Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 18: Ideals and battles

The majestic brilliance is like mercury, spreading towards the endless distance with a thick breath that is so strong that it cannot be dissipated. In the void outside of the world, as long as any life rises, you will definitely be able to see the sudden eruption that penetrates the galaxy. Fire light.

In just an instant, the abyss was crossed, and the deadly abyss was illuminated like daylight, and the surging energy explosion that surpassed the great demon wave in a short time was like a countercurrent tide, from bottom to top, towards the normal world galaxy. Gushing, covering all the dead world.

All the powerhouses who knew that Joshua had already left the barrier and cast their gazes in that direction all saw that bright silver radiance. They saw that the huge silver world with a long and incomparable light band, separated from the great vortex of creation, Then flew towards the silent void that leads to the multi-element galaxy beyond the lost galaxy!

Joshua, has become a near saint!

Just a glance, they can know that they are not surprised at this result-long before entering the creation vortex retreat, Joshua has reached that similar realm, and more than ten years later, here After a short period of time for most lives, the man broke through again and became the strongest one who was only one step away from the realm of sages.

“But…I don’t see at all what path he chose…”

Looking up at the silver light flying across the dark void, like long silver marks drawn on a dark screen, Nostradamus, who stayed in the world of Mycroft, turned his head, his eyes Staring at Joshua, he muttered to himself: “It is not a super-monolithic world. Although this world is huge, it is still far from the prototype of the dead evil god. But there are still lessons. I can see this world. The internal structure is very complicated and delicate.”

“I can also see that it’s not divine power–but I haven’t completely abandoned divine power either.”

Floating aside, No. 3 flapped her wings, her brows were furrowed, her eyes were serious, and there was the **** of the sky spreading between her brows: “And it is not the power of emotion, Joshua has shown me the power of emotion. Basic rune, similarly, he didn’t cut off this path.”

“He has not chosen the final path!”

The Sacrifice of the Ten Thousand Worlds, is communicating with the will of the Dominion of the Sacrifice of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and the legendary powerhouse, soul walker Arnamilo, who is about to be teleported to the front line of the Belarus Galaxy, has a sudden change. At that moment, the legend of the pre-Glorious Era seems to be I sensed the familiar, sage’s breath–but soon, Joshua was completely different from the sage, and it could even be said to be completely opposite. It was full of oppression, and the tremendous pressure of aggression came clear, making everyone’s breathing One suffocated.

But even so, it did not affect. Yarnami Luo, who had seen the sage in person, had seen the legend of another sage in the near-sage period, and gave his own judgment to Joshua.

“Unlike a sage, his breath has not been determined yet, and it is still changing-the long road has not yet chosen a direction-but even so, he has become a near sage?!”

All the powerhouses who watched Joshua came to the same conclusion, and this conclusion surprised everyone: in their expectation, the powerhouse who reached the limit of the legend needed to choose one of their own sages. Road, only when you step on this road can you become a near saint!

The so-called near-sages are the prototypes of sages. All near-sages, in theory, have the potential to become sages!

However, Joshua has become a near saint before he has made a full choice?

This is no longer a theory-there is no doubt that the steel **** does indeed have the qualifications to become a sage!

“But that road…”

The silver glow has disappeared in the silent void, leaving the Lost Galaxy completely, leaving only a long trace of light. The natural teacher bowed her head regretfully, not chasing the light, she just whispered in doubt: “What is that road? what?”

Joshua has left, but the light he left behind is still spreading in the Lost Galaxy. As the silver wave swept through, countless worlds were bathed in its light, glowing with a different kind of light-the heavens and the stars were disturbed The flashing, as if about to move.

In the void, a world’s will jumped out of its own world. It was Karlis’s steel python. The silver serpent hovered in the void. Although it couldn’t finally reach Joshua’s figure, it could still perceive the other side. That is the breath of the world. Karlis stared at the dazzling light trace in the dark void. It accepted the light spread by the other party. The Steel Python couldn’t help trembling-trembling because of joy, Karlis could feel that he had just been Stabilized, the reincarnation of the soul that is barely broken is firm, just like a rock.

Because it was bathed in this light, it completely got rid of the wounds caused by the desolation of the world and the severance of civilization, completely recovered, and became a sound and powerful world will.

But I don’t know why, but the heart of the steel python is not completely immersed in joy, perhaps because of instinct, or some kind of faint fear, in its mind, there is an uneasy name called “Mingming”, Karlis Shrinking his scales in the void, his pupils shrank slightly.

“It feels like the King of Burning Soul is resurrecting the world…”

It muttered to itself, with deep doubts in its tone. The steel python looked around itself, the countless worlds that were once dead and dormant, waiting for recovery and rebirth. It saw thousands of worlds because of Bathing in that light and resurrecting, rebirth of life-this should have been an exciting good thing, but I don’t know why, Carliss heart is vaguely filled with fear.

“But… even if you are the King of Soul Burning, you need to burn your soul and chaos to restore the world!”

Even though Joshua could not be seen, Karlis still did not look away. It stared at the direction where the soldier was leaving, and his tone couldn’t help but raise, as if he snarled, “Then, what exactly did he burn?!”

No one can answer this question, because everyone knows nothing about it-Joshua has never concealed any information he has from anyone. He is so generous, so no one has ever cared about it. Any actions of the soldiers.

After all, he would say it himself, wouldn’t he? No one would worry about Joshua, because he is so strong and helped so many people out of trouble…If there are any difficulties, what difficult choices to make, he will definitely say it too.

Therefore, when the rare soldiers kept silent, most of the talents suddenly realized that they actually didn’t know the path that the man wanted to choose.

The silver glow finally covered the entire galaxy.

The lost Galaxy began to recover.

That was the galaxy that had experienced an end and was destroyed. Countless civilizations were destroyed because of that catastrophe, and countless worlds were broken because of that catastrophe. Under the invasion of the near saint Cthulhu, the heavens and all realms trembled, The almost empty world galaxy was left behind for thousands of years. Even if it was another near saint, the later sage expelled all the darkness, the civilizations and broken worlds that have passed away cannot be returned.

But now, it is because of a near saint, countless worlds, began to recover.

But in the silent void, in the realm that no one can observe, you can see that in that huge silver world, the brilliance of silver begins to differentiate. In addition to the original color, there are scarlet and pure black colors from the world. The internal emergence, occupying most of the field.

The power of silver steel. Scarlet divinity. And, black, the power of chaos.

The power of chaos is the power of the future, the infinite possibilities, the infinite parallel world and the power of the infinite future. Burning it with flames can change the present – and this is the name of the “present of order” and the name of The struggle for the’chaotic future’-this is also the reason why the Soul Burning King can burn his soul and chaos and revive and change the existing world.

But now, the silver, red, and black lights are entwined together. They transform, erode and burn each other on the surface of the huge world. In the process of the three-phase transformation, in this delicate balance, there is something like The seeds of’infinity’ are germinating quietly, and the near-endless brilliance of recovery has been born.

Just like the small initial spark of fire in the ultimate sublimation aggregate, this’infinite’ seed is the foundation on which they can become sages in the future.

Seeing through the eternal truth of death, the essence of chaos, Joshua will naturally not let go of the power that has been mastered. He has never minded whether his fighting power comes from behind the scenes or from the enemy-as long as he can use it. , Easy to use, there is no trouble after use, then use it.

Even, sometimes, if you know that there are future troubles, you still have to use it. It’s like human beings know that the future will be hard and hard and ill-fated, but they should go on, they still have to go on, they have to make choices, they still have to choose.

Without the help of the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Field, nor the convenience of the Star Gate, Joshua quickly passed through the silent void with her own power, spreading silver light, just like the sun spreading brilliance and negative entropy.

It can be seen that in the dead silence of the silent void, as if in the eternal darkness, countless broken world remains, and there are even signs of reunion—even, in some areas, some of the remaining steel power is awakened, and they are reunited. Turning into clouds and mist, it began to revolve and condense in the dark, turning into a new world seed.

The ancient ruins began to regenerate.

As for the other powerhouses who are still looking at the lost galaxy, they have seen a way.

A long road like the sages of the past, with light, lighting up the darkness, in the deadly void, bringing the ripples named’life’.

And this road is spreading, in their eyes, toward the endless distance, the direction of the multi-element galaxy, the huge world that has shaped the long road, is moving towards the far end, the area called the’battlefield’, speeding. Away.

Star Pendant 862, June 11, 17:46 PM Standard Time, Poly Galaxy, Belarus Galaxy, Pioneer Fortress, front line.

Since a few months ago, after the Cthulhu appeared on the front line of the battlefield, there have been other Cthulhus appearing one after another. These world swallowers did not have any gatherings, no plans, just such scattered, unsystematic followers one after another. Emerging from the void, drove to the fortress group that was waiting in battle.

And the many legends, gods, and even the patrons of a racial civilization, the powerhouse of the legendary limit, naturally joined forces to kill this evil **** who seemed to pass by carelessly.

Within a few months, the Cthulhu that fell at the Belarus Galaxy was far better than the previous decades and hundreds of years. The dim light produced by the disappearance of the dark nebula is still shining at the boundary of the galaxy, like a wave. Flat, another wave.

However, the army of the evil gods has never cared about these small setbacks. One hundred and a thousand evil gods have been eliminated, and there are still 10,000 and 100,000. As time goes by, the number of evil gods is increasing. The number of chaotic family members is also increasing. They were originally like the Heretic Gods who had sent their lives one after another. Now they still don’t have any cooperation, but with that number, it’s hard to be eliminated as easily as before. Every time they appear, they are At least six or seven invaded at the same time, and more often than not, there would even be more than twenty evil gods attacking from different angles and directions, and its pressure could even collapse the operation of the entire fortress community.

Even the legendary powerhouse would find it difficult to persist in this continuous high-intensity battle against the evil gods. If there weren’t many deities also existed, I’m afraid the frontline would not be so well maintained. I have to say that the deity’s unlimited battery life is really suitable for such long-term high-intensity battles. This may be the reason why the deity is a path destined to have no future, but it still spreads across the entire multiverse.

The stern siren sounded once again in fortress after fortress. All the warriors and strong men who were still resting, once again cheered up and prepared to fight-this time the invasion, there are a total of 18 unknown evil gods, But no matter which one they are, they all have the power to destroy the world. The attack of these eighteen evil gods will also bring an army of chaotic family members that can drown half of the fortress group.

Cthulhu is a civilization, a mixture of one, and the basis of all future possibilities in the plural world. Their essence is not a tool for war, but even so, their power is enough to wipe out most of the existence, and they are also Converted into chaos.

It can be seen that on the edge of the silent void, eighteen huge distortion points begin to appear. They are terrible existences of different shapes, the most powerful of which is even comparable to the limit of legend, which is disturbing the surrounding time and space turbulence. , The Cthulhu, who was concealed in the fierce time and space storm, was enough to destroy the surrounding fortresses just by passing.

Not only time and space, but the turbulence of information generated by Cthulhu [Chaos] is confusing the communication transmission of the entire battlefield. Many fleets and strong men who are commanding, preparing to issue and accept orders are shocked to find that their communications in this area have completely collapsed. , There is no way to know where they should go, who to cooperate with, and even some people get the wrong message, and they don’t know what to do for a while.

However, there is always there, unaffected by chaos.

“This little trick.”

In the fortress, a brilliant elemental light suddenly burst out, and in the void, a brilliant and magnificent flower suddenly blossomed-this pure elemental life that once challenged Joshua in the interpretation of the Tao came from the center of the multi-galaxy. The ultimate powerhouse in the pure energy world, facing the chaotic evil **** who is stirring the entire fortress group, he did not hesitate, and directly and boldly shot more and more freely: “Just stop it!”

It’s like a torrent of rainbows. The tops of countless petals gather colors, countless elements merge and annihilate each other, and finally turn into an invisible and colorless beam of light, bombarding the approaching space-time storm, accompanied by violent space-time shocks, enveloping chaos Cthulhu’s space-time storm was broken up, and the turmoil affecting communications stopped, but what was surprising was that there was no trace of Cthulhu in the air storm at that time!

“Did off? No, still in place!”

Another legendary limit powerhouse shot, that was a powerhouse from an ordinary flesh-and-blood civilization, but after a long time, he had already turned his body into a huge crystal prism composed of magic crystals, just like a void Mountain peaks in the middle of the world–At this moment, the mountains are shaking, countless magic circle runes are condensed, and the brilliance of the surrounding big magic wave is absorbed by this ultimate condensate of magic power, and then it condenses into a crystalline giant claw, this giant There is a weird distortion of time and space in the claws, it sweeps across the void, seeming to be catching something.

Under the sweep of this magic crystal claw, a group of chaotic time and space fluctuations were forced out of the darkness, and the dark stardust was filled. It seems that it is the body of the chaotic evil god-facing the attacking crystal claw~ The ignorant Cthulhu greeted him head-on, and the two sides collided in the void, suddenly a violent energy wave spreading to the surrounding world, countless Cthulhu family members, and even other weaker Cthulhus were rushed away and turned into齑粉.

With just the first step against each other, countless Cthulhu family members were transformed into nothingness, the aftermath spread, and a spherical vacuum circle was directly cleared in the void.

However, this is indeed just the prologue-as other evil gods rushed into the fortress group in turn, their unique information disturbance began to act on the battlefield, and other strong men and fleets also launched battles and began to meet. The deities of the evil gods, and the family members who came with them.

The battlefield is chaotic.

No matter where it is, there will be battles, no matter where it is, there will be deaths. The endless Cthulhu family, even if they sweep like ants, they can find the fortress group hidden in the formation and face almost endless enemies. , No matter how strong the fortress is, it will be broken, and it can only be broken by the enemy, or even self-destruct. In the bright front, the light of the fortress’s self-detonation spreads like a supernova, and extinguishes like a supernova, leaving no traces behind.

Every burst of starlight is the death of millions or tens of millions of people, and even the destruction of a world-class fortress. The destruction of every fortress means that dozens of fleets relying on the fortress have lost their fulcrums. It can only be submerged by endless tides of family members, which in turn means the death of countless people, and even the souls will be annihilated under the erosion of chaos.

And this kind of death can’t even leave a tiny trace on this battlefield, leaving a voice that can be remembered.

This is war.


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