Soul echo

Chapter 52 Autumn

Chapter 52 Autumn

The team walked slowly in the low jungle, and the abundant sunlight shone through the leaves on Zhong Ye's body, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

They're moving into plateau regions, where air pressure and oxygen levels are decreasing as altitude increases.

The change in the environment even blocked the flow of breath in his body. Fortunately, the speed of the team was not fast, so he had enough time to adapt to this change.

It's ridiculous to say that when he was on earth, he went to the plateau more than once, and even traveled around the world, climbing peaks, diving into seawater to sharpen his body and will. At that time, he was not so "delicate", even on snow-capped mountains, The combat power has not been reduced much.

But now, the stagnation of breath even caused his fighting power to regress, which may not be as good as when he first came to this world.

——This is fatal and needs to be improved.

Zhong Ye began to think about how to make [Tuna Method] truly a part of his breathing, so that 'Qi' became another circulation in the body, instead of needing to adjust it by himself as it is now, otherwise it would be interrupted and confused.

To this end, he used [Skill Acquisition Opportunity] once, but apart from seeing the [Savvy] BUFF on the panel, he didn't feel anything himself.

Zhong Ye wasn't discouraged, he didn't think his idea was wrong, maybe he just wanted to achieve that level, even for him, it was a bit difficult.

A shout came from the head of the procession, and the caravan halted.

As the altitude increases, the duration and intensity of sunlight will change, which means that the time of day the team travels will also change.

The provinces of Thrace and Macedonia are not rich in water resources, especially in the wilderness, it is not easy to find a water source, caravans generally can only use the fresh water they carry.

Therefore, people who take this business route must learn to allocate water resources reasonably, otherwise they will only suffer.

——It is not only human beings who need drinking water, but also the horses that pull carts.

When the team stops to rest, the work of the mercenaries begins.

Zhong Ye was also one of them. They needed to investigate the situation around the resting place to ensure that the caravan would not be attacked suddenly while resting—after all, some things were inevitable.

If there is danger, remove the danger as soon as possible, whether it is killing or driving, as long as the danger is removed.

Naturally, the work was hard work, and the caravan didn't hire them to let them eat.

When Zhong Ye was doing this work, it was more difficult and troublesome than others.

He is not a wilderness survival expert, he doesn't know where there is something, and he has never done this kind of trivial work before.

Working as hard as him are the mercenaries who acted with him.

When they first started working, people hadn't dispersed yet, so they had to act together with Zhong Ye, and then they were caught and questioned by Zhong Ye, who knew nothing, and they didn't dare to resist—even though they all knew that Zhong Ye had a good personality , treats people kindly, but after being beaten by him once, no matter how you look at him, he feels a little guilty.

Zhong Ye learned a lot, and the surroundings of the caravan were safe, only a group of mercenaries caught by him asking questions were exhausted.

In order to ensure that they have sufficient physical strength to deal with dangers, the mercenaries will choose three meals a day, just like the caravan guards.

It's just that the food for the guards is provided by the caravan, while the mercenaries need to bring their own dry food. Some people would rather bear with it, so as to save some money.

If it is a team organized by a big businessman, maybe they will provide the mercenaries with a meal at noon, but the caravan that Zhong Ye is following is temporarily formed. Divide money to hire guards.

Time slowly came to the afternoon, the most violent period of the sun passed, and the caravan set off again.

But not long after the team set off, Zhong Ye heard the movement from ahead, and before he could warn the team, the guards who went to explore the road ran back.

"It's goblins!" the guard shouted, "a large group of goblins, at least a dozen!"

The goblin is said to be a species that traveled from another world when the time and space of the Dan world was not stable in the age of mythology.

They have only low-level intelligence and no language of their own. Their communication methods are similar to those of orangutans and monkeys, with roaring and body movements.

Although the potential of this species is very low, and there are no transcendents in the entire race, their reproductive ability is very strong, and they can give birth to several babies a year, and several babies can be born in one litter.

Even if only some of the cubs can grow up, their reproduction rate is almost doubled.

Not only is their reproductive ability strong, but their growth rate is also quite amazing. A goblin cub can crawl after birth, walk upright after five days, run and eat solid food after half a month, and its teeth and nails are fully grown , and three months, they are considered adults and have the ability to fight.

Goblins are in the breeding season all year round. Although they are also divided into male and female, as long as there is only one sex left in a group, some goblins will change gender and gain fertility.

Having the mighty body of a mammal, but being able to switch genders, makes goblins a very troublesome monster.

They are not only in the food chain - they will be hunted by carnivores if they fail to develop a group, and a lone wolf can easily kill less than ten goblins; they can also jump out of the food chain - if the group can grow to more than ten, they will The number of goblins will increase sharply in a short period of time, and juvenile goblins who are one or two months old also have combat effectiveness, but they are not as powerful as adult goblins.

That's why this alien species is hard to destroy. As long as a few are released, they may face a large group again next year.

There was no movement here when they were resting before, but now there are more than a dozen goblins, indicating that those goblins are active.

"Are they all adult goblins? Are there young and old?"

The captain of the guard summoned the caravan guards and mercenaries and prepared to deploy defenses.

Hearing the captain's question, the guard thought for a while and shook his head, "There are no children or old people, they are all adult goblins."

"It seems that there should be a goblin tribe nearby..." The captain of the guard looked worriedly in front of the caravan.

They have not been harassed by goblins here in previous years, which means that those goblins may have only appeared here this year.

This trade route is the main trade route between Serdica and Skupi. Before their caravan set off, other caravans passed by here. Didn't they conflict with this goblin tribe?
After thinking for a moment, the captain of the guard gave up thinking.

He was just the captain of a caravan guard, and he didn't need to worry about these problems. All he had to do was clear the obstacles on the caravan's path and defend the caravan from attacks.

Leaving most of the guards and mercenaries around the caravan to prevent attacks, the captain of the guard took the rest to eliminate the goblins who 'blocked the way'.

——Even though it might not be blocking the way intentionally, it just happened to appear on the way of the caravan.

"I think you all know the rules."

On the way, the captain of the guard said to Zhong Ye and other mercenaries with a serious expression: "Goblins look similar to us humans, but their blood relationship with us is even farther than dogs! They are only hostile to us, don't treat them Be merciful and kill them all when you see them."

Zhong Ye also participated in this operation. Although he didn't know much about the goblins in Dan's world, as a person on Earth in the 22nd century, how could he not know what a "goblin" is.

The goblins in this world belong to the kind of goblins who are good goblins if they don't appear in front of humans. They are more like a biological weapon than an independent race.

Some of the closed beta players had studied this creature and came to the conclusion that they hate any animal in the world and cannot coexist with any animal.

Now he already knows that Dan's world is a real world, and he will not be merciful to the ground.

Those villages captured by the goblins, and the merchants killed by the goblins were all living people with their own relatives and friends.

If he had been kind to the goblins and let them go, whose fault would it be if the goblins went on to kill in the future?
With the big sword on his back, Zhong Ye turned his head to look at the jungle not far away, and a breeze was blowing towards him, carrying a pungent smell.

(End of this chapter)

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