Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 24: Great migration (five thousand eight hundred)

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It was like a thunder, blasting into the silence, containing endless majesty, the extremely magnificent voice resounded through the heavens and the world, awakening all those who were immersed in despair. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Although there are still some people who are muddled and immersed in too deep blankness and shock, most of the strong have awakened from the confusion, quickly and firmly.

“…Joshua, what else can you do?”

The first to speak was the former Pope Eagle. Putting down all his responsibilities, the old man who came just as a’should light path performer’ has an extremely solemn face. No one can hold back the dark side that spans the endless void and is enough to flood the multi-galaxy, but even if it is fear, A choice must also be made. In fact, Iger had been prepared for a deadly battle long ago. The daze just now was mainly because he felt that facing an enemy of that order of magnitude, his deadly battle was meaningless, and he couldn’t react to it for a while, so he was stunned.

However, Joshua was right.

What’s the point of not fighting? Even if you don’t stand up and fight in the face of a defeated enemy, how can that miraculous victory come?

Or, just use the phrase that warrior usually uses the most-mustering up the courage to fight the darkness. This matter itself is the greatest significance.

In response to the familiar person’s question, the giant turned his head and glanced at Eagle from a distance.

The unprecedented firmness and the unprecedented firmness of the eyes shocked the old pope for a while and could not speak.

I don’t know why, Iger remembered the expressions of the previous pope when he took over the role of the Pope of the Seven Gods and watched the extinguishing flames of Mykrov’s world with the previous pope decades ago.

The old man who has long since passed away, and Joshua now, also used this extremely firm and determined eyes to stare at the misty flame that was about to extinguish. It was hard for Eagle to imagine that this kind of determination to protect something at all costs could actually be seen in Joshua.

But the soldier’s voice sounded, interrupting his association.

“Yes it is.”

There was a magnificent voice that vibrated in the entire void, causing the light of the magic wave to ripple. Joshua looked around at the many powerful men who were approaching him. He turned his head and continued to look towards the silent void. In the endless darkness, the soldier’s voice was steady, “I was prepared and guessed.”

“If there are too many enemies coming this time, I can’t stop them; if the enemies coming this time are too strong, I can’t beat them; if my strength can’t restrain the chaos as I imagined, I chose the wrong one; Or there is an enemy behind the scenes that is so powerful that it is impossible to resist—all the possibilities, the worst, the most terrifying possibilities, I have thought about them all.”

“Although the number of darkness that has struck this time is numerous, it is not beyond my imagination, so I was prepared for it a long time ago.”

“In that case, Joshua.”

Throwing aside the association and the strange sense of sight, it is still Eagle, a strong man who is familiar with Joshua, who asks the question, his tone is puzzled, “It means…you can become stronger?”

What was left for him was a long silence, and Joshua stared into the distance, as if he didn’t hear these words.

After a long silence, the giant who has been watching the darkness, nodded, and said calmly, “Yes, I can become stronger.”

“But, Eagle, the Seven Gods, and other civilizations, the many powerful people who came here, prepare to start our worst plan for the record—”

With that said, Joshua’s tone suddenly increased, “Everyone present, inform your mother world as soon as possible, inform your people, open the shelter you built, open the last resort we prepared for our civilization, and now it is using it. Don’t delay.”

“Transfer all the people and other technical personnel who are unable to fight, and enter a safer world of refuge-because the next battle will affect the entire multi-galaxy. No place is safe, but as long as you enter the sanctuary, At least they will still have a chance to survive until the entire prototype is destroyed.”

Everyone heard it clearly, and Joshua’s meaning was very simple.

That is, directly migrating all people to the world of shelters like the etheric ring world, the blood moon abyss shelter, hiding most of the main body of civilization, and carrying out the ‘big transfer’ that needs to be done in the worst case.

Basically, all the civilizations present were reminded by the old Mycroft civilization, or they had already prepared for it, and built a considerable number of shelters, even with the help of the exchange system, each civilization built The shelters can perfectly contain the civilization itself, and even more.

No one thinks that the current situation is not bad, and there is no need to open the shelter. In fact, the situation is so sinister that even opening the shelter seems to be of no use, so there is no immediate notification. Hearing Joshua’s prompt, most people didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. They immediately contacted their homeland and notified everyone urgently to carry out the ‘big transfer’.

But unlike others, just when the other Mykrov’s strong men had begun to inform their hometown and prepare all the people to move, Yizhe and Israel frowned at the same time, and Eagle also vaguely felt that something was wrong. .

Of these three people, one of them has lived from the age of sages to the present, and has witnessed the growth of two close sages and sages of the Mycroft civilization. Two of them are the strong men who are most familiar with Joshua. From the words of the soldiers, different meanings can be heard.

“I understand.”

The God of Power and Justice nodded thoughtfully and said, “Just do what you say.”

The old pope also nodded slightly, but vaguely guessed Joshua’s plan in his heart.

——Let all civilizations enter the sanctuary, narrow the target, and then just like this, let many powerful people gather together and bring the sanctuary to force a breakthrough?

There is no alternative. Not all transcendents are like warriors. They are walking on the road of incarnation of the world. Their power may cause great damage, but they may not be used to push the world forward—but shelters may not be necessary, they are huge The parts are smaller than the ordinary world and more concealed. It is more convenient to carry and protect. As long as Joshua and other strong people can blast a way in the dark web that surrounds the entire multi-galaxy, then maybe they Really break through.

After all, in the face of endless enemies, it is useless to stay in the multi-star Hanoi and wait for death. You must take the initiative to fight and make a way! Although I’m very sorry that other civilizations that can’t leave the multi-galaxy, there really is no other choice.

“This is indeed what Joshua would have thought.” Eagle thought so in his heart.

But Yizhe is different. Although he also thought of the ‘breakthrough’ that Igel thought of, he had a deeper instinct, but told the **** that this was just the appearance of the warrior, and the idea that others could guess. Behind his behavior, there must be some real purpose.

But Joshua didn’t continue to talk too much, he just stayed where he was, lighting up the light, and then looking up at the void.

The soldier silently calculated the speed, angle, possible arrival time, and other important data of all the dark tentacles. No one bothers him, because even the most arrogant and ignorant people know that in this multi-stellar river where there is no second near saint, the existence of warriors is the only hope for all civilizations.

Soon, all the commands and instructions of the strong on the front line were quickly conveyed to their mother civilization.

Whether it is the Mycroft civilization or other void civilizations, the speed of action is very fast. After all, because the’extreme crisis’ more than ten years ago has spread to the multiple galaxies, and even the multiple galaxies, there are basically no civilizations excepted. Basically, they have been recruited. So even the civilizations that did not have shelters in the past, have been here recently. Over the past ten years, shelters have been built to avoid the damage caused by the next disaster, and crisis exercises have been conducted.

They all have relevant transfer experience, this time they are familiar with each other.

Lost Galaxy, Mycroft Continent.

Unlike other civilizations, the people living in this world are even more experienced.

“No. 16801 to No. 18000, enter the transmission area, hold your mental terminal-the scanning magic will detect your body and soul conditions, but don’t worry, this is mainly to determine whether your personal information matches the information. There is a situation of pretending to be confession, or mental robbing.”

“Don’t touch it randomly during the transmission. After the transmission, please follow the instructions of the local shelter’s automated intelligence equipment to settle in the area allocated by each. Later, there will be resource allocation and work arrangements for the shelter. You don’t need to panic.”

“Friends from different civilizations, please go to the fourth teleportation area. The Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice has arranged a direct transmission to your hometown for you. Please go to the front desk service area to pick up the transmission ticket of the relevant world, and we will arrange the transmission according to the ticket.”

I could hear the reminder that was repeated over and over again, and it sounded at the radio station in the center of the city, with huge dark blue time-space doors opening in different sections, sending a large number of people in batches.

Sorting numbers through the mental terminal, Mrs. Mike Luo had already made perfect preparations long before other civilizations were still preparing. Citizens took their family’s most precious property and resources, together with their family and neighbors, began to enter the world of shelters in batches. Adults did not know how deep the darkness was, so although they were worried, they were not afraid. , And the children regarded it as a novel tour, staring at the portal in the city center with excitement.

Behind the door is a whole new world, as long as you enter it, it means bidding farewell to everything that is peaceful. But so what? In order to survive and avoid dangerous beasts and climate changes, ancient humans would carry out large migrations that lasted for several years or even decades. The magnitude was large enough to span the entire continent and spread the life called humans from the original plains to the entire world.

But now, it’s nothing more than a bigger scale, from one world to another, other than that, nothing is different.

Of course, although it is said that the vast majority of Mrs. Mike Luo will go to the world of shelters, this does not mean that the world of Mike Luo will be left behind.

There are still some people who are told that they don’t have to leave their hometowns to go to the world of shelters, but this group of obviously selected citizens just stay in their corresponding posts, waiting with a little nervousness and excitement for the passage of time, watching other people. People go to the other side of time and space.

West Bent Plateau, the production base of the Void Warship.

The current emperor of the Helgamos Empire, Dimoor Diamond, stands on his private airship platform 10,000 meters above the sky, looking down at his country. He watched the void battleships take off and land along the’Babel Tower’, back and forth in the void and the world, transporting large quantities of materials and people.

Only the portals located in major cities, their capacity alone is not enough for rapid teleportation. Only the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Field in the Void Half-Plane can carry out a national-level ultra-large-scale teleportation at a time. Most of the people in more remote areas were actually teleported to the void bases in various places, then took the battleship to the void, and finally carried out the final teleportation in the ten thousand world sacrificial grounds to the sanctuary.

The emperor watched this scene. In fact, in the current Mycroft continent, the name of the emperor has long been just a title. After all, most of this nobleman is just a name, and it is impossible to be superior in the world. , The emperor is nothing but a leader agreed by everyone, and its meaning is equivalent to the leader of the northern civilization circle of mankind.

But Dimoore didn’t care, because the people lived happily. There was no oppression by nobles, no harassment by criminals, everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, and could live a stable life with their own work… If that’s the case, why should there be? How about emperors and nobles?

So he is also very happy. Dimoore was also thankful that he didn’t have to devote all his efforts to the entire empire like his father did. Only after becoming a **** can he be a little free, but he still has to devote himself to the entire Mycroft civilization.

But even so, the current emperor, his Majesty, was still a little bit emotional when he witnessed the great migration of all the people in his country.

“It’s time to go.”

After almost all the transport spacecraft took off, no new group of people was transmitted. After repeated confirmations, Di Moore, who knew that there were no people who needed to be transferred in the entire empire territory, was so calm and facing. My own communication circle said the words “Start, start. Let’s go to the void.”

The words are over.

The sky is moving.

Accompanied by the fierce roar of the crustal tectonic plate fracture, the magical rainbow shines high into the sky, and it can be seen that at the moment when the ultra-high energy source exceeding the extreme level is activated, the surface of the West Banter Plateau is cracked, and a large area is seen. The extremely strong steel structure is just like that, with the Babel Tower as the center, it rises layer by layer from the ground! Soon, within a few minutes, the entire surface of the West Bent Plateau peeled off and turned into a giant man-made structure of a super-giant enchanted rock layer mixed with steel!

In the next moment, this giant man-made structure like a trapezoidal pyramid lit up with an extremely bright sky blue halo. Pieces of man-made magic spar as large as a square were infused with energy, shining light, and engraved in it. The legendary Super Floating Array was activated-born at this moment, the huge driving force broke all the crustal structures around the entire Banlt Plateau in a moment, and then in a super earthquake, the entire steel The transformed Banlt Plateau has been turned into a steel continent, flying quickly towards the sky!

Di Moore’s airship followed a guiding light, and when the floating continent took off, it was firmly embedded in a storage bin opened for it, but Di Moore himself did not enter the steel continent, but continued to stay in the air. In, looking at everything in the distance.

It can be seen that the same rainbow light and the same vibration are spreading from every corner of the empire and even the entire world. In important cities such as the three-mountain holy city of the imperial capital, Moldavia in the north, and the southern fortress community, there are many areas with important equipment that are difficult to be transferred. All of them have turned into floating fortresses, flying cities, and supernatural powers. Under the action, he broke away from the solid ground and flew towards the distant high altitude.

The vast plains, the towering mountains, the hot islands, the extremely cold Northland-the western mountains, the far south, the eastern plains, the overseas archipelago, the central area of ​​every powerful force, the capital of every large country, similar to the Bent Plateau The situation happened everywhere in Mycroft’s world.

City after city floated up, and even a small piece of coastal continents took off. At this moment, the immeasurable mass broke away from the surface, causing infinite ocean water to invert and the sea level to drop slightly.

All intelligent life, all valuable biological plant samples, and everything that can be carried away have been carried away, leaving nothing left.

——Since we must leave our hometown for a long time and go to a strange world, then take our most important things——

We were forced to move and take the whole world away. If we could not give up our homeland, we packed the mainland together.

This desire called ‘greed’ is the force that urges everyone forward.

——Boom Rumble——

One after another huge floating cities, floating continents, just like this, broke away from the world and entered the void in the fierce magic roar—they flew in the direction where the sacrificial places of the ten thousand realms were, and the will to dominate that had been prepared for a long time In this way, the world-class super teleportation spell is used to directly teleport this piece of hard-to-let homeland to the etheric ring world, and the places that are specially vacated, so that they are perfectly embedded in the corresponding ground.

To be honest, this spell is actually not difficult for the will of the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Field to rule, at least it is much simpler than transferring a certain soldier.

Mrs. Mike Luo’s migration packed away all the most essential parts of the world, leaving nothing left… You can see that there is a huge colorful light group in the void that is rotating around the sacrificial ground of the Ten Thousand Realms. That’s the fairyland of the fairies.

With the help of other element races in the multiverse, the Fairy Township has long since become a complete elemental world, an elemental world that is freely controlled by the Fairy Queens, can move quickly, and is far more convenient and dexterous than any shelter.

Are you ready? Of course it’s ready. Everyone has prepared for such a day a long time ago, and it has been a constant preparation for more than ten years, so it is so easy to do all this now.

During the ten years of Qiao Xiu’s retreat, the others didn’t do nothing.

“Transmission complete!”

“Start to correspond to serial numbers…all correspond, all serial numbers are transferred safely!”

“Perfect! No one was injured, and no transmission went wrong!”

In the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Site, the staff responsible for planning this great transfer are intensively carrying out confirmation work again and again. They clearly input instructions, carefully observe and give feedback, and finally, they are in the last floating continent by the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrificial Site. After the transmission left and received the feedback of “safe transmission completed”, there was silence for several minutes in the entire main control room.

Then, a voice of relief came.

“Fortunately, I did not humiliate my life. Mycroft’s world migration plan was completely successful, with a total of 7.19 billion, 8,830, and 76 people, with no casualties.”

The applause was thunderous.

At this moment, at the edge of the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Field, there are staff members who are working and responsible for material transformation. Suddenly, he feels inexplicably afraid. He feels his body is trembling because of the extremely powerful pressure. The distant time and space are flying from the other side.

He raised his head, subconsciously looking at the direction of the pressure… and then he saw it.

The Titan of Steel, far larger than the, is carrying infinite, bright and divine light, heading towards the center of the Lost Galaxy-he passes by the world of Mycroft , But did not stay for even a short time, but after the giant **** passed by, he could see that the sky filled the entire void, and the sky full of cyan brilliance flew along with the demonic tide!

The giant **** is like a pen, passing across the big screen named World Galaxy, but the cyan ink he left behind begins to spread rapidly, spreading towards all corners of the entire galaxy.

It can be seen that the blue flame burns, shining on the stars of the galaxy, and the ten thousand realms are bathed in its light, as if it were immersed in the warm jade liquid.


Countless worlds began to shake.

The will of countless sleeping worlds awakened, and the silent steel pythons began to recover because of the long destruction of the last era. They either wondered or looked around blankly, and then all world wills turned their heads subconsciously. , Looking in one direction.

That is the axis and center of the galaxy in the entire world.

That is, the direction where Joshua is.

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