Soul echo

Chapter 59 Convergence

Chapter 59 Convergence
Zhong Ye didn't stay in Skupi for too long, he had already got enough rest in Serdica.

This time, instead of following a caravan, the novelty of being a mercenary has passed, and he will embark on a journey alone.

Skupi didn't seem to have any players, at least he didn't see any suspected players during the two days he stayed in Skupi, and he didn't know if they were still struggling at the birth point, or they had given up the game early.

After Skupi... Belgrade.

Drawing a line on the map with his fingers, Zhong Ye looked at the map and took a light breath.

The distance is quite far, and it will take at least half a month to walk there.

——This time, instead of following the caravan, he traveled alone, and the speed can be much faster.

Zhong Ye rolled up the map, put it back into the bag, took the reins of the pack horse, and started walking.

He led the horse and ran on the road, and the passing carriages and pedestrians all looked at him like a madman.

After the pack horse got used to it, Zhong Ye let go of the rein and let the pack horse jog behind him.

Without his own weight, the horse can relax, and running all the way to Belgrade can also exercise his body. With his current recovery ability and muscle strength, he can completely compress the trip to less than ten days.

The elemental energy enters the body with the breath, is wrapped and flowed by the blood, integrates into the limbs and bones, continuously stimulates the cells, and makes them evolve in a stronger direction.

The road under his feet gradually changed from flat and wide to uneven, with many lumps of soil lying quietly on the road, and tenacious weeds emerged from the ground, from rare to lush, which represented that Zhong Ye had stepped into the wilderness.

There is no road ahead, only the traces of wheels and horseshoes.

Starting from Skupi in the morning, before noon, Zhong Ye had to stop to rest—it wasn't that he couldn't run anymore, but the horse couldn't run anymore.

After drinking water and feeding, Zhong Ye took the reins again, led the horse to walk slowly, and took out the compass to identify the direction.

Not long after walking, he suddenly saw a few small black spots appearing in the distance, and they were approaching in his direction.

When he got closer, Zhong Ye squinted his eyes, only to find that it was a large team.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Ye got on his horse and tapped his heel on the horse's belly. The pack horse understood and immediately ran faster.

After approaching, Zhong Ye found that the guards of that team were well equipped, all of them were riding a horse, wearing chain mail, and a musket on their backs. Let alone mercenaries, it is impossible for an army of ordinary nobles to be so rich. .

A cavalryman suddenly ran out of the team and rushed towards Zhong Ye.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye reined in and slowed down the horse.

"Who are you? An adventurer?"

The cavalry stopped at an appropriate distance and asked questions from afar.

At this distance, if the enemy charges at him, he can shoot calmly, even if he can't kill the enemy, he can buy time to escape.

Zhong Ye also raised his voice and replied: "Yes! I just left Scuppy, what's going on with you? I saw a lot of people in those cars!"

The cavalryman froze for a moment, then looked back at the convoy he had left far behind him, and was taken aback.

——From such a distance, you can still see a lot of people in their car?
The cavalryman looked serious, and the person standing opposite him was a strong man, even if it was just an adventurer, he was not something he could provoke.

"We are His Majesty's army, responsible for protecting the refugees who are still capable of self-reliance and going to the Eastern Province!"

Speaking of this, the cavalry couldn't help puffing out their chests, and said loudly: "We want to regain our long-lost land!"

Gather refugees and light criminals from all parts of the country to open up the wilderness between the Lower Eastern Province and the occupied areas, expand the farming area, and solve the survival and living problems of some people.

Zhong Ye only heard about this matter from Amos, so he wasn't particularly impressed.

The demon hunters did not object to this policy. Even when Amos talked about this matter, he said that he only had personal opinions on the king of Etruul, and he did not discuss with them when making a decision. gas, noncommittal about the policy itself.

Because Amos himself doesn't understand politics, he doesn't understand society, and he doesn't know what this policy can bring to people, so he never makes his own comments on it.

But Zhong Ye thought it was a gamble after he had a little understanding of the situation in the Yitruer Kingdom.

The king of Yitrul is making a big gamble, and the chip is his throne - if he wins the bet, Yitrul can get the opportunity to develop and progress in the next industrial revolution, if he loses, his The rule may collapse.

Speaking of the first industrial revolution, the most well-known thing may be 'sheep eat people'.

The enclosure movement completed the original capital accumulation for Britain. Even if this capital accumulation is brutal and bloody, it cannot be denied that it played a role in Britain's stepping into capitalism and advancing the industrial revolution.

There is a steel factory in Skupi, and in the relatively remote eastern province, Zhong Ye also saw a textile factory, which shows that the industrial revolution in Yitruul has reached a certain stage.

Before the common people had the help of the church, they would not be plundered by capital, but as the rulers, the aristocracy had a hundred legal ways to get the farmland, orchards and hunting grounds of the common people, and drive them into factories.

If the aristocrats and wealthy businessmen could barely bear it in the previous stage, then now, when the factories are constantly being built and require a lot of manpower, they can no longer restrain their greed and want to use the most brutal and bloody methods to kill farmers, Orions and even adventurers rushed into the factory.

Capital can allow them to extend their hands to other territories and countries, allowing them to grasp more power.

After tasting this sweet taste, it is impossible for the aristocratic class to go back to being a remote landlord, and the feudal monarch is the embodiment of the spirit of the aristocratic class. It is impossible for King Etruul to go against the wishes of the entire aristocratic class, so The enclosure movement is bound to unfold—even if there is no 'sheep cannibalism', there will be 'ore cannibalism' and 'steel cannibalism'.

However, unlike the British Kingdom on Earth, Yitrul still has a wilderness that can be developed. When the king uses the righteousness of "taking back the land", even the most reluctant nobles will take those landless peasants and wanderings who have nowhere to rest temporarily. handed over to him.

Looking at the convoy in the distance, Zhong Ye seemed to see a confrontation that could not be put on the surface.

After feeling emotional in his heart, Zhong Ye nodded to the cavalryman, and took the initiative to get out of the way and bypass the convoy.

The cavalry waved gratefully, then turned their horses and ran back to the convoy.

Zhong Ye and the convoy passed by, the sudden wind lifted a corner of the tarpaulin, he just happened to look over, and then saw a group of men, women and children with numb expressions.

They were crammed together in one car, like consignment.

The car was so crowded that they couldn't even stretch their legs, and their clothes were ragged, and their only belongings were tightly hugged in their arms - even if he just looked at it, Zhong Ye could tell that they had exerted all their strength .

The wind was not strong, and the tarpaulin was only lifted up for a moment, but that glimpse made Zhong Ye realize something.

Those civilians are just a 'tool' to the aristocracy or to the king.

Their will is not important at all, because they don't have the strength and courage to resist, they can only be slaughtered by others, so there is no confusion, only numbness.

It was in stark contrast to those cavalrymen who were talking loudly and laughing again and again.

Zhong Ye sighed and told the pack horse to slow down.

He got off the horse and fed it some fine grains and fresh water.

Fortunately, when he followed the caravan, he had learned how to find water resources from other adventurers.

After the pack horse had enough rest, Zhong Ye patted the horse's neck and started to run.

Running can relieve the distress in his heart. He has no ability to change these things yet, so he can only relieve stress in this way.

[You have received a task message, please check it as soon as possible]

While running, a projection popped up suddenly.

Zhong Ye didn't stop. While running, he gathered his thoughts and opened the mission panel.

[You have obtained the quest clue of 'Plague Buster: Convergence', this quest is a time-limited quest, please go to the city shown on the map as soon as possible, the remaining time of the quest: [-] days]

If it wasn't for this message that came suddenly, Zhong Ye would have almost forgotten that there was still a follow-up part to the task he had completed in Restar.

Under the mission information, a map of Etruul was pasted thoughtfully. Zhong Ye looked at this map and compared it with the map of the Demon Hunter, and was surprised to find that the name of this city was——


(End of this chapter)

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