Soul echo

Chapter 8 New Mission

Chapter 8 New Mission

Zhong Ye shook the purse, listening to the tinkling of gold coins inside, he felt a little relaxed.

Finally, there is start-up capital!
The three cultists are still locked up in the basement of the church, but the bounties for them and the vampires have already arrived in Zhong Ye's hands, with the Sun Church on the side to supervise, and the nobles and wealthy businessmen of Resta do not dare to procrastinate, confirming that the cultists and the vampires After becoming a vampire, someone was sent to bring the money.

Except for the holidays, the Church of the Sun only holds a service every seven days, so there are no other people in the church except apprentices and altars.

Amos sat on another bench with his arms folded, his long sword put aside, and he fell asleep with his head bowed.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked up towards the side door of the church.

The door opened immediately, and an apprentice came out of it, and bowed slightly in front of Zhong Ye and Amos, "Mr. Amos, Mr. Zhong, Father Piero has something to discuss with you in the inner room."

Amos rubbed his face vigorously, put the long sword on his shoulder, and said in a low voice as he walked, "It looks like he must have caught a big fish, otherwise Father Piero wouldn't have acted so rigorously."

"Big fish?" Zhong Ye asked.

"Leaving aside vampires, dark creatures are born under the influence of the power of the abyss and do not obey the command of the abyss. Cultists will be in trouble. Whether they believe in evil gods or believe in the abyss, many of the rituals used will involve sacrifices." Amos said with a sneer on his face, "These sacrifices usually use other people's lives."

Zhong Ye narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, "As a demon hunter, do you often contact them?"

"Killed a lot."

After laughing twice, Amos pushed the door and walked into the secret room of the church.

This secret room is unknown to outsiders, but the demon hunter has close ties with many churches, so he can naturally know some secrets.

Zhong Ye was invited by the priest by name, otherwise Amos would not have brought him here.

There was a square low table in the secret room, and chairs were placed around the low table. After sitting down, Amos put the weapon in his hand, raised his legs, and asked Priest Piero, who was already sitting opposite him: "Daddy?" fish?"

The priest's face was serious, "I am a believer in the God of Plague."

As soon as this remark came out, the relief on Amos' face could no longer be held back.

Zhong Ye looked left and right, and asked if he didn't understand, "Is there any question?"

"...that was a ceremony to summon the abyss." Amos explained with an ugly face, "The god of plague was swallowed by the abyss as early as 200 years ago. After he was swallowed, his followers tried to use rituals to put him Summoned back, they succeeded, and the Plague Gods returned to our world--with the Abyss!

"There is a continent in the south of the southeast province of Yitrul, 'Africa', and until now, that continent has not recovered from that disaster.

"Because of this incident, we erased the name of the God of Plague from history, but now..."

Zhong Ye frowned, thought for a while, and asked, "Where's the vampire?"

"That's why I've invited you here—"

The priest took a deep breath and said solemnly: "That vampire just came to Resta yesterday, so he has no time to commit crimes, and vampires don't need to 'eat' so frequently."

Amos' face suddenly changed and he stood up abruptly, bringing back his chair, "You mean the murderer of the missing case is still active in this town?!"

"The murderer and the missing person are the same."

At this time, Zhong Ye suddenly asked: "Amos, don't you think those cultists are a little too weak? Because they can commit so many murders and disappearances without leaving us too many Any clues? Also, if they are believers of the plague god, what about the plague?"

"I—" Thinking of this, Amos immediately gasped, his scalp tingling, "...fuck!"

"What kind of place is this... why are there so many troubles..."

Amos was thinking about it, and Zhong Ye asked the priest again: "Father Piero, can you control the situation in Resta?"

"What do you want me to do?" asked the priest.

"If we don't have time to solve this incident, we will block the town and prevent the plague from flowing out." Zhong Ye paused and said slowly, "Amos told me that the life affected by the abyss will become deformed, and the plague will Aberrants can go on to affect other creatures, deforming them."

"It's hard." There was a smile on the priest's cold face, "but it can be done."

"It's not too late."

Zhong Ye stood up and winked at Amos.

The demon hunter bent down to pick up the weapon, cursed and followed Zhong Ye out of the secret room.

"When I find those guys, I'm going to have to find a stick and pierce them through the ass!"

And Zhong Ye frowned as he looked at the task information that appeared in front of him.

[Discovery mission——]

[Plague or Abyss: You have collected enough information, all of which are warning that the situation has developed to an irreversible level, and now the only choice you can make is to face the plague or face the abyss]

[Completing the task has a low probability of getting the gaze of the Sun God, and a chance of getting the blessing of the Sun God, and will definitely get the Sun Church bounty ([-] gold coins)]

[Note: This task is the beginning of the achievement task chain Plague Buster, if completed, you will get the clue of this task chain]

He solved four heretics and a vampire, and only got ten gold coins in total, but for this task, the Church of the Sun alone offered a bounty of two hundred gold coins. Receive extra bounties from nobles.

The mission mechanism of "Echo of Soul" is that the higher the reward, the higher the difficulty of the mission.

Now that the reward for this task is so high, it is obvious that the difficulty will not be low.

Zhong Ye and Amos walked out of the church and looked at each other when they heard that the church was also bustling.

"Let me talk first!" Zhong Ye spoke first, "Let's split up and go to the place where the crowd gathers to observe. If there are many people with symptoms such as coughing, weakness, and diarrhea, come back and inform the church and let them go to the church. Check it out."

Amos nodded in agreement, "There are a large number of people in the civilian area, which is more crowded and more likely to spread the plague. Moreover, when they get sick, they will choose to endure or find a prescription to heal themselves. It is not easy to be noticed. By the time they are noticed, the plague has already spread. It's coming."

After confirming the plan and assigning goals, the two immediately acted.

There is a long street in the town for rural farmers, hunters and merchants to buy and sell goods. In addition, there are mills, blacksmith shops, city gates, taverns where adventurers and mercenaries gather, all of which are places where people gather.

Zhong Ye frowned, enduring the pungent smell from the crowd.

Nothing was found on the long commercial street. After passing this long street, his next target was a tavern.

There are many monsters in the wilderness, and Zhong Ye and Amos have encountered some before returning to the civilized land of the southeastern province.

Many parts of their bodies are rare materials, but Zhong Ye didn't know about it, and Amos didn't think about it, so he didn't collect it, otherwise Zhong Ye wouldn't be penniless when he came to Resta , but also need to work to earn money.

Resta Territory is located at the junction of Europa and Africa. The west and south are close to the occupied area, but the east is not. It does not belong to any nobles, and the monster materials hunted there do not need to pay taxes.

Therefore, Resta Territory is not very prosperous, but some adventurers will come here, looking for opportunities to get rich.

There is only one tavern in the civilian area of ​​Resta. This tavern serves as a hotel, an agency, and a gathering place for adventurers and mercenaries.

Even in broad daylight, the tavern was bustling with activity, before approaching the gate, Zhong Ye could already hear the noise coming from inside.

He walked towards the tavern, but the door opened before he pushed it open, and a short figure stepped out.

Jihayi looked up and was startled.

——It was the man who killed the vampire last night!

Zhong Ye glanced at the child strangely, not quite understanding why a child left the tavern.

But it was strange, he still put his hand on the door, ready to push the door and walk in.

"Wait! Sir, wait!"

Jihayi cried out suddenly, his clenched fists were full of sweat.

He held his head up, looked at the tall man in front of him, murmured for a moment, then made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said, "Last night, last night you said that if you encountered any weird things, you would go to the church to find Father Piero— -me……"

At this time, Jihayi's lips trembled, his mind went blank, and he couldn't organize words at all.

"What did you find?" Zhong Ye asked in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The little boy breathed a sigh of relief and nodded earnestly, "I feel something strange in the town recently..."

(End of this chapter)

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