Soul echo

Chapter 849: All the Eyes (4)

Chapter 849 All Eyes On ([-])

After [proliferation], [infection], [differentiation], and [rule], it's [captive breeding]!
Capitalism will house all human beings who are infected, differentiated by it, and ruled by it. Human beings will be gradually domesticated. The problems were all over the place.

It magnifies the problem that should not be a problem, further arouses public indignation, and makes the crowd self-differentiate.

In this way, people will fall into one false proposition after another and cannot extricate themselves. When populism is triggered, the masses will fall into an unsolvable endless loop.

At this time, capitalism has achieved the goal of "captive human beings", because the human beings living in this circle have completed self-domestication.

Children need education to grow up, but their growing environment is full of various problems. How can they escape from it?

Those who can break this circle are elites and capitalists, but even if one or two people betray their own class, how can there be a class that betrays their class?
When capitalism domesticates the people at the bottom, it will also domesticate capitalists at the same time, allowing capitalists to instill capitalist ideas in their offspring, so that their offspring think that what they have is what they are born with and what they deserve .

Classes are drawn in this way, and a sad and hateful gap has appeared between the people and the capitalists!

More power of faith floated out from the earth and turned into the food for the growth of the evil god, making him stronger and bigger.

At this moment, Zhong Ye jumped up high.

He has finally caught up with the growth rate of the evil god, and even surpassed it, but this is not something to be excited about.

Because of the gap in strength, he was pulled far, far away.

However, his power is also growing, and his power is also expanding!

This strength comes from the past, from experience, from others, and also from his own helping hand to the suffering.

Zhong Ye saw——

At the age of 15, he practiced martial arts diligently and showed himself in front of many masters; at the age of 17, he stood on the stage of actual combat and faced the cheers of the crowd; at the age of 19, he honed his martial arts to the extreme, He began to travel around the world, referring to martial arts from various places; at the age of 22, he defeated a world boxing champion who replaced most of his limbs and organs with prosthetic bodies, and proved in front of 10,000+ people that the limits of human beings are far beyond people's imagination... …

He killed a vampire in Resta, rescued a little boy, and then cooperated with Amos to kill the God of Joy Nemo with the power of the sun, which attracted much attention; he was in an unnamed seaside town Taught a child and gave a poor family a large sum of money to get them through the initial difficulties, and then beheaded a white troll in front of the townspeople, which was cheered by the townspeople; He saved hundreds of people, successfully closed the gate of the abyss, and won the admiration of the residents of Laurel City; although not many people knew what he did in Belgrade, he obtained a piece of Oneiroi's divinity there... …

From Resta to Belgrade, from Belgrade to Milan, from Milan to Montreux, from Montreux to Paris, from Paris to the Witcher's Castle...

He crossed mountains, rivers, and oceans, measured the land with his feet, and extended a helping hand to countless suffering people. Therefore, he won people's trust, admiration, and even "faith"!
There are more than ten million of them?

In this instant, Zhong Ye became a 'god'!
The belief of all people lifted him up, allowing him to cross the boundary between mortals and gods.

And Zhong Ye also obtained 'power' from divinity.

【Are you burning your own 'divinity'? 】

The evil god questioned, because he couldn't understand why some gods would choose to burn their 'divinity'.

This is an ability that every god can use, because power is conceived from the divinity, as long as you choose to burn the divinity, you can use the power to the limit in a short time.

The evil god already knew this after gaining wisdom, and it was because of this that he was confused.

Didn't this guy just become a god?Once he burns out his divinity, wouldn't he turn back into a mortal again?
Does he want to gamble?
Bet that this punch can kill him?

[Extremely ridiculous! 】

The evil god raised its sixth hand and activated its sixth power—【Violence】!
Capitalism is violent, bloody, and barbaric. Once someone tries to overthrow it, it will abandon its gentle disguise and show its ferocity.

Just like human beings can't accept their domesticated animals resisting themselves, as long as that kind of thing happens, they will be furious, and capitalism is bred from the "beast nature" of human civilization, so it will naturally have similar characteristics .

Zhong Ye swung his fist at the evil god. His flaming divinity pushed his power to an incredible peak. Even the gods of the alchemy world would be surprised when they saw it.

And this power is concentrated on the front of the fist.

The flame that burst out in the dark and silent space illuminated the eyes of all those who were watching the battle. Through this light, they seemed to see the admiration of all people and the cry of all people.

This is the fist of 'unyielding' - unwillingness to yield to limits, unwilling to surrender to despair, unwilling to yield to difficulties;

This is the fist of 'resistance' - rising in the face of adversity, fighting in the face of despair;
Similarly, this is also the fist of 'breaking the limit'!
[Power restraint? ! 】

Even capitalism collapses in the face of absolute violence.

—The weapon of criticism cannot replace the criticism of the weapon!
The evil god had already mobilized all his strength, but the power named [violence] still couldn't resist Zhong Ye's fist.

Because in the eyes of people who believe in Zhong Ye, he is a representative of unyielding, rebellious, strong, and kind, and his power is called "struggle"!
——Fight against the predicament, against despair, against the limit, even in the crisis of near death or even ten death, you can use your own fists to strike out hope!
——【Come on! ! ! 】

The beliefs of all people gathered in one place, condensed on this punch!

Zhong Ye's fist broke through layers of barriers, and slammed into the face of the evil god.

His head then turned into pieces and gushed away, like a long river hanging across the void.

--what! ! !

Seeing this scene, people could no longer hold back their excitement. They waved their arms and hugged those around them. Screams and cheers resounded from every corner of the earth.

The dignitaries of many countries couldn't keep their composure and laughed heartily.

Because Zhong Ye killed that evil god, they didn't have to worry about the earth being destroyed.

However, will things really end so simply?
It was born out of the concept of 'capitalism', which has affected billions of people around the world.

【You burned all your divinity, indeed pushed your power to the limit, successfully crossed the gap between the strong and the weak, and killed me together, but! 】

Under people's attention, the evil god once again condensed a head.

The cheers stopped abruptly, the dancing also stopped, the sight became dull, and the expression became stiff.

A breath of despair spread quietly...

——The seventh power, [Parasite]!
[I was born from the animal nature of human beings and parasitized in human desires. As long as human beings cannot eliminate their desires for a day, I will never perish—capital cannot be killed! 】

【And you, now that you have burned all your divinity and turned back into a mortal, how can you fight me? ! 】

Zhong Ye saw the anger on the evil god's face, and all the chic and joking in the past disappeared.

Facing the questioning from the evil god, Zhong Ye remained calm.

[If the divinity disappears, wouldn't it be enough to re-condense it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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