Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 8: Multiple Magic Net Six Thousand Four Hundred

The’Explaining the Dao Day’, which shocked the multi-element galaxy powerhouse, is like a meteorite falling into the sea, which has set off layers of shock in many civilizations, but for many who have not reached the’legendary’, even the’legendary high-level and limit’ For individuals, the change brought about by this incident does not actually cause sudden and rapid changes in their lives.

But this does not mean that they have not been affected at all. It is just that this change has always been gradually turned into ‘common sense’ in a side, gentle and irresistible way.

Star Pendant 848, August 27th, the northern empire’s “Babel Tower” void battleship production base on the Mykrov continent, 2:30 in the middle of the night.

The former seventh prince of the empire, the third prince of the current empire, is responsible for the entire Westbent Plateau void production base. He is also an extremely powerful man in a high position in the Mykrov coalition government. Alva Diamond did not sleep. Instead, he was practicing in his own office while connecting to the mental terminal and logging into the’forum’.

This is normal-as one of Joshua’s disciples, Alva naturally watched the live broadcast of the interpretation. Although his strength is not enough to draw useful information from it, other legendary powerhouses can! Those who have been explained in detail by the Seven Gods, the Old Pope and other legendary powerhouses, and well-labeled materials are placed on the homepage of the entire “Magic Net”. As long as the spirit terminal is used, no matter it is any forum or any private website, it can be used. Link directly to the corresponding interface.

There is no room for hiding privacy. This is the concept that the senior managers of Mikrov have been propagating for the past few years. They patiently and tirelessly informed everyone of this teaching, encouraging everyone to upload their own practice experience through the spiritual terminal that is now hand-held. In the unified information database, the coalition government will also provide corresponding rewards to ensure that any uploader can get a corresponding value exchange point, which can be exchanged for materials in the exchange system.

At the beginning, most people had natural suspicion and distrust of this behavior that was too generous and violated the selfish genetic instinct of life. They always felt that this was a high-level attempt to deceive them of their genius, or they wanted to take advantage of it. ——Fortunately, after many legends and extremely powerful people have taken the lead and uploaded their own cultivation experience and experience, there are a lot less fools, because they found that people who pass unique information at night will upload them because of their predecessors. Similar information has led to fewer rewards, and the experience and experience of the legendary powerhouses is far more comprehensive than their own hidden experience, at best they have their own choices in subtle aspects.

The third prince Alva, by virtue of his common forum, leads the second brother as the emperor, the fourth brother and the sixth brother as the first and second princes, and even the father of one of the seven gods, takes the lead in taking the lead in Diamond Uploaded by the royal family’s unique knowledge, he won a huge amount of points and the permanent exclusive title of “Preacher” by Monet. For this reason, Alva was punished by the gods. The emperor reprimanded once, and the prince and princess condemned several times. He was reprimanded by his father and elder brothers, “I don’t know how to leave it to us,” and he was defined as an unsatisfied person who did not respect his father and brother people.

“Who told you to be slow.”

The low-hearted Alva didn’t feel ashamed, and he even wanted to laugh a little: “What’s more, if you are a **** or an emperor, it’s useful to have points, it’s better to give it to me.”

As a former member of the first team, because of his royal status, Alva has never been able to perfectly integrate into the atmosphere of the team, but this does not mean that they have no friendship. Now, all the members of the first team, Makarov brothers and sisters, Ka Both Lynn and Nick the dwarf have moved from the expeditionary army establishment and came to his men. They are basically accomplished and famous. Everyone with their expertise and skills reorganized the first team, and launched various new types in the name of the’new laboratory’. Research on the Void Warship and various special extraordinary technologies.

And such a cutting-edge and extraordinary laboratory is naturally very expensive. If it were not for Alva to upload the royal sacred knowledge and earn points, the initial funding alone would be a big problem… As for now, there is naturally no problem. With the general application With the successful development of technologies such as’Elemental Annihilation Engine’ and’New Extraordinary Food Cooking Techniques’, today’s cutting-edge laboratories have not only recovered the initial funds, but can simultaneously develop several directions at the same time with patent fees.

By the way, today and the extraordinary food project hosted by the dwarf Nick, who is regarded as the’superior food master’, has been designated as a’high priority civilization project’ by the Mykrov Civilization Government, which can greatly improve the entire race. Food science, a comprehensive quality that can be transformed and optimized for the next generation of talents, has gradually merged with disciplines such as potions and alchemy to become a new discipline.

The former teammates now have their own strengths. Ivan Makarov, who specializes in puppet engineering, was recently transferred by No. 3 and went to a mysterious world for super secret missions. It is said that and optimized something called’sacred machine’. ”S extraordinary creation structure, and Amila Makarov’s terrifying aptitude has made her an extremely powerful person with great hope to advance the legend, and she is cooperating with Karin to create the’Elemental Annihilation Engine’ After his prototype, he went to the sea sage Faina for further study. Now it is estimated that he is undergoing special training on the multi-galaxy, and everyone has a bright future.

As the prince and gold master Alva, at this moment, apart from practicing and lying down to collect money, he can only pass the time by going to the forum to see new practice materials and news.

Of course, to be precise, logging in to the’Magic Net’ is not considered to pass the time, but a means of cultivation.

Apart from anything else, it is just the ‘Game of Dispute Continent’ from Marshal Radcliffe, and many useful experiences can still be fed back to this day. Even, some professional players have begun not to pursue clearance, but to set their own races. With the extremely perfect simulation function of Dispute Continent, they can simulate a brand-new extraordinary race and system, conduct comparative observations, and test the feasibility of their own way forward. Sex.

Not to mention, the “Grand Arena” application officially launched by the coalition government some time ago allows the extraordinary who are in the world galaxy and even the multi-galaxy to upload their own strength (can be deleted) Hide a part), and then use this simulation to play a virtual battle on the magic net.

Because of the Great Demon Tide, the open cultivation inheritance, and the abundant cultivation resources, the new generation of gold and even the extremely strong are starting to blow out just like they don’t need money-but these strong, in essence, don’t have any combat experience. After all, in the Mykrov homeland, where the Black Forest was basically wiped out, there are no longer any areas that can be experienced, and the application of the big arena was born for this.

Although it is not comparable to a real battle, how do you say it? In the real world, the strong fight, the last time you lose and both lose, you have to rest for ten and a half days, or even longer, but in a virtual battle, one loses, another one, there is no problem in fighting for a day, and you can even experience the limit of death. It feels that it can greatly improve the mental patience of opponents in extreme situations under the condition of perfect simulation of perception.

And this virtual battle is not only a single-row mode, but also a multi-row mode, which can greatly enhance everyone’s thinking about combat and the ability to cooperate with strange friends.

Although it’s a game, it’s not a joke—even if the virtual battle experience will develop a large group of kings, virtual powerhouses, even cloud masters, etc., there is no doubt that they can really become stronger. People can also draw enough nutrients from it, and then cultivate far more actual combat extraordinary people than before.

Alva particularly likes this feature. He will play at least ten duels of the same level on the forum every day… After all, as the prince of the empire and the top of the coalition government, it is really harder to find an opponent than to climb to the sky. To gain enough actual combat experience, unless you challenge the current imperial emperor every day and usurp the throne every day, there is no other way.

[Free discussion]: Is the server a bit stuck recently? I failed to hit half of the link several times.

Just ended a virtual duel, but unfortunately lost to a virtual body that looks like a dragon, but in fact fights like a demon. He uses thunder and fire, and even has a strong hand. Alva will fight this game. The video of the duel is saved and ready to be replayed later-this is also the benefit of virtual matches. Replaying is definitely a good way for self-improvement-but now Alva, who has lost six games in a row, is ready to nurture his spirit. Instead of continuing to drop points in a single row, look at the forum.

After opening the official forum of the ‘Grand Arena’, His Majesty the Prince quickly noticed the red ‘hot’ post. Alva took a closer look, good guy, there are more than two hundred pages of replies, and the number is still skyrocketing.

“Speaking of which, I have been a bit stuck recently.”

Nodded with the same sympathy, Alva couldn’t help but complain: “My Void General Base-level networking equipment, military servers, and the most advanced Royal Spirit Terminal will all be stuck. Think about it carefully. What kind of cards do ordinary people want to be.”

He clicked on the post and checked the replies-as expected, most people were complaining about the recent server instability. Among them, several familiar IDs and more useful high praise replies came into view.

Crackling: I heard that it was because the Monet started to be officially laid on the multi-galaxy. A large amount of information from different civilizations was accessed, so the Monet was a bit unstable. Some time ago, there was insider information that the Monet would exchange the beam of light. The system spread all at once, but I didn’t expect it to be so stuck.

Sister and ghost, what I want: Didn’t you actually find it? There have been a lot of non-human users in the arena recently, but they can only be encountered here on Duoyuan Galaxy, and there may be fewer in the local area. I was still wondering if the biological transformation team under Master Marshal had achieved results. After all, there is a person like that by my side. Now that I think about it, people from other civilizations are starting to play in the big arena.

I love tentacle (reply to sister and ghost, what I want): Captain, what are you suggesting? ? ?

Sister and ghost, what I want (reply to my love of tentacle): kindly intelligent monster, puff.

Crow’s mouth killer = Sang (reply I love tentacle): kindly intelligent monster, puff.

Kill·Crow’s Mouth·Kill (Respond to My Love Tentacle): Kind and intelligent monster, puff.

I am Crow’s Mouth (Replied I Love Tentacle): Kind and intelligent monster, puff.

House Devil: I think it’s quite normal. There are all kinds of creatures in the big arena. Some time ago I encountered a guy who was in the form of a dragon at first, and then suddenly changed into a dragon or even a horse. Is it a dragon, a man or a horse-she is good at water warfare, but the horse form runs fast on the land, and the big move is to fly into the sky and spray a stream of stellar flames. What I lost was simply inexplicable.

He has a dragon but never rides (reply to the house demon): Isn’t it? I also met one last time. It was in the form of a dragon at first, but he can transform into a slime inexplicably, transform into a Balrog and throw a holy fireball —— Originally wanted to drag him into the water fight, but this guy was discharged on the spot, and even used vindictiveness. If it weren’t in the big arena, I would not believe that there are such weird creatures in this world!

Most of the replies were simply water stickers, or complaints, sharing their defeat or victory against Caton during the war. Among them, a rare vampire (now renamed Shadow Clan) player complained that he was already there. In the duel, he used the scene props to suppress the enemy. As a result, the high delay caused by the server lag caused the opponent to teleport behind him suddenly and smashed his leg with a punch.

“Why didn’t he get stuck when Euler was me?” This is the conclusion of the player’s complaint.

However, what attracted Alva’s most attention was that several IDs were particularly strange, or the replies were extremely blunt, which seemed to be machine-turned replies.

Gema Xiusi: Sorry, the server is overloaded, but it’s fun. It’s a really good idea. Thank you to the God of Steel.

Rostarogno de la Marcil: (Here is a long piece of gibberish), thank you God of Xie Gang. (Because of the same grammatical error, obviously copy the reply above)

The Triple Curtain is stationed in the communication terminal of the Mycroft Magic Net System: The Magic Server is maladjusted and unreasonable. We will respond to related matters to Radcliffe and apply for optimization and transformation. Solemnly declare: Psionic network is the best.

“Um… It seems that those different world civilizations have really joined the magic net system? They also got the spiritual end?”

In this case, wouldn’t it mean that your own citizens are also built under the control of the Mycroft civilization?

Alva guessed that these weird replies should be individuals who have not yet mastered the lingua franca of Mycroft, and even individuals from different world civilizations who do not even use the automatic translation system well. He subconsciously feels a little strange and thinks he shouldn’t. There will be other civilizations so easily that their citizens can wear other civilization’s marked creations… But His Majesty the Prince thought for a while, and felt relieved.

“After all, after elucidating the Tao, God knows how many people want to join the Mycroft Alliance… Alas, the power of the teacher can indeed call on the Ten Thousand Realms to forcefully implement the magic net and exchange system.”

The magic net is about to become the magic net of all the intelligent lives in Multi-Star River from Mrs. Mike Luo’s magic net. This is a foregone conclusion and cannot be replaced.

After all, Alva received a royal education since he was a child, and he is one of the disciples of the strongest legendary powerhouse in the observable multi-element galaxy. The greater the benefits of civilization, and even all other civilizations.

As for my own teacher, he hasn’t appeared much since he returned from the world of stars. I heard that he went back to the Lord’s Mansion in Moldavia and talked with Ms. Hotaru, Mr. Rin, and Ms. 3 for a while. After that, Hotaru and Rin disappeared again, seeming to be performing some classified mission, and Ms. 3 and a large number of related scholars, including Ivan, went to a secret different world research room to conduct research on the’sacred machine’… …Then, it was the’explanation’ of some time ago.

In fact, at the beginning, people within the Mycroft civilization were panicked. After all, everyone in the entire civilization forcibly relocated to the sanctuary world in a short period of time, far away from their hometown… The civilians who have experienced drastic changes, even if some of them can understand, but There are still some homes and houses destroyed, and people who can only live in the shelter temporarily complain.

But soon, the returning Marshal Radcliffe released relevant information about the’extreme crisis’, as well as the tragic conditions of other infected civilizations in the multiple galaxy-through the mental terminal and the magic net system, everyone will understand that oneself The fact of being alive is a great miracle in itself. If it weren’t for the shelter of many powerful people and related intelligence, researchers would send back information and develop potions, and the destruction of Mycroft civilization would be only an instant.

In addition to letting all the civilizations of Multi-Star River know about the prestige of Joshua Van Radcliffe and Mycrof civilizations, the Day of Elucidation also made the Mycrof civilization feel extremely relieved and proud.

“Monet is really important. Whether it’s information exchange, propaganda and stability maintenance, it can be said to be the core of the core. What’s more, the so-called’games’ above are actually important aspects of a civilization. The most important thing is to use the name of the game to reduce the sense of rejection of the’necessary work’, the boring deduction, the boring practice, and the’dangerous battle’.”

Because of another server fluctuation, Alva disconnected from the Big Arena forum. With his most advanced equipment, it can only be worse if you want to come to other people. He knows very well that with the high level of civilization’s high-level attention to Monet, Monet’s servers will never be allowed to make mistakes again and again. Obviously, the current Monet is definitely undergoing related updates and transformations, so that it can be sublimated. A super large platform for multiple galaxy-level exchanges,

In other words, the “foundation” of the Magic Net itself is undergoing a drastic change.

“Teacher, what are you doing now?”

Walking to the window of the Void Base of the Babel Tower, Alva raised his head silently and stared at the two moons of Mykrov and the sky and the void above them. He silently stared at the highest point of the sky. He could see that there was an extremely bright silver star that straddled the entire sky in an instant, and after leaving a clear trace of light, it disappeared beyond the galaxy.

The horizon stretches from the void base of the Babel Tower to the entire West Bandar Plateau, the entire Bandar region, and even the entire Northern Empire, the Mykrov Continent and the world.

If you are a legendary powerhouse, you can see that there are invisible magical nets covering every corner of the world, covering the sky, the earth, the sea and the underground. It is omnipresent, omnipotent, and tide-like. The torrent of information is like a chain that links every Mrs. Mike Luo and every individual holding an information terminal.

And the torrent of information that all life information in a world turns into, even breaks through the world in this way and reaches the void.

The vision stretched again, from the world of Mycroft, to the entire star field, the sacrificial field of the Ten Thousand Realms, the end of the lost galaxy, the abyss of the lost galaxy, and even the multiple galaxies.

I can see, one after another, the world-based information chains, the torrent of information, is intertwined and entangled, expanding and covering the regions of the multi-element galaxy–even the extremely remote ones, which are located in the magic tide. In the world of stars on the road, in the endless galaxy, there is also a corresponding information chain that is connecting and communicating with a huge psychic network. They are merging and communicating with each other, just like two huge galaxies are preparing to converge into one, and they are making the final preparations before the merger.

Perhaps this is the cause of the server turbulence?

Actually not.

Because the basic point of maintaining countless information chains, in essence, is countless scattered silver light clusters all over the galaxy. He has long communicated and integrated with the psychic galaxy. The emotional power acts as an intermediary, and their merger will not cause any change.

And now, the aggregation of the silver light clusters is not the core, but it is definitely the collection that holds most of the light clusters. It is falling toward the deepest part of the abyss, the great vortex of creation.

——The information fluctuates violently. The information of countless worlds, countless nascent worlds, countless worlds of dying is remembered by the silver light group passing along the way, swallowed by it, and turned into its own reserve-this is only the silver light group and There are very few things that can be done by existence, and among the people who can do it, the silver light group is the most powerful one.

He is listening to the voices of countless worlds, the calling of countless lives, he is listening to the normal galaxy’s cry, and the sigh of the dead abyss-endless information is contained by him like a tide.

And the closer you get to the creation vortex, the greater the fluctuation of this information, until the end, even the entire magic net is turbulent.

This is the real reason.

It’s not just the Mycroft world that saw this vision-the star pastors saw it, the Schalts saw it, the soul puppets and superpowers of the Siberian world saw it, all civilizations in the Lost Galaxy, All truly saw the light.

In the abyss, a world is rising and returning to normal. In the hometown of the dragon people, in the world of Chronos, the ancient dragon of Thunder raised its head, and it also saw the light.

“What are you doing, God of Steel?”

I couldn’t help linking up with the speeding star, the few-spoken Gu Long, who might be the first time in thousands of years to ask such a sincere question: “The Maelstrom of Creation finally returned to That is the foundation of a galaxy steel power cycle…Are you planning to start the’super-monolithic world’ again?”

Gulong also has its own spiritual terminal. As a creature that is close to the world of Mycroft and lives in the abyss all year round, it is naturally allowed to know those Misins about the evil **** of death. And as a user of the power of steel, it can probably guess one point, it has reached the limit of the legend, the idea of ​​a man who is close to the saint, and speculates a point of the advanced route he wants to try.

“You are right and wrong. I do want to try the idea and structure of the’super-monolithic world’ again in the Maelstrom of Creation, but I am not going to really start it again, at least not now.”

The galloping silver star left his own message, and the warrior who hurriedly left said: “The Maelstrom of Creation is the concretization of the world’s galaxy’s’pregnant dynasty’ and’dead night’. It is the reincarnation of the world. Entity is a region where civilization, the world, and even life dies and is born again, almost eternal.”

“So, I want to be there and analyze the evil god.”

“I want to analyze the evil god, the essence of’death to eternity’.”

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