Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 49: Determination

“What kind of light is that?”

With eyes wide open, I firmly locked the brilliance that flashed from the distant sky. The curiosity surging in my heart defeated decadence. Elma turned his head and watched the brilliance from appearing to disappearing. After a while of silence, She whispered to herself in a puzzled voice: “…It’s such a powerful force. Even the distance is so great that I can’t estimate it. It’s just a flash of light, so I feel shuddered…”

“This concentration of extraordinary power is unheard of in all my life experiences. Even at such a distance, it gives me the feeling that it is stronger than that of the previous emperor’s clone…”

On the other side, Kreler, who can also see the light, looked quite disturbed. After all, his strength was not strong, and he had not yet reached the ultimate goal. Compared to Elma, who felt more profoundly, his only feeling for the light It is’dangerous’.

However, when he saw that Elma finally began to react to the outside world, instead of falling into decadence and autism because of the actions of Emperor Amos, Kreler immediately left that biological instinct. The sense of danger came, but quickly said to the other party: “Don’t talk about this, the light makes me feel very dangerous-let’s leave here quickly and go to a safer place!”

In Kreler’s mind, even the dome of the royal court is not considered safe. He hopes that Elma will leave the royal court immediately, as she planned before, and find a small remote world to hide-in the limit plague During this period of raging, the more prosperous the world star field is, the more insecure the exchange of multiple information will be. On the contrary, the remote “country world” in the multi-galaxy will be calmer because of a pool of stagnant water.

At that time, whether waiting for Mycroft’s rescue team in a remote world, or temporarily living in seclusion with Elma, they are better than staying in the royal court, which seems to be located in the center of the storm…not to mention, there is another character here that seems to be extremely The terrible Emperor Amos, God knows when he will do something outrageous because of being’interesting’. After all, for the powerful at that level, the life and death of hundreds of billions of Amos is nothing more than A fun.

“This power…”

However, Elma did not move. Within the body of the battleship, the translucent female figure stared straight at the front of the bridge. She just whispered silently: “If I have this power…what can I change? ?”

—Don’t be too greedy, Elma.

The voice belonging to Emperor Amos rang in her mind again, but this time it was not the Emperor who uttered again, but Elma’s own memory. Recalling this sentence, she couldn’t help but smile: “Yes, I’m really greedy. , Even if it is a fantasy, it is so unrealistic.”

“The light that spans time and space is extremely powerful. It must not be a flash of fire, water without a source, or a tree without roots… It must be a long time, where the strong will not make up their minds and practice. Something you can get.”

So, determined to…?

The alien woman, whispering to herself, seemed to be lost in thought, causing the human captain on the side to show a helpless expression.

——Without a sound, the emotional wheel turns endlessly——

And the one who stopped this silent wheel was what seemed to be discovered, Kreler’s surprised voice.


Through spiritual connection, two people who transfer information to each other can share all the perceptions of both parties at the same time. This was originally because of language barriers and was a link to facilitate communication. Now it can be used by Kreler to transmit a large amount of information. He excitedly showed the other party a piece of information obtained from the exchange system: “Look, preventive measures for extreme viruses! Our strong man in Mycroft, the natural tutor’Eydril Gallanod’ has developed A set of methods can temporarily prevent the spread of infection!”

“Look! The limit virus is not invincible, it can be prevented! Your mentor of nature is still continuing to study, trying to really get immunity to the limit virus. This is of course difficult, but it is not impossible!”

Without noticing the brighter light in the eyes of the woman beside her, the human captain is still talking excitedly, Kreller’s tone carries a voice of ‘Our Mrs. Mike Rowe’s technical ability is the best in the world! The pride: “I believe that only need to wait a while, then the real extreme virus vaccine will definitely be completed! Blessed is Mrs. Mike Rowe, and the other races in the multiverse are also saved!”

Listening to the other party’s boasting about her race, Elma’s expression was surprised and delighted from the beginning, and gradually brought a trace of confusion. Her humanoid port blinked, and asked the other person incomprehensibly: “Kreller… Have you Mrs. Mike Rowe always been so generous?”

“This kind of prevention method, although strictly speaking, it just pierces a layer of window paper, as long as you know it is very simple, but it will take a very long time to really implement it and create a preventive vaccine-you Mike Luo Madam actually put this kind of precious information in this public… exchange system, sharing it so unselfishly?”

“of course!”

The Amos’s doubts are not surprising. Although Kreler’s expression has a strong sense of civilized pride, he still replied in a very serious tone: “However, this is not generosity-this is battle!”

“To this extreme virus, this relentless and repeated multi-universe battle is full of sudden death!”

“Since there is such a existence that spreads extreme viruses for our own purposes and endangers other intelligent lives, then we must create a way to defend against it and spread it faster than the spread of the plague-only this way, Only by preventing the messenger from achieving his goal can he truly defeat the Extreme Virus!”

After saying this, Kreler felt that he seemed a bit over-excited. He scratched his head a little shyly, and then muttered in a low voice: “Everything in life is fighting-this sentence was said by the Generalissimo…I I really want to be someone like the Grand Marshal, so I bought several quotations, and I subconsciously imitated it just now…”

Elma naturally wouldn’t think this was overstatement. She just stared at Kreller’s determined eyes with a mixed look in her eyes.

Human beings in their twenties, to Amos who have lived through hundreds of years of life, are as young as a child who has just been born, but even such a young man has such a degree of determination— –Kreller, this individual, although seemingly ordinary, but ah, like gold in the shadows, as long as the light comes, it can shine with brilliance.

He undoubtedly has the means and potential to become a strong man.

“I understand.”

Suddenly, as if she had figured out something, Elma smiled, she said softly, her expression and voice regained her anger.

Creel was very happy to see that the other party regained his energy under the stimulus of the good news, but then, what the other party said made him stunned.

“Use your own body to experience the limit virus in person, and calculate and create the relevant limit virus resistance agent? I have to say that it is really a good method, and I can completely do it.”

“Don’t be so impulsive?! This is too dangerous!”

Hearing this, Creel almost jumped up directly. He quickly dissuaded him: “No, Elma, the teacher of nature is a legendary high-level powerhouse. According to your words, it is at the level of a general title at any rate-she It can completely isolate the limit virus from affecting yourself and create a vaccine-like blocking agent, but you can’t!”

“You are just barely able to resist the extreme virus. If you are not careful, it is not impossible to be corroded-and there is no need to do this, right?!”

Regarding Kreler’s quite agitated attitude, Elma smiled softly, her smile calmed down, and the human captain who had wanted to say something subconsciously closed his mouth and stopped talking.

“Crelle, I know, for you, those Amos who are suffering from the plague are just insignificant aliens, even the enemies who tried to expel and invade you before.”

Standing up from the previous bone seat, Elma walked to the bridge window of her battleship body. She looked at the void outside the window and whispered: “If it weren’t for me to rebel and restore the body for you , If you barely get a little approval from you, you would rather die than help me, right?”

“That’s right…” Kreler admitted with a bit of difficulty: “But mainly because you did show kindness, and…”

“But, Kreler, I finally figured it out just now.” After interrupting the other party, Elma turned her head. She looked at the human in front of her and said with a serious expression: “The most primitive emotion that urges me to rebel is not It’s my hatred for the inaction of Emperor Amos, but my sincere feelings towards the Amos and the royal court.”

“I hate war and the endless killing of Amos and other races. Although I hate the Thakur because of my acquired education and my own experience, I prefer Amos to hate them. People can live happily and peacefully. I hope that the emperor will love us sincerely, like a father, or a true ruler-if possible, I really hope that one day, in that case, we Amos It is bound to be invincible and can continue civilization forever and ever.”

Unfortunately, that is impossible. As the creation of Emperor Amos, he will never take his toys seriously, so Elma can only show a regretful expression.

“Born to be an Amos, I’m really sorry… but I’m also very proud, just as you are proud of yourself as Mrs. Mike Rowe.”

“But…” Kreller seemed to want to say something, his expression was impatient, but before he could speak, Elma interrupted him: “Amos and Mrs. Michael are completely different. Race-even if I know the principle of the blocking potion, I still have to test it myself and modify the details in this potion. Only by doing the same thing with my “Amos” body can I achieve perfection Preventive medicine.”

“Moreover, unlike Mrs. Mike Rowe, we Amos are actually very resistant to this foreign virus. As long as there is a preventive agent as a buffer, we can find that the virus has invaded our body. I think most of them Amos will not die so meaninglessly.”

“But you don’t need to put yourself in danger!”

Hearing this, Kreler couldn’t help it. He said loudly to Elma: “Why don’t you wait a few more days?! Just wait a few more days, maybe the teacher of nature will even study the real vaccine. It’s coming out-you are not a legend yet, this action is too dangerous!”

“But.” Faced with Kreler’s doubts, Elma asked calmly: “What if the vaccine hasn’t been developed these days?”

“Even if it is researched out, what if it is not suitable for Amos?”

“Kreller, you know very well that Extreme Virus is very advanced. It is a top-notch biochemical creation that has surpassed our ages. It is not difficult to prevent it by trick, but it is not that simple to crack it-not to mention.”

Elma walked into Kreller. She stood in front of the human captain, very close, almost close to each other. She said very seriously: “The’just a few days’ on her mouth is very serious For the people of the royal court of extreme plague, it may be the death of tens of billions, hundreds of billions of people.”

After speaking, Elma raised her head and looked at the void beyond the bridge. With a gentle gaze, she seemed to be able to see the countless worlds in the entire royal court.

“Just now, I finally understood why I didn’t accomplish anything in this long time…because I lacked a lot of things, I lacked strong power.”

At this point, she paused, and then said: “And the determination to sacrifice.”

“In this multiverse, no one is the savior, but just as your’Mrs. Mike Roe’ is willing to help all other civilizations get the’preventive potion’ and give seeds of hope everywhere, if each civilization and civilization help each other, We must make progress together.”

“But absolutely, absolutely cannot pray for someone’s ‘salvation’ and place hope on others!”

“We must use our own hands to get our own tomorrow!”

She declared so firmly, with a sonorous and powerful tone.

At this moment, there was a purple-blue light shining on Elma’s body-the light was shining, and a ring between the tangible and the intangible appeared in her hand, condensed and formed on her fingers !

But at this moment, Elma has completely realized.


I have always been in fear.

I fear the impermanent emperor, fear the ruthless foreign enemy.

I am afraid of this multiverse without a bright future, fearless of tomorrow without hope.

I even feared myself. I was afraid of myself without determination. Not only could I not change the world, but I would also be changed by this world. 】

——But now, I understand.

Fear stems from lack of determination. It stems from the fact that I only want to rebel and escape.

It comes from my forgotten love.

“If today, I don’t make every effort-it is everything to not the charity of the emperor, the mercy of others, and you.

With that said, Elma stretched out her hand and gently stroked the face of Kreller who did not know what to do. She saw the human captain open his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but at this moment she had nothing to say. Say.

“If I don’t try my best today, then how can I wait for tomorrow with peace of mind?”

This is my decision.

At this moment, in the hands of the humanoid Elma, the purple-blue ring lights up the brilliance named ‘Divine Power’!

——The brilliance named determination shines! ——

Its name is [The Ring Bearer of Determination·Elma]!

At the other end of time and space, where the stars are, one of the rings of the four gods began to light up and began to echo. He detected his own apostle, and the individual capable of carrying this emotion had been born far away—so, he Cheers began, and a huge wave of emotions rose.

The bargaining chip of cause and effect is settled.

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