Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.11 Chapter 11: The eternal future of life and death (eight thousand eight hundred)

[That’s a story that took place very long ago, far longer than any civilization]

[A story about a group of mayflies who were born after the initial fire ignited the brilliance of the multiverse, floating around the brilliance and dying forever]

Born in the void, the foam after the flame burns, in the scraps that nurture the world, in the quiet and endless light, there is a simple structure, or to say, a simple life appearing in the world.

It has no name, and it is the same until now. If you have to describe it, you can only call it ‘Mayfly’, because its lifespan is so short, I’m afraid that even in some worlds, there is no simple day time.

This kind of life has no “self” nor “wisdom”. Its simple structure can only do one thing, which is to “record” everything around itself and then “transmit” it to other individuals-this The mayfly, who doesn’t know when he was born or when he died, forms a small circle in the eternal light.

The death of each individual mayfly will eventually give birth to many juvenile mayfly, and before that, it will entrust all the information it records to another adult mayfly—collecting information is the process of their self-growth . And then, this adult mayfly will do the same thing, handing over the memory of the previous mayfly and its own memory to the next mayfly, and in this long transmission process, the new generation of mayfly again When mature, a new cycle begins again, and the cycle of the mayfly takes a bigger turn.

Naturally, the information carried has also expanded.

The adult mayflies continuously transmit their own memories, and the larvae that are also dying quickly grow into a new generation of recording and transcribing vehicles-these many different individuals continue to transmit and exchange information. From the initial small instinct that can be completed by one information exchange, it gradually became larger and larger, and even turned into a need for more mayfly to be fully recorded, and even the entire mayfly group must be gathered together and transfer to each other uninterruptedly. Passing on to each other occupies all their eternal missions of’time and life’ except for the split of themselves before death.

Birth, memory, transmission, transmission, death, division, birth, memory, transmission, transmission, death, division… The eternal and endless cycle is their instinct and their mission.

The entire mayfly group has become an increasingly large memory stick, an extremely large information library.

As for them, they must not stop for a while, or rest—for the life of a mayfly, they cannot hesitate, think, or hesitate.

They must be eternally moving, eternally passing, eternally dying, and then splitting themselves, and then gestating new things-they have no long sleep, no rest, and no stagnation, because’sleep’ means’death’,’ “Pause” means “lost”, even if only one mayfly makes a mistake, abandons its instinct to record information and transmit information, it will cause a part of the information to be “missing”, which represents eternal “forgetting”.

But at this time, the mayfly do not understand what ‘forgetting’ means. They just maintain their own huge cycle, repeating reincarnation forever.

Then, a long time passed.

The mayflies, who are dying all the time, spent endless hours in this ever-growing and vast cycle, until one day, other ‘civilization’ discovered them.

It was a race born in the derivative world of the initial fire. After a long period of evolution and development, these complex intelligent creatures bathed in light finally walked out of the void and began to wander the heavens… and when they came to the periphery of the initial fire, They discovered these simple and ignorant clusters of mayfly swimming around the rays of light.

They are not the oldest creatures—compared to the mayflies, there are more powerful or weak initial monsters. Mayfly was born in the glorious realm after a long time after the multiverse environment has stabilized, and it is far inferior to the oldest beasts born in chaos.

Their power is not strong either-the essence of the individual mayfly is a simple energy information festival, the information and energy carried by this kind of thing are extremely small, and the energy of hundreds of thousands of mayfly is not even enough to light a candle.

They don’t even have wisdom-pure information exchange, which just represents the basic record and memory of all the mayfly since its inception, starting from the first mayfly, and most of them are meaningless redundant information, let alone ignite. The spark of wisdom is inferior to even multicellular organisms.

They are not huge, or even completely insignificant-the size of a mayfly is not even comparable to bacteria. This is even the smallest ‘life’ that many civilizations can find in the void.

However, their clusters are extremely large.

The number of its doors is endless.

Even the light-tending collective has even turned into a dimly dim mist covering a small part of the endless light of the initial fire.

They are not old, not powerful, not smart, not huge, but they still exist. From the beginning of the ancient times to the present-until today, there are other life born later than it, which evolved into intelligent creatures and developed Civilization, then, came to this place.

The information carried by the curious and intelligent species has become the ‘second light’ that the mayfly can accept in addition to the initial fire. It is a variable, an inducement, and an ‘infinite possibility’ in addition to the eternal cycle of the mayfly.

That is the beginning of the birth of ‘wisdom’, the beginning of the birth of ‘self’, that is, the beginning of the birth of ‘possibility and the future’,

He, them, really opened his eyes at that moment, and from the self-enclosed, self-circulating shell, he began to look up and look at this vast multiverse.

[The ancient primitive civilization taught many things about the mayfly who died in the day and night. They taught each other to think, judge, and react to outside actions. They led an isolated group of people to the multiverse stage, and then taught them. What do they call friendship, beauty, hope and love]

[Of course, they also taught them, what exactly is “forgotten”]

After a long period of time, the civilization of the enlightened mayfly disappeared. Where did it go? That memory, even the power of steel in the multiverse, was obscured because it was too old, and even searching for the memories of countless evil gods could not find any trace. This is not surprising, after all, Cthulhu exists after the future sages, and even the future sages may not remember the truth of this matter, how could the steel giant flip through the memories of that era.

However, there may be no other messy reasons. That civilization was probably destroyed over a long period of time and then forgotten.

It was an extremely novel experience, a lack of information, an end of a cycle, a dissipation of the past, and a real coming of ‘death’.

And that was the beginning of the birth of “Future”.

[No…Never allow]

[We… do not accept any forgetting]

The spark of wisdom was ignited.

The mayflies were able to understand: the opposite of the so-called memory… is forgetting.

And this is absolutely unacceptable for the mayflies who are always remembering and remembering everything.

[This mayfly, whose life’s memories will eventually be entrusted to other mayfly, as a proof of its existence. If the same kind forgets, then they will never exist, which is equivalent to the absence of the mayfly group. Part, that great and long record is no longer perfect]

[Forgetting is eternal passing-even more terrifying than entering the event horizon of a black hole, even more daunting]

This is unacceptable.

Joshua’s voice and will shook the multiverse. In that short moment, everyone heard, saw, and knew, the eternal cycle of the little mayfly, and the “awakening” that gave rise to sparks in the end—and Regarding this, the giant was silent for a moment, and then in everyone’s guess, Shen Sheng confirmed all the existence of the guess.

[This is the beginning of “Future Sage”]

The essence of the future sage is like the evil god, condensing a race, a civilization, and a cluster of all memories, eternal existence.

No, this sentence is wrong. It is not that he is like an evil god, but that an evil **** is like him.

I can only see the eternal’death eternity’, longing for eternity, longing for light, just like mayfly that can only see light, and moths that can only see flames, they are calling, wailing, roaring, and roaring , Towards the countless rays of light in the distance, those who are still continuing to’memory’ and’forgetting’, still releasing infinite heat and’possibility’, go forward.

And this is the reason why the so-called evil gods go to attack, destroy, and turn all new civilizations into new evil gods—they are not good, nor evil, nor right, nor evil, and evil gods have no purpose. , There is no desire, they are not’want to destroy’, but close to cause’destruction’, and the so-called attack, the so-called transformation, in a sense, is just to “remember” everything .

And this is the truth of the so-called “Cthulhu Invasion” and the “End of Era”.

It’s nothing more than… it’s just a group of mayflies who want to remember everything, put out the flames, and engrave in their own stories.

[Future sage cannot bear to forget. It is precisely because the eternal memorization of all the past, everything since its birth, recording the almost endless information of this multiverse, which is almost equivalent to this multiverse living Akashic record, can he “remember” the eternal In the past,’based on’ the mammoth present,’open up’ an infinite future]

[He refused to die-so there was the birth of the evil god, and the eternity of death. He rejected that not everything can be remembered-so absolute chaos grew out of nothing, attached to everything. He refuses to forget it and it cannot be undone-so the infinite parallel universe, the infinite parallel world, and even the infinite future exist because of this. 】

[The multiverse is splitting, just like the mayfly of the past will split after death. The “Future Sage” may not understand at first, why there are other civilized races and other sages resisting him—could it be Isn’t everything remembered? Don’t everyone get eternity and an infinite future? Never worry about being forgotten, never worry about being destroyed, never worry about death again! Because the infinite parallel world carries all the possibilities, the tributaries of infinite future possibilities will be transformed into unequivocal reality under the power of the sages. Even if the heavens are wiped out and the stars fall, they will eventually be possible. . 】

[Eternal death, eternal memory, infinite future, infinite possibilities. 】

At this moment, Joshua raised his free upper left hand. There was a misty chaotic light. It was the power developed by [Future Sage], a special power related to [Initial Fire]. , It is connected with everything, it records everything, transmits everything, and uses this as the source to breed infinite parallel universes.

The giant fist, the misty chaos, immediately shined, and all beings can see it-there are countless evil gods, countless forgotten civilizations, forgotten races, forgotten names, all are re-remembered in the infinite parallel universe- -They have never been forgotten, never abandoned, [Future] remembered them, so they exist forever and never die, and will never dissipate until the end of the multiverse.

[The purpose of the future sage is to “memorize” all the information of this multiverse, and after remembering this multiverse, he, they, should “die”, and then just like this, transmit all the “memory” To the next “multiverse”, with countless “Cthulhus” as seeds and all the civilizations that have passed away in the past as prototypes, a brand new “future” will be born]

[The infinitely divided multiverse is just like the infinitely divided mayfly, the transmission and inheritance of information, just as at that time, what they have to do is nothing more than what the mayfly did in the past-but the carrier is not as good as the microbe ‘S mayfly has become the entire multiverse]

[Eternal memory, and then eternal transmission, to maintain everything for eternity, even if the end of the multiverse is annihilated, this process cannot be terminated]

——In other words, this is essentially the same as the infinite division and inheritance of the mayfly — this is also a kind of ‘inherited’ civilization and the strongest ‘order’!

——A kind of multiverse as a unit, so magnificent that it is unbelievable that all living beings in the multiverse are just parts and foundations, a structure of memory, and its self-will has no ultimate ‘order’ at all!

It has nothing to do with sentient beings, it is a story that belongs to the ‘pan-multiverse mayfly’.

“But isn’t this bad?”

I can hear that at the far end of the multiverse, there is such a voice, there is a civilization, the voice of doubt: “We are gone, we are still alive in the infinite future, infinite parallel worlds, we are forgotten, but virtuous But the person remembers-everything we have worked hard to create, we no longer have to worry about meaninglessness, or even doomed to achieve results. We can accept failure, it is our own fault, but if it can be’remembered’… even in the next We can still be remembered in the multiverse era.”

“Isn’t this so-called ‘happiness’?”

After the doubts were issued, there were more civilizations and more individuals, and they felt confused. They always felt that the darkness that covered everything was so terrible, and that endless chaos was destined to represent the eternal ruins, but Now Joshua told them that the darkness that covered everything just wanted to remember everything, that the endless chaotic nature was a tool for recording, and they still had a place in the eternal future.

Countless hearts that are not firm enough, beliefs that are not stubborn enough, wills that are not crazy enough, and wisdom that is not stupid enough, begin to be confused at this time and begin to perplex the necessity of ‘resistance’.

After all, that’s a sage. It is the oldest, the most powerful, and the first in history to have the history of defeating and killing other sages, representing an infinite future, sage.


[You just want to accept it like this, isn’t it a future that you can walk out of? 】

[This kind of happiness is nothing more than the most inferior happiness-pin everything on the same physical happiness in one’s infinite parallel world? This is something more illusory than a dream. Excluding the sages, Excluding the group of mayfly clusters that have been dying since their birth, leaving their memories to another individual, who would understand and who would want this kind of happiness? 】

[True happiness, true freedom, its true meaning is the right to refuse even happiness, the right to completely veto the ‘future’ that one does not want! 】

[Luxury more, desire more! What we want, what we deserve, is not a gift from anyone, and we can grasp it, the best future! 】

Qiao Xiu raised his hand and put down the Hei and others. The gods looked around the multiverse, and infinite power flourished in his body.

[Is he right? I don’t care about such small things. 】

[But I know, I am correct. 】

[The core of the future sage is memory, which is all the remembered ‘civilization’, that is, the infinite evil god. With it, He has mastered over 99.8% of the possibility of this multiverse. The total mass of Cthulhu is 500 times or more than the existing multiverse galaxy and order civilization. Their existence makes the future The sage has an advantage in the battle in this multiverse, and can develop any future he wants in the infinite parallel universe]

[But as long as they drag them to fight against the total number of enemies 500 times, the future sage will lose his biggest trump card-destroying the evil god, that is, destroying a part of its body and our path to victory]

Joshua declared this point loudly towards the intelligent life of the entire multiverse-he wants to break the advantages of future sages hidden in the darkness of history, so that everyone knows his essence, source of power, and existence. Form, and weakness.

This is certainly not the credit of Joshua alone-it is the credit of the sages of the past, all the forerunners.

[The original three sages, psychic powers, magic powers, and life energies, were born after the’future’, and they were aware of the entire process of their power creation, remembered their essence, and they did not treat the future sages. The vigilance and targeting, and the help of other sages to coordinate, so no matter how hard you fight, you can only lose in the end, so]

[But Element and Ether should be the two most amazing and talented geniuses after the magic power system-they should have opened up new possibilities with magic power to become the second and third magic sages, but they All Qiqi found that something was wrong, and then took a different approach, creating elements and ether. On the scale of the multiverse, it can be regarded as both advancing at the same time, and then fighting against the’future’ with both hands]

[And the time for the two to join forces to fight against the ‘future’ is so long that they support the appearance of ‘Holy Light’, ‘Shadow’ and ‘I’]

In the beginning, the extraordinary power created by the sages did not target the “future” in any way. Even the elements and the ether were only because they sensed something was wrong, but there was no way to fight against them. Every one of them advanced. The process, every detail, is in the eyes of the’future’, even if the strength is the same, there is no reason to win, not to mention that they are already slightly inferior to the future.

But afterwards, both the light and the shadows were aware of this. They began to target, restrain, and fight against the “future” in a planned way. Even the advancement was unknown, and they did not let the other party get it as much as possible. Own information.

But even so, they are at a disadvantage. After all, they don’t know the existence and nature of the future, so they can only leave clues to the latecomers.

[And I am this latecomer——I am the disillusionment of chaos, the terminator of the future]

Joshua’s voice was flat and firm.

He is this latecomer.

He advanced to the sage of the gods in the initial fire. Not only was he unable to perceive it in the future, but also unable to determine the process of his advancement. However, when Joshua analyzed the memories of his many evil gods and many ancient civilizations, he noticed The essence of the future sage.

He has been fighting against evil gods and chaos from the very beginning, and he has vigilance in his heart from the beginning. In addition to bringing all living beings to the “rank way” of “fighting is rewarding”, besides the path of the sage of the gods, he is truly The essential path, until now, no one understands, no one knows its name.

And his power was born to crush this eternal and infinite future.

“But master—time.”

At this moment, the black dragon covering the stars groaned: “After all, you are just entering the stage. Can you really get involved in the battle of those sages who have been fighting for countless years?”

“Everything you said has no meaning in the face of absolute power.”

[It’s time]

However, Joshua didn’t care about it at all.

[Future sages, fighting with other sages in countless universes and infinitely parallel worlds for a long time. But this does not mean anything-sages and sages are fighting. It is impossible for both sides to want to become stronger and stronger. That is to do everything, fighting on all possibilities in all areas, all angles, and all possibilities. Let alone progress, there is no room for thinking]

[At the beginning of the birth of the psionic sage, I am afraid that the future progress has been more than 99%, but after so many years, so many sages are born, his progress is still stuck at 99.8% 】

[And the future sage can speak to me before, but other sages can’t, it proves that even if the future sage faces the siege of the four sages, he still has room to gain the upper hand, but even so, as long as he Cannot reach 100% of the progress, then he and other sages cannot open the essential gap]

[Because sages are infinite power]

[Because of the sacrifice and sharing of all the sages before, I left enough time to tell you all this]

Before that, Joshua accomplished it with divine power—and the essence of divine power is the desire, and the essence of divine power is the power to realize the desire.

God is a desire, God is a dream, and the change brought about by divine power is to bestow Joshua’s dream to the world. Since then, fighting is no longer a means, but also as an end, it can give More possibilities for all beings.

[Fighting is my wish and my dream]

[But pure fighting will only make this multiverse fall into endless hell]

Joshua opened his hand, the endless illusion spread, covering all things, he showed to everyone, the future that the “struggling sages” can bring-that is civilization, race or individual, each dependent on each powerful “The source of strife”, they go to worlds, civilizations, fight, provoke strife, fight endlessly, set off endless battles and variables in the multiverse. The bones and blood of the loser will be squeezed dry by the victor, and the entire multiverse will be transformed into a huge gu farm, and the new sage will be the victor of this eternal battle.

[Every sage who moves forward will have a great influence on the sages afterwards]

Qiao Xiuya closed his fist, and he opened it again—this time it was a brand new illusion, belonging to the future of the ‘Emotional Sage’. It is a multi-universe in which all people have gradually cultivated a complete set of emotional simulation methods for strength. Their emotional powers continue to merge and condense, and finally turn into beasts, monsters, and masters that represent the power of various emotions. A civilization, a race, and an individual’s originally perfect emotions will end up with only one extreme due to long-term practice.

Different emotions may not all be enemies, but there must be relative emotions, which are natural enemies. In the increasingly chaotic sea of ​​multiverses, if you want to become a new generation of sages, you must overcome all these difficulties and surpass all extremes.

[Future sages have created our future. He can’t directly act on you, because you are also part of his memory. Only by proving the existence of the eternal node, will he be regarded as an alien, attacked, and then lost against the evil gods. Possibility]

In the palm of Joshua, there are countless kinds of’sage possibilities’ flying around,’the sage who breaks the shackles, the sage of pure will, the sage that advances the world, and the second sage of steel. ‘, wait, wait, all the near saints present have forgotten everything else, and all the legendary limit powerhouses also have a hazy throbbing—they know that this is Joe Xiuya wants to inform them of their’possibility’, the possibility of becoming a near saint, a sage! Qiao Xiuya didn’t have any secrets, he released all the results of his thoughts for everyone to see.

Suddenly, most of the people began to have huge distortions. Their accumulation had long been enough, and only a little puzzle was left–but now, the puzzle has been solved. They started to advance naturally.

Then, he stopped drinking.

[This is not the way you want to go! 】

[Try to learn, rather than imitate, think about this line of thought, rather than copy the answer-this is the possibility of ‘me’, but are you me? 】

This immediately shook all the powerhouses who were addicted to it from the subconscious’imitation’ or even the’re-engraving’. They awakened from it, and immediately felt a horror, or regretful and unwilling sigh. .

The short path is the biggest temptation… But indeed, even if it is the same as the “path of dispute” and “path of emotion”, they are completely different individuals and existences from Joshua, both in thought and logic. In this way, the other side’s path may be a smooth path for the other side, but for myself, it is the most poisonous poison.

Among other things, “The Road of Strife”, everyone thought that Joshua might be very happy, but they may not. It can even be said that there are not many that this multiverse expects the kind of future.

[Cthulhu is the basis for future sages to control the future of this multiverse, and it is also the ‘memory’ that he must bring to the next multiverse]

[Eternal anchor is the doomed existence that cannot be remembered and taken away. It is a destined node, even in wireless parallel worlds and countless parallel universes, it will definitely happen]

[What the future sage wants is the future completely controlled by him, everything derived from his memory, his thoughts and dreams are the eternal multiverse, the infinite origin-and the eternal anchor is the stain that hinders him , Not the eternity of his memory]

“But Joshua…”

At this moment, No. 3 couldn’t help asking: “You cut off your path to the eternal node…”

[That’s indifferent]

[Perhaps other people will think that this ‘destined’ is very important, but I never care about what ‘destined’, what ‘absolute’, and future sages will not stop me]

[I cut off the anchor of eternity, and cut off the relationship with the infinite parallel universe-in his world, it is impossible to reappear me, as long as I kill me in this primitive and original multiverse, he can be 100% Kill me, unlike other sages, even if it is defeated, it will take a very long time to suppress and obliterate]

[But in the same way, he can’t use the infinite parallel universes he has derived, all kinds of ‘future’ to attack, he can only use his own power in this multiverse to fight against me]

After leaving a message that made all the legendary limits and near-sages think deeply, Joshua’s body began to gradually illusory, gradually spread, and then ‘filled’ this multi-universe.

[As long as there are enough nearby sages, then it can resist the erosion of the multiverse by future sages, so that his progress will always be stuck in the present]

[Furthermore, in this way, his hidden back hand cannot be used-he cannot occupy all upstream and affect everything downstream. As long as his progress stagnates, the “infinite future” will not continue to “derive”]

[This is the existence of unskilled people, the way to fight against the ‘future’]

You have your battlefield, and I also have my battlefield-say goodbye temporarily, my friends.

Unspeakable, magnificent and unbelievable fluctuations are setting off a frenzy, and the source of this fluctuation has already set sail, he began to look back, towards the source of everything, the beginning of everything, the initial light!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entire multiverse is shaking because of this pace. The heavens, the stars, the ten thousand realms and the ten thousand races, even if there is no soul, no eyes, no ears, no tactile existence, all can clearly sense and see clearly, Hearing, feeling, something’infinite’ is roaring, is going upstream, he is heading to the battlefield he wants, to the’final ending’!

And the invisible a short time, the infinite fluctuation that changed the multiverse for the second time is flowing towards all that exists, overflowing!

[…It is indeed impossible to defeat the future sage]

[The oldest sage defeated psychic power, magic power, steel power, and the other four sages regardless of superiority or superiority, even with me, it is impossible to change much]

At this moment, everyone feels that something has been completely changed. In the multiverse, all logic has been replaced, and something has eroded the original concept.

That is not a supernatural power in a substantial sense, nor is it a vision that affects the multiverse.

[However, the meaning of life and civilization is to overcome the impossible]

[And I want to overcome all the “impossible”]

The brilliance of the flames, the infinite rays of light, and the infinite will all shine at infinity, and the infinite fluctuations span the endless distance. He has passed a familiar strong man and several strange strong men. He perceives it. On this journey, many beings are migrating. They have been advancing since they don’t know how old they are, but now they are surpassed by him.

And what is this? Is it inevitable? Is it destined? Or is it an accident, just a big accident?

Both, and neither.

Regardless of whether it is the existence of these unusually powerful, strangely surprised faces, or any child who is ignorant of the race, no matter it is any life, all flesh and blood, they can know it.

The existence named [Miracle], like the sun, flew by in the endless silence and darkness.

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