Soul Of Negary

Chapter 231 - 1: Besieging battle (2)

Chapter 231: Vol3 Ch31: Besieging battle (2)

Translator: La0o9 

“Spirit of the Wind, heed my call” wearing a mask to obscure her face, Katherine tossed out a large amount of dried mountain flowers. However, what followed wasn’t the expected sweet smell of flowers, but rather a putrid stench, almost like some sort of rotten seafood.

Katherine was a mad Mysticism enthusiast, she loved objects of unknown origins and uses, especially when she was capable of actually collecting them as the heir of a large company.

Thanks to Brian’s help, after sending all of the obstructors into the Unrepenting Abyss, she now had even more finances to invest into her Mysticism career.

She might not be the greatest merchant to have ever lived, but she was definitely a talented delver of Mysticism.

Occasionally, she would even discuss various knowledge with Negary himself, from which both sides learnt a lot.

The putrid flowers she tossed out were picked from seaside cliffs, after bathing in sea wind all year round. Due to her alterations of them through certain rituals, they now contained the magic of an unknown Evil God, or some sort of deep sea creature, which could be used as the casting material for a certain spell: [Putrid Wind].

Although the smell was beyond terrible, anyone within the range of this wind would feel no wind resistance, nor lose much if any stamina at all while running, the men specifically would even feel like they have overflowing vitality to be used.

“What a terrible spell” another masked woman next to her commented.

“Miss Angel, as pure as ever I see?” Katherine laughed her comment off.

When it came to magic, over half of the known spells in this world originated from one Evil God or another, only a minority of them actually took advantage of natural principles of the world.

Because of this, don’t expect magic that originated from Evil Gods to have some sort of flashy effects, most of the time, they were nauseating or outright repulsive.

“Enemy attack!” the second gate didn’t have as many guards as the first, but all of them were elites. As soon as unusual commotions were heard, even if they didn’t hear any sounds of alarm beforehand, they had still prepared their formation.

A group of Glory knights stood in a row with their shields raised high to receive the incoming wave of assailants, behind them there were three fully armored Red Sun Knights.

Negary was currently in the middle of the formation, advancing forward with everyone else towards the group of knights in front of them.

All Glory knights were bestowed a Blessing of Glory, which protected their minds through their faiths, so mental-type attacks or items would find it very tough to influence them.

For this reason, Glory knights were considered the biggest and most loyal troops of the church, which made them reliable as guards for every corner of the church.

However, being tough to influence didn’t mean they were immune to influence, especially once they had already given up on their faith.

All of a sudden, one of the Glory knights in the formation swung his sword at his own ally, injuring them and causing the knights’ formation to crumble.

〖 Well done, Raymond 〗Negary praised.

Raymond was the name of that Glory knight. He was a long-term Glory knight of church, but one who had discarded that glory, this was something that happened when he found out his wife had been sleeping with a priest and two other knights.

Every day, while he was away on his station, there would always be one or more of these damnable fleas scurrying around in the church. Their morals and characters were almost nonexistent, they exerted and even brandished their desires as they pleased, but their faith was firm.

In the end, all that those three bastards received were inconsequential punishments.

Raymond had sworn to dedicate his everything to his great God, but he was still human. His faith was still as firm as ever, and he was still willing to throw his life away for God, but there were some things that he simply could not accept.

Realizing this, Negary tempted Raymond. Since the light of his glory had already turned green1, he might as well give up on his church and become Negary’s spy.

“Raymond, what are you doing!?” his comrade clutched his wound and questioned in disbelief.

“The church is already corrupted; it is no longer worthy of the Lord’s glory” Raymond’s eyes were completely clear as he made his declaration. He had only given up on the church, not the Eternal Heat, so he could still use his divine techniques.

“Just for that reason, you’re aiding these sinners!?” a Red Sun Knight angrily berated him.

“They are nothing but a passing ache, if the cancerous tumor that is the church isn’t purged, the glory of God would never be truly realized” Raymond stubbornly answered as he swung his sword to create distance.

“Colluding with sinners to attack the church, your sins are unforgivable!” one of the Red Sun Knights raised their sword and activated their divine technique, summoning a dancing flame on top of the blade to swing down on Raymond.

“Your opponent is me” a figure immediately leapt in between them, using her dagger to parry the burning sword, it was Angel of the Hermit Order.

This young woman was one of the ‘sinners’ who managed to escape from the Sun Shadow church, who now held a great grudge against everyone from the church. For this reason, during this besieging battle, she was the most active member here other than Negary.

“By borrowing the excuse of ‘sinners’, you people can do everything, go to hell” Angel’s eyes were filled with hatred, her hands completely unfazed from the burning heat of the sword as her pair of daggers thrust forward into the gaps between the Red Sun Knight’s armor, attempting to slash him.

“Sinners are sinners, you shall all be subjected to purification!” it truly must be said, the Sun Shadow church’s long-term fortification of faith was indeed functional, as very few of these people’s faith actually wavered at all. Even in the case of Raymond, what he had given up on was the church, and not his faith of God.

A golden light shone from the Red Sun Knight’s body, solidifying his entire armor as one piece and blocked the daggers, the sword in his hand did not hesitate even a little bit from his opponent being a woman and heavily slashed to cut her in half.

“I’m no longer my previous self” Angel’s body nimbly flickered, her bare foot stepped on the horizontally swinging sword and lightly leapt onto the ceiling of the passage, the dagger in her hand sharply plunged into the wall.

Hanging from the ceiling, Angel’s eyes were cold and sly as she stared down at the knight below.

The second group of Hermit Order’s personnel had fully clashed against the church’s guards at the second gate.

While Negary and the third group of personnel made their way through the battle zone and continued forward, all of the knights’ attacks were stopped without fail, the second gate could now be considered to have been breached.

However, unlike Brian who was responsible for the first group, the person in charge of the second group, Angel, didn’t simply want to stall these people, she wanted to bury them all right at this location.

“All people from the Sun Shadow church deserve to die!” Angel drew her dagger and leapt down from the ceiling, landing directly on the shoulder of a knight. Both of her daggers pierced through his helmet and heavily twisted, sending both the helmet and the person it was protecting flying to one side, with some red-white substances splattering all over.

“Miss Angel, make sure to take care of yourself. After all, someone as pure as you is quite hard to come by” Katherine who had run ahead suddenly turned back, smiled and left those words.

Angel didn’t answer her. As the headless body of the knight collapsed, her hands twirled and returned her daggers to their proper stance, glaring full of hatred at the Red Sun Knight in front of her.

For the sake of revenge, she had chosen to undergo Negary’s body modification experiments. Although she might still look human, she was now essentially a monster. No matter from which point of view it was, she wasn’t an entity that could be described as ‘pure.

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