Soul Of Negary

Chapter 276 - Vol4 Ch1: SCR Society for Psychical Research?

Chapter 276: Vol4 Ch1: SCR Society for Psychical Research?

[D-class personnel Bart, please open the door in front of you using your ID card]

As the announcement repeated twice in his earpiece, Bart trembled slightly.

This 2-meter-tall white man has had just about enough of this life.

During this period of time, Bart felt like God had given up on him. Because his wife crossed the line, in his rage, he had sent both her and the gigolo into the depths of the ocean.

It was a typical impulsive crime, so he was quickly caught. During his wife’s autopsy, she was found to be about 2-month pregnant, which led to considerable social backlash. And due to the feminist movement’s zealous efforts, he was sentenced to death.

Before his execution, he was brought to this place, the Society for Psychical Research – also known as the SCR Foundation, where the employees told him that as long as he listened to their orders for one month, he would get to go free.

In this way, he became a D-class personnel of this strange facility, of course, he didn’t know that the ‘D’ in D-class stood for Disposable.

It has been 1 week since he arrived here, during which he had done many tasks following these people’s orders. For example, going into a certain room and putting his hand on the keyboard, then typing in a phrase word-for-word; or swallowing a pill before entering a room with a man with a foot basin, so on and so forth.

Sometimes, nothing might occur at all, while sometimes, completely unimaginable events would occur after his actions. For example, after waiting for 3 minutes in the room with the foot basin man, as if there was some sort of compulsion, he couldn’t help himself standing behind him.

Some of the unimaginable events were also considerably dangerous. On one occasion, he had to enter a classroom with a blackboard that had a math equation written in blood; until he solved the equation, he couldn’t leave the room, furthermore, if he failed to solve it after a period of time, his blood would be siphoned to write a new math equation.

During that time, quite a bit of Bart’s blood was siphoned, if he wasn’t lucky, he would have died right then.

After two days of rest, he had to continue his work, the task this time lay within the room in front of him. He read the contents on the screen in front of the door, trying to memorize each one; his instincts were telling him that this would be very useful.

Inside a tightly sealed room, several researchers and facility staff were watching the live footage; a blond woman wearing glasses was holding Bart’s mission reports in her hand.

“Two wipes, this D-class sure is lucky” the blond woman read the reports while keeping an eye on Bart who was on the screen.

D-class personnel of the SCR Foundation all believed that they would be let free after a month, but in truth, after one month had passed, they would simply have their memories wiped and reused until they ‘expire’.

Bart was a D-class who had gone through two such memory wipes, this was already the third month since he first arrived at the SCR Foundation, but to him, this was only his first week.

The SCR Foundation was a gigantic multinational organization, having been issued authority as well as requests from all of the world’s biggest countries, and then some. They were not bound to the jurisdiction of any single constitution, their goals being the collection and recording of all abnormal phenomena, events, individuals, and objects.

Their motto was Secure, Contain, Research, thus their name the SCR Foundation, although their official name as known to others was the Society for Psychical Research.

Bart took a deep breath before accessing the door with the ID card he was temporarily granted, entering the decontamination room that led into C-4-28’s containment chamber. Through the one-sided glass, Bart was able to see the brown journal left on the table. Perhaps it was his imagination, but Bart felt like there was a golden tint that could be seen from the journal.

[Go in, pick up the journal]

The cold, emotionless order sounded by his ears once again. For the sake of his slim hope of freedom, Bart could only comply, as if he was already used to this form of work, unconditionally following orders.

In reality, that was actually the case. After every assignment, any surviving D-class personnel must undergo mandatory psychological examinations and conditioning, during which they were planted with a hypnotic suggestion to subconsciously obey orders.

Bart entered the inner containment chamber, then picked up the journal, after which he continued to follow orders to open the fourth journal entry. This entry described a type of virus called [Negary]; as this was a new addition to C-4-28, the [Negary] virus was dubbed C-4-28-2.

From the descriptions alone, this was a very strange virus: after being infected by C-4-28-2, the infected would slowly gain a C-4-28-2 personality. As depicted, this personality was a more powerful and more complete version of oneself, the sublimation of oneself. Furthermore, it only took the continuous invocation of C-4-28-2’s name for one to become infected, the journal entry also depicted one way to invoke the name of [Negary].

[Read the journal entry, then recite C-4-28-2’s name following the written instructions]

The orders came once again, so Bart started to read the journal and stammered as he recited the name on the journal.

In the sealed control room, everyone was closely observing Bart’s state. In case that the name itself was the catalyst for infection, the control room wasn’t receiving a direct audio feed from Bart’s recitation.

A very long time ago, when containment procedures still hadn’t been properly designed, there was once a case of a containment breach due to an auditory info-hazard. Ever since that time, all plausible uncontrolled data must go through a relay center of specialized personnel in order to prevent the loss of valuable researchers.

From the surveillance footage and data, Bart did not display any abnormalities, be it his heartbeat, breathing rate, brainwaves, or any other monitored data, they were all within normal variations.

However, Bart himself knew that the abnormalities had already occurred.

In his vision, an indescribable transparent figure had emerged from the journal. As soon as the entity looked at him, Bart felt himself being divided in two. One half was still himself and recited Negary’s name as ordered, but the other half had already exited his body, feeling unprecedentedly free and unrestrained.

〖 How unexpected for it to already be under control 〗Negary quickly extracted information from the soul of the individual called Bart, including his wiped memories.

The soul was a miraculous thing, even if memories had already been wiped from the physical brain, the soul would still retain those memories. Naturally, there were means to wipe memories from the soul as well.

After investigating what he needed to know about this world, the Dim Silence Envoy had secretly left a hidden measure in this world, which was this journal.

Under normal circumstances, the contents of this journal would appear completely mundane, only after the Dim Silence Envoy had activated it from another world would the journal exert its abnormal qualities.

Anyone who approached the journal would perceive an image of the Dim Silence Envoy in their minds. After this image became clear to a certain degree, thanks to the Dim Silence Envoy’s understanding of his own existence, his image would also be considered a part of his existence. By using this connection, he would be able to transmigrate from world to world.

After getting a grasp of how to control the journal, Negary slightly altered the transmigration method.

An individual who continued to invoke his name would be doing the equivalent of constantly touching his existence; thanks to this, Negary would be able to transfer a part of himself, thus infecting that individual through his True Name.

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