Soul echo

Chapter 853 Luna and the Moon

Chapter 853 Luna and the Moon

Dan's world and Earth's space-time coordinates overlap in one place, and the two worlds have never been so close.

Before that, it took a lot of energy to transmit the earth's matter to the Dan world, and only the primitive gods could afford it. Now, even the gods of faith can afford it.

Zhong Ye finally understood why the sun god was able to kill this evil god born from the concept of capitalism when he just woke up, but there was no reason to do it.

Through the battle between myself and this evil god, I am afraid that the attention of the evil god of the abyss will be attracted, and only in this way can the gods of the alchemy world be able to complete the plan of "clearly repairing the plank road and secretly keeping Chencang".

Moreover, the gods of the earth people really need stimulation to wake up. The sun gods need a strong ally. The sleeping state of the [God of Humanity] was too dangerous, and it would be easily polluted and corrupted. If he If it is polluted, I am afraid that the whole earth will fall.

Just fighting against the evil god of the abyss is already strenuous enough. If the earth also falls, how can the Dan world fight against it?
Therefore, the sun gods made such a plan.

——When the gods of the earth people wake up and kill the evil gods, let the world of Dan and the earth merge, and the two worlds are inseparable.

[Do you need our help? 】

The voice of the Sun God sounded in his mind, and the corners of Zhong Ye's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: [No need, let us earthlings solve the matter of the earthlings ourselves! 】

So, he punched the unprepared evil god for the fourth time.

This punch hit the evil god's chest, and countless cracks burst into the evil god's body instantly.

【You guy! ! ! 】

The evil god could no longer remain calm and rational, because he could clearly feel that the guy in front of him really had the ability to kill himself.

Will he really be killed?Was he really about to be killed?
[I will not be killed, I was born from human animality, I am rooted in human genes, as long as human beings still have desires, I will never be wiped out! 】

The burning divinity will fill the cracks. Even if the evil god has lost the state of [finalist], he still has divinity, and can still exert powerful power by burning divinity.

His power [parasitic] would have allowed him to extract power from human thoughts, even though the vast majority of people on earth now oppose him and regard him as an enemy, but they do not consider 'capitalism' an enemy.

This is his chance—he still has a chance to come back!
The evil god punched and collided with the giant god's fist.

【—You, you will never be able to defeat me! 】

However, the arm where the fists of the evil god collided with the giant god had countless cracks.

Even if those cracks were all repaired in the next moment, an injury was an injury, and the evil god couldn't hide the fact that he was already weaker than Zhong Ye.

The giant remained silent, and attacked again.

The Cthulhu roared and kept waving his fists to block.

The power of power burst out in space, and the giant god was unscathed, but the evil god was gradually injured in successive collisions.

His repair speed can no longer keep up with the speed of the injury, the cracks spread from the front of the fist, extended to the wrist, extended to the shoulder, extended to the neck and chest!

【what! ! ! 】

The evil spirit couldn't help but roared, falling into impotent rage.

No matter what he does, he can't escape the future that is about to lose, and the ending is already in front of his eyes. Does he really only have the ending of 'death'?

'If you are willing to be my subordinate, I can save your life, do you want to make this deal? '

A voice suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart.

'It's just that after you become my subordinate, you can't have any doubts about my orders, and you must execute them wholeheartedly. Are you willing to accept such conditions? '

At this moment, cracks have spread all over the evil god's body, his arms, torso, and even his head are already covered with cracks.

And these cracks are not only on the body, but also on the soul. If this continues, his soul will be shattered.

After his soul is broken, can he really return from death like this guy in front of him?Can He also transcend death?
The evil god was unwilling to gamble on this possibility, so he readily agreed.

[I am willing to be your subordinate! 】

The giant god's eyes burst into brilliance suddenly, and Zhong Ye, who was the core, caught this sentence and asked ruthlessly: ['Who' are you talking to? ! 】

Just when Zhong Ye yelled these words, the giant god's fist was blocked by the evil god.

At this moment, the power of the evil god was raised to the same level as the giant god.

It was also at this time that the evil god repaired the cracks all over his body.

From soul to body, He has been fully restored!

[Who am I talking to, I don't need to explain to you! 】

'Well, I've saved your life, now it's time for you to serve me wholeheartedly. '

The evil god was stunned for a moment, and was punched through the chest by the giant god, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged in the depths of his soul.

'Go kill yourself. ' said the voice briskly, 'die at the hand of this guy in front of you, and then, use your soul to pollute him! '

——How could I do such a thing? !
After listening, the evil god's first reaction was anger.

He just escaped from the end of death, how could he go to die?

However, what happened next made him feel extremely terrified.

【Power, my power...】

Zhong Ye also sensed that the power in the evil god's body began to become disordered.

【What did you promise Him? ! 】 Zhong Ye asked angrily.

At this time, the only existence that can help the evil god increase his strength is the evil god of the abyss. Although he is not sure which one it is, any evil god of the abyss is not a good character to be with.

Whatever they say, don't hear it; whatever they see, don't see it!
Only in this way can we not be affected by the abyss.

It's just a pity that there are not many people who can do this, and the evil god in front of him is obviously not one of them.

Before the evil god could reply, the chaotic power in his body tore apart his body and soul, detonated himself, and dispersed into a cloud of black mist.

The black mist didn't disperse, and the moment it exploded, it rolled towards the giant god, wrapped it up, and penetrated into it.

This is... abyss pollution?
Zhong Ye is most familiar with the pollution of the abyss. Not only has he been controlled by the King of Conspiracy, but he has also been cursed by the Lord of War. He was controlled by the curse not long ago.

Just because he was familiar with it and knew how troublesome it was, Zhong Ye's face became very ugly.

Now the gods of the earth people are connected with his existence, if this giant god is polluted by the abyss, it is very likely to pollute all the earth people...

He can't solve this problem!
【It’s okay, there is a way to crack it...】

Suddenly, a gentle voice floated into his mind, and Zhong Ye suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

In front of him, a cratered gray satellite was approaching fast, and above that satellite, a white phantom opened its arms.

The moon god gently hugged the giant god polluted by the abyss, their contact was only for that moment, and then the phantom image of the moon god passed through the giant god's body, taking away all the abyss pollution covering the giant god's body surface and body. gone.

Zhong Ye was startled, and hurriedly turned his head to look behind him.

The Moon God was already deeply infected by the abyss, and now taking away the pollution formed by the evil god, wouldn't it increase the degree of his infection?

[Don't worry, everything is planned...]

The voices of many gods sounded at the same time, so Zhong Ye saw the figure of the moon god rising from the illusory alchemy world moon, and thousands of souls followed him soaring into the sky, leaving the one that had been infected. Half darkened moon.

The Moon God, carrying his heroic spirits, turned into a beam of light, crossed the galaxy, and landed on the moon of the earth.

More than a dozen scientific research bases on the moon buzzed at the same time, and a strong brilliance soared into the sky, echoing the moon god.

Then, the moon god of the Dan world broke away from the Dan world and came to the universe on the earth side. The huge figure closed his eyes, then blurred, embraced the moon, and merged into the moon.

From now on, there will be no 'Moon God' in Dan's world.

From now on, the earth has a powerful patron saint.

——Everything is in plan!

(End of this chapter)

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