Soul echo

Chapter 860 Battle of the Moon (End)

Chapter 860 Battle of the Moon (End)

Although the reaction may be a bit slow, Zhong Ye is sure that the evil Moon God is getting familiar with these 'swords'.

Its movements to deal with these swords became more and more casual, which showed that it gradually adapted to the abilities of these swords and had the power to counter them.

Xuanyuan Sword was originally Zhong Ye's hole card to destroy the moon, but now, the hole card has been revealed early, maybe when the time comes, the evil Moon God will think of a way to counter Xuanyuan Sword.

But now, the moon is falling towards the planet Dan at a speed of 30 meters per second, and the speed is still rising continuously. In less than half an hour, the satellite that has been protecting the planet Dan will crash into the planet Dan. Destroy the surface of that planet and kill everyone who lives on it.

Zhong Ye silently clenched the hilt of his sword, frowning.

——At this time, what should he do?
After a sword strike, the figure of the evil moon god reappeared.

There was neither sadness nor joy on its face, even though Zhong Ye hurt it one after another, it didn't make the slightest turmoil in its heart.

【Encountering the a kind of sadness! 】

Zhong Ye froze suddenly, staring straight at the evil Moon God standing in the distance.

The voice that appeared in his head was not from other people or gods, it was the voice of the evil moon god.

[The abyss, it will make people hostile and vengeful to each other, and it will make society and civilization into chaos-no matter the father of fruit, the king of conspiracy, the master of pleasure or the king of war, they are all the same, so he They will be collectively called the 'Abyss Cthulhu'. 】

[As the barrier of the Dan world, I have intercepted many things from other worlds for people on the ground. It is precisely because I have been in contact with many things from other worlds that I feel that encountering an abyss is a kind of sadness. 】

[Although the plan of the Mind Eater Aggregation is what it wants to do, it must have the influence of the King of Conspiracy. After the aggregate collapses, the King of Conspiracy will not be able to accept it so quickly legacy. 】

[How can a plan that has been interfered by the King of Conspiracy fight against the abyss?Many of the objects from other worlds I intercepted were stained with traces of the abyss, but they were all 'unowned objects', and their original worlds had been destroyed. , is the abyss. 】

[Dan World and the Earth are already heading for slow death, since they are destined to be destroyed, why can’t the destroyer be me?At least... I can wake them up and reassemble a civilization in the form of the 'dead'. 】

[I have done many experiments, the abyss is not interested in the dead, so we just need to turn our civilization into a tombstone, and then re-breed a civilization from the tombstone, wouldn't it be fine?You, and you, why stop me? 】

The soul can surpass the speed of light, so in Zhong Ye's ears, these voices were squeezed into his mind almost at the same time.

But he could clearly hear what the evil moon god was saying, so he felt surprised and astonished.

The original god born from 'admiration' and 'love', even after being corrupted, is only a twisted concept... No!
Zhong Ye's eyes instantly became sharp, he shouldn't be thinking about this matter.

The evil moon god has been corrupted by the abyss, and any word it says is influenced by the abyss. Even if it is to think or doubt, it may be affected by the abyss.

At this time, what he should do most is not to think about the words of the evil moon god, but to kill it.

Because no matter what reason it wants to destroy the world, whether it is out of love or hate, even if it is out of distorted love, the result will not change - it just wants to destroy the world!

For Zhong Ye, this was unacceptable.

There is no need to accept its thoughts, as long as you know that it is an existence that stands in opposition to itself, it is enough.

Zhong Ye drew his sword brazenly and charged forward resolutely.

Chunjun, Longyuan, Ganjiang Moxie, Chixiao, Xuanyuan Xiayu...the long swords were swung one after another, and one after another sword light shone on the moon.

The closer the moon is to Dan's planet, the weaker the power that the evil moon god can exert.

Because it needs to use a full-blown moon to hit the surface and destroy all life on the surface, so it is impossible for it to use the power of the moon to deal with Zhong Ye.

When the distance between the local moon and the moon is close to the critical point, it is the opportunity for Zhong Ye to smash the moon, because at that time, the evil moon god will use all his strength to maintain the integrity of the moon, and he will be powerless to fight him.

At that time, what he needs to deal with is not the 'evil moon god' and 'the moon', but the 'evil moon god + the moon' as a whole, without distraction.

Before that, he needs to weaken the power of the evil moon god!

[Zhong Ye! ! 】

Hearing that urgent voice, Zhong Ye opened his mouth and shouted angrily: [Hold on! 】

At this time, when he looked back, he could already see the atmosphere.


The moon falling to the ground disturbed the rivers, lakes and seas, and even the liquid in the water cup began to fluctuate.

The moon is still revolving around Dan's planet, but it has broken through the tidal lock. It is no longer just facing the Dan's planet. Even people on the ground can see the continuous rotation of the moon.

Due to the acceleration of the revolution, the moon has moved from the top of the eastern land to the edge of the western land. People in the western land can already see the scene of the sun and the moon flying in the sky and the black moon falling to the earth.

Seeing this scene, people couldn't help panicking.

What's going on here?Is the world about to end?
In places where gods and dragons are not sheltered, such as Antarctica, Oceania, and the ice on the Arctic Ocean, they are all broken by the gravitational pull of the moon.

The end of the world is coming, but they also noticed the battle on the black moon at this time.

The fire on the lunar surface is bright and bright, and has already swallowed most of the moon, and it seems that a second sun is lit up in the sky.

The evil Moon God didn't put in any more effort to disperse the sea of ​​flames, he integrated everything about himself into the moon, and now what is displayed outside is just a form without any power.

--It's now!
Xuanyuan Xiayu's "Power of the Holy Way" has already weakened nearly half of the damage to the evil Moon God, so it cannot be used, and other "swords" must be used——

[Your Majesty the God of Nature, help me connect everyone! 】

At this moment, Zhong Ye's consciousness and soul transcended the limitations of time and space, transcended the barriers of the world, and entered the ethereal realm.

He connected all the humans and elves in the world of Dan who were not polluted by the abyss, and also connected all the people on earth.

[Your struggle is also for the earth. Only when Dan World continues to exist can the earth maintain peace and stability, so let us also contribute! 】

Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, a flame shot up from his spine, and reflected into the real world through his eyes.

The divinity named 'struggle' was ignited again, facing the world that was about to be destroyed, Zhong Ye shouted:

【Everyone, I'm Zhong Ye——】

He could already see that countless threads of faith gushed out from the void and pierced into his soul.

However, it is not enough!

[Now I am saving a world, but my own strength is not enough, I need your help——]

More power of faith surged out like a tide, wrapping around Zhong Ye's divinity.

However, it is not enough! !
[Please, everyone, I don’t need you to do anything, I just need you to shout with me——]

Beyond the limitation of time and space, beyond the barriers of the world, the thoughts of billions of people in the two worlds are condensed here, making the flame on Zhong Ye brighter and brighter!
But it's not enough! ! !

Zhong Ye's face was distorted and ferocious, and a huge amount of power of faith washed over his soul and body. Even with the help of the God of Nature and the God of Earth Thought, his current body could hardly bear this ever-greater divinity.

Even so, is it not enough?
His right hand suddenly grabbed the spine, Zhong Ye roared violently, his muscles tensed up, and he exerted all his strength.

His body can't carry it, so don't have this divinity!


The brilliant flames that spread all over Zhong Ye's body, and even cracked his body surface, suddenly shrunk and rolled towards the spine.


【--Come! ! ! 】

Using the spine and divinity of a god as the embryo of a sword, the shouts of all peoples struck the pure white bone one after another like a forging hammer.

In just an instant, an artifact was born in this world!

Zhong Ye roared and swung the 'Excalibur'——

— The moon, broken!
(End of this chapter)

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