Soul Guardian

Chapter 71: Showdown

“You were right to send the witch away,” Gabriel said as he landed and started walking towards Bael, “I would have killed her first.”

The Baron shook his head. “I highly doubt that. My daughter is quite resilient, for a mortal.”

“Then why send her away? Do you think she can summon help in time to save you from judgment?” The Archangel took a few swipes at the air with his flaming sword. “Are you stalling for time, demon?”

“No, but I do have a question for you. And I don't think you will be in any shape to answer it after we fight. So, perhaps you can enlighten me.”

Gabriel looked at the demon with suspicion. “I assume that this is some kind of trick?”

Bael laughed cruelly. “Of course it is. But perhaps you would be willing to risk it for a chance to beat the great Bael Sharoth in a battle of the wits.” The demon let out another mocking laugh.

Gabriel knew it was a bad idea, but his pride got the better of him. “Ask your question, demon.”

“Thank you,” Bael said, making a short bow before he continued, “Something has been bothering me. Angels are supposed to be God’s perfect creations. They are made to love and serve him. And yet, they fall.

“Lucy’s revelation was a civil war, with angels on both sides. So, it wasn't an isolated issue. Even poor Zephyr is one foot away from hell.”

Gabriel gritted his teeth. “I'm not hearing a question.”

“Ah, yes. I should probably get to the point,” Bael acknowledged as he took a step towards the Archangel, “My question is this, you had everything and yet you still chose to fall. Why is that?”

The Archangel flinched. “I’m not one of the fallen.”

The Baron laughed. “Oh yes, you are. Do you really believe that after everything you've done you'll be welcome back in heaven? You tried to kick start the apocalypse. You tried to destroy humanity. And for what? To start a war that nobody else wants?”

Gabriel raised his sword, but didn't swing. “I could end you right now.”

Bael laughed even harder. “We're in the mortal realm, you idiot. If you kill me here I'll just be reborn in the fires of the pit. Those angels I killed are all up in heaven taking a harp break. It's funny how none of them have bothered to return and help you finish the fight. Their hearts must not be in it, or maybe someone is preventing them from leaving.”

“This is a holy weapon,” Gabriel pointed out, a hint of doubt creeping into his voice, “I can kill you permanently.”

“Only when wielded by one of the faithful, and that's not you. You're practically a demon at this point.” Bael pointed a talon towards Gabriel’s chest. “So, let me ask you this, is fighting me worth it? Because even if you win, you will still lose everything.”

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Gabriel swung at Bael, forcing the demon to leap out of the way. “You're trying to trick me.”

“Nope,” Bael taunted as he dodged another swing, “I'm just showing you the truth. You knew Metatron's orders were wrong. You knew starting Armageddon was wrong, but you did it anyway. And now that I've pointed it out, you can't hide behind ignorance or self-deception.”

The Archangel’s swings were getting wild now. Bael continued to stay just out of range as he spoke. “You chose to end humanity for your own selfish gain, and now you're going to pay the price for it.”

Gabriel knew better than to monologue during a fight. With a burst of speed he lunged forward, aiming to run the demon through. Then, everything went wrong. The Archangel watched in disbelief as Bael clapped both hands together in a mockery of prayer, gripping the blade between his palms. Gabriel tried to pry it free, but the sword refused to move.

The holy fires that ran the length of the blade guttered and vanished, replaced by an otherworldly chill. Gabriel barely managed to release his grip on the weapon before the bone numbing cold could freeze his fingers. Normally Bael used the ability to keep his ice cream from melting, but it had other uses. After all, heat was just another form of kinetic energy

“I’ll be taking this,” the demon said as he flipped the blade into the air and caught it by the hilt, “Now, it’s my turn.”

The strength and endurance Bael had lost due to centuries spent behind a desk was more than made up for by his magical abilities. Muscle was weak, but metal was strong. Within seconds Bael had the Archangel pinned to the ground, his stolen blade tickling at Gabriel’s throat.

“Now, let me ask you another question. No demon, even a Baron, can stand against an Archangel. Yet, now you stand powerless before me. Why do you think that is?” Bael asked as his golden tendrils continued to tighten around the defenseless angel.

As realization dawned on Gabriel’s face, the Baron let out another cruel laugh. “You understand now, don’t you? Angels are only as powerful as their faith, and yours is sadly lacking. My power, however, is not so limited.”

Bael couldn’t resist twisting the knife. “You know, this is all your fault. If you had just rushed in, sword blazing, I wouldn't have stood a chance. Instead you let your pride get the better of you. You let me get the better of you.”

“I knew that question was a trap!” Gabriel raged. He could already feel his body getting heavier, a sure sign of his fall from grace. But it wasn’t over yet. He had all of eternity to get his revenge. “I'll see you in hell! You and that little witch!”

The Baron shook his head as he adjusted his grip on the holy weapon. There was something Gabriel couldn't decipher in his gaze. It seemed like a mix of resentment and pity. His voice was tired as he spoke. “I just didn't send Six away because I was afraid for her. I sent her away so she wouldn't have to see me as I really am. I didn’t want her to see me kill you.”

Bael let out a sigh as the fallen Archangel struggled against the metal tendrils that bound him. “Even now you’re thinking of revenge, of how you will get one over on me tomorrow. But for you, there is no tomorrow. This is it. This is where you end.”

He let that sink in before continuing. “As is my right as a Baron of hell, I banish you from the infernal realm and all associated territories. Goodbye, Gabriel. And also, fuck you for making me do this.” Before Gabriel could respond or fully process what had been said, Bael plunged the sword through his heart, killing him instantly.

Gabriel’s soul was dragged down towards the pit where it belonged. To his surprise, it stopped at the threshold. His soul couldn’t return to heaven, but it was also banned from entering hell. Even purgatory was off limits, as it sat on the outer fringes of the infernal realm. He was trapped in the space between dimensions, but not for long.

“Uh oh,” the fallen angel said as he felt his soul starting to unravel from unprotected contact with the void, “That’s not good.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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