Soul Of Negary

Chapter 283 - Devil Goat

Chapter 283: Vol4 Ch8: Devil Goat

Translator: La0o9 

It was a goat with ashen black fur, it had a pair of not too long goat horns, and a long red tongue that hung just outside of its mouth.


After being released from its containment chamber, it immediately moved about restlessly. Several Foundation personnel drove a car to lead it down a certain path, almost forcing it towards the dome barrier.


A-6-12: Devil Goat.


Description: A-6-12 appears as a normal male goat. Weighs 40.5kg, 15cm long horns, ashen black fur.



A-6-12 was discovered on April 2nd 20XX, at XXX city, contained during an open rampage.


A-6-12’s charge contains unimaginable power, capable of shattering any stationary objects it hit during its charge into pieces. If any of these objects are capable of exploding, they would surely explode.


Furthermore, A-6-12’s tongue has unrivalled binding power that cannot be released once attached, unless the creature willingly does so. However, the creature seems to be helpless against mobile objects (fleeing humans not included), unable to cause them even the slightest damage.


Additionally, A-6-12 has an unbreakable body, regardless if it was dropped from a considerable height, hit by an explosion at close range, or burnt by fire, it would still be unscathed.


An A-6-12-1 instance may manifest around A-6-12, once the conditions of ██████ are met, A-6-12’s form would change and gain even more power.


Danger level: 10

Unknown level: 5

Correlation level: 6

Overall rating: A-class


Containment procedures: A-6-12 is to be kept within an A1-class containment chamber; the floor, ceiling, and walls of which must remain in motion at all times to prevent A-6-12 from destroying the chamber.


The goat charged towards a moving car right next to it, but didn’t do any damage and caused it to get pushed away instead.




The goat called out, then charged towards the dome. The creature’s unremarkable pair of horns struck the dome directly, causing it to slightly crack. But the cracks then soon repaired themselves.

Negary stood watching the goat with considerable interest. He could naturally tell right away that this goat’s weakness was mobile objects, and Negary could easily cause the entire barrier to vibrate in response. However, that wasn’t necessary, and he also wanted to see to what extent this goat could perform.


Seeing that the dome wasn’t broken, the goat seemed to have been angered, it took a few steps back, stepped with its hind legs a few times on the ground before accelerating towards the dome.


At the instant when the charge connected with the dome, Negary was able to observe the triggering of a certain force. This force was completely out of this world, and it was this power that granted the goat so much destructive power.


The dome was made by Negary using materials of this world, if not for the fact that Negary had utilized otherworldly knowledge during its construction, the dome would have immediately been shattered to dust from the very first attempt.


The extraterrestrial force madly ravaged the internal structure of the dome from within, however, the self-repairing ability of the dome then activated to reconstruct what was broken, returning the dome to its former glory.


The goat continuously charged at the dome, and the dome continuously repaired itself, causing the goat to fume in anger, breathing visible white smoke from its snout. Its hooves dug deeply into the ground, then charged at the dome one more time.


Cracks instantly appeared all over the dome, but the dome once again repaired itself in just a split second.


The goat angrily shook its head, latching its bright red tongue onto the dome before it began moving backwards.


The goat’s physique was tiny compared to the entire dome; its red tongue continued to extend more and more until a certain limit, from thereon the entire dome began to tremble incessantly, almost like it would be pulled away the next moment.


At this point, the dirt under the goat’s hooves gave way, causing the creature to lose its balance. The tongue that had been extended to its limit rapidly retracted like a rubber band, flinging the goat against the dome. The dome then repaired itself again.


The goat’s tongue let go, then bleated a few times towards the dome before it stood back up, turning its gaze towards the SCR Foundation members.


[Send out five D-classes] this time, it was the field director’s turn to hear the cold orders of his superiors. Without wasting any time, five D-class personnel were led onto the scene, and without anything to protect themselves, they could only watch as the goat continued to approach them.


After a few of the goat’s charges, the five D-class personnel lay completely motionless on the ground, jerking and twitching. The goat then swung its tongue towards the five D-class personnel, sticking it to their bodies before it madly ran towards a certain direction while dragging their bodies.


A bright red magic formation quickly manifested right in front of the goat. This magic formation was the aforementioned A-6-12-1 instance, which could manifest around the goat at any moment, but usually in front of it. As long as the goat had fulfilled the condition of sacrificing five living creatures, it would be able to trigger this magic formation.


The sacrifice didn’t necessarily need to be humans, it could be other goats as well, but humans were best.


As the five human bodies were placed on top of the magic formation, the bright red glow began to flicker, pulling the human bodies into the middle in mid-air, warping and twisting them into a ball of flesh. Meanwhile, the goat that was standing at the center of the magic formation also began to change.


The goat’s body became one size larger, its original ashen black fur had now turned completely black, its pair of originally not-too-long horns had greatly extended, another pair of horns also grew out from below the original pair. It was now a Devil Goat.1


This four-horned Devil Goat landed back on the ground; its eyes glowed before turning back towards the dome. A great amount of power began to circulate within the mud and dirt in its vicinity, causing even immobile objects to tremble, then converge towards it and into the ball.


The Devil Goat stared straight at the dome, then approached the dome closer and closer. More and more of the strange power poured out, seeping into the dome in an attempt to pull it into the ball.


〖 Another power of this nature, one that doesn’t belong to this world, yet exists in the same breath as it 〗Negary observed the Devil Goat, analyzing its power. He recognized that the Devil Goat’s power was quite different compared to the power of the Vampire Flag that summoned those supernatural creatures.


Negary carefully studied this power as the entire structure of the dome began to twist and warp under this power’s tug.


The Devil Goat dug its hoof into the ground once more, then charged forward. A large number of cracks appeared all over the dome, then began to be pulled towards the ball.

The SCR Foundation researchers all sighed in relief. Sure enough, for immobile structures like these, the Devil Goat was always the most suitable for the job. This wasn’t the first time they had assigned the Devil Goat to destroy dangerous anomalies.


From the looks of it, this so-called Negary might be powerful, but not undefeatable powerful. With so many strong anomalies under its control, the SCR Foundation would once again be able to easily resolve this S-class containment breach.


However, a new layer of barrier suddenly appeared out of thin-air. The ball that was forming above the Devil Goat’s head immediately exploded, releasing the dome fragments within. The fragments then combined with the new dome, brought the Devil Goat with it, and turned it into a new picture.

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