in the day was easily made for those that deal with dragons.

Only two of the Kings were seated. Also, the Kings of Gelt had an entourage this time. No longer were we in a private meeting to do a shady task.

No, a rising faction was getting a public meeting with the elite of Elkilbour. Sink or swim time for we only had ourselves. Druids wouldn’t save us and the Kings had sent us out to die. Whether they understood that or not was yet to be seen.

The Kings were each Chiefs of major clans. Western King Chief of Clan Logelf, Northern King Chief of Clan Macfae. Eastern King Chief of Clan Moflin.

Other chiefs of minor clans as well as key persons worked around the hall.

Two new people of importance joined our meeting. The first was a doughy, elderly woman with amber eyes of a wolf.

“I am Fide, speaker of the hall.” the elderly woman introduced herself. “As eldest Druid I peacefully and impartially at meetings of the hall and offer guidance to the great rulers of Alba.

“Well met speaker. We are here today to inform the Kings of Gelt we have completed their quest.” Morgana replied.

“Welcome Morgana Pendragon and Sorcerer Damian. The Kings of Gelt and the Circle of Druids guarantee your safety within the walls of Elkilbour as our guest.” Fide proclaimed.

“For our guests down south, the Western King is absent. He has left to take care of local affairs.” The Speaker informed us.

“More Unseelie raids…”

“He should not have left Elkilbour with the Romans at our walls.”

My superhuman hearing picked up.

Perhaps the Western King was fleeing what he saw was a losing battle against the Romans. Then again, maybe there was truly an issue in his faraway territories.

“Fide the Voice Stealer.” Morgana whispered into my ear. “She’s a force of nature, I hear, and still active in politics in her old age. Be mindful of her, she is neutral unless you get on her bad side.”

I tried not to giggle from her ticklishly hot breath, maintaining my composure. I nodded in response to her advice.

Was it the exhilaration from the praise and cheers or the gloomy memory of having my heart obliterated by Mars? The afterglow of joyous sex? Either way, despite the formal and serious mood of the Great Hall. I felt silly.

It took years of professional experience to fake I was in the mood to be here or that I care about their opinions. A fake, forced cheer came over me.

“What news do you bring, Sorcerer and Pendragon Heir?” The Speaker asked.

Maybe I wasn’t the best choice to be here. Why was I chosen? A ‘yearning for magic’ and being an ‘origin’ of magic hardly are suitable criteria for leadership. Whatever. I could spend years tearing myself down about how I am not the right choice or I could simply accept I am here.

Do the best I can.

I told the people in the hall, “I’ll keep it short. The dragon Treator is dead. We have finished our quest. Fulfil your promise.”

The sooner we leave the better. We had enemies in this hall and the absence of the Northern King didn’t sit well with me. Too much was up in the air.

The Eastern King sneered, “Where is your proof?”

I stared at him coldly. I offered nothing in response. Morgana went to speak, but I raised my hand to cut her off.

“Do the Kings of Gelt break their word?” I egged him for a fight. “Is this how you treat allies with lies and broken promises?”

A rash course of action and against the wishes of my two lovers. But, these folks were not Galen. They weren’t Rebecca. My lips curled having to deal with them. I held no respect for any of them. They expected much, came with extreme demands and then threw doubt at us.

The Eastern King continued, looking the part of an arrogant young king, “Do we accept every word spoken by trickers from the south desperate for our land?”

Morgana stepped forward, past me, “Is this how guests are treated? Doubt and slander thrown against their names! Does Alba want to stand alone against Roman and Unseelie? I did not know that when decency was abandoned so too did you dump prudent ruling.”

“Morgana Pendragon, you will address this hall with civility or be thrown out.” The Speaker interrupted.

“It is fine, speaker.” The Northern king said with a weary sigh.

Morgana wasn’t done, “If you were to cast out beggars that would be disgraceful, but discarding allies who are working alongside you against common enemies is pathetic statecraft.”

There was a fine testament to Morgana’s priorities. The state first and beggars second. I imagined most might agree with her. Maybe I was wrong, but I felt closer to beggars that Kings, Queens and President; nobles and politicians. I would rather build for beggars than rulers.

The Eastern King sat up, gesticulating passionately like a demagogue, “You eat our food, and live in our homes. How are you not beggars sucking at our teats.”

That was a yikes image. I almost vomited picturing Morgana sucking his nipples. She too seemed repulsed by his words.

A Druid speaker, Cindra was their representative, spoke out this time, “They live in Druid homes and eat the food we grow and give happily. We have had no problems so far working with Morgana and Rebecca Pendragon. Any problems are the concerns of the Circle and not an insult to be spoken here.”

“Sit down. You can insult and guess till daylight runs out, Eastern King.” Fide added. “What happened, Sorcerer? So, the matter can be recorded and passed down.”

The Eastern King huffed, but did sit down. Arms crossed then stared daggers at us.

“Quickly now. Time has been wasted already.” The Northern King spoke up.

I took a deep breath in and out and then spoke, “The Last Great Dragon of the Fourth Age gave their life to protect mine.”

That caught the attention of everyone in the room.

Fide listened in, but did not interrupt.

“A noble sacrifice.” One of the many people in the hall said aloud.

“But why was such an act necessary?” I asked.

I let my question hang in silence.

The Northern King sat forward, “Why was it necessary?” He asked.

I spoke up and spoke clearly, “Despite leaving from a secret tunnel, telling no one when we would leave, We were ambushed by Mars God of War! Treator died and we were attacked because there is a traitor inside Elkilbour!”

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