Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 29: EX will never forget the ten thousand years

[For those who are forgetful and weak, all heroic stories and legends are nothing but lies. They will call many past sacrifices “stupid” or “crazy”, and laugh at the courage behind this. , I understand, children born in the light and living too generously cannot understand the cruel darkness that is about to come, and will only treat them as a cruel joke-they will forget the warnings that are soaked in the blood of martyrs. Enjoying the flowers and pleasures in front of me intently, so that I can’t see the mist that has arrived in front of me.

But truth is always truth, history will not be lost, sacrifice will not be forgotten, I firmly believe that this record will be preserved as a turning point. We will recollect the suffering that sinks in the darkness, after all the hardships, and reborn from the ashes, we will regain the glory and glory, once again rise from nothing. I firmly believe that our destiny must be determined by us, and the future will eventually be controlled by us. As long as we endure this long, doubtful forgetting and loss, we will surely be able to rediscover the beacon of hope and truth. 】

[——An anonymous recorder, recorded in the first chapter of “Book of Hope” in the early days of the Great Sundering, preface]

【——One hundred and fifty years after the “Lonely Expedition”】

After a long period of silence caused by the dimming of the world’s galaxy, many races finally slowly recovered from the huge trauma.

In the old days, tens of thousands of legendary powerhouses sacrificed heroically for that “lonely expedition”, and even the wreckage no longer exists, and the remaining ones have no energy to develop and can only barely maintain a crumbling civilization. Do not return to the abyss of ignorance.

But now, everything is improving, and the changes brought about by the light and shadow finally show its positive side: the brilliance of all the worlds, the flames of all the worlds, naturally hold the nature of the light, countless deaths are also The world contaminated by chaos slowly recovers in the holy light of purification and restoration, making up for the huge wounds in the source, and the multi-universe world that the shadow penetrates also brings the magic tide and extraordinary elements from other multi-galactic rivers. They are like sinking into low-lying clean water, restoring the vitality of this multi-element galaxy.

Among the many void civilizations that have slowly recovered from trauma, the civilization named “Mycroft Starfall Alliance” is unique. This is a huge country with a sphere of influence across multiple galaxies. The Lost Galaxy that suffered the most in the previous battle-but it is still the first to rise, like a tenacious spring, the deeper it is pressed, the higher it will bounce. While many other civilizations are still rediscovering their past borders and activating long-lost investigative beacons and reconnaissance outposts, the Starfall Alliance has organized a huge fleet and began to visit the nearest ones in turn. civilization.

The world of Mycroft, the core of the star pendant unity, where the sacrificial places of the world are located, the origin of the ancient glorious civilization, the hometown of a sage and a near saint, it has been on the verge of destruction several times, but it can always come back again, Perhaps thanks to this experience, Mrs. Mike Luo is always persevering and can stand up faster than other races. Even one hundred and fifty years ago, they were greatly injured by the great battle named “Lonely Expedition”, but they still did not damage their strong position.

Led by more than seventeen new and old legends, nine gods, and twenty-two supporters of the Void Fleet with the “Dreadnought-Class Battleship”, they once again came to the big stage of the Multi-Galactic River and tried to form a huge and incomparable order confederation. . There are those who are willing to join, and there are those who firmly reject. Some people questioned the power of the Starfall Alliance and intended to challenge their dominant position. Others doubted whether the Starfall Alliance had the ability to preside over the order of multiple galaxies after losing that near saint.

“In that case, if you want to fight, then fight.”

One of the seven gods of the past, the **** of power and justice, as the representative of the starfall union, indifferently issued a declaration of war: “We will destroy all your fluke questions, and let you witness the true power of’order’ and’right’ .”

War, war is always inevitable. Those civilizations that have been knocked down by the pain of the past and never dared to look up into the void, or even dared to look directly into the darkness are not a concern, but those civilizations that want to challenge are big troubles—challenge means confrontation. , Confrontation means victory or defeat, and victory or defeat without absolute power will always create’unwilling’ and’hate’. Under the brewing of these two emotions, the original dispute will turn into a war.

Soon, in this era long before the chaos has left, the war between orders broke out again, blood and flames erupted in the void, and the fragments of steel and the wreckage of the world wandered in the turbulent time and space. It was unbearable to look back. His memories have filled the whole century of bloody, cruelty and indifference. Among them, not only the wars launched to unify order, but also the contradictions among many civilizations and races that were suppressed by the former warrior. They have been suppressed by chaos and disasters for a long time, and they have not completely erupted until today.

However, even the flames of hatred will burn out. After a long period of chaos, the “Starfall Alliance” conquered most of the civilizations of multiple galaxies with overwhelming strength, a huge and incomparable order complex. Finally it really took shape. It has to be said that the order poured out by the blood of many powerful men and races is as solid as iron, and until this moment, the countless civilizations and countless races of the entire Multi-Galactic River can truly recuperate.

After standing firmly and integrating the forces of the entire multi-galaxy, the high-level members of the Starfall Alliance did not stop. They raised their heads and looked at the distant depths of the void, where there are countless shadows of the network. Infinite dark clusters have come to this galaxy across endless distances, but in the same way, they can also travel far away with orderly messengers.

So, once again, after countless deaths and sacrifices, on the many corpses and ruins, a brand-new, majestic era of great pioneering belonging to all civilizations and lives began.

【——“The Era of Diversified Development”, after the “Lonely Expedition”, the 500th year

It should have been an ordinary morning. In the endless exploration bases at the edge of the multi-galaxy, there are hundreds of millions of professional explorers who will set sail on such a hopeful morning. The government-subsidized resources, the well-used characteristic void exploration ship, and the professional artificial intelligence assisted in going to the shadow subspace deep in the void, to start a long voyage that can only be said to be a chance. The vast majority of people can only find the many embers of the ruins after the annihilation of the galaxy, and they can only return to the voyage in anguish, but there are also some lucky ones who can drift along the shadow space and find a few star clusters lonely in the silent void world.

These successful explorers became rich overnight and became heroes in the coalition government’s propaganda. The lonely world star clusters they discovered will be transformed by the coalition government’s professional exploration fleet and become a springboard for exploration in the silent void. Explorers who want to explore deeper supplement resources and serve as bases.

In these hundreds of years full of dreams, hopes and passions, countless natural unstable elements have become the vanguard of exploration, or become the pirates of the void floating in the void, the most powerful and the luckiest of them As part of, several extremely hidden worlds were found in the vast and quiet void, and this became their base camp. The complex shadow subspace provided them with shelter, and the pirate warship that had been modified with special characteristics was even more erratic, making the combined fleet that went to annihilate a headache.

However, this group of people is not so much the robbers who plundered the explorers, it is better to say that they are a collection of anarchists who want to get rid of all shackles. They are civilizations that have been hit hard when the coalition government of the multi-galactic order was established. Or the descendants of race. In order to maintain this independent “freedom”, the pirates will unscrupulously looting any ship they can see, but rarely kill the explorers, and some explorers secretly reached a contract with the pirates , To search for new lonely worlds for these guys.

In this regard, the pirates did not hesitate to give the most generous rewards. There are even rumors that an explorer who found a small lonely world star cluster for the pirates became a real person. ‘World Lord’, this is an impossible return for working for the Federation.

In order to deal with the growing power of the free pirate group, the coalition government has set up many high rewards, and those who can capture or hunt the pirate leader alive can not only get the autonomy of a world, but also Obtain the highest level of information browsing permissions in the’Great Integrated Information Library’, among them, there is even the experience and path left by the near saint who can achieve the’supreme’ experience.

So, overnight, there were tens of millions of bounty hunters preparing to set sail, leading their teams to attack-the battle between hunters and pirates lasted for hundreds of years, and the explorers were in this magnificent place. Under the big background, set off towards the farthest end of the void.

However, on an ordinary morning, a morning that was exactly the same as before, without any surprises, an unprecedented big news spread throughout the entire multi-galaxy!

[Legend Explorer], [Indestructible Divine Shield], Near-Sacred Inheritor, the flagship of the Voyager Exploration Fleet led by Priest Omini, the Ark Giant Ship Tinder, from a faraway one The galaxy is back!

Loaded with unique resources and information from other multi-galaxies, the descendants of these original explorers in the past received the most glorious reception by the multi-galaxy order coalition government, and everyone learned that one happened in another multi-galaxy. legend.

Before the “Lonely Expedition” had begun, the “Various Voyager Exploration Fleet” that had set off entered the subspace passage shown in the prophecy. The unpredictable shadow space was not predictable by the civilization at that time, even with The power of the near saints to observe the predictions cannot be guaranteed to be 100% accurate, and the Voyager fleet has indeed experienced suffering. They were lost in the void several times, almost hit the wreckage of the ruined world, and were collectively destroyed in a trap left by the ruins of a lost civilization. However, in the end, they still reached the boundary of another multi-element galaxy, and took root in a fringe galaxy.

Now, under the leadership of a number of legendary powerhouses, the Voyager fleet has established a local power in another multiple galaxy, and its name has begun to spread to the ears of many powerful local void civilizations-for self-protection, I also feel that It is time for the Voyager fleet that has accumulated a good amount of strength to set sail again, and this time, it is not for exploration, but for guidance.

Therefore, under the guidance of the Ark giant ship “Fire”, and with the support of the entire multi-galaxy order coalition government, billions, billions, countless explorers, countless fleets, and even many pirates, gathered into a group called’Forward The wave of ‘rushed to another multi-element galaxy without hesitation.

And in this vast wave of advancement, a team of exploration teams, who don’t know whether they are lucky or unlucky, are involved in the vortex of the shadow space, and come to a strange and silent void where they don’t know where they are. The engine is destroyed, they think they are going to In this way, when they waited desperately for death in the void, they saw an ancient but very familiar fleet.

Summoned by an inexplicable force, the entire exploratory team and their ships were instantly teleported to the flagship of the fleet, a giant ship called the “Shimmer” Ark. Here, they were received by a strong looking young man. They honestly told their origins and their own difficulties, and prayed to the strong man for help.

“Really, you are from your hometown.”

However, the strong man smiled and told them the fact that they were surprised-the legend named Alva Diamond, he was also a strong man from the world of Mycroft. He was once in the “Lonely Expedition”. Qian Qian was ordered by the predecessor of the Xingyao United, carrying a copy of the large information library to the farthest depths of the Silent Void. But now, the battle is over and the darkness has receded. I am impressed by Alva’s sacrifice and dedication, but also for his own glory. The middle-aged man in the exploratory team hopes Alva and his fleet will return, return to the multi-star river, and obtain their original talents. The praise and honors that belong to him.

However, the strong man calmly refused the invitation.

“The’Wandering Wandering Fleet’ will not turn around, and will not stop. I will sail with everyone on the fleet, and sail forever… How much did the teacher pay to protect us? I just bear it. Insignificant loneliness can maintain the spark of civilization… Please go back, thank you for telling me the news of my hometown, if you can, please help me to tell, just say “Alva is still moving”, just these seven words, just It’s okay.”

After the engine was repaired, the explorers were about to follow the drifting road home, but some people were unwilling to leave. They joined this lonely fleet voluntarily, willing to accompany them on this eternal expedition.

The story of this vast era, if it is to be narrated, is almost endless, but just as all eras have an end, all stories have an end, the end of the great pioneering era originated from a war-not a multi-galactic order and another A war of multiple galaxy orders, but a war of many orders and many chaos. Just when the official fleet of the Starfall Coalition Government arrived at this brand new multi-galaxy, another messenger from the multi-galaxy also came to this multi-galaxy.

And what they brought was a request for help, a desperate letter-the tentacles of the Cthulhu army invaded their hometown and destroyed countless civilizations and the world. They are fighting hard, but they are about to be unable to hold on, and this The messenger seeking help from any orderly existence that may exist in the distant void is the last struggle of the multi-galactic beings.

One order is in need of help-so another order will lend a helping hand. The era of pioneering has not yet ended. The expeditionary Mars has already begun to ignite on the curtain. In this millennium that has not yet forgotten the suffering caused by the chaos, all the brave men in the two multiple galaxies are gathering. Soon, a heroic team The incomparable Volunteer Expeditionary Army has been formed, and they are full of anger and heroism, order and hope, sailing to the place where the distant stars are.

【——’Era of Expedition’, after’First Year of Rebirth’, Fifteenth Year】

For the long-lived transcendents, the orderly expedition a thousand years ago seems to have happened yesterday. Both sacrifices and struggles, or the final triumph, are firmly inscribed in their memory and cannot be forgotten for a long time.

But for ordinary people, a thousand years are dozens of generations. Ordinary people can’t even remember the name of their great grandfather. How can they remember such a long history? What’s more, those hardships and hardships have nothing to remember. When they were born, the “Great Multi-Galactic Order Union” had developed to its peak. This super-giant order union that united more than eight multi-galactic orders and civilizations. Today, just as the sky is in the sky, apart from the fleet at the edge of the unity that is sweeping the void and strangling the chaos, the many civilizations in the heart of the unity have long forgotten what war is, what is chaos, not to mention the terrible evil god.

They were born among the flowers, bathed in bright sunshine, as if the eternal light shines on them, making them happy, happy, and worry-free growth. This is not a bad thing. Rather, this is what all the many fighters and strong men who sacrificed for it and struggled for it hope to see.

In this era, the culture between civilizations has truly developed to its peak. In the multi-galaxy, the boundaries between many civilizations, races and countries have begun to be eliminated. With the joint and coordinated government efforts to smooth out all exclusion, inculcate’all living beings, all order , The concept of being one, finally, the “union” of many civilizations and nations finally became a true “federation”. And the first president of the Federation was born in the “Starfall United Multi-Star River”, the strongman of the “Mycroft World”, [San Loranda].

This practitioner of the Way of the Holy Light is not the most powerful in the entire ‘Greater Diversity Federation’, but he is the most just, the most popular, and the most acceptable to all parties. An impartial and absolutely fair Chairman of the Holy Light is indeed the leader most needed by this new federation.

Soon, with the establishment of the “Greater Multi-Federation”, the new laws and new calendars began to unify. Under the will of many powerful people and civilizations, they will build the multi-element galaxy into an iron plate. A’fist’ that can really’clench’, an iron fist that can destroy all’chaos’!

But the strange thing is that the new calendar of the federation does not use the birth date of the federation as the first year. Originated from the falling stars in the multi-galaxy, the leaders of the first federation solemnly declared that this is the “fifteenth year” that they and all beings in the entire multiverse should remember-and the people of other multi-galaxies are always very It’s hard to understand this.

At this time, people from the Starfall Multiple Galaxy are always happy to explain the reasons for them. They are always willing to speak, telling a legend of sacrifice, salvation, protection and battle, a man, a deity, and a real The story of a warrior.

And this year, it happened to be the fifteenth century after Joshua Van Radcliffe sealed the group of endless evil gods.

【——Federal calendar, three thousand years. 】

“Finally, we are close.”

In the deepest part of the distant silent void, a small team is driving the cutting-edge exploration ship, swiftly sailing in the dark.

This is not a strange sight at first. Even though the Great Diversity Federation is just like the sky and the flowers are blooming, but the many explorers sent to the Silent Void have never been less-whether it is the first, the second, or even In today’s fifteenth federal government, it is all committed to uniting more multi-galactic civilizations. It is possible to see the Federation’s exploration fleet in any reachable void.

However, if someone can carefully observe the true identity of the members of this team, they will be shocked to bite off their tongue or mouthparts-in that small exploration ship, there are seven legends, three A deity, a total of ten supreme-class existences!

At this moment, the exploratory team, which had an unprecedentedly luxurious lineup, stopped abruptly – and what appeared in front of them was pitch black, silence, impenetrable and insurmountable, infinite and still expanding darkness.

The endless darkness is like a wall that straddles the void. It cannot see the heights up and down, and the end can not be seen from left to right. It is like a barrier that is strong enough to isolate the multiverse, standing silently here, And the slow but never stop’expansion’.

“Here is where the’Time Trap’ is. After three thousand years, we finally caught up with him and came to where he left.”

The leader of the speech was a legendary powerhouse with vicissitudes of vision. Once the first chairman of the Federation, San Loranda said in an extremely rare and trembling tone: “As long as we pass through this barrier, we can Find his wreck? Or is he still alive, just sleeping in it?”

“Do not.”

Spit out a word briefly. Nostradamus, the legendary limit of time and space, stared at the dark barrier in front of him. He was responsible for constructing the multiple galaxy time and space network channels and he was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: “The general is caused by the’relative speed’. The time trap is different… the so-called’time trap’ here is basically an artificially enlarged’event horizon’.”

“This is a box, a seal, a… beyond the seal we imagined three thousand years later… all the chaos, all the darkness, are all shrunk in this box, we can’t get in, they can’t get out.”

“The event horizon…that is to say, did he finally turn his body into a super-mass ‘world’?”

Although the words are in interrogative sentences, the tone is a conclusive statement. The momentum is fierce, and more like a queen than at the beginning. The former seventh chairman of the Federation, the voice of No. 3 was a little uncontrollable and excited: “That is Say, the time within the event horizon is likely to pass very slowly!”

“Even, in the most central place…there is likely to still be there, the scene of the final moment of the end of the war!”

“That’s not necessarily.”

He shook his head calmly and wore a military uniform. Now the commander of the one hundred and four heavy armored fleets of the federal government, Lisa Koronos, the Grand Marshal of the West District, calmly said: “The power of the teacher, I know very well, don’t say anything. He has not yet achieved the near-sage, even if he has not yet achieved the legendary limit, he can already control time and space to a certain extent-even if it is to eliminate the evil god, he can’t let the time in his event horizon pass so slowly, I even There is reason to suspect that the teacher will even speed up the time and destroy as many evil gods as possible.”

This is indeed very possible. Lisa’s words brought a moment of silence, and everyone, all the gods were meditating.

But no matter how much they meditated, facing this black event horizon, a wall of time and space, they were helpless and had nothing to do. Everyone could only guess, and then sighed.

“The power of the near sage, we have not touched it so far, even if it is Amos the Great, I am afraid it will take thousands of years to swallow the abyss of the **** battle galaxy, and then rely on the strength to force the near sage… that Too long, this road is not easy to follow at all. It can even be said that only Emperor Amos can follow it.”

It was the God of Life who was speaking. This **** came to the void. She condensed a powerful hand and wanted to touch the black event horizon – and at the moment of touching, the face of the **** changed, and he found his own The divine power was swallowed by this black barrier in an instant, and he was no longer under his control.

Back to the exploration ship, the **** of life shook his head: “Legend limit and the realm of true gods are a threshold. Even if many legendary high-level powerhouses are at the expense of self-destruction, it is difficult to cross this limit. For the legendary limit For the strongest, the near-sage is another incredible threshold. Now, in addition to a few special individual groups that need to be qualified in order to exert a certain near-sage-level strength, we fundamentally There is no real path to the holy.”

“Although there are many endless sentient beings in the multi-star river, it is basically impossible to have a guy similar to that man.” The **** of justice and power, facing this endless darkness and endless guardianship, couldn’t help but sigh. With a sound, he looked down at his hand and said softly: “How lucky we are to be in the same era with him.”

“How unfortunate it is for us to witness the end of this era with our own eyes.”

“Anyway, other explorers or strong men of other civilizations cannot be allowed to approach here.”

In the end, the former’Nature Teacher’, now the’Master of All Things’, Garanoud, who has become a new generation of God of Nature, made a conclusion: “We need to seal off this area, and this is for their own good-free contact with this area. In the event horizon of the film, even the true **** may fall in an instant.”

“Then I will come.”

Silent till now, the black-haired dragon girl stepped forward, and the legendary Gulong Hei smiled and looked around at the people around her. She said frankly: “I am willing to stay here voluntarily and watch this void.”

This is something no one can refuse. Even No. 3 and Xiaoguang can’t. As one of the lives closest to that man in the past, the black ancient dragon turned into a huge prototype and garrisoned in this void. For this reason, the federal government even secretly dragged several worlds here to build a huge world fortress. , Void Fortress.

The quiet and peaceful time flowed rapidly. Following the word of mouth warnings and warnings from countless people, a huge legend of the “Forbidden Zone” spread among the entire Federation explorers.

Unconsciously, it was another few thousand years.

【——Federal calendar, the ‘Era of Stability’, the fifth millennium. 】

If the boring and tasteless daily life in the peaceful era can be counted as a story, then the sporadic splashes that appear in the long river of time may be enough to circulate as ‘big news’.

In this extremely stable, let alone war, even a bit of chaos, a bit of civil strife in the two thousand years invisible, perhaps there are only a few things worthy of narration-one of them is the combination of the Mycroft Star Pendant. Dissolution in the sense.

With the continuous expansion of the Great Diversity Federation, it is difficult to guarantee the cohesiveness of even a powerful civilization such as the Starfall Alliance. As the’Ethereous Star’ disappears into the void under the leadership of several gods, many new generations of Mike The legend of Rove and the new generation of gods spread to every corner of the multiverse. They brought their tribes and subordinates to infiltrate the entire multidimensional federation.

Since then,’humans’ are no longer a race that mainly inhabits the multi-galactic rivers of falling stars, but a’pan-multi-racial’ that covers almost the entire multi-universe, at least more than 37 multi-galactic rivers. Their figure, With the footsteps of the Great Diversity Federation, each branch has almost embarked on a completely different path.

Some humans have assimilated the blood of other local races and become countless special demihumans, and some even go to the corners of the multiverse to always maintain the purity of their blood and honor them. But in the same way, there are also geometric bodies that transform themselves into many monster bloodlines. They are just humanoid monsters. What’s more, they even completely mechanize, psychically, and element their bodies, and then multiply a brand new race.

In addition, there are also uploading their own consciousness on the multiple magic nets. The material world only relies on the “information” creatures that control the activities of the alchemy magic power puppets. This way of existence is because it basically does not consume any resources in the material world. This kind of extreme world life is very popular. Many humans choose to merge their spirit into the magic net and move in the virtual world. When necessary, they use biological puppets or mechanical puppets to act in the material world.

But no matter what kind of transformation, what kind of ‘evolution’, what kind of bloodline they carry, they all call themselves humans. Because, for Mrs. Mike Luo at this moment, whether it is a human, an elves, a dwarf, or any other race, the so-called name is not a word to describe blood at all, but a cultural aggregation. A symbol of civilization, an extremely firm belief, and an extremely sincere belief.

And in this stable age, there are still some people who are not reconciled to this stability. They are always acting, searching, and living in their own way.

“I want to find a power.”

Far Void, “Life Forbidden Zone”, in the fortress in front of the “Dark Event Horizon”, No. 3 is about to leave. Her gaze is firm, and she hopes to always exist in her heart. She has long become a true god. He also used magic power to make a legend. He said to the huge black ancient dragon in front of her: “That is the power to awaken something. Until now, relying on the remaining “Seed”, I can clearly feel that he has not died. Although I can’t wake up this kind of thing, I still believe in the man’s toughness. I firmly believe that the initial fire may not kill him, just let He was asleep—no, maybe he wasn’t asleep, he was just in a place I didn’t know, still fighting.”

Only in the face of this ancient dragon, who has been standing guard for two thousand years, is about to leave this multi-element galaxy, and even the entire number 3 of the entire multi-element federation, can I express my thoughts to my heart: “I have heard a news that is far away and has not yet been incorporated. At the other end of the Multi-Star River of the Great Federation, there is a huge emperor of the Void Empire. He is a powerful god. Legend has it that their **** once died, but he recovered from the annihilation. He claimed to be the son of miracle, with the help of a kind of power. , Returning from eternal sleep, I want to see if this is true or not.”

“It’s very likely to be false. But if it is true, what are you going to do?”

There was a long silence. Gu Long, who hadn’t spoken for many years, shook her head and stared at her friend in front of her. She asked suspiciously: “They can’t tell you. On the 3rd, I also believe in your determination, but sometimes, determination. And can’t do anything.”

“Then I will try to communicate, communicate, and trade. If it still doesn’t work, then I will destroy, ask, and rob.”

Showing a gentle and smallness, No. 3 flapped his wings. This god, this legend, this powerful existence chasing someone’s shadow, said in a clear and bright tone: “I will do everything-no matter what Means, I will achieve my goal.”

“Then goodbye, my friend, I hope you can succeed, I hope you can go well.”

Feeling the determination and enlightenment of the other party, the watchman Long sincerely blessed the other party: “Although he doesn’t necessarily want this approach, we don’t live to make him like it, do we?”

“You are right. In the final analysis, this is our own choice of living method, and I am very willing.”

Turning around, No. 3 decisively left. She raised her hand and waved her back to Gu Long to signal her departure.

“Goodbye, then, black.”

In the silence, in the steady passage of time, another friend left and went to the endless distance. And the dragon who was watching all this was used to all of this, she turned her head, looked at the event horizon that was still slowly expanding, and then smiled.

“Everyone can’t wait any longer, Master.”

“But I will continue to wait until the end of time.”

[Federal calendar, chaotic era, seventh millennium]

This is an extremely chaotic era.

Thousands of years later, the evil **** of chaos came again. The dark cluster that struck from the other side of the multiverse directly attacked the front end of the strongest order, but infiltrated every part of it, decayed its joints and core. , Making it itself out of control and falling apart.

I don’t know if it is the power of Cthulhu or from civilization, from the restlessness in the blood of all living beings, the huge and incomparable federation, and each of its components has gradually begun to be in harmony with the spirit—this is actually not a strange thing. In the observable multiverse, the largest Cthulhu cluster was wiped out and sealed for thousands of years, and the surrounding multi-element galaxy has not experienced a large-scale chaotic invasion for thousands of years.

Even for the extraordinary, thousands of years are not a small number. Even if it is the ultimate intention of being able to live forever in theory, the memory of thousands of years can wash away all the emotions, fears, despairs and shocks that vowed to remember. Not to mention, weaker transcendents, and endless mortals.

The long-term peace has hollowed out the foundation of the existence of the Federation. Without the oppression of foreign enemies, a huge alliance would have been impossible—even the federal government has been persistently trying to wipe it out for thousands of years. The traces of all nations, the differences of all races, and the characteristics of all civilizations, but this is impossible. It can even be said that even if the federal government succeeds, as long as there is beauty and ugliness, good and evil between life, Radical and stable, active and calm, as long as there are differences between sentient beings, then eternal’peace’ is an impossible task.

Under the erosion of chaos, endless enjoyment, and the corrosion of desire, in the weakening of thousands of years of peace in the stars and the world, the federation of order is slowly and unstoppably collapsed, and it suddenly appears in a multitude of elements. The dark clusters around the galaxy, the long-forgotten Cthulhu attack, were the last straw to destroy it. The army without enemies and no grind collapsed under the impact of Cthulhu. The destruction and isolation of many production bases and transportation centers led to the federal center. The zone has lost its resource supply, and many core worlds are on the verge of destruction as a result, and scenes of cannibalism have even been staged.

Even compared to the trembling darkness, battle broke out between order and order earlier-in order to compete for a few still functioning production worlds and void bases, the troops and races within the Federation began to fight each other, and even In order to stop the erosion of chaos, one party will not hesitate to impose an extermination order on the other party, destroying an entire world, regardless of how many innocent wailing people there are.

Even if the evil **** is eliminated, the endless hatred, pain, and the oppression and despair caused by the killing of many lives in this chaotic era will completely shatter all the efforts of the Federation for thousands of years, and even create a new evil god. Come.

——They forgot what should be remembered most, so the seeds of self-destruction bred at the root of the Federation.

In this lingering millennia, order can only shudder and hide behind their fortresses and the world, while other orders and chaos full of hostility and malice surround the surroundings. Everything has returned to the original appearance of seven thousand years ago, and even changed. Even worse-even if a large number of powerful people gather and drive out the chaos in a region, they cannot unite the region into one again, because it is very likely that in this region, the number of people in this region who died in the hands of the Chaos Cthulhu and the dependents , No other world invasion and looting caused as much.

Of course, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the Federation is so unbearable, the many legends and gods cultivated over thousands of years are not as fragile as mortals. They have worked so hard to finally eliminate all incoming attacks. The Cthulhu-but the Federation also officially fell apart due to the complete elimination of the enemy, and the ultimate chaos derived from the ultimate order is raging in this endless galaxy.

With the end of the Chaos Invasion, came the era of the Great Sundering. The huge federation split into millions of civilized alliances. They conquered each other and guarded each other, making the plural galaxies a huge battlefield in the Warring States Period. At this moment, human beings have long been distributed in the multiverse. Race, and the main body of Mykrov civilization, disappeared with the departure of the starring realm thousands of years ago. They seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago, and did not really fall into this chaos.

[My memory of this era is limited to this-we fell from the glory and fell into complete confusion, we wandered in the dark ignorantly, dreaming of the stable happiness of the past. But memories and fantasies are useless. The past time is gone and gone forever. We are in a dark age full of suspicion and cruelty.

In the old days, we lived in peace. It seemed that life was left with pleasure. But this is wrong. In fact, wars have never been far away from us. They are called desire, depravity, and cowardice. They erupt right around us, but we would rather pretend to be an ostrich, bury our heads in the ground and turn a blind eye-and the most stupid thing is that we know this is wrong, but we are still grateful to continue. Every one of us is thinking, “Even if a disaster breaks out, it’s impossible to be my turn.” Every one of us is trying to survive this disaster that no one can avoid, and it turns out that this is the root of the destruction. Because no one dares to stand up, no one dares to face the truth and darkness.

In the distant past, in the ancient myths and legends, some strong men would rather sacrifice themselves to defend all living beings. He looked forward to the day when other strong men could stand by his shoulders and guard this multiverse together. He looked forward to wanting peace. People can live in peace, expecting madmen and idiots who want war to accompany him in the fight-but we must have let him down. If he can see, he will be disappointed, because he has paid all the sacrifices in exchange for it, but we must let him down. It is shameful depravity and disregard.

So I call on, let us regain courage, let us regain determination and fire, anger and wind, we must re-remember all the sufferings, and chew back and forth-because only under painful tempering, the flower of hope will Blooming in people’s determination. 】

[——An anonymous recorder, recorded in the eighth chapter of the Book of Hope-Announcement, paragraph 34 in the middle of the Great Sundering era]

And finally.

【——The Age of Rebirth, the Tenth Millennium】

The tenth millennium far away, deep in the dark and silent void, the forgotten ancient place, ushered in the first batch of visitors of the rebirth era.

In that huge battle of division and unity, countless civilizations and countless races were destroyed, several galaxies were annihilated, and even the clouds and mists of the power of steel no longer exist. All of this is really too tragic and too painful. The wounds brought to all beings by the war have surpassed the hatred between them. Therefore, in the trembling pain, in the trembling pain, the new federation is in the past. Rebirth on the corpse, although its territory is far less than one percent of the former heyday, but this time, they know what despair is.

Therefore, we can understand what hope is.

But even so, regaining those lost homelands is not a matter of a while. Even on the bodies of those civilizations that were destroyed, a new original civilization was born. The long wars and isolation have long made them forget what is the unity of order and what is the glory of the federation.

And this time, it was a new civilization. In the reckless exploration, when this old federation still existed, there was no civilization or an absolute forbidden area that any fleet dared to come.

Legend has it that it was the ruins of the pioneers sealed in the mist, the Jedi of life with endless traps lurking. There, full of chaotic toxins, deadly murders, and the remains of countless broken worlds, it is undoubtedly the forbidden place for all civilizations in the multiverse to fear. It is wrapped in fiery flames, and there is even an incomparably terrifying void. Guardian of the dragon.

In a sense, these descriptions are all correct, and there are even people who are lucky enough to see the legendary guardian, a black dragon that is extremely old and huge, just like the world. He wandered aimlessly among the ashes of the broken remains of countless worlds, hovering on the edge of the “Wall of Ten Thousand Worlds”, preventing any approach and exploration.

He seems to be guarding something, but no one knows what he is guarding. After all, this is an ancient ruin, a place where historical debris is piled up. In the era of chaos and the era of great schism, there are countless worlds and fleets of corpses piled up. Here, let the fog here. Some people even said that the dragon himself had forgotten his mission, so he just wandered forever and didn’t leave here for half a step.

But these frightening legends have no meaning for a new civilization who doesn’t know all of this—they know at best that it’s dangerous, there is a huge void dragon, and it’s full of unknowns. The ancient ruins and wreckages are full of the knowledge they desire.

Therefore, they mustered up the courage to move forward and approached the black dragon that was like the world, closing their eyes and meditating in the void.

“Guardian-do you remember what you are guarding?”

This nascent civilization is in the period of exploring the heavens and stars, so it came here curiously. These look a bit like humans, but have a pair of races with different beast ears that are very bold and full of action, and their greedy jumping and uncontrollable curiosity even make them dare to ask the Most High: ” Could it be that you have forgotten?”

Forgotten, is it?

Hearing this language somewhat similar to the old Mykrov lingua franca, and feeling the familiar bloodline remaining in the opponent’s body, the contemplative dragon opened his eyes, and his golden eyes like the sun turned to stare at the villains. Son, his heart is full of emotion.

——The memory is dead, only the legend remains. History is forgotten, and only the wind of misery is howling among the ruins.

Looking at the stars in the distance, every place is the grave of civilization, and unwilling voices come from it. They long for revenge, fight again, and regain their glory-but they have passed away, and the ashes are all their remnants. .

But now, the civilization of the new generation has grown up again. Surrounded by them are the embers of pioneers. They have grown up in the warm aftermath of the civilization of the previous generation. What constitutes their bodies is the remaining of countless enemy races fighting each other fiercely. The stardust, and even the fragments of steel that gave birth to their world and the sun, are the ashes left over from the sacrifices of many powerful men in the past.

look! This lucky and brave, reckless and curious civilization, they are exploring the lost history, exploring what happened in this far and endless multiverse in the thousands of years before the birth of their civilization, and they are embarking on the path of glory again. , Seek the forerunner, seek the guidance of the strong!

And the strong are willing to guide them.

The watch dragon stared at these little people and seemed to see the shadow of his own past. He raised his head, looked up at the dark void, and then let out a long dragon chant-the dragon’s own light can shine through all things and make all things happen. The stars are shining. He has watched for a thousand years and another thousand years. Until now, ten thousand years have passed. Finally, something similar and emotional appeared before his eyes. It was just the identity of the guide and the guided. Inverted, the little dragon who was taught in the past has now become the supreme guardian.

“You said, I forgot my mission? No.”

of course not.

The dragon lowered his head and shivered with the battleship, but still showed stubbornness. People who wanted to know the answer looked at each other. He gently said, “I remember.”

remember forever.

“However, before I tell you my mission, let me tell you that my watchman, my master, the **** who has guarded the multiverse in the long past…no.”

“The story of a human being, a warrior.”

【——The stars are still shining, and the flames are still burning.

Civilization is still thriving in this multiverse that repeats loss and regaining, forgetting and remembering.

The darkness in the sky has not left, but it is much brighter than before. Some people take it for granted, while others remember who it all came from.

New stories and legends are being born, but the old epics and myths have not been forgotten. In this age where the anger is still burning, in this century where the battle has not stopped, some people advance, some stop, and some are determined to move towards the distant origin. At the end, someone is watching the silent ruins, waiting for the hope in his heart to appear again. 】

“——Darkness will eventually return, but can we still see the light again?”

After listening to the dragon and telling all the Someone shuddered and asked the ancients. They were frightened by the darkness behind this history. Chaos lingered in their minds, making them trembling with doubts. Or maybe I didn’t believe it at all-but even so, someone still asked, because whether it was a legend or a myth, whether it was a story or a lesson, someone would always remember it and leave it to pass on.

“I’m afraid it won’t work, children, in the next ten thousand years, dozens of thousand years, I am afraid not, but we can still remember that light, that little flame, and this is the embers of hope, we What can be expected to be reborn in it.”

The ancient black dragon flapped its wings, and he set off the wind of time and space, causing these brave and small people to go to this dangerous forbidden area, but even so, the one who watched the hope still left the last words.

“This is my story. I was at the location of your hometown. When the world was illuminated by the gods, when the void was lit by flames, I saw the distant chaos and darkness being torn apart by the anger and roar of the gods. That day, a true hero and god, a true warrior passed away, and **** was buried with him.”

“There was no sorrow or cry at that time. We worked together and vowed to fight the darkness decisively. In the era of nothing, we only have courage.”

–I remember. I guard this memory, this legend, epic, I remember this story.

“So, don’t forget.”

——Don’t forget courage, don’t forget determination, don’t forget, always be as brave as you are now, explore and fight for endless distances.


It was Joshua Van Radcliffe who left, the first ten thousand years.


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