Soul echo

Chapter 41 The Burning Dawn (5)

Chapter 41 The Burning Dawn ([-])
Feisal looked at the corpses piled up in the square, as well as the blood that had seeped into the ground.

"Blood, corpses..."

Looking up at the fortress, it seemed as if he could see the shivering crowd inside.

"Fear, despair..."

Then, it looked in the direction of the church.

"Plus a little intrigue and treachery."

The undead are like waves, attacking the fortress wave after wave, dropping fewer and fewer things from the top of the fortress, and the frequency is getting slower and slower.

The undead army did not use spear attacks on the fortress, because Feisal needed more fear and despair to open the gate of the abyss, and it needed to slowly torture the hearts of those people.

——It would be great if there were more intrigue and betrayal.

Another ten soldiers returned to the embrace of death, which meant that the Eastern native had not been killed and was still active in the city.

Feisal didn't know what the Eastern native wanted to do. He was lucky enough to escape from its grasp, but he didn't escape far away. Instead, he stayed in the city, not knowing what he was doing, which made him a little curious. , I want to know what is going on in his mind.

Perhaps the ammunition was exhausted, and the artillery had not sounded for several minutes.

—Is it time?
Feisal thought for a while, and waved his hand to make the undead soldiers increase their offensive. It wanted to force the living people in the fortress again, causing them more fear and despair.

First open the gate of the abyss, and then use more lives to expand the gate of the abyss.

There are definitely not enough living people in the fortress to expand the gate of the abyss to support the passage of the big devil, and more life sacrifices are needed.

Due to the special environment, there are no villages around Laurel City, and the only sacrifices that can be used to expand the gate of the abyss are those who escaped from the city.

This is a little thought of it, presumably the king of wisdom will not care.

Faisal commanded soldiers to smear the square with blood and guts, writing profane runes.

Unlike those fools who can only use brute force under the command of the Lord of War, as long as Feisal needs it, countless knowledge will flow from the depths of his soul.

With the 'correct' blood sacrifice, it can open a greater gate to the abyss with the same amount of sacrifice.


Undead soldiers entered the fortress through windows and gaps left by poor maintenance, and the slaughtered living uttered their last desperate cries.

The sound not only echoed in the fortress, but also spread outside the fortress.

Listening to this pleasant voice, Feisal couldn't help but think of the past and those things that happened 400 years ago.

"Why is it me..."

It has been thinking about it for 400 years, and it has been unable to figure it out.

Persia and Yitruul have a deep blood feud, and it is not the only general who let soldiers massacre the city. Why did it and its legion encounter the resuscitated undead? Why did its faith not come to save it and its legion...

At the most desperate moment, it prayed to the moon god, hoping that it would bear all the sins in exchange for the life of its legion.

But Blood Moon was speechless and did nothing until it and its legion were killed by the undead, and then an expeditionary force was formed to eliminate the undead in the city.


The knowledge gushing out from the soul couldn't answer the question that had puzzled it for a long time, so it planned to ask the moon god to prove it in person.

At this moment, Feisal suddenly noticed that the continuous screams in the fort seemed to have stopped.

It raised its head in confusion, sensing that its soldiers were dying quickly...

What happened in the fortress?

The army of undead occupied the gatehouse and the square in front of the fortress. He had already played solo charge once before, so the army of undead should be on guard. It would probably not have any effect if he tried again, and it might even cost him his life.

Zhong Ye wandered the streets of the city with a heavy backpack on his back, avoiding the pursuit of undead soldiers.

The urban part of Laurel City is roughly in the shape of an irregular hexagon, protected by a city wall on the outside, and the castle where the lord lives is built on a low hill, and the castle wall is not directly connected to the city wall.

In addition to the gentle slope of a passage built in front of the castle gate, it is difficult for large troops to attack the castle from other directions, because the surroundings are too steep.

There is a considerable distance between the castle and other buildings in the city. This blank area allows the castle to easily detect the attacker's intentions, but after the castle is breached, the blank area becomes a reminder for the escapees.

The castle is easy to defend but difficult to attack, but once it is breached, the people in the castle have nowhere to escape.

Zhong Ye slowly moved towards the castle. The closer he got to the castle, the denser the undead soldiers stood.

He knew that the undead had the ability of 'life perception', but he also tested it after getting out of the castle just now, as long as they were not too close to the undead soldiers, they would not be able to detect them.

If there are still walls between each other, their perception will be weaker.

Soon, Zhong Ye arrived around the blank area. He hid in a room and observed the positions of the undead soldiers surrounding the castle through the gaps in the windows.

After watching for a while, he couldn't help frowning.

There was no omission in the positions of the undead—at least he couldn't see it.

It would be impossible to enter the castle without being alarmed.

Zhong Ye fell into deep thought. Not long after, he suddenly discovered that the undead soldiers had moved and gathered in the same direction.

He doesn't know what's going on over there, but this is an opportunity!
Opening the wooden window, Zhong Ye jumped out of the room and ran towards the castle from the blank area.

He pulled out the throwing knife on his belt, and he didn't slow down after getting close to the city wall. Instead, he directly stamped the sole of his foot on the wall, took two steps upwards, and inserted the flying knife into the gap in the city wall before his body fell to the ground.

Relying on the strength of his arms and waist, Zhong Ye kicked his two front feet on the wall, his body flew up again, and inserted the throwing knife in his other hand into the cracks in the bricks.

In the same way, it took him five seconds to climb the city wall.

The undead soldiers did not occupy the city wall, they had already driven all the living people into the fortress, and the next thing they had to do was to kill the living people one by one, so it was not very meaningful to occupy the city wall.

When Zhong Ye climbed up the city wall, he heard the screams coming from the fortress. Without thinking about it, he took a few steps back, drew out his big sword and rushed forward, jumping towards the window of the fortress.

The wooden window was shattered all at once, and Zhong Ye fell into the fortress. He stood firm, pricked up his ears to distinguish the direction of the screams and wailing, and then rushed towards it.

The undead soldier pulled out the blood-stained spear from a screaming soldier, and stabbed it mechanically again. His companion passed by him, but without any help, he knew the soldier's life directly.

"Save me! Save me!"

The soldiers kicked their legs wildly, weeping and crying.

But his companions were only focused on shoving and scolding each other, fighting for the place of survival in panic.

However, the stairwell is only that wide, and the crowding would make it difficult to move, and if they weren't fighting each other, they might be able to escape faster.

In order to escape, they even lost their weapons. When the silent undead caught up to the end of the line, they could only scream in despair, but they could do nothing else.

But at this moment, a black shadow bounced over the stairwell, and a flash of light suddenly cut off, splitting the head of an undead soldier.

Apart from here, there were also screams from other places.

Holding a big sword in his hand, Zhong Ye stood in the narrow corridor, facing a dozen or so undead soldiers.

This corridor is too narrow for two people to walk side by side, and the two-handed sword cannot be used here, and the undead soldier still has a scimitar in his hand...

After thinking for a while, Zhong Ye stabbed out the moonlight.

——Since the great sword cannot be swung, don't use it as a two-handed sword.

Stab, press, circle, sweep, pick, the moonlight seemed to be a long spear in Zhong Ye's hands, all the undead soldiers were not his all-in-one enemy, and the narrow passageway made him not have to worry about being besieged. In just 2 minutes, He beheaded all the undead soldiers under the sword.

He glanced back at the stunned soldiers, then withdrew his gaze and shook his head.

The utensils in the backpack needed to be processed, but those people had lost their courage and couldn't calm down in a short time to help him process arrows and combustibles.

Zhong Ye carried the big sword and headed elsewhere. He wanted to clear out the undead that had invaded the castle, and by the way, find someone to help him process arrows—before that monster opened the gate of the abyss.

I just hope everything works out in time!

(End of this chapter)

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